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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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StudioLine Photo Classic v4


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

StudioLine Photo Classic v4.2.62 Multilingual (Portable)


StudioLine Photo Classic v4.2.62 Multilingual (Portable) | 111 MB | Language: Multilanguage

StudioLine Photo Classic 4 is a feature-packed software for conveniently managing and editing extensive image collections. Naturally all common file formats, including the RAW formats of the popular camera models are supported.

New Features:

Your Personal Load Assistant
Quickly and easily load images from you camera, hard disk or other drives. Any files not previously loaded are automatically suggested and selected.

Pre-defined Tool Settings
Store frequently used image tools (filters) or entire filter sequences as templates. This way the same tool settings are available at any time to treat further images with the same editing steps.

Protect Your Images
Superimpose your personal watermark into your images to prevent unauthorized use. Any graphics and text may be combined to create watermarks.

Easy Print
Create print layout to suit various occasions. Taylor your images for optimal print results on the desired output medium.

Quickly and easily share your photos and videos on the web with friends and family. You control who may access each of your online albums, and if downloading is permitted.

Visitors of your albums can search images based on embedded information, or view them as a slide show or on a map.

Professional Image Editing
Numerous images tools such as white balance, unsharp mask oder RGB mixer are available. All editing steps are non-destructive; they are kept in a database and the original image remains untouched.

A few quick steps and your foto set will appear as a slide show, is published as a gallery to the web or burned onto CD/DVD, or is sent via email to your circle of friends.

Archival Made Easy
Categorize your images with unlimited text in system and user descriptors or by assigning keywords and ratings. After that, searching for specific images or those matching a certain theme is child's play.

View your images in your own albums, in the advanced Timeline Explorer or by keywords and categories. Avoid data loss by backing up your image archive, with all metadata and image edits, to CD, DVD or secondary hard disk.

Convenient Geotagging
Geotag your images with GPS coordinates from GPS loggers or GPS equipped digital cameras. Or, use the Geo Explorer to drag untagged images to the correct location on a map.

StudioLine retrieves location details such as county, city and possibly street. This way, you'll be able to search, sort or filter your photo collection by names of cities and sites.

System Requirements:
Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Multi-core processor with a minimum of 1.6 GHz, higher recommended
4 GB RAM, more recommended
150 MB disk space for programs (allow extra space for data)
24 bit graphics adapter with monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels.

Home Page:

Größe: 111 MB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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