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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Syncovery Pro v7

Syncovery Pro Enterprise 7.46c Build 323 (x86/x64) + Portable


Syncovery is a great application used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, http, partial file updating, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. The scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. On Windows XP or later, locked files can be copied using the Volume Shadow Service.

This program features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in a tree view, and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters. The software also supports Unicode characters in file names, file paths as long as 32767 characters, and much more. It also includes Real Time Synchronization (folder monitoring).

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 82 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Syncovery Pro Enterprise 7.46d Build 325 (x86/x64) + Portable


Syncovery is a great application used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, http, partial file updating, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. The scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. On Windows XP or later, locked files can be copied using the Volume Shadow Service.

This program features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in a tree view, and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters. The software also supports Unicode characters in file names, file paths as long as 32767 characters, and much more. It also includes Real Time Synchronization (folder monitoring).

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 82 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Syncovery | v7.46c.324 | Deutsch | inkl. Serial
Syncovery.v7.46c.324.German-BEAN / x64



Diese Software ermöglicht die Synchronisation von Dateien und Ordnern und wird zur Datensicherung und zum Abgleich von PCs, Macs, Servern und Laptops eingesetzt.
Sie verwaltet beliebig viele Profile in Profilgruppen, die manuell oder per Timer gestartet werden. Die Professional-Edition unterstützt Zugriff auf FTP, SSH, WebDAV und Amazon S3 sowie ZIP-Komprimierung und Verschlüsselung.
Es stehen also zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für Online-Backup zur Verfügung. Bei der Professional-Edition kann der Timer auch als Dienst laufen,
sodass die Synchronisation auch stattfindet, wenn kein Benutzer unter Windows angemeldet ist. Durch zahlreiche Einstellmöglichkeiten
im Fortgeschrittenen Modus wird die Software einer Vielzahl an Aufgabenstellungen gerecht.



Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Deutsch
Hoster: Uploaded.net, Share-Online.biz, Oboom.com
Größe: 46 MB
Parts: 1



Syncovery Pro Enterprise 7.46e Build 326 (x86/x64) + Portable


Syncovery is a great application used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, http, partial file updating, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. The scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. On Windows XP or later, locked files can be copied using the Volume Shadow Service.

This program features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in a tree view, and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters. The software also supports Unicode characters in file names, file paths as long as 32767 characters, and much more. It also includes Real Time Synchronization (folder monitoring).

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 82 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Syncovery Pro Enterprise 7.47a Build 332 (x86/x64) + Portable


Syncovery is a great application used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, http, partial file updating, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. The scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. On Windows XP or later, locked files can be copied using the Volume Shadow Service.

This program features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in a tree view, and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters. The software also supports Unicode characters in file names, file paths as long as 32767 characters, and much more. It also includes Real Time Synchronization (folder monitoring).

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 120,49 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Syncovery Pro Enterprise 7.47b Build 333 (x86/x64) + Portable


Syncovery is a great application used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, http, partial file updating, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. The scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. On Windows XP or later, locked files can be copied using the Volume Shadow Service.

This program features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in a tree view, and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters. The software also supports Unicode characters in file names, file paths as long as 32767 characters, and much more. It also includes Real Time Synchronization (folder monitoring).

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 120,49 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Syncovery Pro Enterprise 7.47c Build 334 (x86/x64) + Portable


Syncovery is a great application used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, http, partial file updating, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. The scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. On Windows XP or later, locked files can be copied using the Volume Shadow Service.

This program features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in a tree view, and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters. The software also supports Unicode characters in file names, file paths as long as 32767 characters, and much more. It also includes Real Time Synchronization (folder monitoring).

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 120,49 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Syncovery | v7.47c.334 | Deutsch | inkl. Serial
Syncovery.v7.47c.334.German-BEAN / x64



Diese Software ermöglicht die Synchronisation von Dateien und Ordnern und wird zur Datensicherung und zum Abgleich von PCs, Macs, Servern und Laptops eingesetzt.
Sie verwaltet beliebig viele Profile in Profilgruppen, die manuell oder per Timer gestartet werden. Die Professional-Edition unterstützt Zugriff auf FTP, SSH, WebDAV und Amazon S3 sowie ZIP-Komprimierung und Verschlüsselung.
Es stehen also zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für Online-Backup zur Verfügung. Bei der Professional-Edition kann der Timer auch als Dienst laufen,
sodass die Synchronisation auch stattfindet, wenn kein Benutzer unter Windows angemeldet ist. Durch zahlreiche Einstellmöglichkeiten
im Fortgeschrittenen Modus wird die Software einer Vielzahl an Aufgabenstellungen gerecht.



Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Deutsch
Hoster: Uploaded.net, Share-Online.biz, Oboom.com
Größe: 46 MB
Parts: 1



Syncovery Pro Enterprise 7.48 Build 340 (x86/x64) + Portable


Syncovery is a great application used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, http, partial file updating, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. The scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. On Windows XP or later, locked files can be copied using the Volume Shadow Service.

This program features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in a tree view, and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters. The software also supports Unicode characters in file names, file paths as long as 32767 characters, and much more. It also includes Real Time Synchronization (folder monitoring).

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 120,49 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Syncovery Pro Enterprise 7.48c Build 343 (x86/x64) + Portable


Syncovery is a great application used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, http, partial file updating, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. The scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. On Windows XP or later, locked files can be copied using the Volume Shadow Service.

This program features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in a tree view, and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters. The software also supports Unicode characters in file names, file paths as long as 32767 characters, and much more. It also includes Real Time Synchronization (folder monitoring).

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 120,49 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Syncovery Pro Enterprise 7.48f Build 346 (x86/x64) + Portable


Syncovery is a great application used to back up data and to synchronize PCs, servers, and notebooks. Users can choose the user interface that suits them best: Wizard Mode or Advanced Mode. The settings are stored in multiple profiles, and the software comes with support for FTP and secure FTP servers, SSH, WebDAV, Amazon S3, http, partial file updating, ZIP compression, data encryption, and a scheduler for automated backups. The scheduler can run as a service without users having to log on. On Windows XP or later, locked files can be copied using the Volume Shadow Service.

This program features the ability to freely select files and folders across the whole folder hierarchy in a tree view, and it has support for e-mail notification, profile categories, and various filters. The software also supports Unicode characters in file names, file paths as long as 32767 characters, and much more. It also includes Real Time Synchronization (folder monitoring).

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 120,49 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Syncovery | v7.48f.346 | Deutsch | inkl. Serial
Syncovery.v7.48f.346.German-BEAN / x64



Diese Software ermöglicht die Synchronisation von Dateien und Ordnern und wird zur Datensicherung und zum Abgleich von PCs, Macs, Servern und Laptops eingesetzt.
Sie verwaltet beliebig viele Profile in Profilgruppen, die manuell oder per Timer gestartet werden. Die Professional-Edition unterstützt Zugriff auf FTP, SSH, WebDAV und Amazon S3 sowie ZIP-Komprimierung und Verschlüsselung.
Es stehen also zahlreiche Möglichkeiten für Online-Backup zur Verfügung. Bei der Professional-Edition kann der Timer auch als Dienst laufen,
sodass die Synchronisation auch stattfindet, wenn kein Benutzer unter Windows angemeldet ist. Durch zahlreiche Einstellmöglichkeiten
im Fortgeschrittenen Modus wird die Software einer Vielzahl an Aufgabenstellungen gerecht.



Plattform: Windows
Format: .exe
Sprache(n): Deutsch
Hoster: Uploaded.net, Share-Online.biz, Oboom.com
Größe: 46 MB
Parts: 1



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