• Regeln für den Video-Bereich:

    In den Börsenbereich gehören nur Angebote die bereits den Allgemeinen Regeln entsprechen.


    - Folgende Formate gehören in die angegeben Bereiche:
    - Filme: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format DivX, XviD und x264.
    - DVD: Filme im Format DVD5, DVD9 und HD2DVD.
    - HD: Encodierte Filme mit der Auflösung 720p oder darüber von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format x264.
    - 3D: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, die in einem 3D Format vorliegen. Dies gilt auch für Dokus, Animation usw.
    - Serien: Cartoon/Zeichentrick, Anime, Tutorials, Dokumentationen, Konzerte/Musik, Sonstiges sind demnach in die entsprechenden Bereiche einzuordnen, auch wenn sie beispielsweise im High Definition-Format oder als DVD5/DVD9/HD2DVD vorliegen. Ausnahme 3D.
    - Bereich Englisch: Englische Releases gehören immer in diesen Bereich.
    - Bereich Talk: Der Bereich, in dem über die Releases diskutiert werden kann, darf, soll und erwünscht ist.

    Angebot/Beitrag erstellen

    - Ein Beitrag darf erst dann erstellt werden, wenn der Upload bei mindestens einem OCH komplett ist. Platzhalter sind untersagt.
    - Bei einem Scenerelease hat der Threadtitel ausschließlich aus dem originalen, unveränderten Releasenamen zu bestehen. Es dürfen keine Veränderungen wie z.B. Sterne, kleine Buchstaben o.ä. vorgenommen werden. Ausnahme Serienbörse:
    - Bei einem Sammelthread für eine Staffel entfällt aus dem Releasename natürlich der Name der Folge. Beispiel: Die Simpsons S21 German DVDRip XviD - ITG
    - Dementsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist.

    Aufbau des Angebots und Threadtitel

    Der Titel nach folgendem Muster erstellt zu werden. <Name> [3D] [Staffel] [German] <Jahr> <Tonspur> [DL] [Auflösung] <Quelle> <Codec> - <Group>
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 DVDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL BDRip x264 - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 AC3 DL BDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S20 German AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Sword Art Online II Ger Sub 2014 AAC 1080p WEBRip x264 - peppermint
    Entsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Sonderzeichen wie Klammern, Sterne, Ausrufezeichen, Unterstriche, Anführungszeichen / Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist
    Ausnahmen hiervon können in den Bereichen geregelt sein.

    Die Beiträge sollen wie folgt aufgebaut werden:
    Überschrift entspricht dem Threadtitel
    kurze Inhaltsbeschreibung
    Format, Größe, Dauer sind gut lesbar für Downloader außerhalb des Spoilers zu vermerken
    Nfo sind immer Anzugeben und selbige immer im Spoiler in Textform.
    Sind keine Nfo vorhanden z.B. Eigenpublikationen, sind im Spoiler folgende Dateiinformationen zusätzlich anzugeben :
    Video (Auflösung und Bitrate)
    Ton (Sprache, Format und Bitrate der einzelnen Spuren)
    Untertitel (sofern vorhanden)
    Hosterangabe in Textform außerhalb eines Spoiler mit allen enthaltenen Hostern.
    Bei SD kann auf diese zusätzlichen Dateiinformationen verzichtet werden.

    Alle benötigten Passwörter sind, sofern vorhanden, in Textform im Angebot anzugeben.
    Spoiler im Spoiler mit Kommentaren :"Schon Bedankt?" sind unerwünscht.


    - Sind Retail-Release verfügbar, sind alle anderen Variationen untersagt. Ausnahmen: Alle deutschen Retail-Release sind CUT, in diesem Fall sind dubbed UNCUT-Release zulässig.
    - Im Serien-Bereich gilt speziell: Wenn ein Retail vor Abschluss einer laufenden Staffel erscheint, darf diese Staffel noch zu Ende gebracht werden.62
    - Gleiche Releases sind unbedingt zusammenzufassen. Das bedeutet, es ist zwingend erforderlich, vor dem Erstellen eines Themas per Suchfunktion zu überprüfen, ob bereits ein Beitrag mit demselben Release besteht. Ist dies der Fall, ist der bereits vorhandene Beitrag zu verwenden.
    - P2P und Scene Releases dürfen nicht verändert oder gar unter einem iND Tag eingestellt werden.

    Support, Diskussionen und Suche

    - Supportanfragen sind entweder per PN oder im Bereich Talk zu stellen.
    - Diskussionen und Bewertungen sind im Talk Bereich zu führen. Fragen an die Uploader haben ausschließlich via PN zu erfolgen, und sind in den Angeboten untersagt.
    - Anfragen zu Upload-Wünschen sind nur im Bereich Suche Video erlaubt. Antworten dürfen nur auf Angebote von MyBoerse.bz verlinkt werden.


    - Untersagt sind mehrere Formate in einem einzigen Angebotsthread, wie beispielsweise das gleichzeitige Anbieten von DivX/XviD, 720p und 1080p in einem Thread. Pro Format, Release und Auflösung ist ein eigener Thread zu eröffnen.
    - Grundsätzlich ebenso verboten sind Dupes. Uploader haben sich an geeigneter Stelle darüber zu informieren, ob es sich bei einem Release um ein Dupe handelt.
    - Gefakte, nur teilweise lauffähige oder unvollständige Angebote sind untersagt. Dies gilt auch für eigene Publikationen, die augenscheinlich nicht selbst von z.B. einer DVD gerippt wurden. Laufende Serien, bei denen noch nicht alle Folgen verfügbar sind, dürfen erstellt und regelmäßig geupdatet werden.
    - Untersagt sind Angebote, welche nur und ausschließlich in einer anderen Sprache als deutsch oder englisch vorliegen. Ausnahmen sind VORHER mit den Moderatoren zu klären.

    Verstoß gegen die Regeln

    - Angebote oder Beiträge, die gegen die Forenregeln verstoßen, sind über den "Melden"-Button im Beitrag zu melden.
  • Bitte registriere dich zunächst um Beiträge zu verfassen und externe Links aufzurufen.

Englische Tutorials

Coffee Money Masterclass By Ben Adkins


Ben Adkins - Coffee Money Masterclass | 7.14 GB
Ready to work full time from your favorite coffeeshop or your house?
Learn the powerful system that you can use to build your own 100k per year High Level, Content Repurposing Agency.

What You're Going to Master Inside:
- The Complete 3 Week "Coffee Money Masterclass"
- Part 1: How to Find the Clients that are Looking for you now.
- Part 2: The Money from a Distance Email Campaign.
- Part 3 Dr Ben Adkins Coffee Close Script.
- Part 4: The Stepladder Content Breakdown System.
- Part 5: How to Create Pristine Assets for your Clients with Repurposing.
- Part 6: The Silver Platter Delivery Technique.
- Part 7: How to Get 10 Clients in the next 12 months (at 2k/month each)
- Part 8: How to Outsource all of the Work.
- Part 9: Elite Agency Business Mechanics.



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The ClickMinded Email Marketing Course


ClickMinded - Email Marketing Course: Turn Subscribers into Customers| 4.59 GB
Massively increase sales with powerful email marketing.
The ClickMinded email marketing course teaches you exactly how to massively increase sales with powerful email marketing and automation.

What You Get:
How email marketing fits into your business
- Why email marketing is fundamentally different than any other channel out there (and how to convince ANY client, boss, or teammate to invest in email marketing)
- Simplifying the way you think of email marketing: there are only THREE types of emails and TWO methods of distribution
- The three fundamental principles that you need to always keep in mind when working on email marketing

The email marketing framework
- How to build a "lifecycle" strategy using just 4 types of campaigns (and how each of those helps you with a specific part of your sales funnel)
- Discover how you can borrow tactics from companies like Slack, Airbnb, and Netflix to get your new subscribers to take action as soon as they join your list
- Learn to achieve DEEP levels of engagement with your users by using data to segment subscribers and trigger content (with examples from Spotify, Kickstarter, Casper, and ProductHunt)
- How to "win back" users who have stopped interacting with your emails and put them back into your funnel (this is a super quick win that most marketers forget about)
- Why you should care about "list hygiene" if you really care about your subscribers (spoiler alert: unengaged subscribers can have a negative impact on those who care about your emails)
- The ONE time it's ok to send a broadcast email to your entire list (and how to do it right, so you don't end up in the spam folder)

Subscriber segmentation strategy
- How to make sure you get the entire picture for each of your email subscribers (where they are in your funnel, where they came from, what's the last action they took, etc.)
- The 4 types of data you should use to effectively segment your subscribers: implicit data, explicit data, user personas, and engagement
- The right way to use tags and custom fields to gather data and segment subscribers (most people mess this one up)
- 10 powerful segmentation strategies to get more opens, clicks, and revenue from your campaigns
- Implementing segmentation on any email service provider, with step-by-step walkthroughs
- How to use "decision-based workflows" to automatically segment and email subscribers based on the data you've gathered (this is the easiest way to do personalization at scale)



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Scott Oldford - The 7 Day Cash Campaign


Scott Oldford - The 7 Day Cash Campaign |3.56 GB
Building a successful business is reliant upon you making the RIGHT choices and having the resources to make those choices.

What You Get:
- What type of 7-day campaign will work for you.
- What type of campaign to focus on.
- What you need to do based on that campaign and how to manage your marketing and sales based on the campaign.
- What to do if you have an audience to generate more sales.
- How to realign your audience for a very specific cash-based offer
- How to re-develop your offer, quickly and effectively and within just a couple of hours
- How to write social media posts on Instagram and Facebook for success with your cash campaign
- How to run a few specific omnipresence ads to your existing audience to generate sales, more phone calls and more messages
- How to use a simple Google document (like this one) to sell, without needing a funnel, landing page, lead magnet or anything else.
- How I've used this campaign to generate over $1 million dollars and how I've helped others (with a couple use-case examples)
- How to write emails to your email list (no matter the size) in this 7-day audience campaign
- How to get people to pay you upfront, so you can use the money right now
- How to use story-selling in order to allow people to say yes to your irresistible offer
- How to go to your customers and generate more sales, allowing you to increase your lifetime value.
- How to structure your finances and the proper way to repay debt or use credit (if you need to do this)
- How to use Facebook Groups (if you have one) in order to generate revenue



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Project Thunderbolt by Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth


Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth - Project Thunderbolt | 12.1 GB
We look forward to seeing you in the members area. Checkout now and we'll see you on the other side.
Sincerely,Steven Clayton & Aidan Booth



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Ed Latimore & J.K. Molina - The Templates - Gumroad


Ed Latimore & J.K. Molina - The Templates | 39 MB
An Ed Latimore - JK Molina collab:
Get Triple-Digit Likes and Double-Digit Retweets - PER TWEET
(Even After The 2021 Algorithm Changes)
Introducing The Templates:
Over 500 viral tweet templates, thread starters and sales tweets that just catch fire.

Reverse Engineered by Latimore.
Get paid $2k/mo ghostwriting by Molina (Included FREE with your purchase)

The Algorithm Hates You
And there's 5 reasons why:
- You don't have pronouns in your bio
- You're based
- You're probably right wing
- You're a creator, not a consumer
- You're here to make connections and money (more on this below)

AKA you're not Twitter's puppet.
It's not because you don't comment 82 times a day.
It's not because your followers don't like you anymore.
It's because (and you might not want to hear this)
You're probably tagged with a big fat mark that says shadowbanned.
(Ever noticed how your engagement is significantly lower since the elections?)

The Ruthless Cycle
One day an account is all over your feed. Hundred likes. Dozens of retweets. Killing it.
Then their engagement goes down a bit.
Until one day you randomly stop seeing their tweets.
Then you forget about them.
Just like that. Poof. Gone.
It happens too often (might have even happened to you). Especially if you didn't adapt to the new algo changes.
You know it better than anyone, because you've experienced it:
It's that same algo that allows bigger accounts to tweet the most basic sh*t and crank numbers like these:
While you can't seem to crack 5 likes in 10 minutes.

That same algo that gives you worse engagement today than what it gave you 3 months ago with LESS followers.
And keeps you stuck in a what-am-I-doing-wrong cycle (for now at least)
The game is rigged. No doubt about it.
So how do we rig it in your favor?

Let's talk Twitter:
Bigger Accounts Know Something You Don't
Bigger accounts are not better than you, they've just done this for longer
But they do have one unfair advantage:
It took these big accounts months (some, like Ed, years) of constantly overloading their dopamine receptors with tens of thousands of tweets
To get to the point where they UNCONSCIOUSLY use them EVEN if they're not aware of it

No wonder their engagement constantly kicks ass:
They have a mental library of viral data helping them out every time they write...

Use Your Brain, Not Your Hands
Have you ever read a great tweet and immediately got an idea for another one?
Then it goes viral and then you're like "wtf..."
That's not a coincidence.
You unconsciously used Pattern Recognition, a survival technique that's been around for tens of thousands of years.
See, you didn't write that tweet,
Your BRAIN did.
Now imagine that times 1,000.
Imagine what would happen if you exposed your 2.5 million gigabytes of brainpower (seriously, that's how much you have)
To every single viral tweet your niche has ever produced,

And let your BRAIN do the tweeting for you
How much better would your engagement be if we could just replicate that process that's already in you?

Every viral tweet, thread and high-converting sales tweet your niche has ever produced
(500 and counting)
Twitter is just saying 1 thing, 1000 different ways


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VFX Studio Oriented & Procedural Sci-Fi Cities - Gumroad


VFX STUDIO ORIENTED HOUDINI TRAINING - Procedural Sci-Fi City Creation | 12.6 Gb
This tutorial will take your empty houdini scene to a completely procedural futuristic city.
It will show you how to render the best possible way for optimum memory usage as well as fastest possible renders.
This tutorial uses redshift , but same workflows are supported with many other renderers including Mantra.

All custom models and scene files are also included.
Videos are recorded at 4K and 60FPS with HIDPI Scaling on.

- Automated PDG systems for caching and baking
- Terrain Tools
- Scatter Systems
- Disk Based Instancing
- Crowd Solver for Traffic Simulations
- Python for file processing
- Shading and Rendering
- Redshift Look Dev and Lighting Workflows

This tutorial does not include the ship chase and its FX workflows. This one is only for city building. You can choose this version if you are no interested in FX workflows.

Requirements :
1080P Monitor
Minimum 8GB ram -> 32GB Recommended
Houdini 17.5 Apprentice Minimum
Redshift Trial Edition Minimum
VLC Media Player or Media Player Classic
Basic level of Houdini Knowledge


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A design-oriented course on SwiftUI


A design-oriented course on SwiftUI
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 23.4 GB | Duration: 28h 15m

What you'll learn
be able to work with XCode
be able to write in the Swift programming language
understand the basics in SwiftUI
be able to work with images and system icons
understand the data flow in SwiftUI, which includes @State, @Binding, @ObservableObject and @EnvironmentObject
create amazing and interactive animations
be able to compose complex interfaces and navigations
know how to use MVVM, which is a design pattern that fits very well with SwiftUI

You will need a Apple Mac computer or laptop
You will need the developer software Xcode
It would be great if you already have some programming knowledge, but it is not necessary. I will give you a short introduction to Swift in this course.

Welcome to the SwiftUI Bootcamp!!!

The most comprehensive A-Z approach to understanding SwiftUI concepts and the tools that power the platform.

Every lecture is fully supported by the Instructor, with image downloads and Xcode project files available, as well as additional resources, quizzes, and assignments to make sure test and cement your knowledge.

Cheat Sheets: additional resources give you the most useful code snippets, so you can find the right tools efficiently.

Every student will have the knowledge they need to create beautiful and usable apps that leave people with a smile on their face.

So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:

Apple universe: Create a project for all platforms and understand how to share code seamlessly

Debugging: Know how to work with Xcode error information.

Layout System: How to combine and layout views with stack views, frames, GeometryReader, and many more tools.

Images and Icons: Enhance your app design with images, system-provided icons, and create your own icons.

Architecture: How to organize your user flow with NavigationViews, TabViews, alerts, and popovers. Adapt to the different platforms to maximize the user experience.

Data flow: How SwiftUI handles data with property wrappers like @State, @Binding, @ObservedObject, and @EnvironmentObject.

Software Design: How to organize and format code for readability and how to implement the Model *- View - View* Model (MVVM) design pattern. Get to know the advantages when working with previews and writing unit tests.

Animation: Leverage the power of SwiftUI to create incredible animations and real-life interactions.

Reusable views: Using ViewBuilder, closures, and generics to build stack views and grid views.

Gestures: How the different systems provided gestures and combine them into more complex user interactions.

From beginner to SwiftUI app developer with just one course.

I will share with you my secret recipes to create amazing user interfaces with SwiftUI. By getting this course, you can rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. There are well - thought project examples that will help you understand even the most difficult concepts. I am always on hand to answer student questions.

Course highlights:

Style Guide: Learn how to create a brand-focused style guide, and why it's so important you do! Includes typography and color design.

Make your UI design reactive to different screen sizes and device orientations.

Use the state-driven design of SwiftUI to navigate the user programmatically throughout all parts of your application.

Create amazing Onboarding Animations and integrate them into your project.

So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today!!

Who this course is for:
Absolute beginners who want to get into app development for all Apple platforms now
Design enthusiasts interested to learn the latest apple framework SwiftUI
iOS developers wanting to learn how to leverage SwiftUI to develop faster and more efficient



Advanced Training with Adobe Premiere Pro CC


Advanced Training with Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Duration: 16h 9m | Video: .MP4 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | Size: 8.24 Gb
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Hi there, my name is Daniel Walter Scott & I'm an award winning Adobe Certified Instructor. Welcome to the Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced Course.

This course is aimed at people who already know the fundamentals of Adobe Premiere Pro or who have completed my Adobe Premiere Pro Essentials course. If you have developed your own way of doing things but you realise there are so many tools, updates & time saving techniques that you haven't had time to explore then this course is definitely for you.

We look at the best productivity hacks & little known features to super speed your timeline editing.
We explore color management, color grading, color replacement & skin tone correction.
You will master all the new Lumetri color methods and harness the power of scopes.
You will learn new ways to successfully create traditional & new style transitions.
You will quickly become a master at fixing shaky handheld and drone footage.
There won't be anything you can't mask or blur.
We will get your computer running at warp speed using Proxies, Scratch Disk & Cache management.
You'll master high frame rate footage to enable you to produce spectacular slow motion video.
You will create high quality professional motion graphics & data driven infographics.
You'll learn all about Premiere Pro's responsive time and design tools so you can make graphics & animation once that can be used across multiple future productions.
You will learn file and footage techniques which will enable you to work with multiple editors.
Multi-camera editing will be a breeze.
You will learn stunning techniques to help clean up your audio by removing noise, hiss & echo.
Learn how to manipulate & extend your music in Premiere Pro & also in Adobe Audition.
You'll learn which tools & techniques are best for removing the monotony of repurposing the same footage across multiple sizes for social media.
Learn about markers, subtitles and amazing plugins,
You will learn all the best tricks and settings which will enable you to get the most from your rendering in Premiere Pro and also in Adobe Media Encoder.



Angular Fundamentals from Scratch & Unit/Integration Testing


Angular Fundamentals from Scratch & Unit/Integration Testing
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 63 lectures (11h) | Size: 5.4 GB

Get into Web Development with solid understanding of Angular Basics and write Tests for your code to be White Box tester

What you'll learn:
NO Prior knowledge of Angular is required. Every Concept including TypeScript basics are taught from Scratch
Get the deep understanding of the Angular fundamentals to quickly establish yourself as a frontend developer
You will learn Angular Unit Testing and Integration Testing Best Practices
Knowledge on Unit Testing tools like Karma, Jest, Jasmine, Angular Bed etc
Understand how to perform Component Testing, Service Testing , Directives Testing with Angular
By end of this Course, You will Develop modern responsive and scalable web applications with Angular

Basic HTML knowledge helps

This course is exclusively designed for beginners to understand ANGULAR fundamentals for Front end Web Development and ability to perform white Box TESTING such as Unit Testing , Integration testing for the code using various Testing Frameworks like Karma, Jest, AngularBed, Jasmine etc

This course is divided into 2 Phases

Phase 1:

Introduction to Front end Development - Phase 1 explains the fundamentals of Angular including TypeScript Fundamentals to develop Front end Real time Apps from Scratch.

No programming Experience needed to start with this course. I have covered everything needed to make you familiar with every concept taught in the course

Phase 2:

Unit/Integration Testing - After Solid Understanding of Front end development using Angular in Phase 1, Phase 2 explains how to write Unit Tests and Integration Tests for the developed Phase 1 Code using Testing Frameworks like like Karma, Jest, AngularBed, Jasmine, Mock Services, classes etc

All Testing (White Box Testing) Frameworks concepts are also given with Scratch level explanation.

please note that This course will not deep dive into HTML learning but that will not affect you to learn ANGULAR.

By end of this course, one can start building Web Apps with Angular and write Solid Unit Tests and Integration tests to test their code as per Industry Standards

This course can be a great resource to Junior Developers and especially to SDET's to get involved into White Box testing Strategies to better understand code and write solid Unit/Integration Tests.

Who this course is for
QA Automation Engineers
Front end devs
Software Engineers



Animating in Unity - Udemy


Animating in Unity - Udemy
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48.0 KHz
Language: English | Size: 22.7 GB | Duration: 25h 18m

Learn how to use Cinemachine, Animation Rigging, Unity Timeline and the Animator window to create animations in Unity

What you'll learn
Master animation techniques using Unity timeline
Take control of cameras using Cinemachine
Become confident with Animation rigging
Animate using Inverse Kinematics
Use animation constraints and targets
Learn how to create your own blendshapes
Create complete projects in standard, URP and HDRP templates
Create scenes from blank canvas through to industry standard quality

You will learn a wide variety of animation techniques and concepts in this course by completing four projects.

Project 1 - Monolith (Standard 3D Template)

We will be creating the surface of the moon, the earth and importing a spacestation to create a space fly through animated cut scene. We will be using several cameras and animating between them using Unity timeline. We will look at pacing and timing to get the imagery to match the pacing of background music.

Project 2 - Speed Tournament (Universal Render Pipeline (URP) Template)

We will be creating a photorealistic environment and importing a race track and race car to create a dynamic animated cut scene for a racing style game. The shots will be more dynamic and exciting and we will be creating these by using Cinemachine. We will be using virtual cameras and dolly cameras with tracks. We will be incorporating physics elements alongside keyframed animation. We will look at techniques for creating impressive slow motion effects. We will be blending between different post processing effects to create depth of field shots, lens flares and more, to give the animation a AAA quality feel to it.

Project 3 - Shootout (High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) Template)

We will setup a low poly desert scene with a cowboy shootout involving three cowboy characters. We will use the Animation rigging package to setup multiple constraints to control the cowboy characters using Inverse Kinematics (IK). We will incorporate Two bone IK, Position constraints, rotation constraints, look at, parent constraints and finger IK to create a fluid animation rig for each character to make it easy to make complex character animations. We will continue to use Cinemachine to create the shots that will tell a short story.

Project 4 - Blendshapes (Standard 3D Template)

Using a pre made character, we will create our own blend shapes for the face and clothes in Blender. We will then import the character and animations into Unity and assign the correct avatar. We will animate the character's facial expressions and this time we will use the animator window to create a non linear structure of animations that are controlled by Parameters that are controlled by C# script. This will make the final animation more interactive.

You can complete the projects in any order you like to develop different skills.

By the end of this course you will have developed a wide range of skills and techniques that will improve your own animated cut scenes and animated movies using the Unity real time game engine.

Why not enrol today and I'll look forward to seeing you in my course.


An Epic Story by MaxKoMusic

Enchanted by Keys of Moon

Music promoted by free-stock-music

Who this course is for:
Anyone wanting to learn more about real time animation using Unity
Anyone wanting to learn Cinemachine
Anyone wanting to learn how to use the Animation Rigging package



Appium -Mobile Testing (Android/IOS) from Scratch+Frameworks


Appium -Mobile Testing (Android/IOS) from Scratch+Frameworks
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 18.6 GB | Duration: 28h 32m

Master on Mobile Automation Testing (Android/IOS) from basics to Framework CI/CD with real time examples

What you'll learn
By the end of this course you will be able to automate any (Native,Hybrid,Web) Apps in Android/IOS using Appium
Thorough Understanding on Appium best practices and reusable utilities for automating Apps on both Real devices and Emulators
Design the Industry Standard Mobile framework from Scratch which is compatible for both Android and IOS Platforms
Implement end to end CI/CD pipeline from scratch using Appium with all framework features like logging, reporting etc
Design Appium Framework with open source technologies like Learn Maven, TestNG, Jenkins, JUnit, Git, Extent Reports and Apache Log4J2
Automate Mobile Browsers like Chrome & Safari with Appium WebDriver Library under hood
You will know the coding standards in writing the most optimized Mobile Automation Scripts
You will be able to create GREAT LOOKING REPORTS using the best advanced REPORTING TOOL
"Last but not least" you can clear any Interview and can Lead Entire Appium Automation Project from Design Stage

**Course Last Updated - August 5th - Appium Parallel execution on Cloud Servers ***
***Top Rated/Ranked Popular APPIUM Course with Life time Q/A Support on Udemy with highest Students Enrollment

"Learn Everything You Need to Know About Mobile Automation (Android+ IOS) Even If You've Never Programmed Before.

50,000+ Potential students already enrolled and 5 start reviews all the way
On course completion You will be Mastered in Mobile Automation Testing in both Android&IOS and can implement Successfully it in your workplace or will surely land on High Paying Job ."Decide the Quality of Course by watching Preview Lectures and Students Reviews"

What makes this Course Unique in the Market?

Videos will be updated on regular basis based up on latest released versions of APPIUM

This is the most Popular Appium course ever you will find online with Top User ratings

I have explained every concept in great details from Scratch so that any one can master in this tool on course completion

We will be designing and implementing Industry Standard frameworks using Appium with TestNG Maven, Jenkins, GitHub, Apache Log4J2, Extent Reports

Detailed demonstration on end to end CI/CD implementation using Appium for both iOS and Android

Understand parallel execution on real Android and iOS devices using Cloud Infrastructure

Only course which explains many Appium tips and tricks needed to clear Interviews or complete the Assignments given in the projects

High level Topics Include:

Appium Features
Appium Internal Architecture
Configuration setup for running tests on Android and IOS Simulators/Emulators
Configuration setup for running tests on Android and IOS real devices
How to Automate Native (Android&IOS) Apps using Appium
How to Automate Hybrid (Android&IOS) Apps using Appium
In Depth explanation of Appium API's/comands and their usage
Mobile Gestures Automation scroll,swipe, longpress, tap, Touch Actions using Appium
Automating Browser Apps using Appium
Tips in inspecting objects on Apps and Mobile browser with uiautomatorviewer and APpium Inspector
Appium Hybrid Framework from Scratch with top design patterns
designing and implementing Industry Standard frameworks using Appium with TestNG Maven, Jenkins, GitHub, Apache Log4J2, Extent Reports
Appium Framework CI/D Integration
Appium Cloud Automation on Browserstack

Who this course is for:
Manual testers, Non-programming aware testers interested in learning Automation
Web Automation Testers who are already aware of Selenium Webdriver
Any Software engineer who are interested in Mobile Technologies



Body Sculpting Pilates with Props


Body Sculpting Pilates with Props
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 23 lectures (9h 13m) | Size: 12.4 GB

Pilates from Zero to Hero

What you'll learn:
How to modify exercises to your own level
How to perform variations and modifications to exercises so they became easier or harder for you, according to your actual needs
Learn how to work out by your own: without props, with long elastic, with short elastic and with water bottles
Understand the basics of Pilates the correct alignments and the correct breathing.

There are no requirements to start this series

Welcome to my Body Sculpting Pilates with Props Series. With the help of this video series, you will learn to work out alone adapt and modify the exercises for yourself according to your current needs. You will learn how to progress or regress the level of some exercises and how to modify them. You will also understand the basics and alignments of Pilates. The program is suitable for any age, body type and you can join from any level.

In this program, I created 4 videos for each level from beginners to advanced. All of these videos are 30 min long. In the first video, I always show the pure exercises without additional props at the following one we are using the long elastic at the 3rd short elastic, and at the last, we incorporate water bottles. The water bottles are replacing the weights. At the extra tracks, I am introducing how to work out with a big ball, a small stability ball, a power circle and stretching and mobility flow.

The minimum amount of props I use makes this series suitable for someone, who would like to perform these exercises from home or while traveling.

I trust you will find my program really useful for achieving your objectives.

See you at the series,

Have a lovely day,


Who this course is for
You can start if as a complete beginner and you will be able to follow the progressions
You can also join, if you are having some knowledge about, but you would like to have better foundations for deepen your practice



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