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    - Hoster
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Toronto Notes (2012)


MyBoerse.bz Member

Toronto Notes (2012) l 603 MB

Toronto Notes is a concise and comprehensive medical review revised annually by the University of Toronto
graduating medical class under the guidance of leading experts within the Faculty of Medicine. This reference
text started as a compilation of notes written by and shared among University of Toronto students to study for their
medical licensing exams. After 27 years, it has become a reputable study guide used by medical students across
Canada and around the world. This transformation could not have happened without the dedication of students who
ensure that each edition contains the latest evidence-based information on 29 subspecialties of Medicine. This year
has been no different: over 100 staff worked tirelessly to complete this edition.
Since its inception, Toronto Notes has been a non-profit organization where revenue is used to fund University
of Toronto medical student initiatives including community outreach, international health projects, charitable
performances, and graduating class scholarships and bursaries. On behalf of the Toronto Notes production team, we
would like to thank the support from thousands of medical students around the world by purchasing our book.
The 27th edition of Toronto Notes offers exciting new changes to further enhance your exam preparation. We
have included over 20 new original medical illustrations, updated our online colour atlas with new images and
annotations, and revised our evidence-based medicine reviews. We also have a new learning module: the Approach
to Ultrasound in the Emergency Department, created to help medical students understand the basics of ultrasound
imaging in trauma and other emergencies. In addition, we have included over 50 Objective Structured Clinical
Examination (OSCE) scenarios with history and physical exam checklists for practice purposes that can be
found online. We have also separated our popular Clinical Handbook into three pocket reference guides for easy
As readers, we appreciate your feedback. This year, we have spent considerable time improving the scientific and
writing accuracy of our publications. Many of those changes originated from your comments submitted online on
our website. Having travelled across the country for electives, we appreciate how so many medical students value
Toronto Notes for studying during clinical rotations and exam preparation. We therefore understand the trust placed
in our publication and realize our crucial task in upholding the accuracy of our content.
Thank you very much for purchasing the 2011 edition of Toronto Notes. We hope it will serve you well in all of
your future medical endeavours.
Yingming Amy Chen and Christopher Tran
Toronto Notes 2011,

Toronto Notes is a concise and comprehensive medical review revised annually by the University of Toronto graduating medical class under the guidance of leading experts within the Faculty of Medicine. This reference text started as a compilation of notes written by and shared among University of Toronto students to study for their medical licensing exams. After 28 years, it has become a reputable study guide used by medical students across Canada and around the world. This transformation could not have happened without the dedication of students who ensure that each edition contains the latest evidence-based information on 29 subspecialties of Medicine. This yearhas been no different: over 100 staff worked tirelessly to complete this edition.

Since its inception, Toronto Notes has been a non-profit organization where revenue is used to fund University of Toronto medical student initiatives including community outreach, international health projects, charitable performances, and graduating class scholarships and bursaries. On behalf of the Toronto Notes production team, wewould like to thank the support from thousands of medical students around the world by purchasing our book.

The 28th edition of Toronto Notes offers exciting new changes to further enhance your exam preparation. We have included over 20 new original medical illustrations, updated our online colour atlas with new images and annotations, and revised our evidence-based medicine reviews. We also have a new learning module: the Approach to Ultrasound in the Emergency Department, created to help medical students understand the basics of ultrasound imaging in trauma and other emergencies. In addition, we have included over 50 Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) scenarios with history and physical exam checklists for practice purposes that can befound online. We have also separated our popular Clinical Handbook into three pocket reference guides for easy portability.

As readers, we appreciate your feedback. This year, we have spent considerable time improving the scientific and writing accuracy of our publications. Many of those changes originated from your comments submitted online onour website. Having travelled across the country for electives, we appreciate how so many medical students value Toronto Notes for studying during clinical rotations and exam preparation. We therefore understand the trust placedin our publication and realize our crucial task in upholding the accuracy of our content.

Thank you very much for purchasing the 2012 edition of Toronto Notes. We hope it will serve you well in all ofyour future medical endeavours.


Jesse Klostranec and David Kolin
Editors-in-Chief, Toronto Notes 2012
M.D. Program, University of Toronto

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