• Regeln für den Software-Bereich:


    - In erster Linie sind unsere Boardregeln zu beachten, zu finden HIER.
    - Software zur Audiobearbeitung sollte ausschließlich im Unterforum "Audio" eingestellt werden.
    - Für Cracks, Keygens oder sonstige Freischaltungssoftware gibt es das Unterforum "Freischaltung".
    - Portable Software bitte im entsprechenden Unterforum "Portable Software" eintragen.
    - Diskussionen zur Installation und anderen Problemen mit der Software, bitte im enstprechenden Unterforum "Talk" führen.
    - Bei Unklarheiten und Fragen zu den Regeln bitte die Moderatoren kontaktieren.

    Angebot erstellen

    - Die Struktur des Threadtitels muss wie folgt umgesetzt werden: Herstellername - Softwarename - Versionsnummer
    - Unnötige Zusätze im Threadtitel wie "HOT", "NEW" oder Punkte zwischen den Wörtern sind nicht erlaubt.
    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
    - Bei nicht bekannten Herstellern oder Angebote einer privaten Software, ist die Programmbezeichnung + Versionsnummer ausreichend.
    - Besondere Beachtung gilt für den ersten Beitrag eines Angebots. Dort muss eine kurze Beschreibung der Software in deutscher Sprache angegeben werden. Für offizielle Releases ist es Pflicht die NFO im Beitrag einzustellen(Spoiler, siehe nächster Punkt).
    - Weitere Informationen wie NFOs oder Changelogs, versteckt ihr bitte in einem Spoiler.

    Software Suche

    - Für Suchanfragen haben wir das Unterforum "Suche" erstellt.
    - Auch hier sollte vorher die Suchfunktion benutzt werden, um Doppelthreads vorzubeugen. Sollte es bereits eine Suchanfrage geben, könnt ihr den Thread gerne mit einem "Danke" pushen.

    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

    - Falls Euer Virenscanner bei einem Angebot Alarm schlägt, solltet ihr zunächst Ruhe bewahren. Viele Virenscanner erkennen Cracks/Keygens oft fälschlicherweise als Bedrohung.
    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
  • Bitte registriere dich zunächst um Beiträge zu verfassen und externe Links aufzurufen.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools v16.9.0-v16.9.5 (x86/x64)


Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools v16.9.0-v16.9.5 (x86/x64) | 21.57 GB | Language: English

This is the installer of the build tools from Microsoft (i.e., this is all that is needed to build projects but without a development environment, without an IDE). If you need a development environment, then install this If you only need a C ++ compiler, then instead of this distribution you can limit yourself to a more compact distribution.

More specifically, unlike the full studio, this installer does not include the VS IDE Core component and, accordingly, you cannot install the visual development environment through BuildTools. Through this, an attempt is made to reduce the weight of the installer and reduce the size and impact on Windows. BuildTools does not provide any additional features (that is, this is a type of "toolchain from small soft" ... it seems to me it would be worthwhile to call this modification so that everything would be clear at once ... but apparently the desire to be unique and inimitable prevents them from using calmly already available terms ).

• Disconnect from the Internet ... so that the installer does not download the lists of installed components for the most recent version ... the one that may not yet be in the distribution. If this happens, then the installer may no longer have enough of what is in the distribution and errors with downloading may appear
• If the installer does not have access to the Internet, then install certificates for self-diagnosis of the installer by executing Certificates_Setup.cmd
ON BEHALF OF THE ADMINISTRATOR • Then run Setup_BuildTools . cmd, where X specifies the version number you want to install (i.e. 16.9.X)

This distribution presents an almost complete BuildTools edition of VS2019 studio. Who needs only a C ++ compiler, see here . If you need to install / update NOT BuildTools studio edition, then look here
In this distribution, the BuildTools edition is presented, from which ONLY old versions of C ++ (corresponding to studio versions 16.0-16.8) have been removed and nothing else. This had to be done so that the distribution size was smaller and it would already be advisable to have a separate BuildTools distribution from the AIO. Whoever needs old compilers, you can install BuildTools from this distribution (well, either give the installer access to the Internet ... he will then download the necessary one during installation)
The removed components are so unimportant that you simply cannot select them from the first tab of the installer. On the second tab, in order not to run into missing components, you should not select those components that contain "14.2x" in their name, where x is from 0 to 7 ... the latest version (14.28) is naturally left. In short, speaking graphically from C ++ compilers, only this is left:

Apart from the old C ++ components, nothing has been cut out. Those. if you are not interested in C ++ then you can safely put anything you want offline

There may be difficulties with updating BuildTools:
The essence of the problem with updating BuildTools in offline mode is that the installer sometimes does not see some of the downloaded components if the name of the folder from which the installer is launched is NOT the same as when installing BuildTools. If this happens to you, then you need to either restart the installer but from the same folder, or simply rearrange BuildTools, or provide Internet access.

Other restrictions
Administrator rights are required to install Visual Studio.
.NET Framework 4.5 is required to install Visual Studio. Visual Studio requires .NET Framework 4.7.2, which will be installed during setup.
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC edition and Windows 10 S are not supported for development. You may use Visual Studio 2019 to build apps that run on Windows 10 LTSC and Windows 10 S.
Internet Explorer 11 or Edge is required for internet-related scenarios. Some features might not work unless these, or a later version, are installed.
For Hyper-V emulator support, A supported 64-bit operating system is required. A processor that supports Client Hyper-V and Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) is also required.
For Android Emulator support, a supported processor and operating system is required.
Universal Windows app development, including designing, editing, and debugging, requires Windows 10. Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 R2 may be used to build Universal Windows apps from the command line.
The Server Core and Minimal Server Interface options are not supported when running Windows Server.
Running Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise in Windows containers is not supported.
Team Foundation Server 2019 Office Integration requires Office 2016, Office 2013, or Office 2010.
Xamarin.Android requires a 64-bit edition of Windows and the 64-bit Java Development Kit (JDK).
PowerShell 3.0 or higher is required on Windows 7 SP1 to install the Mobile Development with C++, jаvascript, or .NET workloads.

System requirements :
Operating system (both bits are valid) :
Windows 10 version 1703 or higher: Home, Professional, Education, and Enterprise (LTSC and S are not supported ... but people work)
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
Windows Server 2012 R2 (with Update 2919355): Essentials, Standard, Datacenter
Windows Server 2016: Standard, Datacenter, Core
Windows Server 2019
Windows 8.1 (with Update 2919355): Core, Professional, and Enterprise
Windows 7 SP1 (with latest Windows Updates): Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate.

Hardware :
Hard disk space: from 1 GB to 22 GB, depending on the installed components.
1.8 GHz or faster processor. Quad-core or better recommended
2 GB of RAM; 8 GB of RAM recommended (2.5 GB minimum if running on a virtual machine)
Hard disk speed: to improve performance, install Windows and Visual Studio on a solid state drive (SSD).
Video card that supports a minimum display resolution of 720p (1280 by 720); Visual Studio will work best at a resolution of WXGA (1366 by 768) or higher

Größe: 21.57 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .iso
Medizin: Crack / Patch / Preactivated
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2share)







Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 v16.9.5 Multilingual


Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 v16.9.5 Multilingual

Unabhängig davon, ob Sie neu in der Codierung sind oder für Ihr nächstes Projekt bereit sind, optimiert Visual Studio 2019 Ihre Erfahrung, sodass Sie sich auf die gezielte Arbeit konzentrieren können. Sie finden mehr Platz auf dem Bildschirm für Ihren Code und können von einem Ort aus nach allem suchen. Sie können Ihren Code mit einer Code-Bereinigung mit einem Klick aufgeräumt halten. Beim Debuggen werden Sie eine bessere Schrittleistung feststellen und Suchfunktionen in den Fenstern Autos, Locals und Watch erhalten, um das schwer fassbare Objekt oder den schwer fassbaren Wert schnell zu finden.

Die in Visual Studio integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung ist eine kreative Startrampe, mit der Sie Code bearbeiten, debuggen und erstellen und anschließend eine App veröffentlichen können. Eine integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung (IDE) ist ein funktionsreiches Programm, das für viele Aspekte der Softwareentwicklung verwendet werden kann. Neben dem Standardeditor und -debugger, den die meisten IDEs bereitstellen, enthält Visual Studio Compiler, Tools zur Codevervollständigung, Grafikdesigner und viele weitere Funktionen, um den Softwareentwicklungsprozess zu vereinfachen.

Erscheinungsjahr / -datum: 2021
Entwickler: Microsoft (Docks)
Bittiefe: 32 Bit (und funktioniert daher unter Windows von beiden Zeugen, einige speicherhungrige Studio-Komponenten sind in der 64-Bit-Version dupliziert)
Tabletka: Nicht für alle Editionen außer Enterprise und Professional erforderlich (für die unten "Nützliche Zahlen" aufgeführt sind)

Integrierte Anwendungsentwicklungsumgebung für fast alle Zielplattformen von Win Desktop und Windows Universal bis hin zu mobilen Plattformen Win Phone, Android, iOS.

System Anforderungen:
Windows 10 Version 1703 oder höher: Heim, Beruf, Bildung und Unternehmen (LTSC und S werden nicht unterstützt ... aber die Leute arbeiten)
Windows 8.1 (MIT UPDATE 2919355): Core, Professional und Enterprise
Windows 7 SP1 (mit den neuesten Windows-Updates): Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate
Windows Server 2019: Standard und Rechenzentrum
Windows Server 2016: Standard und Rechenzentrum
Windows Server 2012 R2 (MIT UPDATE 2919355): Grundlagen, Standard, Datencenter

1,8 GHz oder schneller Prozessor. Quad-Core oder besser empfohlen
2 GB Ram; 8 GB RAM empfohlen (mindestens 2,5 GB bei Ausführung auf einer virtuellen Maschine)
Festplattenspeicher: Mindestens 800 MB bis zu 210 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz, abhängig von den installierten Funktionen; TYPISCHE INSTALLATIONEN ERFORDERN 20-50 GB Freiraum.
Festplattengeschwindigkeit: Um die Leistung zu verbessern, installieren Sie Windows und Visual Studio auf einem Solid State Drive (SSD).
Grafikkarte, die eine minimale Bildschirmauflösung von 720p (1280 x 720) unterstützt; Visual Studio funktioniert am besten mit einer Auflösung von WXGA (1366 BY 76 oder höher).

Unternehmen: BF8Y8-GN2QH-T84XB-QVY3B-RC4DF
Professionell: NYWVH-HT4XC-R2WYW-9Y3CM-X4V3Y

Sprache: Deutsch, Multi | Größe: 35.9 GB | Format: RAR, ISO | Plattform: Windows

UploadGig.com | RapidGator.net



Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools v16.9.0-v16.9.6 (x86/x64)


Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools v16.9.0-v16.9.6 (x86/x64) | 21.7 GB | Language: English

This is the installer of the build tools from Microsoft (i.e., this is all that is needed to build projects but without a development environment, without an IDE). If you need a development environment, then install this If you only need a C ++ compiler, then instead of this distribution you can limit yourself to a more compact distribution More specifically, unlike the full studio, this installer does not include the VS IDE Core component and, accordingly, you cannot install the visual development environment through BuildTools. Through this, an attempt is made to reduce the weight of the installer and reduce the size and impact on Windows. BuildTools does not provide any additional features (that is, this is a type of "toolchain from small soft" ... it seems to me it would be worthwhile to call this modification so that everything would be clear at once ... but apparently the desire to be unique and inimitable prevents them from using calmly already available terms ).

• Disconnect from the Internet ... so that the installer does not download the lists of installed components for the most recent version ... the one that may not yet be in the distribution. If this happens, then the installer may no longer have enough of what is in the distribution and errors with downloading may appear
• If the installer does not have access to the Internet, then install certificates for self-diagnosis of the installer by executing Certificates_Setup.cmd
ON BEHALF OF THE ADMINISTRATOR • Then run Setup_BuildTools . cmd, where X specifies the version number you want to install (i.e. 16.9.X)

This distribution presents an almost complete BuildTools edition of VS2019 studio. Who needs only a C ++ compiler, see here . If you need to install / update NOT BuildTools studio edition, then look here
In this distribution, the BuildTools edition is presented, from which ONLY old versions of C ++ (corresponding to studio versions 16.0-16.8) have been removed and nothing else. This had to be done so that the distribution size was smaller and it would already be advisable to have a separate BuildTools distribution from the AIO. Whoever needs old compilers, you can install BuildTools from this distribution (well, either give the installer access to the Internet ... he will then download the necessary one during installation)
The removed components are so unimportant that you simply cannot select them from the first tab of the installer. On the second tab, in order not to run into missing components, you should not select those components that contain "14.2x" in their name, where x is from 0 to 7 ... the latest version (14.28) is naturally left. In short, speaking graphically from C ++ compilers, only this is left:

Apart from the old C ++ components, nothing has been cut out. Those. if you are not interested in C ++ then you can safely put anything you want offline

There may be difficulties with updating BuildTools:
The essence of the problem with updating BuildTools in offline mode is that the installer sometimes does not see some of the downloaded components if the name of the folder from which the installer is launched is NOT the same as when installing BuildTools. If this happens to you, then you need to either restart the installer but from the same folder, or simply rearrange BuildTools, or provide Internet access.

Other restrictions
Administrator rights are required to install Visual Studio.
.NET Framework 4.5 is required to install Visual Studio. Visual Studio requires .NET Framework 4.7.2, which will be installed during setup.
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC edition and Windows 10 S are not supported for development. You may use Visual Studio 2019 to build apps that run on Windows 10 LTSC and Windows 10 S.
Internet Explorer 11 or Edge is required for internet-related scenarios. Some features might not work unless these, or a later version, are installed.
For Hyper-V emulator support, A supported 64-bit operating system is required. A processor that supports Client Hyper-V and Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) is also required.
For Android Emulator support, a supported processor and operating system is required.
Universal Windows app development, including designing, editing, and debugging, requires Windows 10. Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 R2 may be used to build Universal Windows apps from the command line.
The Server Core and Minimal Server Interface options are not supported when running Windows Server.
Running Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise in Windows containers is not supported.
Team Foundation Server 2019 Office Integration requires Office 2016, Office 2013, or Office 2010.
Xamarin.Android requires a 64-bit edition of Windows and the 64-bit Java Development Kit (JDK).
PowerShell 3.0 or higher is required on Windows 7 SP1 to install the Mobile Development with C++, jаvascript, or .NET workloads.

System requirements :
Operating system (both bits are valid) :
Windows 10 version 1703 or higher: Home, Professional, Education, and Enterprise (LTSC and S are not supported ... but people work)
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
Windows Server 2012 R2 (with Update 2919355): Essentials, Standard, Datacenter
Windows Server 2016: Standard, Datacenter, Core
Windows Server 2019
Windows 8.1 (with Update 2919355): Core, Professional, and Enterprise
Windows 7 SP1 (with latest Windows Updates): Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate
Hardware :
Hard disk space: from 1 GB to 22 GB, depending on the installed components.
1.8 GHz or faster processor. Quad-core or better recommended
2 GB of RAM; 8 GB of RAM recommended (2.5 GB minimum if running on a virtual machine)
Hard disk speed: to improve performance, install Windows and Visual Studio on a solid state drive (SSD).
Video card that supports a minimum display resolution of 720p (1280 by 720); Visual Studio will work best at a resolution of WXGA (1366 by 768) or higher.

Größe: 21.7 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe / .iso
Medizin: Crack / Patch / Preactivated
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2share)







Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 AIO v16.10.0 (all in one)


Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 AIO v16.10.0 (all in one) | Enterprise, Professional, Community, Tools | 38.5 GB | Language: English

Microsoft Visual Studio is a software application known as an integrated development environment, or IDE, that provides developers with a user friendly platform to write code. The application can be used to develop websites, computer programs, web and mobile applications, and web services.

New User Experienced Start Window
One major thing you've noticed that the new start window will appear in Visual Studio 2019. It consists, so many featured options mentioned below.
- Check out the code
- Open a project
- Open a folder
- Create a new project

Visual Studio Live Share
Live Share is a developer service in Visual Studio 2019. This feature directly enables to share code context and debugging process with your teammates and get live access within Visual Studio itself like Google document services. Using Live Share, your teammates may able to read, edit, debug, and navigate the developing project securely in a natural way. This service is installed by default in New Visual Studio 2019.

Improved Refactoring
Refactoring in any IDE will highly helpful for developers. In Visual Studio 2019 these refactorings will come up with new advanced features, and these are used to organize your code in a structured manner. These refactorings will show the suggestions in the light bulb icon and contains actions like moving members base class and interface, make changing the namespaces to suits the folder structures. For example, convert foreach-loops to LINQ queries, etc.

Enhanced Search Experience
One of the useful features in Visual Studio 2019 is the updated search box. In a previous version, it was known as Quick Launch. The new search experience in Visual Studio 2019 is quicker and work effectively for getting best results. This is the advanced feature in the current edition of IDE's compared to previous versions. Now the search results will show the suggestions as you type in the search box, and it will dynamically present the results. You can also use keyboard shortcuts while searching, and this will helps you to remember the search queries for future use and recall whenever you build the new web applications.

Search Feature While in Debugging
You've already known that the debugging is the process to identify errors and to eliminate those errors in software. Searching objects and suitable values while debugging process is very helpful for the developers. In Visual Studio 2019 searching while debugging is added Locals, Autos, and Watch windows used to find the values and objects. Below animation will explain the actual process of debugging search window in VS2019.

Visual Studio IntelliCode
Intellicode is an extension in Visual Studio 2019, and it enhances the web application & software development using advanced technology called Artificial Intelligence. It provides suggestions and coding objects in the development process. Intellicode will gain its power using 2000 various open-source projects in Github to streamline and improve your coding skills.

Code cleanup in One Click
A new code cleanup command in Visual Studio 2019 is to detect the warnings and suggestions with the one-click button. This command will help to format the code and make the changes into the coding format suggested by .editorconfig files and settings. It also enables to save collections of fixers as the default profile. Let's take one example for clear understanding is that you have a different dynamic set of fixers to apply before a code syntax review is to configure different profiles at the various tasks.

Integrated Code Reviews in Development
Microsoft designs a brand new extension, called Managed Pulled Requests(PRs). Using this extension, you can run the code and debug your team's pull requests without quitting the Visual Studio Application. Presently this feature is only available to Azure Repos, and soon you can expect the support from GitHub. Want to use this extension for development, then you need download from Visual Studio Marketplace.

Per Monitor Aware Rendering(PMA)
In previous IDE editions, if you will work with monitors that were installed with various type of display scale factors, and these are connected remotely with a machine to show the various scale factors that are distinct from the primary device, but those results are shown blurry or render with wrong scaling factors. But Visual Studio 2019 came up with a PMA (Per-monitor aware) application. This will show output correctly without rendering anything irrespective of scaling factors of the display.

New Delivery Model for SQL Server Data Tools
Visual Studio supports so many programming languages, including server-side languages also. And the SQL server data tools (SSDT) are always used to build server-side applications. The new data delivery model is available in Visual Studio 2019 to develop SQL related projects such as server-side based applications, analysis services projects, reporting services projects, and integration services projects, etc. This delivery model will be available in the form of extensions called analysis services and integration services extensions. In previous editions, these extensions are available in the form of standalone installer type. But in the new version, these features will be directly accessible with built-in workloads of Visual Studio 2019.

System requirements:
1.8 GHz or Faster Processor. Quad-Core or Better Recommended
2 GB of Ram; 8 GB of Ram Recommended (2.5 GB Minimum If Running On A Virtual Machine)
Hard Disk Space: Minimum of 800MB UP to 210 GB of Available Space, Depending On Features Installed; TYPICAL INSTALLATIONS REQUIRE 20-50 GB OF FREE SPACE.
Hard Disk Speed: To Improve Performance, Install Windows and Visual Studio On A Solid State Drive (SSD).
Video Card That Supports A Minimum Display Resolution of 720p (1280 BY 720); Visual Studio Will Work Best At A Resolution of WXGA (1366 BY 768) or Higher.

Größe: 38.5 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .iso
Medizin: Crack / Patch / Preactivated
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8.1 , Windows 7
Bit depth: 32 Bit 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)







Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools v16.10.0 (x86/x64)


Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools v16.10.0 (x86/x64) | 12.8 GB | Language: English + Russian

This is the installer of the build tools from Microsoft (i.e., this is all that is needed to build projects but without a development environment, without an IDE).

If you need a development environment, then install this If you only need a C ++ compiler, then instead of this distribution you can limit yourself more compact distribution
More specifically, unlike the full studio, this installer does not include a graphical interface (IDE) component and, accordingly, you cannot install a visual development environment through the BuildTools edition. Through this limitation, an attempt is made to reduce the weight of the installer and reduce the size and impact on Windows. BuildTools does not provide any additional features (that is, it is like a "toolchain from small ones" ... it seems to me it would be worthwhile to name this modification so that everything would be clear at once ... but they called the edition so).

• Disconnect from the Internet ... well, if you do not want pale telemetry
• If the installer does not have access to the Internet, then install certificates for self-diagnosis of the installer by executing Certificates_Setup.cmd as administrator
• Then run Setup_BuildTools .cmd , where X defines the version number you want to install (i.e. 16.10.X)

System requirements :
Operating system (both bits are valid) :
Windows 10 version 1703 or higher: Home, Professional, Education, and Enterprise (LTSC and S are not supported ... but people work)
Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
Windows Server 2012 R2 (with Update 2919355): Essentials, Standard, Datacenter
Windows Server 2016: Standard, Datacenter, Core
Windows Server 2019
Windows 8.1 (with Update 2919355): Core, Professional, and Enterprise
Windows 7 SP1 (with latest Windows Updates): Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate
Hardware :
Hard disk space: from 1 GB to 22 GB, depending on the installed components.
1.8 GHz or faster processor. Quad-core or better recommended
2 GB of RAM; 8 GB of RAM recommended (2.5 GB minimum if running on a virtual machine)
Hard disk speed: to improve performance, install Windows and Visual Studio on a solid state drive (SSD).
Video card that supports a minimum display resolution of 720p (1280 by 720); Visual Studio will work best at a resolution of WXGA (1366 by 768) or higher.
This distribution presents an almost complete BuildTools edition of VS2019 studio. Who needs only a C ++ compiler, see here . If you need to install / update NOT BuildTools studio edition, see here . If you have any problems, try first to check the integrity of the downloaded by running Check_Files.cmd
This distribution presents the BuildTools edition, from which ONLY old C ++ versions have been removed (corresponding to studio versions 16.0-16.9). This had to be done so that the distribution size was smaller and it would already be advisable to have a separate BuildTools distribution from the AIO. Whoever needs old compilers of older versions can install BuildTools from previous distributions of BuildTools or install BuildTools from AIO distribution (in which there are mechanisms for returning everything removed to the fullest)
The removed components are so unimportant that you simply cannot select them from the first tab of the installer. On the second tab, in order not to run into missing components, you should not select those components that contain "14.2x" in their name, where x is from 0 to 8 ... the latest version of the "pluses" (ie 14.29) is naturally left. In short, from the C ++ compilers, only the latest version from the 2019 studio and the version of the compilers from the 2015 and 2017 studios are left.
Apart from the old C ++ components, nothing has been cut out. Those. if you are not interested in C ++ then you can safely put anything you want offline

There may be difficulties with updating BuildTools:
The essence of the problem with updating BuildTools in offline mode is that the installer sometimes does not see some of the downloaded components if the name of the folder from which the installer is launched is NOT the same as when installing BuildTools. If this happens to you, then you need to either restart the installer but from the same folder, or simply rearrange BuildTools, or provide Internet access.

Year / Date of Issue : 2021
Version : 16.10.0
Developer : Microsoft ( docks )
Bit depth : 32/64 bits (and even arm ... who tried it on arm - sign for interest)
Language : English + Russian

Größe: 12.8 GB
Sprache: English + Russian
Format: .rar / .iso
Medizin: Crack / Patch / Preactivated
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7 , Windows Server 2008 to 2019
Bit depth: 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)







Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 v16.10.3 Multilingual (x86/x64)


Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 v16.10.3 Multilingual (x86/x64) | Enterprise, Professional, Community | 31.8 GB | Language: Multilanguage

Whether you're new to coding or ready for your next project, Visual Studio 2019 streamlines your experience so you can get right down to focused work. You'll find more screen space for your code and you can search for anything from one place. You can keep your code tidy with one-click code clean-up. When you're debugging, you'll notice better stepping performance and you'll get search capabilities within the Autos, Locals, and Watch windows to quickly find that elusive object or value. The Visual Studio integrated development environment is a creative launching pad that you can use to edit, debug, and build code, and then publish an app.

An integrated development environment (IDE) is a feature-rich program that can be used for many aspects of software development. Over and above the standard editor and debugger that most IDEs provide, Visual Studio includes compilers, code completion tools, graphical designers, and many more features to ease the software development process.

System Requirements:
Operation System: -Windows 10 version 1703 or higher: Home, Professional, Education, and Enterprise (LTSC and S are not supported)
-Windows Server 2019: Standard and Datacenter
-Windows Server 2016: Standard and Datacenter
-Windows 8.1 (with Update 2919355): Core, Professional, and Enterprise
-Windows Server 2012 R2 (with Update 2919355): Essentials, Standard, Datacenter
-Windows 7 SP1 (with latest Windows Updates): Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate

-CPU:1.8 GHz or faster processor. Quad-core or better recommended
-Memory:2 GB of RAM; 8 GB of RAM recommended (2.5 GB minimum if running on a virtual machine)
-Hard disk space: Minimum of 800MB up to 210 GB of available space, depending on features installed; typical installations require 20-50 GB of free space.
-Hard disk speed: to improve performance, install Windows and Visual Studio on a solid state drive (SSD).
-GPU:Video card that supports a minimum display resolution of 720p (1280 by 720); Visual Studio will work best at a resolution of WXGA (1366 by 768) or higher.

Additional Requirements:
-Administrator rights are required to install Visual Studio.
-.NET Framework 4.5 is required to install Visual Studio. Visual Studio requires .NET Framework 4.7.2, which will be installed during setup.

-Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC edition, Windows 10 S and Windows 10 Team Edition are not supported for development. You may use Visual Studio 2019 to build apps that run on Windows 10 LTSC, Windows 10 S and Windows 10 Team Edition.

-Internet Explorer 11 or Edge is required for internet-related scenarios. Some features might not work unless these, or a later version, are installed.

-For Hyper-V emulator support, A supported 64-bit operating system is required. A processor that supports Client Hyper-V and Second Level Address Translation (SLAT) is also required.

-For Android Emulator support, a supported processor and operating system is required.
-Universal Windows app development, including designing, editing, and debugging, requires Windows 10. Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2012 R2 may be used to build Universal Windows apps from the command line.

-The Server Core and Minimal Server Interface options are not supported when running Windows Server.
-Running Visual Studio 2019 (Professional, Community, and Enterprise) in Windows containers is not supported.

-Team Foundation Server 2019 Office Integration requires Office 2016, Office 2013, or Office 2010.
-Xamarin.Android requires a 64-bit edition of Windows and the 64-bit Java Development Kit (JDK).
-PowerShell 3.0 or higher is required on Windows 7 SP1 to install the Mobile Development with C++, -jаvascript, or .NET workloads.

Enterprise: BF8Y8-GN2QH-T84XB-QVY3B-RC4DF
Professional: NYWVH-HT4XC-R2WYW-9Y3CM-X4V3Y

What News?
Fixing an issue where Go To Definition on symbols imported from modules sometimes goes to the start of the module file rather than the symbol's definition.
Fixed an issue where visually impaired developers would face difficulty to identify the focus on the screen since the Luminosity ratio of border color is less than 3:1 for the text box.
Fixed Database Project: Dragging a file from solution explorer into an opened one is deleting the file from the file system.
Fixed an issue where using a merge statement in database projects will result in build errors.
No longer send paths on disk when reporting which extensions are installed.
Fixes an issue where attempting to close the quick start window can cause Visual Studio to crash.
Fix an issue where showing tool windows sometimes crash VS.
Fix for C++ Edit and Continue in user-code when unrelated G++/GCC generated symbols are loaded in the application.
Fixes private selector usages from the iAd framework.
Fixed a crash in VS which results from errors occurring in the XAML Designer
Fixed an issue with the Windows Application Packaging projects that reference .netcoreapp projects are generating a .msixbundle.
Fixing failure to conduct fast up-to-date check on WAP projects which was causing those projects to be built (instead of being skipped), even when project is up-to-date and does not need modifications, further causing increased incremental build times in IDE.

Größe: 31.8 GB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .iso
Medizin: Crack / Patch / Preactivated
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7, Windows Server 2012 2016 2019
Bit depth: 32bit 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)







Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 v16.11 Build 16.11.31605.320 Multilingual


Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 v16.11 Build 16.11.31605.320 Multilingual | 46 GB | Language: Multilanguage

The Microsoft team is pleased to announce the availability of Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11. The 2019 release includes AI-assisted code completion with Visual Studio IntelliCode. Separately, real-time collaboration tool Visual Studio Live Share has also hit general availability, and is now included with Visual Studio 2019.

About Microsoft Visual Studio 2019. The release 2019 includes Microsoft's Visual Studio Live Share coding-collaboration service installed by default. The studio features a new start window to help users get coding faster; improved search capabilities; overall performance improvements, Visual Studio IntelliCode AI assistance; better Python virtual and conda support; and support for .NET Core 3.0 projects, including WinForms and WPF, among other features.

About Microsoft. Microsoft Corporation, leading developer of personal-computer software systems and applications. The company also publishes books and multimedia titles, offers e-mail services, and sells electronic game systems, computer peripherals (input/output devices), and portable media players. It has sales offices throughout the world.

Issues Addressed in this Release:
Fixed an issue where Office tooling did not work as expected when using exports.
Fixed a Visual Studio 2019 crash that occurred during certain virtual calls between x64 and ARM64EC DLLs.
Resolved false-positive when running multi-threaded ASan-instrumented code.
Fixed a project failure producing the error "HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to COM component".
Fixes a problem when opening a C++ file on startup that would occasionally cause Visual Studio 2019 to stop responding.
Fixed an issue with CmakeSettings.json configuration of files in which new settings failed to persist.
Internal compiler error that was caused by analyzing a source file when the file path contains one or more non-ASCII characters has been fixed.
Fixed an issue in opening coverage files where one library has multiple entries in code coverage file.
Fixed a bug causing customers who login with non-work accounts with remote desktop enabled could result in access denial.
Fixed a bug causing Visual Studio 2019 to crash when developers were customizing their menus and clicked on a separator in the customize dialog.
Floating document windows are restored when opening a solution.
Fixed an issue causing updates to fail when an administrator creates a new layout of Visual Studio for deploying updates. The client machine update will fail since the layout has moved locations.
Fixed an issue causing a project build with fast deployment enabled will fail or deployment will take a long time.
Added Xcode 12.5 Support.
Fixed an issue causing updates to fail when an administrator creates a new layout of Visual Studio for deploying updates. The client machine update will fail since the layout has moved locations.

Home Page -

Größe: 46.0 GB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe / .iso
Medizin: Crack / Patch / Preactivated
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7
Bit depth: 32bit 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)







Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools v16.11.0-16.11.1


Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools v16.11.0-16.11.1 | 14.9 GB | Language: English

Größe: 14.9 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe / .iso
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7 , Windows Server 2008 to 2019
Bit depth: 32bit 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)







Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 v16.11.3 (Build 16.11.31702.278 ) Multilingual


Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 v16.11.3 (Build 16.11.31702.278 ) Multilingual | 32.6 GB | Language: Multilanguage


Größe: 31.6 GB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe / .iso
Medizin: Present
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7 , Server 2012 to 2019
Bit depth: 32bit 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)







Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 v16.11.9 Multilingual


Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 v16.11.9 Multilingual | 47.2 GB | Language: Multilanguage


Größe: 47.2 GB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe / .iso
Medizin: Present
Plattform: Windows 10/8.1/8/7
Bit depth: 32bit 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)







Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise / Professional / Community v16.11.8


Größe: 24.8 GB
Sprache: Englisch/Multi
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / Server 2016 / 2019 (x86/x64)

Hoster: RapidGator, UploadGig, NitroFlare

Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 v16.11.9 Multilingual


Größe: 47.2 GB
Sprache: Multi-Deutsch
Format: RAR/ISO
Plattform: Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / Windows Server 2016 / 2019 (x86/x64)

Hoster: RapidGator, UploadGig, NitroFlare

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