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SynthFont2 v2


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
SynthFont2 v2.4.0.1


SynthFont2 v2.4.0.1 | 31 MB | Language: English

SynthFont is a program for editing and playing MIDI files using various sound source files like SoundFonts, GigaSampler files, SFZ files and more. VST instruments can also be used instead of a sound source file. A midi file is different from - for instance - an MP3 file in that the file does not contain any audio data. Instead, the file is a collection of notes and instructions for how to play them. SynthFont combines this data with the audio data in a SoundFont to produce ("render") an audio version of the song.

- support for multiple MIDI time signatures
- smooth playback scrolling of the Pianoroll
- support for creating one more compressed audio format: M4A, based on the free AAC format
- support for creating compressed audio files using Variable Bit Rate
- support for multiple CPU cores
- support for some Windows 7/8/10 enhancements
- a new combined SoundFont Override and Bank Manager: you can give SynthFont a number of SoundFonts and folders in which to search for banks missing in the default SoundFont
- support for SoundFont modulators
- VU meters for the MIDI channels
- many more MIDI editing features
- function to quickly determine the maximum loudness of a song
- MIDI data can be saved in the Arrangement file
- support for mega-size MIDI files
- unlimited voice count
- Visual Styles

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Home Page -



SynthFont2 v2.5.0.2


SynthFont2 v2.5.0.2 | 30 MB | Language: English

Music enthusiasts are constantly looking for specialized software solutions that can help them come up with innovative sounds and create great tunes. Those who often work with MIDI files can rely on SynthFont to manage their files and to render audio tracks, as soon as a SoundFont is loaded.

Here is a short list of some of the features in SynthFont2 - not found in SynthFont1:
support for multiple MIDI time signatures
smooth playback scrolling of the Pianoroll
support for creating one more compressed audio format: M4A, based on the free AAC format
support for creating compressed audio files using Variable Bit Rate
support for multiple CPU cores
support for some Windows 7/8/10 enhancements
a new combined SoundFont Override and Bank Manager: you can give SynthFont a number of SoundFonts and folders in which to search for banks missing in the default SoundFont
support for SoundFont modulators
VU meters for the MIDI channels
many more MIDI editing features
function to quickly determine the maximum loudness of a song
MIDI data can be saved in the Arrangement file
support for mega-size MIDI files
unlimited voice count
Visual Styles
plus a very large number of minor improvements and new features

Whats New:
Bug fixes:

- Since SynthFont2 has persistently insisted on opening the MIDI demo file 33H_R&P when starting up
- Missing support for color scheme Tablet Dark.


Größe: 30 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





SynthFont2 v2.9.0.2


SynthFont is a program for editing and playing MIDI files using various sound source files like SoundFonts, GigaSampler files, SFZ files and more. VST instruments can also be used instead of a sound source file. A midi file is different from - for instance - an MP3 file in that the file does not contain any audio data. Instead, the file is a collection of notes and instructions for how to play them. SynthFont combines this data with the audio data in a SoundFont to produce ("render") an audio version of the song.

Language: English

File Size: 32.5 MB

Format: RAR, EXE

Platform: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10, 11 (32/64Bit)








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