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Englische Tutorials

TTC - Synthetic Biology: Life's Extraordinary New Worlds


TTC - Synthetic Biology: Life's Extraordinary New Worlds
Released 08/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 18 Lessons (9h 1m) | Size: 7.2 GB

More than a century ago, a French biologist wrote a book called Synthetic Biology, proposing a radical program to mimic the systems of life with non-biological molecules. He made little progress, and his work faded into obscurity.

More than a century ago, a French biologist wrote a book called Synthetic Biology, proposing a radical program to mimic the systems of life with non-biological molecules. He made little progress, and his work faded into obscurity. But advances in knowledge since then now make it possible to go far beyond his ambitious dream, not just by mimicking life, but by repairing it, transforming it, and even creating new forms of life. The revolutionary field of synthetic biology already has significant achievements to its credit-in medical treatments, food and agriculture, and materials science. Furthermore, researchers are hard at work on astonishing projects such as
DNA Computers: A single cell may contain the entire code for assembling an organism such as a human. A computer using a DNA "drive" could theoretically store all the world's data in just a few cubic feet of space. Synthetic biology would provide the read-and-write mechanism.
De-extinction: The Jurassic Park scenario could be coming to life-not with dinosaurs, whose DNA is too degraded, but with more recent extinct creatures, like wooly mammoths. The revived species would combine the original with living relatives-for example, elephants.
Xenobiology: DNA happens to be the combination of elements that evolution selected as the carrier for genetic information. There is no reason that other combinations aren't possible, which raises the prospect of all sorts of organisms with novel, even alien, capabilities.
We are living in a golden age of breakthroughs in the life sciences, and nowhere more so than in the field of synthetic biology. In 18 in-depth, half-hour lectures designed for non-scientists, Synthetic Biology: Life's Extraordinary New Worlds explains just what synthetic biology is, what it has done, and what the exciting future may hold. Taught by Professor Milton Muldrow of Wilmington University, the course also considers the profound ethical questions that arise when scientists have the power to create life.
Tools of Synthetic Biology
Ever since the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA in 1953, many of the mysteries of life have slowly yielded to science. The milestones include proof that genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to proteins, in 1958; the combining of DNA fragments from different sources to produce recombinant DNA, in 1972; the first experiments in genetic engineering, in 1973; and the decoding of the human genome, between 1990 and 2003.
These developments, and more, have given researchers the tools to control life at the level of genes, which are the units of DNA that perform specific functions. In this course, you learn that synthetic biology arose from the growing ability to manipulate the machinery of life through techniques such as
CRISPR: Lauded as a world-changing technology, CRISPR is a precise gene-editing tool that won its discoverers the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. It has revolutionized cancer therapy and other treatments and is being turned to address environmental problems and a host of other diverse uses.
Directed Evolution: Another Nobel prize-winning discovery is directed evolution, a process that greatly accelerates evolution. The idea is to produce proteins with desired traits by letting nature do the work. Nature's path often operates in ways that would be inconceivable to predict.
Metabolic Engineering: By adjusting the metabolism of cells to make them more efficient, valuable products such as insulin can be synthesized in quantity, turning living organisms into cell factories. Today, synthetic biology is supercharging metabolic engineering to deliver a new world of products and medicines.
Dr. Muldrow also covers the use of synthetic biology in textiles, agriculture, and regenerative medicine, and he explains how it greatly accelerated the response to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. As soon as Chinese researchers transmitted a digital draft version of the COVID genetic code, scientists around the world had the ability to quickly reproduce it for study. No isolation of a virus from a patient was necessary, nor did researchers have to wait to get a complete sample from a far-off lab. Instead, they could use synthetic biology to create a complete virus genome immediately and set to work developing a vaccine.
The Dangers of Misuse
Powerful tools have a powerful potential for misuse, and synthetic biology is no exception. Professor Muldrow highlights some troubling possible scenarios, including
Embryonic Engineering: Gene therapies allow genetic diseases to be eliminated at their source. But the method also raises the prospect of designer babies with whatever trait is deemed advantageous; creating, for example, super geniuses, athletes, or soldiers. This raises profound social and ethical questions.
Gene Drives: A gene drive is a mechanism to spread a gene or group of genes through a population. This can be done for noble purposes, such as eradicating diseases, but also as part of warfare. Furthermore, a gene drive could unintentionally get out of control, wiping out entire species.
Synthetic Virology: The ability to engineer viruses has enormous potential for benefitting society. But in the wrong hands the technology could be devasting, leading to the revival of scourges such as smallpox. Moreover, the innocent error of a single researcher could have a catastrophic outcome.
Safeguards are already in place to reduce some of these risks. But given the pace of change in synthetic biology and the almost limitless possibilities for harm, much more can be done, as Professor Muldrow discusses.
A Revolution in Progress
Living amid a revolution, it's hard to see where things are heading or how thoroughly society will change. Dr. Muldrow likens today's snowballing advances in synthetic biology to the Cambrian explosion half a billion years ago, when many of the current branches of life abruptly appeared in the fossil record. At the time, the increase in oxygen in the atmosphere due to photosynthesis; the accumulation of molecular and physical adaptations in organisms; the diversity of species relationships; and the appearance of hard body parts in animals, along with other factors, equipped evolution with new variables with which to play. The time was ripe for radical change.
"This reminds me of the current state of synthetic biology," says Professor Muldrow. "There are so many converging technologies, methods, and capabilities within the science that what will transpire in the coming decades is likely to be truly transformative." Synthetic Biology: Life's Extraordinary New Worlds is your insightful, accessible, and fascinating guide to this ongoing revolution, which will affect all of us.
What Will You Learn?
Learn what synthetic biology is and how it is being used
Discover how to read genes and write them to engineer new life-forms
Explore the uses of synthetic biology for fighting climate change
Examine potential misuses of synthetic biology
Survey truly science fiction-like applications of synthetic biology


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Aspen Plus - Intermediate Process Modeling


Aspen Plus - Intermediate Process Modeling
Last updated 12/2018 MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 8.27 GB | Duration: 13h 28m

Learn how to model more Complex Industrial and Chemical Processes!

What you'll learn
Model more advanced unit operations and more complex chemical processes
Simulate various unit operations in industrial processes
Rigorous Unit Operation Simulation
Improve Flowsheet Manipulation (Hierarchy Levels, Sub-flowsheets)
Logical Operators and Flowsheet Manipulators
Increase knowledge and application in the Physical Property Environment (Methods, Analysis Tools, Binary Diagrams, NIST TDE Databases)
Simulation Environment Analysis Tools: Sensitivity Analysis & Optimization with Constraints
Reporting Relevant Results (Graphs, Charts, Tables, etc...)
Heat Exchanger and Pump/Compressor curves
Distillation Column Profiling (Temperature, Pressure, Concentration, Purity)
Three in-depth Case Studies Analysis

Chemical Engineering Basics
Elementary Principles of Plant Operation/Design (Recommended)
Aspen Plus (Version 7 at least)
Aspen Plus - Basic Process Modeling (Recommended)

The INTERMEDIATE Aspen Plus Course will show you how to model and simulate more complex*ProcessesAnalysis of Unit Operation will help you in order to*simulate more complex*chemical processes, as well as to analyse and optimize existing ones.
You will learn about
Better Flowsheet manipulation*Hierarchy, Flowsheeting, Sub-flowsheet creation*Logical Operators / Manipulators*Understand Property Method Selection and its effects on simulation results*Study of more rigorous unit operations*Model Analysis Tools such as sensitivity and optimizationReporting Relevant Results Plot relevant data for Heaters, Columns ,Reactors, PumpsTemperature Profiles, Concentration Profile, Pump Curves, Heat Curves, etc.*Up to 3 Case Studies (in-depth analysis)All theory is backed up by more than 30*Practical Workshops!At the end of the course you will be able to setup more complex processes, increase your*simulation and flow sheeting techniques, run it and debugging, get relevant*results and make a deeper*analysis of the process for further optimization.
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 Welcome to the Course!
Lecture 2 Course Content
Lecture 3 Course Objectives
Lecture 4 Requirements & Recommendations
Lecture 5 Benefits of the Course
Lecture 6 Material and Resources
Lecture 7 Join the Aspen Plus & HYSYS Forum (Unofficial)
Lecture 8 Quick Review - Aspen Plus
Lecture 9 Please be part of the discussion!
Lecture 10 Navigation Panes, Folders and Forms
Lecture 11 I really appreciate this!
Section 2: Flowsheet Manipulation
Lecture 12 Flowsheet Manipulation Introduction
Lecture 13 Flowsheet Modification (2A)
Lecture 14 Flowsheet Options
Lecture 15 Workshop: Explore Flowsheet Options
Lecture 16 Scrolling&Typing too fast?
Lecture 17 Viewing the Flowsheet
Lecture 18 Workshop: Find Object
Lecture 19 Workshop: Bookmark
Lecture 20 Workshop: Pan
Lecture 21 Modifying Flowsheet
Lecture 22 Workshop: Connectivity
Lecture 23 Workshop: Improve Appearance
Lecture 24 Copy & Pasting in the Flowsheet
Lecture 25 Workshop: Copy&Pasting in the Flowsheet
Lecture 26 Locking the Flowsheet
Lecture 27 Workshop: Lock Screen
Lecture 28 Flowsheet Sections
Lecture 29 Flowsheet Annotations
Lecture 30 Workshop: Flowsheet Annotations
Lecture 31 Templates, Sub-flowsheets & Hierarchy (2B)
Lecture 32 Templates
Lecture 33 Workshop: Create, Save and Open Templates
Lecture 34 Hierarchy Blocks
Lecture 35 Workshop: Hierarchy Blocks
Lecture 36 Flowsheet Manipulation Closure
Section 3: Physical Property Environment
Lecture 37 Property Methods Introduction
Lecture 38 Property Methods - Introduction (3A)
Lecture 39 Why Property Method?
Lecture 40 Ideal vs. Nonideal Modeling
Lecture 41 Workshop: Ideal Property Method
Lecture 42 Equation of State Models vs. Activity Models
Lecture 43 Activity Coefficient Methods
Lecture 44 NRTL Activity Model
Lecture 45 UNIFAC Activity Model
Lecture 46 Workshop: Activity Coefficient Methods
Lecture 47 Equation of State Methods
Lecture 48 Peng Robinson (PR) - EOS Model
Lecture 49 Workshop: Equation of State Models
Lecture 50 Introduction to Property Sets (3B)
Lecture 51 Property Sets
Lecture 52 Workshop: Defining your own Property Sets
Lecture 53 Introduction to NIST TDE (3C)
Lecture 54 What is NIST TDE?
Lecture 55 Workshop: Retrieving Binary Data from NIST TDE
Lecture 56 Take a break!
Lecture 57 Introduction to Analysis Tools (3D)
Lecture 58 Pure Component
Lecture 59 Workshop: Single Point Analysis
Lecture 60 Workshop: Multiple Point Analysis
Lecture 61 Binary Analysis
Lecture 62 T-xy Diagrams
Lecture 63 Workshop: T-xy Diagrams
Lecture 64 P-xy Diagrams
Lecture 65 Workshop: P-xy Diagrams
Lecture 66 Physical Property Environment Closure
Section 4: More Unit Operations
Lecture 67 More Unit Operations Introduction
Lecture 68 Separators (4A)
Lecture 69 Flash2
Lecture 70 Flash 3
Lecture 71 Decanter
Lecture 72 Workshop: Decanter
Lecture 73 Sep1
Lecture 74 Sep2
Lecture 75 Workshop: Using Sep1 and Sep2
Lecture 76 Heat Exchangers (4B)
Lecture 77 Heater
Lecture 78 Heat-X (Shortcut)
Lecture 79 Heat-X - Rigorous Shell&Tube
Lecture 80 Workshop: Heat-X
Lecture 81 Heat Curves
Lecture 82 Workshop: Heat Curves
Lecture 83 More on Heat Exchanger - EDR
Lecture 84 Columns (4C)
Lecture 85 DSTWU
Lecture 86 Workshop: DSTWU-1 Benzene & Toluene Min. Recycle Rate, Feed Tray, Compositions
Lecture 87 Workshop: DSTWU-2 Analysis of the theoretical stages vs. reflux ratio in a hydro
Lecture 88 RadFrac
Lecture 89 Workshop: RadFrac1 - Recycle Ratio of a C3-C4 Distillation
Lecture 90 Workshop: RadFrac2 - C4-C7 Separation and Recoveyr of C4
Lecture 91 Workshop: RadFrac 3
Lecture 92 Absorber
Lecture 93 WKS: Absorber (Tray Column)
Lecture 94 Extract
Lecture 95 Workshop: Extraction in a Ethylacetate-Acetone-Water system
Lecture 96 More on Columns?
Lecture 97 Reactors (4D)
Lecture 98 R-Stoic
Lecture 99 Workshop: R-Stoic For an Isothermal Reactor with Recycled Stream
Lecture 100 R-Yield
Lecture 101 R-Equil
Lecture 102 Workshop: R-Equil for Isothermal Reactor using UNIFAC, UNIQUAC and IDEAL Mod
Lecture 103 R-Gibbs
Lecture 104 Workshop: R-Gibbs - Competing Reactions
Lecture 105 Workshop: R-Equil vs. R-Gibbs
Lecture 106 R-CSTR
Lecture 107 Workshop: R-CSTR1 - Isothermal
Lecture 108 Workshop: R-CSTR2 - Adiabatic
Lecture 109 R-Plug
Lecture 110 Workshop: R-Plug1 - Adiabatic Liquid Reaction
Lecture 111 Workshop: R-Plug2 - Isothermal Reaction
Lecture 112 R-Batch
Lecture 113 Workshop: Isothermal Batch Reactor
Lecture 114 Workshop: Kinetic Reactors- Comparison
Lecture 115 Need more Reactor Engineering?
Lecture 116 Pressure Changers (4E)
Lecture 117 Work Streams
Lecture 118 Pump
Lecture 119 Workshop: Pumps & Turbines
Lecture 120 Pump Performance Curves
Lecture 121 Workshop: Pump Curves
Lecture 122 Compressor
Lecture 123 Valves
Lecture 124 Workshop: Valve
Lecture 125 Pipes & Pipelines
Lecture 126 Workshop: Pipe
Lecture 127 Workshop: Rankine Cycle
Lecture 128 Unit Operations Closure
Section 5: Model Analysis Tools
Lecture 129 Model Analysis Tools Introduction
Lecture 130 Getting Results (5A)
Lecture 131 Stream Results; Block Results & Results Summary
Lecture 132 Workshop: Stream, Block & Summary Results
Lecture 133 Adding T/P/M labels on flowsheet
Lecture 134 Workshop: Adding T/P/F conditions
Lecture 135 Adding Results Table
Lecture 136 Workshop: Adding Table of Results
Lecture 137 Plotting Data (5B)
Lecture 138 Plotting Tool
Lecture 139 Workshop: Column - RadFrac Plots
Lecture 140 Workshop Plotting Data - PFR
Lecture 141 Design Spec (5C)
Lecture 142 What are Manipulators?
Lecture 143 Design Specification
Lecture 144 Converging Tips for Design Specification
Lecture 145 WKS Design Spec 1 - RadFrac Reflux Ratio to meet Product Specification
Lecture 146 WKS Design Specification 2 - R-Gibbs Reactor Yields
Lecture 147 Workshop: Design Spec 3
Lecture 148 Sensitivity Analysis (5D)
Lecture 149 Sensitivity Analysis
Lecture 150 Methodology for Sensitivity Analysis
Lecture 151 Plotting Sensitivity Analysis Results
Lecture 152 Workshop Sensitivity Analysis based on Compressor and Heater of a Hydrocarbons
Lecture 153 Workshop Sensitivity Analysis of Feed, Reflux Ratio & Pressure in a RadFrac
Lecture 154 Workshop Sensitivity Analysis tools on an Adiabatic and Isothermal Reactor
Lecture 155 Optimization & Constraints (5E)
Lecture 156 Optimization Function
Lecture 157 Workshop: Optimization of Product Yield in Equilibrium and Gibbs Reactor
Lecture 158 Optimization with Constraints
Lecture 159 Workshop: Optimization of a RadFrac Distillation Column
Lecture 160 Model Analysis Tools Closure
Section 6: Case Studies
Lecture 161 Case Study Introduction
Lecture 162 Case Study Goals
Lecture 163 Case Study 1 - Hydroalkilation of Toluene - Problem Statement
Lecture 164 Case Study 1 - Hydroalkilation of Toluene - Flowsheeting
Lecture 165 Case Study 2 - Nitric Oxide Plant - Problem Statement
Lecture 166 Case Study 2 - Nitric Oxide Plant - Flowsheeting
Lecture 167 Case Study 3 - Isobuthene Production - Problem Statement
Lecture 168 Case Study 3 - Isobuthene Production - Flowsheeting
Lecture 169 Case Study Closure
Section 7: Conclusion
Lecture 170 Course Closure
Lecture 171 Course Wrap-up
Section 8: Bonus & Surprises!
Lecture 172 Continue with your Aspen Tech Training
Chemical Engineers,Process Engineers,Students related to engineering fields,Teachers willing to learn more about process simulation,Petrochemical Engineers


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Dog & Cat Behavior Problems


Dog & Cat Behavior Problems
Last updated 5/2017
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 6.90 GB | Duration: 9h 39m

Learn the essential training techniques you'll need to raise a pet dog or cat and fix common behavior problems.

What you'll learn
Prevent and fix the most common cat and dog behavior problems.
Litter box train a cat and house train a dog.
Prevent your pet from destroying your home and belongings.
Train your cat or dog to enjoy being handled and restrained.
Train your cat or dog to come when called.
Correct undesirable behaviors by putting alternative behaviors on cue.

There are no prerequisites for this course

Dogs and cats represent the vast majority of the pets in the United States. While they can behave very differently at times, there's actually a lot of similarities when it comes to training these animals to behave appropriately within a human family. There are just a handful of issues that make up nearly all of the problems that people have with their pet dogs and cats. This means that these problems are very predictable, and fortunately, they're also very preventable. And that's probably the biggest similarity of all. When it comes to behavior problems, whether the pet is a cat or a dog, the easiest, most effective and most efficient approach is prevention. The key is to do as much training as possible, as early as possible. We know what the problems are going to be, we know how to prevent them, and if we prevent the problems, they never form into bad habits. Once a problem has become a habit, it's significantly harder to fix. The treatment is going to use nearly identical methods, it's just going to take much longer than prevention would have. So, what are the problems? Mostly they are behaviors which are natural and necessary for these animals to do, and it's up to us to teach them when, how, and where we would like them to perform these behaviors. Toilet training is the most common issue, especially litterbox training for cats. Destructive chewing and scratching is also common, as are issues of aggression, reactivity, or unwillingness to be handled or restrained. Learn how to prevent all of these problems, and more, using easy and effective methods that are pleasant for you and your pet.
Section 1: Dog & Cat Behavior Problems
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 Video 1
Lecture 3 Video 2
Lecture 4 Video 3
Lecture 5 Video 4
Lecture 6 Video 5
Lecture 7 Video 6
Lecture 8 Video 7
Lecture 9 Video 8
Lecture 10 Video 9
Lecture 11 Video 10
Lecture 12 Video 11
Lecture 13 Video 12
Lecture 14 Video 13
Lecture 15 Video 14
Lecture 16 Video 15
Lecture 17 Video 16
Lecture 18 Video 17
Lecture 19 Video 18
Lecture 20 Video 19
Lecture 21 Video 20
Lecture 22 Video 21
Lecture 23 Video 22
Lecture 24 Congratulations on Completing This Course
Section 2: Additional Resources
Lecture 25 Free eBook - BEFORE You Get Your Puppy
Lecture 26 Free eBook - AFTER You Get Your Puppy
Dog owners, dog trainers, veterinarians, breeders, groomers and other dog and cat professionals


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MasterClass - President George W. Bush Teaches Authentic Leadership


MasterClass - President George W. Bush Teaches Authentic Leadership
Released 08/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 12 Lessons (3h) | Size: 8 GB

Learn to listen and inspire a culture of teamwork. The 43rd U.S. president teaches leadership skills from his career and opens up about painting

Step inside the Oval Office with the newest instructor in our White House series, President George W. Bush. With insight from former First Lady Laura Bush, the former commander in chief opens up about the tough calls and life lessons that shaped his career. Develop and own a leadership style that's true to you and learn to lead by connecting personally with everyone in the room.


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Web Development Masterclass - 6 Courses In 1 & Cms Project


Web Development Masterclass - 6 Courses In 1 & Cms Project
Last updated 1/2019
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 20.51 GB | Duration: 42h 15m

Become a Web developer | Master complete Web Development with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap4, PHP & MySQL!

What you'll learn
HTML and HTML 5 for Basic Website Structure
CSS for styling a Website
JavaScript for interacting with user while they are on your website
jQuery for adding animations to a Wesbite
Bootstrap for Mobile Optimized/Responsive Web Design
PHP for interacting with user (like form handling, file upload, etc)
PHP and MySQL for storing users information on a web server
Login and Logout functionalities using PHP SESSIONS
FINAL PROJECT: A dynamic website with login system for admin and authors only.
WordPress for building low budget websites in minutes
eCommerce integration to WordPress site
There will be some more Projects and Assignments in the course (for eg: Even Odd Checker, A simple web based calculator, Your Own HTML editor, etc...)

A Laptop or Computer with minimum of 4GB RAM
A Working Internet Connection
OS: Windows 7 or above (vista can be used too) / Mac OS X 10.6 or later / Most all distributions of Linux Can be used, including Debian, RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo, Arch, SUSE.

You are here because you want to Become a cash Earning Web Developer? This Complete Web Developer Course was created for you!The Complete Web development course will take you from an absolute beginner to a Full Stack Web Developer in just 6 Weeks.There are tons of website development Courses out there but this course is the only complete course that will not only teach you the syntax (How to code a website) But you will also be explained, how the code is working in the back end. After Completing this web development Course, you will be able to build any type of website or a WEB*APPLICATION. This Complete Web Development Course also includes a final Project, a Content Management System (Dynamic Website with admin panel) that will enhance your coding experience and you will be able to build any real-world web app or website.I*guarantee you that you won't*find any of the web developer course that is*as comprehensive, up to date, and better quality, than this Web Development Course. You will be guided in your*journey to become*an admired and respected Senior Website Developer one day.Throughout the Course, We Cover Tons of tools Languages Including:HTML5 (For building the skeleton of a Website)CSS3 (For Designing the skeleton made with HTML)JavaScript (For interacting with the user in a website)Bootstrap4 (For Building Mobile Responsive websites)jQuery (For doing some animations)PHP*(For performing operations on our server i.e file uploading, etc)PhpMyAdmin (For storing our users' information in our database)MySQL (For connecting databases to our Website)WordPress (For building introductory Websites, beautifully)WooCommerceFROM*ZERO*TO*A FULL*STACK*WEB*DEVELOPER*in JUST*6 WEEKS:If you complete an Approximate 1 hour of lecture every day, it is possible that you will complete this full course in 6 Weeks (Or choose your own pace - Whatever suits you).How we will work on this Course?First. you will build a basic HTML website on the default notepad program with the .html extension where you will learn some formatting HTML tags like headings, underlining, bold, etc.Then you will be able to style that website using CSS where you would be able to align any div, span or any HTML tag anywhere you want including background colors, font size, borders, and much much more.After that, You would be building different layouts like "layout with or without sidebar" using pure HTML*AND*CSS.Then you will learn everything about JavaScript (not JAVA) where you will be building so many javascript programs like even odd calculator, vowel checker, etc. Conditions, loops, and arrays concept would be also be given in the JavaScript section along with its examples.Once you are done with JavaScript, you will be using jQuery (a JavaScript Library) to build some JavaScript based modules like toggle box.Then you will learn about bootstrap where you will be developing a mobile responsive website along with a mobile responsive toggle menu.After you are done with all the FRONT-END WEB*DEVELOPMENT, you will be then learning about PHP (on which Facebook is developed), where you would be doing much more like form data handling, file handling, etc.Soon after you are done with PHP, you will be learning about databases. In this course, you will be learning a database called SQL. You will learn how to insert/delete/update a data using SQL*queries.Later that you will learn how to connect PHP*and MySQL together and insert/delete/update data using PHP*on our website.Next, you will learn about advance PHP*where you would be performing login/logout functionalities using PHP*SESSIONS.You will also learn how to securely pass your QUERY*to the database so that no one passes malware (SQL*Injections).After that, you would be building a dynamic website project where you would be integrating blog functionality with the association of blog categories. That project would also be including a secured login and Logout system for the admin panel.Once you are done with ALL*THOSE*CODING*STUFF, You will learn WordPress. Where you would be building beautiful introductory websites.This Course Also includes exercises and assignments that will pump you up every time even if you don't practice while watching lectures.According to PayScale, the average full stack web developer salary is*$74,958*per year. By the end of this Course, you will be able to work on any web project, do the Freelance, or start your own Web Development Company!
Section 1: Lets Get Started!
Lecture 1 How to go with this Course
Lecture 2 What are the requirements
Lecture 3 Windows Users: Installing and using Code Editor
Lecture 4 FOR MAC USERS: Installing and Using Code Editor
Section 2: HTML
Lecture 5 Windows Users: Basics Of HTML
Lecture 6 FOR MAC USERS: HTML Basics
Lecture 7 Headings and paragraphs in html
Lecture 8 HTML Structure
Lecture 9 Formatting Tags in HTML
Lecture 10 TIP: How to know the HTML code of a Website
Lecture 11 Line break horizontal line and comments in html
Lecture 12 Font color and assignment 1
Lecture 13 How to add an image with different attributes
Lecture 14 How to add links in html
Lecture 15 background color ordered and unordered lists
Lecture 16 background image and interlinking pages
Lecture 17 how to create a basic menu in html
Lecture 18 Basic HTML Tags
Section 3: CSS
Lecture 19 Inline CSS
Lecture 20 Ids and Classes in CSS
Lecture 21 Universal and Group selectors in CSS
Lecture 22 Some CSS Properties
Lecture 23 Border in CSS
Lecture 24 Margins and Padding
Lecture 25 How to create and associate an external stylesheet
Lecture 26 Common CSS Properties You must know
Section 4: HTML CSS Layouts
Lecture 28 Div and Span
Lecture 29 Layout 1: Header, Navigation Menu, Content Area, Footer
Lecture 30 Layout 2: Sidebar
Lecture 31 Layout 3: Logo and Slogan
Lecture 32 Setting up logo in header
Lecture 33 Setting up slogan
Lecture 34 Designing the Navigation bar
Lecture 35 Setting up the content area
Lecture 36 Designing the sidebar
Lecture 37 Designing the footer
Lecture 38 Creating Home and About page
Lecture 39 Creating Services page
Lecture 40 Contact Form part 1
Lecture 41 Contact Form part 2
Lecture 42 Styling Contact Form
Lecture 43 Making the logo clickable
Lecture 44 HTML Tables
Lecture 45 Styling Tables
Lecture 46 Uploading our project to the online server
Lecture 47 HTML 5
Section 5: JavaScript
Lecture 48 Introduction to JavaScript (Its not Java)
Lecture 49 What things can JavaScript do
Lecture 50 Where to put a JavaScript Code
Lecture 51 JavaScript Outputs
Lecture 52 How to write the Inside stuff in JavaScript
Lecture 53 Variables in JavaScript
Lecture 54 Comments in JavaScript
Lecture 55 Javascript functions
Lecture 56 How to take input in JavaScript
Lecture 57 Taking input from HTML form and processing it with JavaScript
Lecture 58 Conditions in JavaScript
Lecture 59 Building a calculator with JavaScript
Lecture 60 Nested if in JavaScript
Lecture 61 AND and OR
Lecture 62 Vowel checker in JavaScript
Lecture 63 Check if a number is even or odd in JavaScript
Lecture 64 Functions (with and without parameters)
Lecture 65 Function with return
Lecture 66 Events in JavaScript
Lecture 67 JavaScript Strings
Lecture 68 Objects in JavaScript
Lecture 69 Arrays in JavaScript
Lecture 70 Loops or Iterations in JavaScript
Lecture 71 Looping an array in JavaScript
Lecture 72 For Loop in JavaScript
Lecture 73 Looping assignment 1: Sum of all natural numbers till the input
Lecture 74 Looping assignment 2: Multiply all numbers till the input
Lecture 75 How calculator type numeric buttons work in JavaScript
Lecture 76 Some JavaScript techniques you must know
Lecture 77 BONUS VIDEO
Lecture 78 external javascript
Lecture 79 last assignment Part 1
Lecture 80 last assignment part 2
Section 6: jQuery
Lecture 81 Introduction to jQuery
Lecture 82 Our First hello world with jQuery
Lecture 83 Selector in jQuery
Lecture 84 Some more Selectors in jQuery
Lecture 85 jQuery Events
Lecture 86 jQuery Effects or Actions
Lecture 87 Building a toggle box with jQuery
Lecture 88 Animations in jQuery
Lecture 89 Properties that can be animated
Lecture 90 jQuery actions for HTML attributes and input values
Lecture 91 Set values in jQuery
Lecture 92 Append and prepend in jQuery
Lecture 93 Removing and emptying an element in jQuery
Lecture 94 CSS classes in jQuery
Lecture 95 How to use jQuery with a CDN
Section 7: Bootstrap (Version 4)
Lecture 96 General Introduction and What are you going to learn in this section
Lecture 97 How to add bootstrap to a Website
Lecture 98 Understanding the grid system in Bootstrap
Lecture 99 Designing top bar in bootstrap
Lecture 100 Designing the header with bootstrap
Lecture 101 Mobile optimized navigation bar in bootstrap
Lecture 102 Designing the mobile optimized menu
Lecture 103 Designing the main header with title and CTA
Lecture 104 Working with about section in Bootstrap
Lecture 105 Stats Section
Lecture 106 Building mobile optimized Footer
Lecture 107 Optimizing the site for mobile by removing height CSS
Lecture 108 jQuery scroll effect
Lecture 109 Position of menu bar
Lecture 110 Building the responsive navigation bar using bootstrap
Lecture 111 Overview of all the bootstrap components
Lecture 112 Overview of utilities in bootstrap
Lecture 113 Designing about us and contact pages with sidebar
Lecture 114 Uploading our site to online server and testing on mobile device
Lecture 115 Place this Code in the header
Section 8: PHP
Lecture 116 Introduction to PHP and writing our first hello world program
Lecture 117 Installing a software to run PHP
Lecture 118 index.php
Lecture 119 Understanding the errors in php
Lecture 120 HTML structure with PHP
Lecture 121 Variables in PHP
Lecture 122 Strings in PHP
Lecture 123 Conditions in PHP
Lecture 124 Arithmetic and assignment operators in PHP
Lecture 125 Comparing operators
Lecture 126 Logical operators and concatenating operators in PHP
Lecture 127 Building a calculator in php
Lecture 128 Understanding switch cases
Lecture 129 While loops in PHP
Lecture 130 For loops in PHP
Lecture 131 Do while in PHP
Lecture 132 Arrays in PHP
Lecture 133 Associative Arrays
Lecture 134 For each loop in PHP
Lecture 135 Functions in PHP
Lecture 136 Function with parameters in PHP
Lecture 137 Return function in PHP
Lecture 138 Array Sorting in PHP
Section 9: php advanced
Lecture 139 Form Handling in PHP Part 1
Lecture 140 Form Handling in PHP part 2
Lecture 141 Form with some restriction and security in PHP
Lecture 142 Multidimensional array in PHP
Lecture 143 PHP include function
Lecture 144 How to Read a text file in php
Lecture 145 Building the Complete Filing Program
Lecture 146 PHP file upload part 1
Lecture 147 PHP file upload part 2 Error Handlings
Lecture 148 Sessions in PHP
Section 10: MySQL or PHPMyAdmin
Lecture 149 Introduction to the database
Lecture 150 Creating a database and inserting some values
Lecture 151 What are queries and how to use them
Lecture 152 How to get data using SQL queries
Section 11: PHP and MySQLi
Lecture 153 Adding a record into a database using PHP and MySQLi Functions
Lecture 154 Showing All records from database using PHP and MySQL
Lecture 155 Adding delete functionality in our table using PHP and MYSQL
Lecture 156 Adding edit functionality
Lecture 157 Search functionality using PHP and MySQLi
Lecture 158 Advance search in PHP
Lecture 159 Prevention From Hacking real escape function
Lecture 160 Login and logout in php and MySQLi
Lecture 161 What we did in the previous video
Lecture 162 Hashing password in PHP
Lecture 163 Applying login system on fees project
Lecture 164 Adding an insert button
Lecture 165 Styling our project
Section 12: Dynamic Website Project
Lecture 166 What Project you would be building in this Section?
Lecture 167 Setting up the site
Lecture 168 Adding bootstrap to our Project
Lecture 169 Setting up our signup page and users table
Lecture 170 Registering the user using SQL query
Lecture 171 Adding login and logout functionalities with user roles
Lecture 172 Designing our admin dashboard
Lecture 173 Working up with admin dashboard
Lecture 174 Adding profile updating functionality in our admin Dashboard
Lecture 175 Creating tables for post and categories
Lecture 176 Designing the post.php page for admin panel
Lecture 177 Working for algorithm of addition of posts to database
Lecture 178 Showing all posts on index.php page
Lecture 179 Styling index.php and showing posts in descending order
Lecture 180 Showing all posts with edit and delete action in admin panel
Lecture 181 Restricting edit and delete functionalities only for admins only
Lecture 182 Working with edit post page in Admin Panel
Lecture 183 Working with edit post page part 2
Lecture 184 Working with edit post page part 3
Lecture 185 Working with delete post functionality
Lecture 186 Creating the public posts page
Lecture 187 Showing category name and author name using user defined functions
Lecture 188 Creating a public category page
Lecture 189 Building category page for admin panel for adding and showing category
Lecture 190 Submitting category to the database
Lecture 191 Creating dynamic menus for all the categories
Lecture 192 Working with pages page in admin panel
Lecture 193 Update page functionality in PHP and MySQL
Lecture 194 Showing our page as public with dynamic menu
Lecture 195 How to convert textarea to html editor
Lecture 196 Working with search functionality in PHP and MySQLi
Lecture 197 Creating a settings page
Lecture 198 Pagination concept in PHP
Lecture 199 Applying pagination on project
Lecture 200 Getting our site ready to be uploaded
Lecture 201 Get Project Files
Section 13: Web Hosting
Lecture 202 Getting the web hosting
Lecture 203 Overview of web hosting portal
Lecture 204 Understanding domain names
Lecture 205 Understanding cPanel
Lecture 206 How to create a database in web hosting
Lecture 207 Creating branded domain emails in cPanel
Lecture 208 Uploading our project to online web hosting
Lecture 209 Understanding ftp and working up with an FTP client
Lecture 210 Understanding addon domains and subdomains and working with them
Section 14: WordPress
Lecture 211 Introduction to WordPress
Lecture 212 How to add a post in WordPress
Lecture 213 Designing the homepage
Lecture 214 Designing homepage part 2
Lecture 215 Customizing header and footer
Lecture 216 Working with menu
Lecture 217 How to design pages and blog posts
Section 15: eCommerce site
Lecture 218 What type of eCommerce site you will be building in this section
Lecture 219 Installing WordPress using method 2 and setting up the site
Lecture 220 Installing a plugin
Lecture 221 How to add a product
Lecture 222 eCommerce site settings
Lecture 223 Placing an order on our website
Lecture 224 Designing top bar and header
Lecture 225 Some more customization
Lecture 226 Designing the homepage
Lecture 227 How to show products on homepage dynamically
Lecture 228 How to add a call to action add to cart for a specific product
Lecture 229 Showing sale products
Lecture 230 Working with footer
Lecture 231 Designing eCommerce associated sidebar
Lecture 232 Customizing shop page and products page
Section 16: FINAL WORDS
Lecture 233 What to do next?
Students who want to learn something that is highly needed in the market,Graduates who are seeking for job in an IT Company,Anyone who wants to code,Anyone who wants to build websites,Anyone who wants to start his own company or do freelance,This course is perfect for complete beginners and has ZERO experience,This course is also good for you if you do have some experience with HTML, CSS, JavaScript,If you are an expert in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and can develop dynamic websites, then this course may NOT be for you


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Naomi Campbell Teaches Modeling Fundamentals - MasterClass


MasterClass - Naomi Campbell Teaches Modeling Fundamentals | Released 12/2022
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + Subs | Duration: 8 Lessons (1h 25m) | Size: 3.68 GB​
Supermodel and cultural icon Naomi Campbell teaches you how to take on modeling-and life-with confidence.
Naomi Campbell stumbled into a modeling career, earning icon status both on and off the runway. On MasterClass, she shares the lessons she learned as a model to help you find your confidence and stride in everyday life.

Lessons in this online class include
- Meet Your Instructor: Naomi Campbell
- Casting Calls and Beyond: How to Navigate the Modeling Industry
- Campaigns and Editorials: Building a Versatile Lookbook
- Posing: Telling a Story With Your Body
- New Faces: Photo Session
- Catwalk: Finding Your Stride
- New Faces: Runway Walk
- Bonus: Mentoring the Next Generation of Fashion



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Recession Proof Extreme 2022 - Marcus Barney


Marcus Barney - Recession Proof Extreme (2022) - 136 GB
What You Get:
Financial Literacy
- How to properly clean a credit report in 14-60 days
- How to build out a perfect credit report 750+
- How to structure a credit report for funding & How to ensure you hit all data points
- How to create and operate a credit repair business
- How to market & automate your credit repair business (So you are not the person doing all of the work)

Tradeline Business
Which Cards are best to use operate a tradeline business
- How to secure your tradelines against theft or fraud
- How to ensure your tradelines are protected against risk management.(How to not get your cards shut down)
- How to scale & automate tradeline business up to $180,000 net per year
- How to market & build clientele

Personal & Business Funding
How to create & market a funding company
- My secret how to obtain 12 Credit Card formula w/ only 4 inquiries
- How to obtain up to $250,000 w/ person credit
- ?Building & establishing business credit w/ a PG & W/o a PG. *PG Personal Grantor
- ?How to obtain up to 250,000 in business credit interest free for 12-18 months

Strategies & Luxury Car Hacks
- How to manufacture spend $100,000 in a day
- How Travel for free & get 60%-70% off hotels
- How to obtain any vehicle for 6-12 months and only pay pennies
- How to leverage credit to not pay for groceries, toiletries, clothes, or utility bills
- How to hide credit card utilization
- Credit 2 Close. How to use a credit card for your down payment on your home
- How to purchase investment properties w/ 25k+ in equity for zero dollars out of pocket
- Now included how not to pay MORTGAGE

The AVERAGE millionaire has 7 streams of income. My goal is to equip our family with the knowledge and resources to develop these streams of income in record breaking time.
Each month we will host our Amplifier Calls! These private trainings will include some of the top entrepreneurs in their respective spaces, that will teach you other opportunities that will help you diversify your assets into multiple streams.
- DIY Credit Repair Ebook Sales & Setup
- Plugin System To Sell Your Ebook
- Morning Accountability Calls M-F at 8am
- Weekly Coaching Calls
- Free Access To Private Recession Proof Events
- Full Blueprint On How To Setup & Run Facebook Ads
- Social Media Marketing Master Class
- Previous Amplifier Calls & So Much more



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Maroun4x - Ultimate Day Trading Program by Alexander Hannoun


Maroun4x - Ultimate Day Trading Program by Alexander Hannoun - 2.31 GB
Course Overview
The Ultimate Day Trading Program is a trading course designed for retail traders to view the financial markets with an institutional edge and to ultimately create a successful trading business.

Course Structure
The course is structured with a focus on the foreign exchange market. Enrolled Students are expected to grasp the basic concepts in the prerequisite section before diving into the advanced topics. The basic concepts are the foundation to the framework that is taught in the Ultimate Day Trading Program.
Meet the instructor
Alexander Hannoun
Alexander Hannoun is a successful proprietary currency trader at industry leading firms and a fund manager at Hannoun Capital.
He successfully completed his Bachelors of Commerce in Finance with Magna Cum Laude distinction at the University of Ottawa. Alex launched his Ultimate Day Trading Program as he looks forward to share his passion of day trading with all students to develop their trading business.



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Checkmate Affiliate Marketing - Midnight Underdog


Midnight Underdog - Checkmate Affiliate Marketing - 276 MB
- Strategies that WORK
- Get paid WEEKLY

Have you been struggling to get affiliate sales?
Have you been hustling hard?
Trying to get your first affiliate sale?
Or maybe you hit a roadblock?
I get it, I have been where you are before.
No matter what you try, unable to get an affiliate sale.
When I first started Affiliate Marketing, I had NO CLUE WHERE TO START.
I mean I tried everything that I could think of!
I then found something!
Strategies that work every single week.
I make money every single week from Affiliate Marketing!
I started my Twitter account on May 13th, 2020 with a passion to make money.
Since June 25th, 2020, I have now made money every single week!



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Alpha Male Power - The Modern Man


Modern Man - Alpha Male Power - 1.2 GB
Alpha Male Power transforms you into a powerful, supremely confident alpha male.
It eliminates all fear, nervousness and anxiety related to women and socializing. It allows you to instinctively attract women on the deepest level possible.

Alpha Male Power is about tapping into the infinite power of your inner alpha male, which then allows you to approach women at will (and without any fear) and attract women on a deep and instinctive level.

Women are more attracted to alpha males than any other type of male, so all you need to do is say and do a few simple things that trigger her natural attraction to alpha males and she will be immediately interested in you.
The techniques in this program also cause other men to feel a constant, overwhelming need to respect you and want to be friendly towards you. Guys avoid messing with you because they know that you're someone they should respect and be nice to.



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Instagram University PRO by Niklas Pedde


Niklas Pedde - Instagram University PRO - 29.12 GB
What You Get:
INSTAGRAM 101 (17 Videos)
In Module #1 I'll give you a behind the scenes view into the businesses that I built with the power of Instagram and I'll share with you what I've learned building them. I'll also teach you step-by-step how the platform works and I'll break down and show you the basics of how building a following, brand and business with the power of Instagram works.

In Module #2 you'll learn EVERYTHING about building a following on Instagram and I'll give you ALL the proven strategies that I used to get millions of followers and that you can use to build your own following on Instagram even WITHOUT showing yourself. (The strategies are evergreen and work for every account)

In Module #3 I'll show you step-by-step how you can turn your FOLLOWERS into TRUE FANS / aka build a brand. With those strategies you'll be able to make money with Instagram even WITHOUT having thousands of followers (P.S. I paid over $15,000 to learn those strategies and used them to generate over $1,000,000 in sales in 45 days with an Instagram account that had less than 15,000 followers)

IG BLACKBOX (21 Videos)
With Module #4 you'll get instant access to 15 proven money making strategies that you can use to make your first $1,000 with Instagram (even WITHOUT having your own product). On top of that you'll also get access to the exact strategies that I used to generate over $6,000,000 in sales with Instagram. (P.S. Thousands of people have already used those strategies to make their first $1,000 with Instagram. If you for whatever reason don't make your first $1,000, then you'll get all your money back)

With Module #5 - The Golden Blueprint - you'll get access to a 45 minute video in which I break down and show you step-by-step how you can take the strategies that you learned in the first 4 modules and use them to not just make your first $1,000, but to build a real and sustainable business with the power of Instagram. You'll have a proven blueprint that you can simply follow and use to make your first $1,000 (even $100,000 and more).

"IPF" FORMULA (120+ Minutes)
On TOP of ALL that you'll with Module #5 also get access to the 'IPF' Formula. It's the same exact formula that I used to go from ZERO to $10,971 within 1 month when I first started my journey on Instagram and that I also used to generate over $1,000,000 in sales in 45 days with a business partner and that I now use to consistently make over $100,000 a month!

- In Bonus #1 - Affiliate Marketing Secrets - I'll show you step-by-step how you can build a following on Instagram & make money with it WITHOUT showing your face and WITHOUT having your own product.
- With Bonus #2 - The Secret Strategy - You'll get access to the exact strategy that I used to make over $270,000 in one day with a business partner (with an Instagram account that had less than 15,000 followers)
- In Bonus #3 - Mindset Secrets - I'll Share With You What I've Learned (From A Mindset Perspective) In The Last 3,5 Years Of Being An Entrepreneur.
- With Bonus #4 You'll Get Access To Interviews that I recorded with 7 and 8 Figure Entrepreneurs (Tai Lopez, Raoul Plickat, Lenny Banks etc.).
- On Top Of That, With Bonus #5, You'll Also, To Kick Start Your Instagram Page, Get A FREE Shoutout On One Of My Instagram Pages.
- With Bonus #6 You'll Get Access To The Exact Strategy That I Used To Generate Over $1,000,000 In Sales In 45 Days With An Instagram Account That Had Less Than 15,000 Followers.



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Paul Xavier - 30 Day Course Creator


Paul Xavier - 30 Course Creator | 51.8 GB
This program gives you an in-depth look at how we come up with course ideas, do market research, differentiate our courses from the competition, map out courses, setup our proven sales funnel templates, run highly profitable Facebook, Instagram & Youtube ad campaigns, create the course content, host our courses and scale them to 5, 6 or 7 figure in just 30 days.

Pilots use checklists because they cannot risk leaving anything to chance. When it comes to building your profitable online course, we do the same by providing you with a comprehensive 30-day course creation action checklist that will ensure you do everything necessary to build a profitable course

As we like to say, ACTIONS produce results, not consumption!

Day 1 - Laying The Foundation For Your 6-7 Figure Course
Day 2 - Mindset Of A 7 Figure Course Creator
Day 3 - Identifying & Mapping Out Your Course
Day 4 - Setting Up Your Pre-Sale Course Sales Funnel
Day 5 - Writing Your Value Video
Day 6 - How To Write Insanely Profitable Ads
Day 7 - Shooting Your Value Video + Ads
Day 8 - Editing Your Value Video
Day 9 - Organic Pre-Launch
Day 10 - Quick-Start Facebook & Instagram Ad Campaign
Day 11 - Analyzing Facebook Ad Campaigns
Day 12 - Quick-Start YouTube Ad Campaign
Day 13 - Analyzing YouTube ad campaigns
Day 14 - Course scriptwriting system
Day 15 - Shooting your course tutorials
Day 16 - Editing your course content
Day 17 - Kajabi course creation and management
Day 18 - Creating & managing your student community
Day 19 - Pivoting to an evergreen course
Day 20 - Ultimate guide to sales pages & copywriting for online courses
Day 21 - Ultimate Guide to Email Automations For Online Courses
Day 22 - Ultimate Guide to Facebook Ads for Online Courses
Day 23 - Ultimate Guide to YouTube Ads for Online Courses
Day 24 - How to start & grow a YouTube channel
Day 25 - How to build the best courses & create raving fans
Day 26 - Upsell Sequences
Day 27 - Strategic Partnerships & Affiliate Revenue
Day 28 - Hiring on a team
Day 29 - Systematizing your course business
Day 30 - Using Your Course Profits to Build Wealth



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