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Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder


George T. Lynn - Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder: Innovative Parenting and Counseling Techniques for Helping Children with Bipolar Disorder and the Conditions that May Occur with It
Published: 2000-01-03 | ISBN: 1853029211 | PDF | 236 pages | 3.71 MB​

'A definitve guide covering all aspects of Bipolar in children, from spotting the symptoms to getting the correct interventions to help cope with the condition. This book explains the Biological causes and helps to seperate the symptoms from those of other conditions including, Tourettes, Aspergers and ADHD, whilst acknowledging that the conditions can appear as co-morbid in some children. Full of practical help and support George Lynn discusses various case histories and how to cope as a parent, along with a guide to help the child learn strategies to live with Bipolar.' - adders.org 'The author, George Lynn, is a certified medical health counselor who has pioneered the usage of psychotherapy for adults and children with neuropsychological issues. When his own son was diagnosed with Tourette syndrome in 1991, he realized that personality can be powerfully impacted by brain chemistry independent of environment...The book is orientated for parents, but I believe many professionals can find helpful tips and information.' - International Journal of Adolescent Medical Health 'George T. Lynn's book, is a valuable resource for parents and those in the mental health profession. The author draws on his experience as a counselor to describe the symptoms of Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar Disorder co-existing with Asperger's Syndrome, Tourette's Disorder or ADHD. He provides a clear, comprehensive perspective on effectively parenting a child with bipolar disorder. He also explains what characteristics the disorders have in common and how they differ from each other. Lynn is skilled at developing the differential diagnosis of disorders that often have significant overlapping characteristics. In every chapter Lynn provides a comprehensive case history, parent survival strategies and simple, straightforward tips for 'surviving meltdowns.' He includes a section on brain physiology, medication management and school success. He gives practical advice about difficult decisions that parents often have to make, including when to call the police and the pros and cons of psychiatric hospitalization. With this book, George Lynn has made a major contribution in the area of parenting children with Bipolar Disorder. He successfully instructs the reader on how to understand and identify the symptoms of these disorders and at the same time how to focus on the child's strengths or "gifts". He delivers a well written and interesting book that provides realistic solutions to difficult problems, and hope to families of these exceptional children.' - Metapsychology Online Review Up until five years ago, the professional community did not think that Bipolar Disorder occurred in children. Children with symptoms of Bipolar Disorder were diagnosed as 'severe ADHD', 'depressed' or 'Oppositional Defiant'. Now, as it is being increasingly diagnosed, George Lynn offers clear, practical advice on recognizing the symptoms, understanding medication and accessing the necessary support at school as well as the managing the day-to-day challenges of parenting a child with Bipolar Disorder. As it is frequently found in combination with ADHD, Tourette Syndrome and Asperger's Syndrome, the author draws on case-studies from his own psychotherapeutic practice to show what these conditions have in common, how they differ, and how they relate to each other. , tackles the most difficult decisions parents can face, including whether to involve police or consider hospitalization if their children are a danger to themselves and their families. At the same time, it emphasizes the positive qualities these children often have and illustrates how their gifts and abilities can build their self-esteem and help them function better in society. However severe the child's symptoms, George Lynn's book will provide guidance, support and inspiration for parents and carers as well as being a useful resource for professionals working with the families who suffer as a result of this disorder.

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