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    - Bei einem Sammelthread für eine Staffel entfällt aus dem Releasename natürlich der Name der Folge. Beispiel: Die Simpsons S21 German DVDRip XviD - ITG
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    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL BDRip x264 - iND
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    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S20 German AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
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    - Im Serien-Bereich gilt speziell: Wenn ein Retail vor Abschluss einer laufenden Staffel erscheint, darf diese Staffel noch zu Ende gebracht werden.62
    - Gleiche Releases sind unbedingt zusammenzufassen. Das bedeutet, es ist zwingend erforderlich, vor dem Erstellen eines Themas per Suchfunktion zu überprüfen, ob bereits ein Beitrag mit demselben Release besteht. Ist dies der Fall, ist der bereits vorhandene Beitrag zu verwenden.
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    - Gefakte, nur teilweise lauffähige oder unvollständige Angebote sind untersagt. Dies gilt auch für eigene Publikationen, die augenscheinlich nicht selbst von z.B. einer DVD gerippt wurden. Laufende Serien, bei denen noch nicht alle Folgen verfügbar sind, dürfen erstellt und regelmäßig geupdatet werden.
    - Untersagt sind Angebote, welche nur und ausschließlich in einer anderen Sprache als deutsch oder englisch vorliegen. Ausnahmen sind VORHER mit den Moderatoren zu klären.

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Englische Tutorials

Complete DApp - Solidity & React - Blockchain Development


Complete DApp - Solidity & React - Blockchain Development
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 8.68 GB | Duration: 14h 11m

What you'll learn
Remix: Ethereum
Decentralized Application Building
Full Stack
Build Tokens
Smart Contracts

Internet, computer, and strong interest in DApp

Become a Complete DApp Developer by learning the best in demand skills taught by renown engineer and full stack developer Clarian North.

Join in early on an exciting technology implementing global changes to multiple industries and businesses.

This is the course you've been looking for to code along and become a modern DApp developer in 2021. It does so much more than just provide you with the basics to building smart contracts. This course covers everything you need to know to work on professional projects: from absolute no starting knowledge to producing a final project you can be proud to put on your resume.

There are many courses out there on the internet and it's easy to get lost in the sea of information, so here is why this course will accelerate your learning path towards truly leveling up your skills:

Regular course updates. Learn the most modern tools available in tech for smart contracts. There are so many ways to go about building something and we are not going to waste our time with In this course, you will learn the specific technologies that are the most in demand in the industry today. These include tools and technologies used by leaders in NFT markets such as OpenSea, tech companies from Facebook to Google and others.

Upon completing this course you will be able to build your own smart contracts and have a fundamental understanding of how they are deployed and work off of applications built together from scratch. With zero starting experience to a professional level: where you will build a complete Yield Farming Staking DApp (your own digital banking system which will allocate funds to users and allow for depositing and withdrawals hosting multiple ERC20 style tokens. This course is the solution for those who are trying to save precious to figure out how to get things to work and not be overwhelmed with online videos as well as those who want to get into modern tech but aren't sure where to start and don't have the money to spend.

This course is mentored and lead by a seasoned professional with years of experience. The Instructor of this course has worked as a head engineer (mixing and mastering) and co-producer (writing and arranging) for majors, indies, and international publishing houses including working with Grammy nominated and Award Winning Productions. I have headed and worked in engineering and production for r companies from the ground up to viral successes again and again all over the world from studios and Labels in Detroit, LA, Montreal and Berlin. This is my love and my life. I am am someone who is passionate and committed to building quality projects from the ground up. I believe my work speaks for me.

This course is set up to teach you the current modern tools and skills needed to get a job in DApp development from freelancing in or at the very least familiarize yourself with the modern tools needed to completing your own personal projects. With our online community you will be able to get mentoring help from me and other producers along with engage in active conversations. This course features the best and most current tools and techniques I have used and worked with over the years and will excel you in ways that other courses simply can't confined to just one framework. You will have the knowledge to work with multiple types of languages and libraries.

The course is designed to give you employable skills and knowledge with smart contracts integrated into the front end.

This is the definitive DApp Developer Bootcamp course. After completing the final project, you will have extensively gone through the following tools and technologies:


Ethereum Blockchain








Async Await

Node (Http)


React Lifecycles

Front End UI & UX





Transfer / TransferFrom

Approval & Authorization Events


Ethereum Blockchain Network and Deployment

Smart Contract Interactions

You will be able to code-along, step by step through the videos and exercises, and complete the following projects:

* Write, compile, debug, and deploy multiple smart contracts.

* Use professional testing unit suites to check blockchain data.

* Learn how the front end interacts with blockchain data.

* Deploy and hook up to local test networks and run transactions on the Ethereum blockchain in real time.

* Build your own ERC20 Token.

* Reverse Engineer a decentralized banking system with Yield Farming Staking & Rewards from scratch.

* Start working remotely freelancing on DApp and Smart Contract projects in the Ethereum Blockchain world.

I have put into this course the best techniques and tools that I've used throughout my entire professional career. There are countless tutorials and master classes out there and it is very easy to get lost on a forum wasting time reading over differing opinions endlessly. But none of that gives you a true learning experience to understanding what's going on under the hood and being able to succeed not just in the course, but in your projects and career thereafter. This course is the solution for those who are stuck trying to figure out how to get things to work and overwhelmed with tutorials as well as those who want to get into modern tech but aren't sure where to start and don't have the money to spend. This course embodies all of my years of experiences including the best things that work as well as the trappings to avoid, so you don't have to waste hours upon hours for nothing going back and instead just focus on moving forward and staying on track with the most modern tools available.

This is a one of a kind program because there is not yet anything else out there that can offer you this in DApp development. You're not going to come out of this stuck and feeling limited by just learning basic solidity on an IDE, or feeling like you can't progress without taking on tons of additional resources. You will come out of it with something for more valuable, going step by step building a DApp from scratch and being guided and challenged all along the way. We're going to be learning many translatable and employable skills such as:

Solidity & Smart Contracts: Learn the language that it takes to build the top NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea, lending platforms and Exchanges from Uniswap to Gemini, Yield Farming and all the exciting new developments in DeFi.

Structuring Out A Professional Project from the Ground Up: We go step by step looking at what it takes to develop a full fledge project from building out our own smart contract features to implementing them onto the front end.

Mocha and Truffle Tests: You will actually code out professional tests and assertions on developed smart contracts to ensure there are no errors to prep for network blockchain transaction and deployment. This is the real way to build out projects both for immutable blockchain transactions as well as large applications in the real world.

React, Javascript, & Bootstrap: Build a frontend with a framework that is used by Facebook, Instagram and many leading start ups today.

Web3 & MetaMask: We will use the most powerful libraries available to hook up Crypto Wallets to our application and run through verification processes and authorization of transactions.

Build A Full Complete Local Dev Env: We will loading up our own test network and leveraging the Ethereum blockchain to build a fully capable local developer environment for building DApps.

These days there are so many technologies out there and opinions on how and what to learn, and learning just one language or technique in small pieces as opposed to going through the actual steps and integrating all the key pieces limits our ability to greatly progress. Learning the lessons like the ones above are what it's going to take to truly level you up so that you're well ahead of the game in 2021 when it comes to modern DApp development.

The world is shifting more and more towards learning and working at home. This is an opportunity for you to start learning the most in demand skills, showcase those skills, and gain the experiences you need to develop your passion into something real. It would be an honor to take this journey with you and I hope you will give this a chance.

I have poured hard effort into this course and I am very excited about this and can say hands down, there is no other course on the internet or off of it, like this one.

Looking forward to seeing you in the lessons!

Who this course is for:
You want to learn to code and build DApplications
You are looking to start a career in DApplication Development
You want to know how to build Smart Contracts & Freelance
You want to learn the real skills needed to succeed in 2021 to get hired or build your own projects
You're looking for one course that can give you a complete scope on what it takes to develop a full DApplication



Flutter 2.2 & Firebase, build a complete app from scratch


Flutter 2.2 & Firebase, build a complete app from scratch
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 6.16 GB | Duration: 9h 1m

Flutter 2.2 work OS app for companies using Flutter with Firebase

What you'll learn
This Flutter course a complete guide that helps in learning and building a fully functioning Flutter application with Firebase.
Teaching how to write Clean-code and avoid Boilerplate code
This course you how to make new designs and styles for your App
Introduce new widgets and how to use them correctly
Streams and FutureBuilder usage
Firebase Firestore and Authentication

Course prerequisites:

Basic knowledge in programming to get started

Basic knowledge in Flutter

Concepts are explained clearly. You will always learn what you're building and why, and then how to do it.

How this course can be of help:

Gaining more knowledge in Flutter and firebase

Learn how to build fully functional apps and publish it to the playstore

What's in the course:

Complex UI done simply

State management


Clean-code and avoid Boilerplate code

Styles for UI

State Management: setState, lifting state up via callbacks, global access, scoped access with Provider and ChangeNotifier



Forms, input handling and validation

Managing and updating packages

Databases and Cloud Firestore

ListViews and multiple UI states

Firebase Authentication

Firebase Firestore

Firebase Storage

Dart Programming Language - Fundamentals and intermediate topics

How to understand Flutter Mobile Development by building apps incrementally.

How to design, build, debug Flutter Android and iOS Apps

How to get Flutter apps to communicate with a realtime database - Firestore

How to build robust apps with Flutter

Flutter AppBar

Flutter Material Design

Flutter Row and Column

Flutter ListView Builder

Course structure:

approximately 10 hours of content and updated regally


Windows application development

Mac application development

Access to a computer with an internet connection.

and you are ready for the journey

Love learning about applying cutting-edge algorithms to practical cases!

What Should I Expect After this Course?:

The ability to build any application using Flutter and Firebase. You will be an expert.

New information regarding Flutter

Note that the course build on windows, so I didn't have a chance to cover the IOS configurations! But feel free to ask anything about it. I will be there to help.

Who this course is for:
Flutter and Dart learning cravers
For people who want to make a complete app in Flutter
To all people who are interest in Flutter
For the companies who wants to manage their tasks



Ultimate AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate 2021 (Update 08/2021)


Ultimate AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate 2021 (Update 08/2021)
MP4 | Video: h264, yuv420p, 1920x1080 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz | Duration: 23h 52min | File Size: 8.96 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Become an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate SOA-C02! Learn all Amazon Web Services SysOps certification topic The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but how to administer it and troubleshoot issues, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass. Rest assured, I've passed it myself with a score of 980 out of 1000. Yes, you read that right, I only made one mistake! Next, I want to help YOU pass the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate certification with flying colors.
Important: It is highly advised that you first pass the Developer or Solution Architect certification first.
This is going to be a long journey, but passing the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam will be worth it!
This AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate course is different from the other ones you'll find on Udemy. Dare I say, better (but you'll judge!)
It covers in-depth all the new topics on the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate SOA-C01 exam
It's packed with practical knowledge on how to use AWS inside and out as a SysOps
It teaches you how to prepare for the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam AND how to prepare for the real world
It's a logical progression of topics, not a laundry list of random services
It's fast-paced and to the point
It has professional subtitles
All 400+ slides available as downloadable PDF

├───01 Introduction & Requirements - AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate
├───02 Slides and Code Download - AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate
├───03 EC2 for SysOps
├───04 AMI - Amazon Machine Image
├───05 Managing EC2 at Scale - Systems Manager (SSM) & Opswork
├───06 EC2 High Availability and Scalability
├───07 Elastic Beanstalk for SysOps
├───08 CloudFormation for SysOps
├───09 EC2 Storage and Data Management - EBS and EFS
├───10 S3 Fundamentals
├───11 S3 Storage and Data Management - For SysOps
├───12 Advanced Storage Section
├───13 CloudFront
├───14 Databases for SysOps
├───15 Monitoring, Auditing and Performance
├───16 AWS Account Management
├───17 Disaster Recovery
├───18 Security and Compliance for SysOps
├───19 Identity
├───20 Networking - Route 53
├───21 Networking - VPC
├───22 Other Services
├───23 Preparing for the Exam + Practice Exam - AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Asso
└───24 Congratulations - AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate



Make 4 games in Unity with Playmaker and include ads.


Make 4 games in Unity with Playmaker and include ads.
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48.0 KHz
Language: English | Size: 8.45 GB | Duration: 15h 3m

Make 4 mobile games with NO code

What you'll learn
How to create 4 different games in unity.
How to add unity ads to your games to make money from you game
How to upload your games to an app store like Google Play
How to create different types of FSMs using playmaker to create different features in games.

In this course I will show you how to make 4 different games in Unity using the Playmaker add-on.

We will make:

A flappy bird type game.

A tapping game ( tap the insects to score points)

An endless side scrolling runner.

A topdown style fix movement zombie shooter.

In each game I will show you how to make them step by step and at the end how to put ads in to your game so you can earn some money using Unity ads.

I will also show you how to upload the games to the Google Play store and itch io and how to update them when you need to fix an issue with the game.

In each game you will learn how to create different FSMs to create different features to your games. I will also show you how to add different types of ads to your games such as a rewarded ad which will only work 1 time a day.

If you have ever wanted to make your own games then why not give this course a go? It will help you learn how to use Playmaker and Unity as well as help you overcome issues that you may encounter.



The Complete 2021 Android Machine Learning Course - Udemy


The Complete 2021 Android Machine Learning Course - Udemy
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 8.01 GB | Duration: 20h 33m

TensorFlow lite & Firebase ML Kit use in Android 11 , Train Machine Learning Models, 20+ ML based Android Applications

What you'll learn
How to Integrate Machine Learning Models in Android
Use computer vision models with Images and Live Camera Footage
Use of Tensorflow lite models in Android
Use of Floating point and quantized models in Android
Use of Tensorflow lite delegates to improve model performance
Training Image Recognition models without knowing any background knowledge of machine learning
Firebase ML Kit and the Features it Provides
20+ Machine Learning based Android Application

Welcome to The Complete 2021 Android Machine Learning Course.

In this course, you will learn the use of Machine learning in Android without knowing any background knowledge of machine learning.

In modern world app development, the use of ML in mobile app development is compulsory. We hardly see an application in which ML is not being used. So it's important to learn how we can integrate ML models inside Android applications. And this course will teach you that. And the main feature of this is you don't need to know any background knowledge of ML to integrate it inside your application.

The course is divided into three main parts.

Pre-Trained Tensorflow Lite

Firebase ML Kit

Training Image Classification models

Pre-Trained Tensorflow Lite

In the first section, you will learn the use of popular pre-trained machine learning models in Android and build

Image classification

Object detection

Image segmentation


Quantization and Delegates

Apart from that, we will cover all the important concepts related to Tensorflow lite like

Using floating-point and quantized model in Android

Use the use of Tensorflow lite Delegates to improve model performance

Regression In Android

After that, we will learn to use regression models in Android and build a couple of applications including a

Fuel Efficiency Predictor for Vehicles.

Firebase ML Kit

Then the next section is related to the Firebase ML Kit. In this section, we will explore

Firebase ML Kit

Features of Firebase ML Kit

Then we are going to explore those features and build a number of applications including

Image Labeling

Barcode Scanning

Pose Estimation

Selfie Segmentation

Digital Ink Recognition

Object Detection

Text Recognition

Smart Reply

Text Translation

Face Detection

CamScanner Clone

Apart from all these applications, we will be developing a clone of the famous document scanning application CamScanner. So in that application, we will auto crop the document images using text recognition and improve the visibility of document Images.

Training Image Classification Models

After mastering the use of ML Models in Android in the Third section we will learn to train our own Image Classification models without knowing any background knowledge of Machine learning.

So in that section, we will learn to train ML models using two different approaches.

Dog breed Recognition using Teachable Machine

Firstly we will train a dog breed recognition model using a teachable machine.

Build a Live Feed Dog Breed Recognition Android Application.

Fruit Recognition using Transfer Learning

Using transfer learning we will retrain the MobileNet model to recognize different fruits.

Build a live feed fruit recognition Android application using that trained model

Images and Live Camera Footage

The course will teach you to use Machine learning models with images and live camera footage, So that, you can build both simple and live feed Android applications.

Android Version

The course is completely up to date and we have used the latest Android 11 throughout the course.


The course is developed using both Java and Kotlin programming languages. So all the material is available in both languages.


These are tools we will be using throughout the course

Android Studio to develop Android Applications

Google collab to train Image Recognition models.

Netron to analyze mobile machine learning models

By the end of this course, you will be able

Use Firebase ML kit inside Android applications using both Java and Kotlin

Use pre-trained Tensorflow lite models inside Android & IOS applications using Java and Kotlin

Train your own Image classification models and build Android applications.

You'll also have a portfolio of over 20+ machine learning-based Android applications that you can show to any potential employer.

Who can take this course:

Beginner Android ( Java or Kotlin ) developer with very little knowledge of Android app development.

Intermediate Android ( Java or Kotlin ) developer wanted to build a powerful Machine Learning-based application in Android

Experienced Android ( Java or Kotlin ) developers wanted to use Machine Learning models inside their Android applications.

Anyone who took a basic Android ( Java or Kotlin ) mobile app development course before (like Android ( Java or Kotlin ) app development course by angela yu or other such courses).

Unlike any other Android app development course, The course will teach you what matters the most.

So what are you waiting for? Click on the Join button and start learning.

Who this course is for:
Beginner Android Developer curious about Machine learning and computer vision use in Android
Intermediate Android developers looking to enhance their skillset
Experienced Professional want to integrate Machine Learning in their Android Applications



Linear Algebra and Geometry 2


Linear Algebra and Geometry 2
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 214 lectures (46h 46m) | Size: 35.6 GB

Much more about matrices; abstract vector spaces and their bases

What you'll learn:
How to solve problems in linear algebra and geometry (illustrated with 153 solved problems) and why these methods work.
Important concepts concerning vector spaces, such as basis, dimension, coordinates, and subspaces.
Linear combinations, linear dependence and independence in various vector spaces, and how to interpret them geometrically in R^2 and R^3.
How to recalculate coordinates from one basis to another, both with help of transition matrices and by solving systems of equations.
Row space, columns space and nullspace for matrices, and about usage of these concepts for solving various types of problems.
Linear transformations: different ways of looking at them (as matrix transformations, as transformations preserving linear combinations).
How to compose linear transformations and how to compute their standard matrices in different bases; compute the kernel and the image for transformations.
Understand the connection between matrices and linear transformations, and see various concepts in accordance with this connection.
Work with various geometrical transformations in R^2 and R^3, be able to compute their matrices and explain how these transformations work.
Understand the concept of isometry and be able to give some examples, and formulate their connection with orthogonal matrices.
Transform any given basis for a subspace of R^n into an orthonormal basis of the same subspace with help of Gram-Schmidt Process.
Compute eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and eigenspaces for a given matrix, and give geometrical interpretations of these concepts.
Determine whether a given matrix is diagonalizable or not, and perform its diagonalization if it is.
Understand the relationship between diagonalizability and dimensions of eigenspaces for a matrix.
Use diagonalization for problem solving involving computing the powers of square matrices, and motivate why this method works.
Be able to formulate and use The Invertible Matrix Theorem and recognise the situations which are suitable for the determinant test (and which are not).
Use Wronskian to determine whether a set of smooth functions is linearly independent or not; be able to compute Vandermonde determinant.
Work with various vector spaces, for example with R^n, the space of all n-by-m matrices, the space of polynomials, the space of smooth functions.

Linear Algebra and Geometry 1 (systems of equations, matrices and determinants, vectors and their products, analytic geometry of lines and planes)
High-school and college mathematics (mainly arithmetics, some trigonometry, polynomials)
Some basic calculus (used in some examples)
Basic knowledge of complex numbers (used in an example)

Chapter 1 Abstract vector spaces and related stuff

S1. Introduction to the course

S2. Real vector spaces and their subspaces

You will learn: the definition of vector spaces and the way of reasoning around the axioms; determine whether a subset of a vector space is a subspace or not.

S3. Linear combinations and linear independence

You will learn: the concept of linear combination and span, linearly dependent and independent sets; apply Gaussian elimination for determining whether a set is linearly independent; geometrical interpretation of linear dependence and linear independence.

S4. Coordinates, basis, and dimension

You will learn: about the concept of basis for a vector space, the coordinates w.r.t.\ a given basis, and the dimension of a vector space; you will learn how to apply the determinant test for determining whether a set of n vectors is a basis of R^n.

S5. Change of basis

You will learn: how to recalculate coordinates between bases by solving systems of linear equations, by using transition matrices, and by using Gaussian elimination; the geometry behind different coordinate systems.

S6. Row space, column space, and nullspace of a matrix

You will learn: concepts of row and column space, and the nullspace for a matrix; find bases for span of several vectors in R^n with different conditions for the basis.

S7. Rank, nullity, and four fundamental matrix spaces

You will learn: determine the rank and the nullity for a matrix; find orthogonal complement to a given subspace; four fundamental matrix spaces and the relationship between them.

Chapter 2 Linear transformations

S8. Matrix transformations from R^n to R^m

You will learn: about matrix transformations: understand the way of identifying linear transformations with matrices (produce the standard matrix for a given transformation, and produce the transformation for a given matrix); concepts: kernel, image and inverse operators; understand the link between them and nullspace, column space and inverse matrix.

S9. Geometry of matrix transformations on R^2 and R^3

You will learn: about transformations such as rotations, symmetries, projections and their matrices; you will learn how to illustrate the actions of linear transformations in the plane.

S10. Properties of matrix transformations

You will learn: what happens with subspaces and affine spaces (points, lines and planes) under linear transformations; what happens with the area and volume; composition of linear transformations as matrix multiplication.

S11. General linear transformations in different bases

You will learn: solving problems involving linear transformations between two vector spaces; work with linear transformations in different bases.

Chapter 3 Orthogonality

S12. Gram-Schmidt Process

You will learn: about orthonormal bases and their superiority above the other bases; about orthogonal projections on subspaces to R^n; produce orthonormal bases for given subspaces of R^n with help of Gram-Schmidt process.

S13. Orthogonal matrices

You will learn: definition and properties of orthonormal matrices; their geometrical interpretation.

Chapter 4 Intro to eigendecomposition of matrices

S14. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

You will learn: compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors for square matrices with real entries; geometric interpretation of eigenvectors and eigenspaces.

S15. Diagonalization

You will learn: to determine whether a given matrix is diagonalizable or not; diagonalize matrices and apply the diagonalization for problem solving (the powers of matrices).

S16. Wrap-up Linear Algebra and Geometry 2

You will learn: about the content of the third course.

Also make sure that you check with your professor what parts of the course you will need for your final exam. Such things vary from country to country, from university to university, and they can even vary from year to year at the same university.

A detailed description of the content of the course, with all the 214 videos and their titles, and with the texts of all the 153 problems solved during this course, is presented in the resource file "List_of_all_Videos_and_Problems_Linear_Algebra_and_Geometry_2.pdf" under video 1 ("Introduction to the course"). This content is also presented in video 1.

Who this course is for
University and college engineering



Linux Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA 8)


Linux Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA 8)
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 6.22 GB | Duration: 13h 17m

What you'll learn
You will be able to pass the EX-200 exam and become Redhat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA - EX200)
An IT professional who has earns the RHCSA is able to perform the core system administration skills required in Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments
You will be able manage local and remote Linux servers in a corporate environment
You will gain advance Linux systems administration skills and have deep understanding of Linux fundamentals and concepts
New tools and commands added in Redhat 8
Linux Networking Fundamentals, Disk Management, Server Administration and much more...
Intermediate knowledge of Linux otherwise take my other class "Complete Linux Training to get your Dream IT Job"
Laptop/PC with 4G of RAM and a CPU
Desired to become Redhat certified (RHCSA)

Are you looking for a course that can prepare you to pass for Redhat8 certification exam? If yes, then look no further because this course is designed for students who want to prepare for RHCSA exam in the SHORTEST amount of time!!!. I will hold your hand and teach you everything you need to know to ACE the EX-200 exam

An IT professional who has earned the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) is able to perform the core system administration skills required in Red Hat Enterprise Linux environments. The credential is earned after successfully passing the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) Exam (EX200).

The Red Hat certification program aims at system administrators, engineers, architects, enterprise developers, and application administrators, as well as cloud and virtualization administrators, who use RHEL in their IT infrastructures. The certification program aims to ensure that candidates are proficient in RHEL

A Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) should be able to perform the following tasks which are covered in this course:

Understand and use essential tools for handling files, directories, command-line environments, and documentation

Create simple shell scripts

Operate running systems, including booting into different run levels, identifying processes, starting and stopping virtual machines, and controlling services

Configure local storage using partitions and logical volumes

Create and configure file systems and file system attributes, such as permissions, encryption, access control lists, and network file systems

Deploy, configure, and maintain systems, including software installation, update, and core services

Manage users and groups

Manage security, including basic firewall and SELinux configuration

Perform basic container management

The official curriculum of RHCSA provided by Red Hat® is divided in two modules i.e. RH124 and RH134. Detailed topics included in each module are listed below and covered in this course:

I. RH124 or Red Hat System Administration part I:

Get started with Red hat Linux

Access the command line.

Manage files from the command line

Get help in Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Create, view and edit text files

Manage local users and groups

Control access to files

Monitor and manage Linux processes

Control services and daemons

Configure and secure SSH

Analyze and store logs

Manage networking

Archive and transfer files

Install and update software

Access Linux file system

Analyze servers and get support

II. RH134 or Red Hat system Administration part II:

Improve command line productivity

Schedule future tasks

Tune system performance

Control access to files with ACLs

Manage SELinux security

Manage basic storage

Manage logical volumes

Implement advanced storage features

Access network-attached storage

Control the boot process

Manage network security

Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Run Containers

Who this course is for:
Experienced Red Hat Enterprise Linux system administrators seeking validation of their skills
IT professionals who are on the path to earn RHCE certification
Who want a fast track course in order to pass the RHCSA8 certification exam
Experienced Linux system administrators who require a certification either by their organization or based on a mandate



Laravel 8 PHP Framework A - Z Build Professional Ecommerce (updated)


Laravel 8 PHP Framework A - Z Build Professional Ecommerce (updated)
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 95.1 GB | Duration: 110h 22m

What you'll learn
Create Complete Project with Laravel 6
Updated with Laravel 8
Multiple Language Option
Order Tracking System
Stock Management System
User Role Management
Laravel Socialite
Product Return Order
Product Apply Coupon
Facebook Comment System
Product Search Option
Product Discount Price
Buy and Get One Product
Online Payment Getway System
Product Mailing System
Product Reports System
Product Wishlist
JWT & Laravel Passport
Site Contact Page Form
Site Setting Option
Site SEO
Product Add to Cart
Multiple CRUD Function
Image Upload System
Adding Professional Theme for Backend
Adding Professional Theme for Frontend
Laravel 8 Multi Auth with Jetstream Fortify
Laravel 8 A-Z Basic Fandamentals

You have to know basic PHP
OOP (Basic)
Basic HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
Local Server : Xampp/Wampp/Vertrigo/Mamp
Text Editor/IDE: Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, Netbeans, PHPStrom, Atom etc

This course is now updated with Laravel 8.

Build Two Different eCommerce Project.

One of the Best Laravel 8 Framework Course on Udemy.

Laravel is an open-source PHP framework, which is robust and easy to understand. It follows a model-view-controller design pattern. Laravel reuses the existing components of different frameworks which helps in creating a web application. The web application thus designed is more structured and pragmatic.

Why We Should Learn Laravel ?

Laravel is a first development life cycle and less code functionality

it's easy to learn

making web applications faster

configuration error and exception handling

automation testing work.

URL Routing Configuration is very high in Laravel.

Scheduling tasks configuration and management

It has a huge community

Unlimited resource.

Most importantly it's very easy to get a job if you have Laravel skills.

What is your benefit ?

As i told you this complete project course which beings you to Beginner to Advance level by creating complete most advanced Ecommerce Project. You will able to understand how to complete one project, how to handle project bugs, Core structures of MVC. This complete project will help you to get a job with this new skill. You will be able to start work for your client. Add this project in your profolio and university assignment And most importantly you will get my support with in 24 hours. If you have any issues just let me know about this i will be in your touch.

What is the Best Part of this Course?

Create Complete Ecommerce Project with Laravel 6

Get a Deep Understanding of Laravel 6

Laravel User Authorization

Multiple Language

Order Tracking

Stock Management

User Role Management


Return Order

Apple Coupon

Facebook Comment

Product Search

Change Password Option

Product Discount Price

Online Payment Getway System

Mailing System

Reports System

Product Wishlist

JWT & Laravel Passport

Contact Page Form

Site Setting

Site SEO

Product Add to Cart

and much more functions ..

COURSE UPDATED Version One : Laravel 8. [04 Nov 2020]

COURSE UPDATED Version Two : Laravel 8. [13 May 2021]

There have Two new Section is added

Laravel 8 A-Z Basic Fandamentals with Complete Dynamic Web Project

Laravel 8 Multi Auth with Jetstream Fortify and Livewire.

This course you will not just learn you actually doing it. Learn and apply this on live project with me.

Sound Great right?


Click the "Enroll Now" button at the top right now!

I am excited to see you in the course!


easy Learning

Who this course is for:
People looking for web programming jobs should take this course
Students who want to take their PHP skills to another level should take this course
This course is for beginners to advanced laravel developers who want to increase their skills
University Project Assignment
Who want to become Laravel Developer.



VFX Studio Oriented / Procedural Sci-Fi Cities


VFX Studio Oriented / Procedural Sci-Fi Cities
MP4 | Video: h264, yuv420p, 3840x2160 | Audio: mp3, 48000 Hz | 12h 36m | File Size: 12.5 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

This tutorial will take your empty houdini scene to a completely procedural futuristic city. It will show you how to render the best possible way for optimum memory usage as well as fastest possible renders.

This tutorial uses redshift , but same workflows are supported with many other renderers including Mantra.

All custom models and scene files are also included.

Videos are recorded at 4K and 60FPS with HIDPI Scaling on.


Automated PDG systems for caching and baking
Terrain Tools
Scatter Systems
Disk Based Instancing
Crowd Solver for Traffic Simulations
Python for file processing
Shading and Rendering
Redshift Look Dev and Lighting Workflows



Selenium WebDriver with Java -Basics to Advanced+Frameworks


Selenium WebDriver with Java -Basics to Advanced+Frameworks
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 33.9 GB | Duration: 54h 27m

"TOP RATED (BEST SELLER) #1 Master SELENIUM java course" -5 Million students learning worldWide with great collaboration

What you'll learn
*****By the end of this course,You will be Mastered on Selenium Webdriver with strong Core JAVA basics
****You will gain the ability to design PAGEOBJECT, DATADRIVEN&HYBRID Automation FRAMEWORKS from scratch
*** InDepth understanding of real time Selenium CHALLENGES with 100 + examples
*We have 5 dedicated TRAINERS who can help in answering students queries along with resume,Interview preparation with Job assistance
"Additional knowledge to understand Mobile Testing Database testing and Performance testing with Selenium
You will be in a position to pick any website over internet and can automate it with all the possible test cases
You will improve your coding skills in writing best optmized code for Automating testcases
"Last but not least" you can clear any Interview and can Lead Entire Selenium Automation Project from Design Stage
You should be able to verify Data Integrity with the GUI of the application
You will be able to create GREAT LOOKING REPORTS to impress Clients
Deeper understanding of Automation guidelines and code quality standards
Includes a Practice Website to play around with all available Web driver functions to automate

Course last updated on Aug 4th with Latest Selenium 4.0 Version +Framework Interview questions

Have a Passion of learning Selenium but have no coding knowledge ? I will fulfill your wish with my easy teaching and life time query support through QA Forum , Skype and Teamviewer

The one and only Selenium course (350+Lectures) in Udemy which conferred with the ** official BEST SELLER Tag *** and Highest Ratings -30,000+ 5 star Ratings)/ /

*******Watchout Lecture 2 which depicts our roaring Success in Udemy with Success stories *****
--Includes: 50+ Hours lectures with real time projects + OnDemand Skype, Teamviewer sessions (Life time support) including Job Assistance + 5 Million Students learning forum and 100 Pages detailed Material which you will not find in any other online course

This course covers Java Basics core + Selenium Webdriver + Advanced Selenium + Interview Preparation + Framework design ( TestNG, ANT, Pageobject, Maven, Jenkins, Excel Datadriven, Cucumber, log4j ) + Selenium Grid + DataBase Testing + Performance Testing on Selenium scripts + Mobile testing Basics + Resume Preparation including " Life Time Support (On Demand skype sessions) + Material + Job Assistance- (US, India, Canada

***** One stop to become an Expert in Selenium from scratch *****

I noticed other courses using the same content as our course. Please be aware of them

On course completion You will be Mastered in Selenium Automation Testing and implementing Successfully in your work place or you will land on High Paying Job

************************************************** **************************************************
So what makes this course Unique in the Market?

We assume that students have no experience in automation / coding and start every topic from scratch and basics.

Examples are taken from REAL TIME HOSTED WEB APPLICATIONS to understand how different components can be automated.

Topics includes:
Complete Core java

Selenium Webdriver- Major focus (20 hours+ content)

Live Examples in Automating Web applications in all supported Browsers

Strategy to handle Rich Web UI using Advanced WebDriver

Real time challenges we face in WebDriver and solutions to handle it

Selenium Grid

Live projects on Selenium

Interview questions discussion with solutions






Test Execution reports


Data driven framework

Hybrid Framework

Page object Model Framework

DataBase testing with Selenium

Performance testing with Selenium

Mobile Automation basics only!

CLoud Automation with Sauce labs

Framework Design from scratch ( TestNG, ANT, PageObject, Maven, Jenkins, Excel , Datadriven, Cucumber, log4j ,Client html reports)

All the Best! Happy Testing :)

Who this course is for:
Manual testers, Non-programming aware testers interested in learning Automation
Freshers/Graudates who want to kick start their Carrier in IT World




PCB Design + PCB For Microcontroller Circuit+ MultiLayer PCB


PCB Design + PCB For Microcontroller Circuit+ MultiLayer PCB
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 15.6 GB | Duration: 21h 10m

What you'll learn
Designing Single Layer , Double Layer & MultiLayer PCBs using EasyEDA PCB Tool & considering General Guidelines for Layout / PCB Design & with DRCs. Designing Surface Mount PCBs ( Single Layer & Double Layer ) Creating Library parts like Custom Components ,Schematic Modules & PCB Modules . Designing Big PCB Project for Microcontroller Based system Design . Generating Artwork Files & Creating small in-house PCB Fabrication setup . Generating Gerber File & Ordering PCBs and also BOM for Ordering Components
Basic Understanding of Electronic Components . Basic Knowledge of Computer & Internet . Electronic Circuit concepts is advantageous . Some Patience !

Hello Dear Student ,

I welcome you , for Enrolling this Course .

This is basically a Beginners Course with Basic Level Content focused on PCB Design using EasyEDA , a Free & On-Line PCB Design Software and it covers Content with 1-Layer , 2-Layer Through Hole type & SMT type PCB Design & also Multi-layer ( 4-Layer ) PCB Design , as a beginner's reference suitable for Electronics Polytechnic , Engineering & University Students & Hobbyists .

Apart from PCB Design content , Added introductory level content ( At Very Basic Level ) of VHDL Programming using Xilinx ISE Webpack Software a Free Downloadable Software . You may treat the VHDL Basic Level Programming Content as a complementary Content , if you are Electronics Students .

If you are interested in Only PCB Design Content , you may skip / ignore VHDL Basic Level Programming Content .

All the Content of this Course are based on Free Softwares & either OnLine Or downloadable Softwares for Design / Programming .

1. PCB Design ( 1 Layer , 2 Layer & Multilayer 4 Layer PCB Design Examples ) using a OnLine & Free PCB Design Software "EasyEDA" ,

2. VHDL Programming using Xilinx ISE Webpack , a Free Downloadable Software ( After Registering Your Account with Xilinx Website ) .

At the beginning , the Course Title was " Step by Step PCB Design for Electronics Projects " , a Course in PCB Design for Beginner Level .

My approach is to continuously add & update the Content of this Course , so-that it may be helpful specifically to Electronics Polytechnic , Engineering , University Students & also to Hobbyists .

Course Update 1st : ( Feb. 2021 ) : Added Content : VHDL Programming Examples using Xilinx ISE Webpack software .

Course Published ( In Aug. 2020 ) : Content of PCB Design using EasyEDA OnLine PCB Design Software .

Description : This PCB Design Course are developed using a very Popular EasyEDA PCB Design Software , which is a Free , Web based ( OnLine ) Tool & it has huge Components & Part Library. EasyEDA PCB Tool supports to Windows platform , Linux O.S. & also runs on Mac & Android platforms,as long as there is one browser on the O.S. & connecting to Internet.

Video Contents for every stages for Professional PCB Designs are explained with separate & Short Video sessions in a simple way for better understanding,even for the Beginners .

- Schematic Design Stage

- PCB Layout Design Guidelines ( Component Placement Guidelines )

- PCB Layout Design ( Component Placement Stage )

- PCB Design Guidelines ( Track Routing Guidelines , DRCs )

- PCB Design ( Track Routing Stage )

After observing Video sessions & also for the practice purpose , I have added the PDF / Text Documents , called as - "Quick Reference Guide" , which explains the Step by Step Designing Procedure for Single Layer , Double Layer & MultiLayer PCBs for some Examples . Separate Quick Reference Guide is provided to each type of PCBs .

Some Quiz / MCQs - Multiple Choice Questions are also incorporated by adding the separate Document for its Answer Key .

In this course you will learn about -

- Creating Single Layer PCB Design - Two Examples

- Creating Single Layer Surface Mount ( SMT / SMD ) PCB Design - Example .

- Creating Single Layer PCB Design with AutoRouter - Example

- Creating Double Layer PCB Design - Two Examples

- Creating Double Layer Surface Mount ( SMT / SMD ) PCB Design - Example

- Creating Double Layer PCB Design Example with AutoRouter - Example

- Creating Multi-Layer PCB Design - Example

- Creating Schematic Module - Example

- Creating PCB Module - Example

- Creating Schematic Symbol - Example

- Creating Footprint - Example

- Creating Custom Component - Example

- Creating Big PCB Project - Microcontroller ( 8051 ) based System Design

( which is a Multisheet Design having Schematic Modules

> 8051 Micro-controller with Clock & Reset Circuit

> DC Power Supply

> ADC 0804 Circuit

> 16 x 2 Char. LCD Display )

For Entrepreneurs / who want to start the Business , I have explained the generation of Artwork Files & small Setup for PCB fabrication ( For Single Layer PCB ) .

For Electronics Professionals / Designers , I have explained the Sizable PCB Project of Micro-contoller based System Design . Also PCB Layout Guidelines / PCB Design Guidelines ( Component Placement & Track Routing Guidelines ), DRCs , Crosstalk Issues , Maximizing Grounding , MultiLayer Stackup Planning , Multisheet design etc. will be useful information .

VHDL Programming Content are explained with some Basic VHDL Programming Examples based on Combinational & Sequential Digital Logic and with Step by Step approach i.e. VHDL Program Code , Synthesis , VHDL Test Bench & Behavioral Simulation .


Instructor has more than a 22 Years of Design Experience after M.Tech. in Electronics Design & Technology , which includes the Experience in Electronic Circuit Design , Embedded System / VLSI- FPGA & CPLD Design . He has experience on a variety of EDA tools & Programming Softwares / Platforms like Python3.8 ( IDLE ) , Thonny , Google Colab , Anaconda Navigator - Jupyter Notebook , Spyder Python , Xilinx ISE Tool & Xilinx Vivado Tool for Xilinx FPGAs SPARTAN6 / Artix -7 & CPLDs XC9572 / 108 with VHDL & Verilog Programming , Cypress PSOC Designer for PSOC1 & PSOC Creator for PSOC 3 & PSOC 4 , STM32CubeIDE for STM32 - ARM 32 Bit Core Based Microcontroller , Keil uVision4 for MCS-51 Family Microcontrollers , Atmel AVR Studio for ATMega32 /128 Microcontrollers , Microchip MPLAB for PIC 16 / PIC 18 Microcontrollers , Crouzet Millenium3 for PLCs Ladder programming , FBD , Arduino CC s/w for Arduino Uno Boards , Energia for MSP430 from Texas Instruments and also which includes PCB Softwares such as EasyEDA , Eagle ( Fusion 360 ) , KiCad 5.1 , Fritzing & Express PCB etc .


Who this course is for:
Initially Contents were for Basic Level & then Updated the Contents for - All Levels - Beginners , Hobbyists , Teachers who are interested to Learn to Create Professional PCB Designs , by applying knowledge of Electronics . University Students , Students from Engineering colleges & Polytechnic Institutes , who want to Design the PCB for their Electronics based Academic Project . Anyone who wants to make career in PCB design . Entrepreneurs / who want to start Business in PCB Design & Fabrication setup with Low cost for Single Layer PCBs. Electronic Designers / Embedded Engineers / Electronic Circuit Design Professionals , who are new to PCB Design field .
Contents are Extended for Intermediate & Advanced Level , by adding MultiLayer PCB Design




Modern Web Development From Zero To Advanced


Modern Web Development From Zero To Advanced
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 7.78 GB | Duration: 22h 16m

What you'll learn
Learn to use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 to add unique styling to Bootstrap
Learn Bootstrap 4 and UIs from scratch
Learn and create amazing high quality Bootstrap 4 themes and UIs from scratch
Learn to compile Sass in the easiest way possible using a GUI
Get a crash course of the Bootstrap Grid System with the theme layout
We will improve our knowledge step by step by learning the basics of CSS
Create a beautiful, responsive landing page for any one
It will be much easier to prepare web pages with Grid CSS and Flexbox features
You will learn to use basic tags which are used commonly
You will be able to prepare lists in different formats
You will be able to create commonly used user login and registration pages by learning the form structure
In the developing world, we will talk about all the details about web design compatible with different screens.

No prior knowledge needed
You will be learning from scratch
This course will take you from scratch to the advanced level
Computer with access to the internet
Nothing else! It's just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today

Hello there,

Welcome to Modern Web Development From Zero To Advanced course.

This course will be your gateway to learn web design with blank HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files with a step-by-step approach. We can assure you that only this course will enough for you to learn Web Development from scratch to intermediate.

This course will take you from a complete beginner to a Master level in hours! By the way, you do not need to know anything for this course.

We'll be moving rapidly to give you the quickest, yet most thorough Bootstrap website building experience.

In this course, we have created a completely custom HTML learning environment for the first few sections of this course. Each lecture has an HTML page associated with it and has a start state. As we move along through the lectures, you code along with us while learning all that web development offers including helpers/utilities, components, widgets, grid, and more.

The most important feature that distinguishes this course from the others is that it deals with the most basic issues about JavaScript in detail and helps students to put what they have learned in theory into practice.

In our course, you can test what you have learned on both MAC and Windows computers. You do not need to purchase any tools or applications as free tools and platforms are used.

During the course, I made sure to explain all the topics that may seem complicated to you in as simple and detailed as possible. I have used some diagrams to help you understand better.

This course will take you from a beginner to a more experienced level. You will learn HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrep, JavaScript and Angular step by step with hands-on examples.

In this course you will learn;

Learn to use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 to add unique styling to Bootstrap

Learn and create amazing high-quality Bootstrap 4 themes and UIs from scratch

Master every single Bootstrap component

Learn to compile Sass in the easiest way possible using a GUI

Get a crash course of the Bootstrap Grid System with the theme layout

Learn how to add Website Scrolling Animation to any Bootstrap Component or HTML Element

How you can operate on variables,

Boolean logic,

How to create a conditional statement,

How you can perform transactions with Loops,

How a function is created and why it needs arguments,

How Arrays and Objects, which are basic data structures, are created,

How DOM Manipulation is done,

You will have learned and have the opportunity to test what you have learned with the code quizzes in our course.

No prior knowledge is needed!

Why would you want to take this course?

Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching.

When you enroll, you will feel our seasoned instructors' expertise.

Video and Audio Production Quality

All our videos are created/produced as high-quality video and audio to provide you the best learning experience.

You will be,

Seeing clearly

Hearing clearly

Moving through the course without distractions

You'll also get:

Lifetime Access to The Course

Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section

Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download

Dive in now Modern Web Development From Zero To Advanced course

We offer full support, answering any questions.

See you in the course!

Who this course is for:
If you want to learn HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, JavaScript and Angular the first step in web development, completely and easily, you are at the right place.
People who are willing to make a career in the Web Development
If you want to building your own website, you should enroll
Students who want to learn how to build fast single page web apps
Anyone planning a job transformation and wants to become a Web developer




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