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Reallusion iClone Pro v7

Reallusion iClone Pro v7.81.4501.1 (x64)


Reallusion iClone Pro v7.81.4501.1 (x64) | 1.4 GB | Language: English

Designed for ease of use and integrating the latest real-time technologies, iClone 7 unifies the world of 3D Animation in an all-in-one production tool that blends character creation, animation, scene design and story direction into a real-time engine with artistic visual quality for unparalleled production speed and rendering power.

The iClone Animation Pipeline seamlessly connects industry-standard 3D applications and game-engines for games, film & virtual production. iClone is ideal for indie filmmakers or pro studio crews with tools designed for writers, directors, animators or anyone to turn their vision into a reality.

What's New in iClone Pro 7:

Intuitive Character & Motion Workflow
Freeform body morphing and fashion layering design for custom character creation. Fully-rigged for body motion, mocap, lip-synch and facial animation.

Quintessential Animation with Professional Power
Advanced tools for curve editing, PhysX simulating natural rigid body dynamics and soft cloth behavior, organic morphs, collision and constraints.

Active Directing with Camera, Lights and Props
Command and control the production with real multi-camera system, cinematic timeline editing, complete lighting and scene setup.

Cinematic Real-time Visuals
Encompassing artistic real-time 3D Visuals including PBR, IBL, and Global Illumination to achieve ultimate quality for speedy production.

Pipeline to 3D Tools and Game Engines
Complete workflow to import and export rigged 3D characters, motions, camera, scenes and props.

Unlimited Expansion with Industry-Leading Plugins
Powerful partner technologies incorporated to innovate rendering, dynamic materials, mocap and more.

On-demand Content & Community Assets
Access to ready-to-animate characters, motions, accessories & props from branded content partners and featured artists.

- FBX asset renaming is now structurally compatible with Unreal.

- Unable to pick bones in the viewport under Edit Motion Layer mode.
- Picking a Substance material causes some projects to crash.
- iClone and Character Creator crashes from repetitive docking and undocking of the Smart Gallery, Curve Editor, and Live Link panels.
- Some projects lag on playback.
- UV adjustments not taking effect for some props.
- Some characters exported in FBX fail to load into Blender.
- $time variable not working for Substance materials in iClone.
- Displacement channels can't utilize Substance materials and Bake Substance Texture is disabled.
- Sbsar blurriness caused by failure to set the output size.

Operating System:
- Win 7 SP1 / Win 8 / Win 10
- Support for 64-bit operating system only

Minimum System Requirements:
- Dual core CPU or higher
- 5GB free hard disk space
- Display Resolution: 1024 x 768
- Color Depth: True Color (32-bit)
- Graphics Card: NVidia Geforce GTX 400 Series/ AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
- Video Memory: 1GB RAM



Reallusion iClone Pro v7.82.4515.1 (x64)


Reallusion iClone Pro v7.82.4515.1 (x64) | 1.48 GB | Language: English

Designed for ease of use and integrating the latest real-time technologies, iClone 7 unifies the world of 3D Animation in an all-in-one production tool that blends character creation, animation, scene design and story direction into a real-time engine with artistic visual quality for unparalleled production speed and rendering power.

The iClone Animation Pipeline seamlessly connects industry-standard 3D applications and game-engines for games, film & virtual production. iClone is ideal for indie filmmakers or pro studio crews with tools designed for writers, directors, animators or anyone to turn their vision into a reality.

What's New in iClone Pro 7:

Intuitive Character & Motion Workflow
Freeform body morphing and fashion layering design for custom character creation. Fully-rigged for body motion, mocap, lip-synch and facial animation.

Quintessential Animation with Professional Power
Advanced tools for curve editing, PhysX simulating natural rigid body dynamics and soft cloth behavior, organic morphs, collision and constraints.

Active Directing with Camera, Lights and Props
Command and control the production with real multi-camera system, cinematic timeline editing, complete lighting and scene setup.

Cinematic Real-time Visuals
Encompassing artistic real-time 3D Visuals including PBR, IBL, and Global Illumination to achieve ultimate quality for speedy production.

Pipeline to 3D Tools and Game Engines
Complete workflow to import and export rigged 3D characters, motions, camera, scenes and props.

Unlimited Expansion with Industry-Leading Plugins
Powerful partner technologies incorporated to innovate rendering, dynamic materials, mocap and more.

On-demand Content & Community Assets
Access to ready-to-animate characters, motions, accessories & props from branded content partners and featured artists.

Release Notes:

- iClone crashes when loading a Remeshed iAvatar from Character Creator.
- iClone crashes when using the Edit Motion layer panel, and opening a new project.
- Users who purchased the Export license for an RLHead Pack cannot export as FBX file.
- Some OBJs cannot load into iClone.

Operating System:
- Win 7 SP1 / Win 8 / Win 10
- Support for 64-bit operating system only

Minimum System Requirements:
- Dual core CPU or higher
- 5GB free hard disk space
- Display Resolution: 1024 x 768
- Color Depth: True Color (32-bit)
- Graphics Card: NVidia Geforce GTX 400 Series/ AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
- Video Memory: 1GB RAM



Reallusion iClone Pro v7.81.4501.1 (x64)

Englisch / inkl. Crack + Anleitung / 64-Bit



Benutzer erstellen mit iClone 3D-Szenen und Spezialeffekte für einen vollständig animierten Film.

Mit dem Programm sollen sich Charaktere erstellen lassen, die sich realistisch bewegen. Der User stattet diese mit Kostümen und Requisiten aus, setzt sie in eine Kulisse und bringt ihnen lippensynchrones Sprechen bei. Verschiedene Kameraperspektiven, Belichtungseinstellungen und Spezialeffekte sollen so ein komplettes Film-Set bieten. Voreinstellungen, Video-Tutorials und eine einfache Anpassung der Avatare sollen auch Anfänger in der 3D-Filmproduktion ansprechen. Das fertige Video wird in den gängigen Videoformaten ausgegeben – auf Wunsch auch hochauflösend bis zu 4k.


Größe: 1.48 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows (64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, Ddownload.com



Reallusion iClone v7.82.4545.1 (x64) with Addons


Reallusion iClone v7.82.4545.1 (x64) with Addons | 5.46 GB | Language: English

iClone is a software product for professional three-dimensional animation in real time. He has all the necessary resources and tools: digital actors, members of the entourage, visual effects, camera systems and lighting control, the ability to record motion (motion capture) technology using Microsoft Kinect and many others. With it, you can speed up the creation of animated or commercials and movies, add a creative component in the learning process, as well as save a lot of time and money during the filming of the feature film due previzualizatsii.

During previzualizatsii filmmakers can simulate and test various settings and shooting conditions, such as the location and movement of the camera, lighting, timing of individual episodes and dialogues, stage settings, necessary props, costumes, pyrotechnics operation, the use of chromakeying and more. Just imagine how much time and money it saves in comparison with the real filming and experiments!

No less important is the previzualizatsiya and in advertising. Here is just one example of the iClone to create commercials.
In iClone, there are ready-made 3D-characters, and everything you need to create their virtual world - clothes, props, scenery.
IClone interesting feature is the possibility to use for people of your three-dimensional characters pictures of real people.
P.S. Borrow from the next topic

11.2020 a great addition \ Update: Pump the torrent. Modified version from 7.7 to 7.82, added Character Creator 3 and Pipeline Extension to him and dopom headshot plugin
Installation under spoiler template
Distribution updated. Specify the path where the download was iClone
Modified treatment.
Templates under 7.82 have not tried
P.S. Folder in hand written 7.7, change unfortunately can not upgrade. But the new program

Character Creator Treatment
Be sure to disable the firewall!
When you enter data using the key 2A4P-KYUV-T2L9-282B-WYMP-UQ
The key used for Pipeline Extension

Treatment iClone 7.82
1. Install
2. Turn off the firewall
3. Replace all of Crack_iClone.rar in the installation directory is writable by all.
4. Block the program access to the Internet. Block can be in the firewall for inbound and outbound connections
5. Using

treatment 3DXChange.v7.6
If there is a internet
1. Run Install.exe administrator
2. Select the installation path and fill the form data. Serial number: 22222-22222-22222-22222-22

If the Internet is not (although it is strange)
1. Run Install.exe administrator
2 .Vybiraem installation path and populate form data. Serial number: 22222-22222-22222-22222-22
3. The program will climb to the Internet and will generate an error that there is an Internet and ask "Is the Internet?" Hit NO!
4. The program will offer a key to activate the program. Hit OK and enter key 22222-22222-22222-22222-22222

System requirements:
Windows 10, 8 and 7 (SP1) *
Support only 64-bit
DirectX 11
* Note: Windows 7 sp1 + Service Pack (KB 2670838)
Minimum requirements:
dual-core processor
5GB free space on HDD
Video card: NVidia GeForce GTX 600 Series / AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series
Video memory capacity of not less than: 2GB RAM
Display: 1024 x 768
Color Support: True Color (32-bit)

Intel i5 dual core processor or older generation
8GB of RAM or more
10GB free space on HDD
Video card: NVidia GeForce GTX 900 Series / AMD Radeon R7 300 Series and above
video memory: 4GB RAM
Video card with support for Pixel Shader 3.0 recommended for visualization
Resolution: 1920 x 1080 or higher.

Größe: 5.46 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






Reallusion iClone Pro v7.83.4723.1 (x64)


Reallusion iClone Pro v7.83.4723.1 (x64) | 1.48 GB | Language: English

Designed for ease of use and integrating the latest real-time technologies, iClone 7 unifies the world of 3D Animation in an all-in-one production tool that blends character creation, animation, scene design and story direction into a real-time engine with artistic visual quality for unparalleled production speed and rendering power.

The iClone Animation Pipeline seamlessly connects industry-standard 3D applications and game-engines for games, film & virtual production. iClone is ideal for indie filmmakers or pro studio crews with tools designed for writers, directors, animators or anyone to turn their vision into a reality.

What's New in iClone Pro 7:

Intuitive Character & Motion Workflow
Freeform body morphing and fashion layering design for custom character creation. Fully-rigged for body motion, mocap, lip-synch and facial animation.

Quintessential Animation with Professional Power
Advanced tools for curve editing, PhysX simulating natural rigid body dynamics and soft cloth behavior, organic morphs, collision and constraints.

Active Directing with Camera, Lights and Props
Command and control the production with real multi-camera system, cinematic timeline editing, complete lighting and scene setup.

Cinematic Real-time Visuals
Encompassing artistic real-time 3D Visuals including PBR, IBL, and Global Illumination to achieve ultimate quality for speedy production.

Pipeline to 3D Tools and Game Engines
Complete workflow to import and export rigged 3D characters, motions, camera, scenes and props.

Unlimited Expansion with Industry-Leading Plugins
Powerful partner technologies incorporated to innovate rendering, dynamic materials, mocap and more.

On-demand Content & Community Assets
Access to ready-to-animate characters, motions, accessories & props from branded content partners and featured artists.

Release Notes:

- Several bug fixes.

- Fps can now be adjusted for exported MP4 videos.

- iClone Hair can not be applied to non-standard characters.
- Replacing a character with camera attached causes iClone to crash.
- Crash as a result of closing iClone after having opened a Python plugin window.
- Random program crashes as a result of copy and pasting keys.
- Certain characters will fail to export in FBX.
- iClone tends to crash by enabling GI for projects with Displacement maps.

Operating System:
- Win 7 SP1 / Win 8 / Win 10
- Support for 64-bit operating system only

Minimum System Requirements:
- Dual core CPU or higher
- 5GB free hard disk space
- Display Resolution: 1024 x 768
- Color Depth: True Color (32-bit)
- Graphics Card: NVidia Geforce GTX 400 Series/ AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
- Video Memory: 1GB RAM


Größe: 1.48 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





Reallusion iClone Pro v7.83.4723.1 (x64)


Reallusion iClone Pro v7.83.4723.1 (x64)

Größe: 1490 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows
Medizin: Crack/Patch

IClone 7 wurde für eine einfache Bedienung und die Integration der neuesten Echtzeittechnologien entwickelt und vereint die Welt der 3D-Animation in einem All-in-One-Produktionswerkzeug, das Charaktererstellung, Animation, Szenendesign und Story-Regie in einer Echtzeit-Engine mit vereint künstlerische visuelle Qualität für beispiellose Produktionsgeschwindigkeit und Renderleistung.



Reallusion iClone Pro v7.83.4723.1 (x64)

Englisch / inkl. Crack + Anleitung / 64-Bit



Größe: 1.48 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Rar/Exe
Plattform: Windows (64-Bit)
Hoster: Rapidgator.net, Turbobit.net,Nitroflare.com

Beschreibung :

Benutzer erstellen mit iClone 3D-Szenen und Spezialeffekte für einen vollständig animierten Film.

Mit dem Programm sollen sich Charaktere erstellen lassen, die sich realistisch bewegen. Der User stattet diese mit Kostümen und Requisiten aus, setzt sie in eine Kulisse und bringt ihnen lippensynchrones Sprechen bei. Verschiedene Kameraperspektiven, Belichtungseinstellungen und Spezialeffekte sollen so ein komplettes Film-Set bieten. Voreinstellungen, Video-Tutorials und eine einfache Anpassung der Avatare sollen auch Anfänger in der 3D-Filmproduktion ansprechen. Das fertige Video wird in den gängigen Videoformaten ausgegeben – auf Wunsch auch hochauflösend bis zu 4k.

Download :





Reallusion iClone Pro v7.9.5124.1 (x64)


Reallusion iClone Pro v7.9.5124.1 (x64) | 2.1 GB | Language: English

Designed for ease of use and integrating the latest real-time technologies, iClone 7 unifies the world of 3D Animation in an all-in-one production tool that blends character creation, animation, scene design and story direction into a real-time engine with artistic visual quality for unparalleled production speed and rendering power. The iClone Animation Pipeline seamlessly connects industry-standard 3D applications and game-engines for games, film & virtual production. iClone is ideal for indie filmmakers or pro studio crews with tools designed for writers, directors, animators or anyone to turn their vision into a reality.

What's New in iClone Pro 7:

Intuitive Character & Motion Workflow
Freeform body morphing and fashion layering design for custom character creation. Fully-rigged for body motion, mocap, lip-synch and facial animation.

Quintessential Animation with Professional Power
Advanced tools for curve editing, PhysX simulating natural rigid body dynamics and soft cloth behavior, organic morphs, collision and constraints.

Active Directing with Camera, Lights and Props
Command and control the production with real multi-camera system, cinematic timeline editing, complete lighting and scene setup.

Cinematic Real-time Visuals
Encompassing artistic real-time 3D Visuals including PBR, IBL, and Global Illumination to achieve ultimate quality for speedy production.

Pipeline to 3D Tools and Game Engines
Complete workflow to import and export rigged 3D characters, motions, camera, scenes and props.

Unlimited Expansion with Industry-Leading Plugins
Powerful partner technologies incorporated to innovate rendering, dynamic materials, mocap and more.

On-demand Content & Community Assets
Access to ready-to-animate characters, motions, accessories & props from branded content partners and featured artists.

Release Notes

- More realistic and natural talking animations can be achieved with the brand new AccuLips lipsync system.
- New ExpressionPlus for CC3+ characters consist of 63 custom blend-shapes (52 Apple ARKit and 11 Tongue blend-shapes), providing the best performance for Facial Puppet, Face Key, and LIVE Face.
Three types of sharable hair content types: rlHairStyle, rlHair, and rlHairElement.
- Path to hair content (CC Hair and iC Hair) has changed to Part > Hair > Group > Hair > _Legacy to separate between iClone 7 and iClone 6 plus prior content.
- New Root, ID, and Flow maps are now available for the Digital Human Hair shader for additional visual adjustments such as hair highlights, layering effects, etc.
- New Talking Style Editor now available for Viseme clips can be used to effortlessly adjust the strength of the individual mouth shapes. A number of settings are also provided to address different scenarios.
- New Smooth / Downsample functionality now available for Expression clips can smooth out noise in motion data.
The new Clip Speed dialog window can be used to adjust a clip's duration according to percentage or frame count.
- New Auto-Blink option can be conveniently accessed right inside Facial Puppet to prevent from unwanted eyelid movement when recording new expression clips. The settings will be stored with the character upon save, and is linked to the Auto-Blink setting inside the Modify Panel.
- Be able to align preview region to a selected clip, the new Set Start/End Frame to the Selected Clip function is now available in the timeline.
- Face Key Muscle panel now provides two additional expression sets: ExPlus and ExPlus-Tongue.
- Face Key Expression panel now provides 4 example sets of ExPlus.
- Every expression set in the Face Key Expression panel now comes with the Default functionality with the ability to reset to factory settings.
- Face Key Modify panel has now expanded to 64 slots.
- 7 new ExPlus Profile sets to Facial Puppet.
- Facial Puppet has three new key modes:
- New: Create brand new motions.
- Blend: Combined animation effect using a mask.
- Replace: Multipass recording by replacing the current animation within a masked area.
- Custom Expression morphs have extended from 24 to 64 slots.
- Be able to import Alembic (.abc) point cache animation.

- Improved usability of the Face Key user interface by fixing the layout, adding a search function, and the ability to rename custom sliders.
- Face Puppet now takes the screen width as a guide for the input area, making it easier to understand the size and location of the input region. Calculation for the input area ratio for dual-screens has also been fixed.
- Using Select Color gives immediate visual feedback (for Diffuse, Ambient Color, etc.)
- New default project path inside preference settings.
- New Stop Timeline Scrolling feature in the preference settings allows you to toggle playhead follow during playback.
- New mute and solo features for the Audio track for the character's sound and voice tracks.
- Show/Hide status in the scene manager will now save with the project.
New Sensitive option for Face Keys.

- Look At saved as MotionPlus causes the eyeballs to jutter.
- Remove Object Animation failes to erase Path Offsets key.
- Size of the textures in an exported FBX file is adversely influenced by the Max Texture Size in the Preference settings.
- Look Weight not working properly for Look At - Look At does not follow the position of the pivot point.
- Pressing the "E" hotkey inside the Edit Motion Layer panel fails to change Local Rotate to World Rotate.
- Sound loss after audio clip break. Now supporting wav files with 24 bits per sample. Feedback Tracker
- LHand and RHand do not support Add Key, however, the interface has not been fool-proofed.
- Application will sometimes crash when subdividing non-quad faces.
- Nvidia driver's transparency anti-aliasing super sampling conflicts with Order-indepent Transparency.
- iClone crashes when enabling subdivision on objects without UV maps. Feedback Tracker
- The eye elements (tearline and occlusion mesh) fail to hide with the rest of the CC3+ character when Modify > - Attribute > Display > Invisible is set.
- Objects without smoothing groups fail to load into iClone and 3DXchange.
- Inaccurate progress bar when rendering image sequences.

Operating System:
- Win 7 SP1 / Win 8 / Win 10
- Support for 64-bit operating system only

Recommended System Requirements:
- Intel i5 dual core CPU or higher
- 8GB RAM or higher recommended
- 10GB free hard disk space or higher recommended
- Display Resolution: 1920 x 1080 or higher
- Graphics Card: NVidia GeForce GTX 700 Series/ AMD Radeon HD 7000 Series or higher
- Video Memory: 2GB RAM minimum 4GB or higher recommended
- Video card compatible with Pixel Shader 3.0 recommended for optimized visual performance

Additional Requirements:
- Sound card / keyboard / Speaker
- 3-button mouse
- DirectX 11
- Internet connection required for online activation
- Stereo devices and player are required for viewing contents with stereo vision


Größe: 2.1 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





Reallusion iClone 3DXchange v7.8.5111.1


Reallusion iClone 3DXchange v7.8.5111.1

Größe: 252 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe/ISO
Plattform: Windows
Medizin: Crack/Patch

Mit der 3DXchange-Pipeline können Sie alle Arten von 3D-Assets importieren und exportieren, einschließlich statischer Objekte, animierter Requisiten, Skin-Bone-manipulierter Charaktere und Bewegungsdateien. Sie können sie auch mit Ausgabeoptionen verwenden, die auf Unity, Unreal, Maya, Blender, Cinema 4D oder Daz Studio zugeschnitten sind. Dies macht iClone zu einem universell einsetzbaren Tool sowohl für das Spieldesign als auch für den CG-Workflow.

Was ist neu in 3DXchange 7:

Mithilfe des in 3DXchange integrierten Charakterisierungsfensters können Sie externe Zeichen schnell und einfach über das FBX-Format in iClone konvertieren. Die neu konvertierten Zeichen sind dann mit Tausenden von iClone-Bewegungsdateien sowie leistungsstarken Bewegungswerkzeugen wie Body Puppet, MixMoves und Motion Capture kompatibel. Animieren Sie jeden Charakter von Daz, Maya, 3DS Max, Mixamo und anderen sofort!

Prop Conversion
3DXchange bietet alle Tools, die Sie zum Importieren und Exportieren von 3D-Requisiten benötigen. Mit den Transform & Alighment-Werkzeugen können Sie das importierte Modell schnell drehen und seine Größe mit den richtigen Skalierungs- und Achsenparametern ändern. Mit den Pivot-Werkzeugen können Sie einen benutzerdefinierten Pivot-Punkt festlegen, der das Rotationsverhalten des Objekts steuert. Mit dem Gruppenwerkzeug können Sie Objekte trennen, die Modellhierarchie bearbeiten, übergeordnete untergeordnete Knotenbeziehungen erstellen, Objekte umbenennen, unerwünschte Teile ausschließen und ausgewählte Objekte separat ausgeben, um die Animationsfunktionen später zu verbessern.



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