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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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VERO WorkXplore 2021


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
VERO WorkXplore 2021.0 (x64)


VERO WorkXplore 2021.0 (x64) | 439 MB | Language: English

Those who work in the CAD industry and are involved with complex undertakings, might seek for a way of quickly visualizing and analyzing data. This way, attempting to avoid resorting to full-fledged CAD suites that might be too complex just for data viewing. PartXplore was developed in order to provide users with the means to easily visualize, manipulate and analyze 3D CAD data and subsequent assemblies, all in a straightforward package.

WorkXplore is distinguished by having a powerful combination of full feature capabilities, highest overall functionality, and incredible speed. It is specifically developed to dramatically increase collaboration, productivity and effectiveness throughout your cross-functional product development activities including: design, process development, manufacturing, quality, sales and customer communication, purchasing, product documentation and others.

The software is very easy to use and is designed for users who are not necessarily CAD experts to enable them to explore any type of 2D or 3D CAD file.

User Interface
WorkXplore has a clear, practical interface, giving users access to the full set of core functions directly from the home screen to ensure they are up and running with the software fast.

High Speed File Import/Export
WorkXplore enables users to build virtual unified prototypes or 3D models from files imported from various CAD applications. Users can work on model set up and improvements before committing time and resources to creating a real prototype.

Even non-expert CAD users can quickly get to grips with WorkXplore's measurement functions and immediately obtain good results, by making use of the software's predefined selection modes.

The need for 2D drawings is reduced as users can directly add dimensional and geometric measurements, annotations and labels to the 3D model.

WorkXplore also offers a range of analysis functions which are usually only available with more costly CAD solutions. As well as being extremely fast the functions are very easy to use.

WorkXplore includes a fully functional animation kernel allowing users to generate exploded views or animated assembly movements. Setting up animations is achieved by simply initiating basic movements such as translation, rotation or following a guide.

With WorkXplore users can generate screen captures to illustrate technical documents and assembly sheets. WorkXplore also possesses an image collector which also allows users to easily manage and distribute large volumes of images.

It is vital for company staff to be able to use communication tools that capture their personal expertize and enable this to be exploited by other staff members, whatever their CAD software skill level.

WorkXplore allows users to easily share their CAD models throughout the entire design and manufacturing chain with all project members, whether they are product managers, marketing, sales, outside manufacturing consultants, customers and suppliers.

Operating System: Windows 7 Pro, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 10 Pro 64 Bits.

Home Page -



Vero WorkXplore 2021.0.2035 x64


Vero WorkXplore 2021.0.2035 x64 | 426 MB | Language: English

Hexagon's Manufacturing Intelligence division is pleased to announce the release of Vero WorkXplore 2021.0.2035, the most powerful, full-featured, high-speed CAD file viewer and analyzer available in today's market.

Hexagon's Manufacturing Intelligence Division helps industrial manufacturers develop the disruptive technologies of today and the life-changing products of tomorrow. As a leading metrology and manufacturing solution specialist, our expertise in sensing, thinking and acting - the collection, analysis and active use of measurement data - gives our customers the confidence to increase production speed and accelerate productivity while enhancing product quality.

Hexagon acquired Vero Software, a specialist in CAD CAM software, in 2014 and has continued to expand and diversify its offering.

Product: Vero WorkXplore
Version: 2021.0.2035
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 426.2 mb

System Requirements for WorkXplore
Minimum configuration: Core 2 Duo (2 GHz), Athlon_64X2 (2,6 GHz)
Recommended configuration: Intel Xeon 2.66 GHz memory 1066 MHz (or more: 1333 MHz) (multicore or multi-processor)
Operating system
Minimum configuration: Windows 7 Pro, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 10 Pro 64 Bits (*)
Recommended configuration Windows 7 Pro, Windows 8 Pro, Windows 10 Pro 64 Bits (*)
Graphics card
Minimum configuration: 2GB of memory with Open/GL 3.3 compatibility (Intel chipsets are not recommended)
Recommended configuration: 4GB (or more) of memory with Open/GL 3.3 compatibility (Intel chipsets are not recommended)
Hard disk
Minimum configuration: 250 MB (or more) disk space (*)
Recommended configuration: 500 MB (or more) disk space
Minimum configuration: 17" Monitor - Minimum resolution 1280 x 1024
Recommended configuration: 19" or 24" Monitor - Minimum resolution 1280x1024
Minimum configuration: 4 GB DDR
Recommended configuration: 8 - 16 GB DDR
Minimum configuration: Mouse wheel (or minimum 3 buttons mouse)
Recommended configuration: Mouse wheel (or minimum 3 buttons mouse)
Software installation
Minimum configuration: WEB access (Download)
Recommended configuration: WEB access (Download)
Additional software
Minimum configuration: Installed and configured TCP/IP software (For license server use)
Recommended configuration: Installed and configured TCP/IP software (For license server use)
* Depends on the size of the part (large parts will have highter memory requirements). We recommend to always download the latest graphic card driver from the supplier's Web site. If using two screens, do not use "Nview" function.

Größe: 426 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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