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Englische Tutorials

The Art of Doing: Code 40 Challenging Python Programs Today!


The Art of Doing: Code 40 Challenging Python Programs Today!
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 2ch | Size: 10.3 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 156 lectures (28h 22m) | Language: English

Computer Science Through Python Application

What you'll learn

Fundamental concepts of computer science that are transferable across ALL programming languages.
Foundations of the Python language as well as how to import and work with 8 libraries such as random, matplotlib, and tkinter.
How to actually write YOUR OWN programs. You will not sit back and watch. You will DO!
40 "Challenge Problems" that include, a problem description, detailed guide, example output, and completed code.
Communicate secretively with a friend by encoding/decoding information based on per-determined bodies of text.
Simulate the Power Ball Lottery and see how adjusting the number of balls affects the likelihood of becoming a billionaire.
See the devastating effect of interest on student loans and graph the results.
Create a GUI interface that simulates the spread of an infectious disease throughout a population.


A working computer with internet connection and access to a web browser.
Python 3 installed (optional).
A desire to learn!


Hello, my name is Michael Eramo. I am an experienced educator, life long learner, and a self-taught programmer. I hold official Bachelor's Degrees in Music Industry, Education, and Physics, a Master's Degree in Mathematical Science, and a certificate in Software Development from Microsoft. While I owe my extensive knowledge base in Music, Physics, Mathematics, and Education to the many great educators I have worked with, my understanding of Computer Science is all my own.

I have never taken an "official" computer science course; I am completely self-taught. However, do not let that deter you from taking this course! Instead, let it motivate you that you too can learn anything you want to. Not only have I done it, but I've come to realize what works best for the self-taught programmer, and I have perfected the process!

See, I had this deep fear right after my son was born that I was done growing as an individual; that the person I was at 30 was going to be the same person I was at 55. I felt that there was literally ZERO time in the day to do anything other than go to work and be a dad. That is, until I bought a book on Computer Science, and a sense of wonder was woken. I've read countless books, watched hundreds of videos, and put in thousands of hours exploring and writing code. I would routinely wake up at 3:00 AM to learn for a few hours before I had to go to my full time job, teaching high school, before I went to my part time job of teaching college. Days were long, but getting up at 3:00 AM to read, to learn, or to code benefited me more than a few extra hours of sleep. It helped me realize that I was never done learning; never done growing. To me, that is what defines a life long learner.

I have years of classroom experience as a high school Physics teacher, Computer Science teacher, and college Mathematics professor. I am part of the New York State Master Teacher Program; a network of more than 800 outstanding public school teachers throughout the state who share a passion for their own STEM learning and for collaborating with colleagues to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders. Most importantly, I know what motivates people to learn on their own; to find a way to create time to learn, when there is no time to be had. I understand that time is valuable and that all learning should be engaging, meaningful, and have purpose.

Combining my expertise as an educator and my own personal interest in self-taught computer science led me to a telling realization; most educational material for the self-taught programmer is NOT EDUCATIONAL AT ALL. Instead, it falls into one of two categories:

Writing small "snippets" of programs that taken out of context, seem to serve no purpose at all and frankly, are beneath the user. Prime examples include using a for loop to print out all even numbers from 1 to 100 or using if statements to respond to generic user input. Here, users are bored and aren't challenge to create anything with meaning. There is little purpose other than gaining what is essentially factual level knowledge. It is a waste of your time.

Watching others code whole "applications" without a true understanding of what is going on. These are programs whose scope is beyond the user in which there is no clear guide to walk the user through the thought process without just giving them the answers. Here, without proper support and guidance, the user just defaults to letting someone else unfold the solution for them. There is little engagement in watching someone else work and rarely a thought generated on one's own. It is a waste of time.

Yes, I will admit that some learning does take place in doing simple tasks or watching others complete complicated tasks. In fact, much of how I learned was done this way. However, I'm telling you it pales in comparison to the learning that takes place by DOING meaningful and appropriately challenging work. This is the art of doing.

The art of doing is the art form of transforming oneself from a passive learner who watches, to one who sees the process of learning for what it truly is; a mechanism to better oneself. In "The Art of Doing", I have worked very hard to put together 40 meaningful, engaging, and purposeful "Challenge Problems" for you to solve.

Each challenge problem is differentiated for 3 levels of learning.

First, you are given a description of the program you are to create and example output. This allows users an opportunity to solve well defined problems that are meaningful and appropriate in scope. Here, all of the solution is user generated. It is engaged learning.

Second, you are given a comprehensive guide that will assist you in thought process needed to successfully code your program. This allows users appropriate assistance that tests their knowledge and forces them to generate the thoughts needed to solve the given problem. It is meaningful learning.

Third, you are given completed code, with comments, to highlight how to accomplish the end goal. This allows users to reference a working version of the program if they are stuck and cannot solve a portion of the problem without assistance. Rather than grow frustrated, the user can quickly reference this code to gain intellectual footing, and work back to solving the problem on their own. It is purposeful learning.

Engaging, meaningful, and with purpose. These challenge problems are vehicles that not only teach computer science, but teach you the art of doing. I guarantee that after completing them all you will consider yourself a life long learner and be proud to call yourself a self-taught programmer.

Throughout the scope of this book and its 40 challenge problems, you will get exposed to numerous ideas, theories, and fundamental computer science concepts. By working through all 40 challenge problems, you will gain a mastery level understanding of the following topics:

Data Types:

Strings: A series of characters

Integers: Whole numbers

Floats: Decimal numbers

Lists: A mutable collection

Tuples: An immutable collection

Ranges: A sequence of integers

Booleans: A True or False value

Dictionaries: A collection of associated key-value pairs

Control Flow:

For Loops

If Statements

If/Else Statements

If/Elif/Else Statements




While Loops



Assignment, Algebraic, Logical, Members, and Comparison Operators

= Assignment

+= Compound Assignment

-= Compound Assignment

+ Concatenation (strings)

+ Addition (ints and floats)

- Subtraction

* Multiplication

/ Division

** Exponentiation

% Modulo Division





Not in

== Equal to

!= Not Equal to

< Less than

> Greater Than

<= Less Than or Equal

>= Greater Than or Equal

Over 20 Built In Python Functions:





















String Methods:










Lists Methods:









Dictionary Methods:





And External Libraries:









Who this course is for:

Beginner programmers who are looking for an opprotunity to learn though application rather than direct instruction.
Intermediate programers who are looking to test their skills.


Business Growth For Entrepreneurs by John Whiting


John Whiting - Business Growth For Entrepreneurs | 9.22 GB
Introducing Business Growth for Entrepreneurs
Business Growth for Entrepreneurs is proven and tested 6 step implementation program that teaches you how to reverse engineer your business step by step. You can work at your own pace with HD training videos available on any device anywhere in the world at any time. It doesn't matter if you have any tech skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know is provided step-by-step in this training program.

Battle Tested and Proven Results
The methods taught in the Business Growth for Entrepreneurs program have been battle-tested, refined and proven with over 500 students around the world in over 35 countries. The program focuses on reverse engineering every step of your business so you can build authority, get leads & scale. BGE has created 3 7-figure earners, 42 six-figure earners in its first 12 months.
Your map to a business that works.

Sometimes the hardest part about making a change in your business is knowing where to start. This program makes it simple with a straight forward, the time-tested path to success. Each step builds on the previous one so that by the time you finish the program, you'll have a fully systematized business and the freedom that comes with it without wasting tons of time and money with trial and error.

Step 1: Authority
Create Real Authority & Credibility.
- Get into the service to others mindset & align with your life purpose
- Develop and hone your skills and ability to produce real results
- Handle your fears of waste, loss and total failure
- Prepare your mindset for the journey ahead
- Build authentic authority & credibility even if you're new
- How to get 50+ testimonials in 1 week

Step 2: Foundation
Position Yourself for Success.
- Define your profitable, predictable business model
- Build your "Business Answer Key" using the 10-Step Magnetic Positioning Tool
- Solidify your offer & pricing structure
- Craft magnetic messaging based on ad-agency secrets
- Ensure all of your messaging, imagery, website, profiles, etc. magnetically attract your target market

Step 3: Leads
Generate Qualified Leads.
- Generate consistent qualified business or consumer leads
- Learn how to book your calendar on autopilot
- Complete setup of tools & systems
- Formerly known as Infinite Leads

Step 4: Sales
Close. More. Customers.
- Master the art of influence and persuasion via phone, messaging or in person
- Learn the timeless sales script and process
- Turn any objection into a commitment
- Get prospects to close themselves without being slimy or pushy
- Follow up like a complete pro

Step 5: Scaling
Scale with Systems & Automation.
- Learn the real way to create leverage and work "on the business" not "in"
- Learn how to build and manage a sales & fulfillment team
- Learn how to build SOP's & automate virtually everything
- Learn how to manage by statistics so you know what to do and when
- Bonus: Corporation structure & accounting 101

Step 6: Wealth
Create Financial Independence.
- Learn how to create financial independence & ultimately financial freedom
- Learn how and when to quit your job
- Structure your bank accounts properly
- How to leverage credit and credit card rewards
- Bonus: How to think like a millionaire



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David Jenyns - SYSTEMology Services Team Accelerator Program


David Jenyns - SYSTEMology Services Team Accelerator Program | 7.14 GB
SYSTEMology Services
Wistia video thumbnail
Typically a business owner is the worst person to be documenting procedures.
There's now an easier way to remove yourself from the daily operations and begin to scale. Let our team of SYSTEMologists do it all for you!

To begin the 7 stage SYSTEMology process - choose one of the following 3 options:
Option #1
Get started with a Critical Client Flow (CCF) session and complete stage 1 of the process with a trained SYSTEMologist. At conclusion, you can either move onto our monthly "done for you" program or sign up to our online program - learn more
Option #2
Have you (or someone on your team) work through our online training program and deploy SYSTEMology within your organisation. The program includes training, templates, software and support - learn more
Option #3
Get started immediately on our "done for you" program and go through 7 step process working directly with a trained SYSTEMologist. Note: This option requires a minimum 3 month commitment - learn more

CCF Session
$495/one time
One 90 minute strategy session
Core systems identification
Core business flow chart
Systems prioritisation action plan
Completes step 1. in the SYSTEMology process
Learn more
Online Program
$1995/one time
Complete 7 hour training online program
Workbook, tools and software
40+ best practise process templates
12 months systemHUB access
Everything you need to succeed
Learn more
Done For You
Everything included in the CCF package
Regular weekly 60-90 minute sessions
Sessions converted to step-by-step work instructions
Organised and delivered in your complimentary systemHUB account
Team training materials, best practise systems and guidance
Learn more
- Billed in AUD and plus GST charged where applicable.
- Critical Client Flow is a single 90 minute session.
- Done For You package requires minimum 3 month commitment.
We love documenting your core business processes. even if you don't.



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Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance - Marisa Peer


Marisa Peer - Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy For Abundance | 92.93 GB
What You'll Learn
The Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest Easily Cultivate Abundance in Health, Wealth, and Love
The Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest is an easy-to-follow process for reprogramming your subconscious beliefs - and creating fast, profound, lasting transformation in the most important areas of your life.

For 35 days, you join your hypnotherapist Marisa Peer in a series of simple 20 - 40 minute daily sessions, designed to simulate a private therapy session with Marisa (which normally costs thousands of dollars and has a waiting list booked months in advance).
As a result, you're empowered to finally break through the self-sabotaging beliefs and mental blocks causing you to unknowingly reject wealth, wellbeing, and love.
Whether you're holding onto financial beliefs carried from your childhood, struggling to overcome health issues, or trying to break unhealthy cycles of dysfunction in relationships, you're able to beat these challenges to become a magnet for the best people, the best outcomes, and the best opportunities.

5 Reasons You'll Love The Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest
01. Lasting & Resistance-Free Abundance
02. Gently Heal From Past Traumas
03. Quick, Easy & Profound Transformation
04. Treat the Root, Not the Symptom
05. Trusted By Top Performers

The Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy for Abundance Quest 2018 Schedule
Part 1: Day 1 - 7 (December 10 - 16, 2018)
This is where you lay the groundwork that reveals up your innate capacity to rewire the neurons of your brain to create abundance and live the life you want. You will start simple, by understanding the mind's primary function and how the rules of the mind control abundance.

Part 2: Day 8 - 14 (December 17 - 23, 2018)
In this second part, you'll practice reforming your brain on a cellular level. It includes, among other things, using neuroplasticity to rewrite your mental blueprint so you can receive abundance in a world where constant negative mental programming is the norm from parents, mentors, friends, and more. This is critical to your success.

Part 3: Day 15 - 21 (December 24 - 30, 2018)
This is where it gets exciting. You'll dive into powerful strategies to switch your mind into a state of healing for your body. You'll fortify your mind against thoughts that are wreaking havoc on your physical body.

Part 4: Day 21 - 28 (December 31, 2018 - January 6, 2019)
This fourth part deals with advanced tools for mental mastery that cuts out programmed beliefs about wealth to bring you crystal clear abundance in your financial path forward so you're automatically pulled toward your dreams.

Part 5: Day 29 - 35 (January 7 - 13, 2019)
This fifth and final part is where you take the leap into shaping your all of the relationships in your life for positive connection, including the most important relationship of all, with yourself. Before that, you'll remove the final barriers - and step into abundance.



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Jesse Elder - Entire Library Of Courses


Jesse Elder - Entire Library Of Courses | 33.14 GB
Breakthrough after breakthrough. Upgrade after upgrade. 6 figure months. 6 Figure days!
Enhanced Relationships. Increased Well Being. Elevated Power. Expanded Capacity.

Thousands of people all across the world have seen massive enhancements in their personal lives with huge increases in income through using these timeless and powerful trainings.


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Funnelology Masterclass by Russell Brunson


Russell Brunson - Funnelology Masterclass | 2.31 GB
Funnelology Masterclass - The New Art & Science of Funnel Building
3 Day Event in 5 Parts.

This is the complete set.
DAY #1
Session #1: The Secret Formula
Session #2: The Value Ladder
DAY #2
Session #3: Front-End Lead Funnels
Session #4: Unboxing Funnels
DAY #3
Session #5: Presentation Funnels

Watch behind the scenes as Russell teach his new Funnelology Masterclass! During this 3-day live event, Russell will teach you advanced funnel strategies to help you quickly grow your company. Be sure to block out the time and show up LIVE!



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Mindvalley - Emily Fletcher - The M Word


Mindvalley - Emily Fletcher - The M Word
MP4 + MP3 + PDF| Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1Khz , 2ch | Duration: 11 hours | Language: English | 6.1 GB

This program is for the 90% of us who meditate or want to, but want to take their practice to the NEXT level and turn Meditation into a tool to Upgrade their Performance at Life.

More than half the people who first start meditation, give up because of misinformation that is often attached to the practice. Perhaps you too have experience this, for example:

You can't seem to stay awake during meditation.
You find it hard to focus or clear your mind of thoughts.
The practice seems boring and you seem to 'get nothing' out of it.
We don't blame you. Meditation today is clouded by a number of myths that no longer apply.

Instead, what you'll find with The M Word is an approach that is:

So effective it takes a mere minutes, but adds hours in productivity to your day
Does not require you "to clear your mind" or "focus on the breathe" like so many meditation cliches.
Is so much fun, you'll start to look forward to your practice every day.
You've NEVER been taught meditation this way before.

Emily Fletcher, creator of The M Word, found herself in her dream job on Broadway. It gave her the thrill of being on stage, the lights, the stardom, but despite all of this, something was missing. After years in her supposed dream job she found herself burnt out. Tired. Even her hair was going gray at the age of 27.

One particularly stressful night Emily found the courage to ask a fellow performer what her secret was. This lady puzzled Emily. She was playing leads roles but always had a calm, beautiful presence to her. Nothing seemed to faze her and it showed in her confidence levels and her performance on stage.

"How do you do it?" Emily asked.

"Easy darling. I meditate. You ought to try it too."

Those 10 words started Emily on a Quest that would ultimately change her.

And the face of Modern meditation.

But if it's so easy? Why is it that most people do not meditate? Emily went on a mission to find the answer to the question. What she found led to one of the most amazing meditation programs in the world today.

What You'll Learn
How The M Word Helps You Perform At The Top of Your Game
After finishing the 33-Day The M Word Quest, you will.
01 Experience All The Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Meditation
You will certainly live life differently and enjoy life a lot more.


JAMA Internal Medicine found that meditation helps heal depression and anxiety about as effectively as antidepressants.


Meditation is the single most powerful stress relieving tool available by natural means.

Better Sex:

As meditation increases the awareness of your senses, one of the biggest benefits people report is a significant increase in the frequency and quality of their sex lives.


It is a well-known fact that a simple 10-minute daily meditation can kill stress and allow you to perform at the top of your game.


Migraines tend to be 3 hrs shorter for meditators and happen 1.4 times less frequently.


In a recent study of meditation for people with ADHD, 78% of participants reported a reduction in total ADHD symptoms, with 30% reporting at least a 30% symptom reduction.


Meditation gets rid of the sleep-inhibiting daytime stress, so you can naturally fall asleep during the night.


Meditation makes the body less acidic, which can increase your fertility.

02 Become The Man Or Woman That You Always Wanted To Be
The M Word doesn't just help you get better at meditation. It helps you get better at life.

Better Leadership:

According to HBR magazine, meditation can put you in the right mindset needed for delivering a critical presentation, running a contentious meeting, or making a high-stakes strategic decision.

Negotiation skills:

Studies show that meditators have high emotional awareness and hence are able to pick up on things you couldn't tangibly explain. This is an added advantage when trying to understand what's important for the other party in a negotiation.

Teaching mastery:

In a study conducted by CARE for Teachers program, classrooms were rated more emotionally positive and productive when the teachers were meditators. Hence the results of the students also improved.

Overcome sadness:

Instead of feeling overwhelmed with sadness, meditators are able to pay careful attention to the emotions that make up their inner world. This helps them overcome grief and sadness much faster.

Entrepreneurship skills:

According to INC magazine, meditation helps entrepreneurs maintain high energy during the day and provides the emotional stability they need to become more resourceful in business.

Look and feel younger:

In a study by the UCLA Brain Mapping Center, meditation was found to be effective in staving off some of the normal cognitive decline that comes with aging. This made meditators not only feel younger but actually look younger as well.

Live Longer:

Nobel prize winning scientist, Elizabeth Blackburn, suggests that meditation promotes a healthy biochemical milieu and, in turn, cell longevity which can lead to a healthier body and a longer lifespan.

Quality of relationships:

Several studies suggest that meditation can enhance people's levels of autonomy, closeness and acceptance in romantic relationships as well as promote better understanding between professional partners.

03 Join A Community Of People Who're Getting Better Each Day
As a Quest, one of the most important component is the community. Here's what you get by participating in it.

Peer-to-Peer learning:

As you go through The M Word program, you will be learning not only from your teacher, but you'll also learn from other students, their experiences and their unique perspective on what is being taught.

Stay on the leading edge:

The M Word community provides a platform for you to stay up-to-date on these breakthroughs.

Extend your program to lifetime learning:

The M Word community also enables you to continue learning long after you've finished the program. It helps preserve the spirit of learning and you'll be inspired as people share their experiences of improved performance in life. All videos and audios remain accessible to you on your Mindvalley account long after the program ends.

More info: mindvalley.com/m-word/


Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) One-Stop-Shop Training


Social Media Marketing Agency (SMMA) One-Stop-Shop Training
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 6.98 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 116 lectures (11h 39m) | Language: English

Chatbots, Clickfunnels, Facebook Ads, Ad Copywriting, Starting an Agency, Client Acquisition and More!

What you'll learn

Skills to Start a Social Media Marketing Agency
Digital Marketing One Stop Shop
Learn Chatbots - Begginer to Advanced
Learn Clickfunnels
How About Learning those Facebook Ads!
How to Start a Digital Marketing Agency
How to Write Ads
Client Acquisition
Done for You Chatbots!
And More!!


Initiative to Learn and Grow


This is a One-Stop-Shop learning how to start a Digital Marketing Agency. This course covers all the facets you need to know to start and grow your business. Covering everything from the traditional marketing with Clickfunnels to the rapid rise of Chatbots, you will get MASSIVE training.

Just one ceveat, the rise of chatbots means that there are a lot of changes, but the fundamentals, and even many of the advanced skills are found here.

Who this course is for:

Beginner, Interediate and Advanced


React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)


React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
BESTSELLER | Created by Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 45:06 H/M | Lec: 543 | 12.4 GB | Language: English | Sub: English [Auto-generated]

Dive in and learn React.js from scratch! Learn Reactjs, Hooks, Redux, React Routing, Animations, Next.js and way more!

What you'll learn
Build powerful, fast, user-friendly and reactive web apps
Provide amazing user experiences by leveraging the power of JavaScript with ease
Apply for high-paid jobs or work as a freelancer in one the most-demanded sectors you can find in web dev right now
Learn React Hooks & Class-based Components

JavaScript + HTML + CSS fundamentals are absolutely required
You DON'T need to be a JavaScript expert to succeed in this course!
ES6+ JavaScript knowledge is beneficial but not a must-have
NO prior React or any other JS framework experience is required!

This course is fully up-to-date with the latest version of React and includes React Hooks! Of course it will be kept up-to-date in the future :)


What's this course about?

Learn React or dive deeper into it. Learn the theory, solve assignments, practice in demo projects and build one big application which is improved throughout the course: The Burger Builder!

More details please!

JavaScript is the major driver of modern web applications since it's the only programming language which runs in the browser and hence allows you to provide highly reactive apps. You'll be able to achieve mobile-app like user experiences in the web.

But using JavaScript can be challenging - it quickly becomes overwhelming to create a nice web app with vanilla JavaScript and jQuery only.

React to the rescue!

React is all about components - basically custom HTML elements - with which you can quickly build amazing and powerful web apps. Just build a component once, configure it to your needs, dynamically pass data into it (or listen to your own events!) and re-use it as often as needed.

Need to display a list of users in your app? It's as simple as creating a "User" component and outputting it as often as needed.

This course will start at the very basics and explain what exactly React is and how you may use it (and for which kind of apps). Thereafter, we'll go all the way from basic to advanced. We'll not just scratch the surface but dive deeply into React as well as popular libraries like react-router and Redux.

By the end of the course, you can build amazing React (single page) applications!

A detailed list with the course content can be found below.

Who's teaching you in this course?

My name is Maximilian Schwarzmüller, I'm a freelance web developer and worked with React in many projects. I'm also a 5-star rated instructor here on Udemy. I cover React's most popular alternatives - Vue and Angular - as well as many other topics. I know what I'm talking about and I know where the pain points can be found.

It's my goal to get you started with React as quick as possible and ensure your success. But I don't just focus on students getting started. I want everyone to benefit from my courses, that's why we'll dive deeply into React and why I made sure to also share knowledge that's helpful to advanced React developers.

Is this course for you?

This course is for you if ...

...you're just getting started with frontend/ JavaScript development and only got the JS basics set (no prior React or other framework experience is required!)

...you're experienced with Angular or Vue but want to dive into React

...know the React basics but want to refresh them and/ or dive deeper

...already worked quite a bit with React but want to dive deeper and see it all come together in a bigger app

What should you bring to succeed in that course?

HTML + CSS + JavaScript knowledge is required. You don't need to be an expert but the basics need to be set

NO advanced JavaScript knowledge is required, though you'll be able to move even quicker through the course if you know next-gen JavaScript features like ES6 Arrow functions. A short refresher about the most important next-gen features is provided in the course though.

What's inside the course?

The "What", "Why" and "How"

React Basics (Base features, syntax and concepts)

Managing state with class-based components and React Hooks

How to output lists and conditional content

Styling of React components

A deep dive into the internals of React and advanced component features

How to access Http content from within React apps (AJAX)

Redux, Redux, Redux ... from basics to advanced!

Forms and form validation in React apps


An introduction to unit testing

An introduction to Next.js

React app deployment instructions

...and much more!

Who this course is for?
Students who want to learn how to build reactive and fast web apps
Anyone who's interested in learning an extremely popular technology used by leading tech companies like Netflix
Students who want to take their web development skills to the next level and learn a future-proof technology



Learn To Create An RPG Game In Unity


Learn To Create An RPG Game In Unity
Created by James Doyle | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 18:04 H/M | Lec: 117 | 10.5 GB | Language: English | Sub: English [Auto-generated]

Game development made easy. Learn C# using Unity and create your very own classic RPG!

What you'll learn
Learn C#, a modern versatile programming language.
Understand the capabilities of 2D development in Unity.
Develop strong and transferrable problem solving skills.
Gain an understanding of the game development process.
Learn how object oriented programming works in practice.

Mac or PC capable of running Unity 3D
A copy of Unity 2018 or newer

Learn how to create and program your very own classic RPG game using Unity, an industry-standard game development program used by many large gaming studios and indie developers across the world.

In this course you won't just be learning programming concepts, but tying these concepts to real game development uses. You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss the topics covered in the course as well as the next steps to take once the course is complete.

This course has been designed to be easily understandable to everyone, so whether you're a complete beginner, an artist looking to expand their game development range or a programmer interested in understanding game design, this course will help you gain a greater understanding of development.

At the end of this course you will have developed the ability to create such game elements as:

Full top-down character movement

Creating tile-based maps in Unity

A full dialog system

Inventory creation & management

Stat-tracking & leveling up

Shop system

Turn-based battles with enemies

Boss Battles

Quest Management

Start learning today and let me help you become a game developer!

Who this course is for?
Anyone who wants to make their own 2D games.
People who want to create and publish their own games.
Complete beginners with an interest in learning game development.
Developers who want to re-skill across to game development.
People interested in working in the game design industy.
Competent and confident with using a computer.



La Biblia de Node.js


La Biblia de Node.js
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, 2ch | Size: 5 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 116 lectures (15h 40m) | Language: Español

Aprende a diseñar software como todo un profesional desde lo básico hasta convertirte en un experto

What you'll learn

Te convertirás en un experto backend aprendiendo y crearás proyectos asombrosos a la alturas de las grandes compañías de Software..
Aprenderás a crear un API siguiendo las mejores prácticas y arquitecturas de software.
Entenderás cómo realmente funciona JavaScipt en el servidor.
Pondrás en práctica el conocimiento aprendido para crear microservicios, cronjobs, páginas webs y más.
Aprende las mejores prácticas de diseño y desarrollo de software.


Ganas de aprender


Aprende las entrañas de Node.js creando proyectos asombrosos basados en las últimas tendencias de diseño y desarrollo de software. Conoce como compañías de gran renombre como Netflix, Uber y PayPal implementan sus arquitecturas de software. Mezcla tu conocimiento con tecnologías como: Docker, Microservicios, APIs, CronJobs, Angular, V8, SQL, NoSQL y más. ¡No te pierdas esta gran oportunidad de convertirte en una mejor versión de ti!

Who this course is for:

Desarrolladores principiantes
Desarrolladores JavaScript
Desarrolladores backend
Desarrolladores JavaScript con interés en Nodejs
Programadores de Nodejs
Desarrolladores de Software


Mindvalley - Andrew Holecek - Dream Sculpting


Mindvalley - Andrew Holecek - Dream Sculpting
MP4 + MP3 | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48Khz , 2ch | Duration 9.5 hours | Language: English | 7.6 GB

Here's How We Structured The Program For Your Maximum Results

The Dream Sculpting program is designed as a one-stop course for mastering the many facets of Lucid Dreaming. However, we also know that each person's experience will be different, and each student may have special needs that warrant special solutions.

That's why we don't believe in a one-size-fits-all solution.
Throughout the six weeks of Dream Sculpting program, Andrew will not only share all his best practices, techniques and tools but also Q & A sessions that will benefit the whole group just as the questions raised by other students will help you.

Plus it's much more fun that way.
We've found that this level of personal student-teacher interaction is what makes a learning sprint most effective. Furthermore, we're adding new elements to this course time and again to make your learning experience extraordinary.
With Andrew's help, you'll master the principles that will strengthen your dreaming world and weaken the influence of external world over you. Which will slowly but surely reveal your true potential.

Here's what the course looks like:
WEEK - 01: Lucid Dreaming Foundations
In the 1st week, you'll understand the key levers of Lucid Dreaming, the varying degrees of lucidity, and even its history. If there are any safety concerns, they will vanish during this week. You'll also get the hang of the various possibilities for improvement and growth that comes with mastery in Lucid Dreaming. Andrew will conclude this week with a powerful daytime practice to kick start your 6-week practice.
Weekly practice: Guided meditation.

WEEK - 02 : Lucid dreams - Daytime techniques
Here is where things get to the next level. You'll dive into the daytime Lucid Dream induction techniques as well as various practices for motivation, dream recalls, and dream journaling as well as practices for conducting state checks. Andrew will also guide you through Eastern and Western tips for maintaining a healthy sleep regimen. You'll also learn how to work with dream signs and how to develop prospective memory.
Weekly practice:
- Technique I: The Countdown.
- Exercise I: State checks.
- Exercise II: Dream signs.
- Exercise III: Developing prospective memory.

WEEK - 03: Lucid dreams - Nighttime techniques
The third week is devoted to night time lucidity induction techniques. You'll understand sleep cycles and how to use them. Andrew will also walk you through some of the most proven nighttime techniques such as Mnemonic Induction method (MILD) and the Wake Back To Bed (WBTB) method. He will also teach some of the powerful Eastern dream techniques, which work with the subtle body, especially the chakras.
Weekly practice:
- Technique II - MILD.
- Technique III - "Wake-and-back-to-bed" technique.

WEEK - 04 : Shortcuts to Lucid Dreaming
The week 4 is about special hacks for Lucid Dreaming. You'll learn how to use sophisticated electronic gadgets, lucid dreaming apps and natural supplements like galantamine. Plus Andrew will reveal some of his magic shortcuts that can accelerate your results. And finally, you'll learn how to practice lucid napping, and how to play with hypnagogic and hypnopompic states, those amazing pre and post dream states.
Weekly practice:
- EXERCISE in Lucid Napping.

WEEK - 05 : Overcoming Common Hurdles
By the end of the 4th week, you're already a proficient Lucid Dreamer. However, there might be some obstacles in your dream consciousness like "near enemies," spiritual bypassing, and slippery things like nihilism. You'll overcome them all. And Andrew will also teach you how to sustain a lucid dream. You'll also learn a wonderful Buddhist practice, which is the remarkable daily practice of Illusory Form.
Weekly practice:
- Illusory form Technique.

WEEK - 06 : The Fruition of Lucid Dreaming
During the final week, you'll learn how to translate your accomplishments in the dream world into the real world, otherwise known as the fruition of lucid dreaming. And Andrew will also discuss dream yoga and sleep yoga, showing you just how far the practice of Lucid Dreaming can go. From physical benefits to deep psychological growth, to unlimited spiritual evolution - the opportunities are endless.
Weekly practice:
- Fruition of Lucid Dreaming


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