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The Foundry Katana v4


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

The Foundry Katana 4.0v1 (x64)

Größe: 363 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows
Medizin: Crack/Patch

Mit seinem hocheffizienten, kollaborativen Ansatz für die Entwicklung und Beleuchtung von Looks bietet Ihnen Katana® den kreativen Spielraum und die Skalierbarkeit, um die Anforderungen der anspruchsvollsten CG-Rendering-Projekte von heute zu erfüllen. Hydra Powered Viewport
Katana verfügt jetzt über ein neues, modernes Ansichtsfenster, das auf der USD Hydra-Technologie von Pixar basiert. Das Hydra-Ansichtsfenster wurde für die Darstellung äußerst komplexer Szenen entwickelt und ist eine perfekte Ergänzung zur Viewer-API von Katana. Jetzt können Künstler riesige Szenen laden und größere Teile ihrer Arbeit mit butterweicher Interaktion betrachten. Um diese neue Benutzererfahrung zu ergänzen, gibt es eine Reihe von künstlerfreundlichen Transformationsgriffen, eine umfangreiche API zum Erstellen von benutzerdefinierten Objektzeichnungen und Manipulatoren. Dieses neue Ansichtsfenster ist der Game Changer, auf den alle Katana-Künstler gewartet haben.




The Foundry Katana 4.0v5 (Linux)


The Foundry Katana 4.0v5 (Linux) | 504 MB | Language: English

Fast and formidable, Katana is a look development and lighting powerhouse that tackles creative challenges with ferocity and ease. It arms artists with the creative freedom and scalability to exceed the needs of today's most demanding CG-rendering projects.

Artist-focused look development UX
Katana ships with the industry's most powerful look development architecture and UX. Artists can create incredible look development on a single complex asset or hundreds of variations, all supported by an architecture that allows look development to continue in parallel to shot production.

Manage complex material setups- The Network Material Create node was built to create and manage multiple materials-all part of a node graph system designed to perform efficiently with even the most complex shading networks.Easy procedural edits- Katana's Network Material Edit node provides you with the ability to make procedural edits to network materials made in Katana or imported from USD, coupled with an easy-to-use UI which ensures you can see the full network, plus any existing edits.Your hub for USD based look development- Katana ships with a native USD/Hydra plugin that allows Katana to author, consume and edit USD Preview Surface materials, displayed in full glory in the HdStorm-powered Hydra viewer.

Advanced Look Development Workflows
Katana has several workflows that make it a look development powerhouse for artists, teams and pipelines-from tools that allow senior artists to make look development building blocks that drive consistency of art direction, to tools that allow a single artist to deliver more than anyone could expect.

Multitasking of look development- Materials can store parameters for the surface, displacement or light shaders for multiple renderer plugins at the same time, empowering you to drive both the look of your viewport and any final render with a single assignment.Complexity tamed and shared- Construct Network Materials using a combination of texture maps and renderer procedural nodes in an artist-focused UI. Share nodes between multiple shading networks, and create complex networks with curated controls, exposed for you to adjust without fear of inconsistent art direction.Powerful hierarchical procedural workflows- Variations of assets have never been so easy to look develop as when using Katana's parent and child material toolset, in which all the promoted controls of the parent can be adjusted as procedural overrides on the child material.Make look development modular- Simplify complex shading networks for sharing and reuse by putting them inside Katana's Shading Groups. Here, they can have their inputs and outputs promoted to its surface, shown as custom port connections, with applicable parameters in the parameter interface.

Größe: 504 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Linux
Bit depth: 32bit 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)





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