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Quixel Suite v2


Warez Upper
Quixel Suite v2.0.3 (x64)
Englisch / Crack


Quixel's immensely popular NDO and DDO have been completely reimagined, bringing faster texturing experiences than ever. 3DO, a new previewer included with all tools for free, throws physically based rendering into the mix.

NDO is the definitive normal mapping tool that turns Photoshop into a complete toolkit for surface details. Every tool in Photoshop can be utilized to sculpt normals in real time. Build non-destructive hard surface designs, extract rich normals from photographs with unrivaled definition, and instantly view every tweak in 3DO.

3DO is a model and material previewer directly connected to Photoshop, enabling review of your work without needing to utilize different applications. 3DO supports 1-1 previewing of any calibration profile, enabling pixel-perfect representation of your model like it would appear in the chosen profile. With a customizable cinematic post-processor, support for loading your own multi-material meshes, and support for animation and video output, what you see is truly what you get. 3DO comes bundled for free with NDO and DDO.

DDO completely optimizes Photoshop for rapid creation of PBR-accurate textures. The workflow is fast, easy to learn, and adaptable to any art style. Create unrivaled results, at unlimited resolutions, with the world's first fully scan-based PBR tool.

Größe: 243,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom


Quixel Suite 2.0.4 (x64)
Englisch / Crack


Quixel's immensely popular NDO and DDO have been completely reimagined, bringing faster texturing experiences than ever. 3DO, a new previewer included with all tools for free, throws physically based rendering into the mix.

NDO is the definitive normal mapping tool that turns Photoshop into a complete toolkit for surface details. Every tool in Photoshop can be utilized to sculpt normals in real time. Build non-destructive hard surface designs, extract rich normals from photographs with unrivaled definition, and instantly view every tweak in 3DO.

3DO is a model and material previewer directly connected to Photoshop, enabling review of your work without needing to utilize different applications. 3DO supports 1-1 previewing of any calibration profile, enabling pixel-perfect representation of your model like it would appear in the chosen profile. With a customizable cinematic post-processor, support for loading your own multi-material meshes, and support for animation and video output, what you see is truly what you get. 3DO comes bundled for free with NDO and DDO.

DDO completely optimizes Photoshop for rapid creation of PBR-accurate textures. The workflow is fast, easy to learn, and adaptable to any art style. Create unrivaled results, at unlimited resolutions, with the world's first fully scan-based PBR tool.

Größe: 1,38 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom


Quixel SUITE For Photoshop 2.0.2 (x86/x64)


It is a kind of super-plugin of Photoshop, as usual, which is designed to automate common tasks texture, dark as the night, in particular for gaming models, like cloud harsh, making the process easy, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, especially in those cases, as it is when it is necessary to work with many materials.

The program imports a set of standard map types and like drops of silver water, automatically collects them, in most cases, and then allows the user to apply effects to all or certain parts of the texture. With these guys porridge will not weld. As a result, the project file can be used to create multiple variants of textures.

Thousands Instant effects
These effects include a variety of different scratch and as a mirror of steel, wear surface, like music, like the damage and May rose, various grunge effects. All this out of the blue, all the blades. Each effect can be controlled via sliders and a Black Sea foam, options, and as usual, with the result that create their own effects

Full 3D viewing
The process can be viewed in 3D, pouring buckets without leaving Photoshop using the integrated rendering DDO.

Quixel's immensely popular NDO and DDO have been completely reimagined, bringing faster texturing experiences than ever. 3DO, a new previewer included with all tools for free, throws physically based rendering into the mix.

NDO is the definitive normal mapping tool that turns Photoshop into a complete toolkit for surface details. Every tool in Photoshop can be utilized to sculpt normals in real time. Build non-destructive hard surface designs, extract rich normals from photographs with unrivaled definition, and instantly view every tweak in 3DO.

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 1,31 GB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Quixel SUITE 2.0.2


Quixel SUITE 2.0.2 (x86/x64) For Photoshop

It is a kind of super-plugin of Photoshop, as usual, which is designed to automate common tasks texture, dark as the night, in particular for gaming models, like cloud harsh, making

the process easy, spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, especially in those cases, as it is when it is necessary to work with many materials.
The program imports a set of standard map types and like drops of silver water, automatically collects them, in most cases, and then allows the user to apply effects to all or certain

parts of the texture. With these guys porridge will not weld. As a result, the project file can be used to create multiple variants of textures.

Thousands Instant effects
These effects include a variety of different scratch and as a mirror of steel, wear surface, like music, like the damage and May rose, various grunge effects. All this out of the blue, all

the blades. Each effect can be controlled via sliders and a Black Sea foam, options, and as usual, with the result that create their own effects

Full 3D viewing
The process can be viewed in 3D, pouring buckets without leaving Photoshop using the integrated rendering DDO.

Quixel's immensely popular NDO and DDO have been completely reimagined, bringing faster texturing experiences than ever. 3DO, a new previewer included with all tools for free,

throws physically based rendering into the mix.

NDO is the definitive normal mapping tool that turns Photoshop into a complete toolkit for surface details. Every tool in Photoshop can be utilized to sculpt normals in real time. Build

non-destructive hard surface designs, extract rich normals from photographs with unrivaled definition, and instantly view every tweak in 3DO.

3DO is a model and material previewer directly connected to Photoshop, enabling review of your work without needing to utilize different applications. 3DO supports 1-1 previewing of

any calibration profile, enabling pixel-perfect representation of your model like it would appear in the chosen profile. With a customizable cinematic post-processor, support for loading

your own multi-material meshes, and support for animation and video output, what you see is truly what you get. 3DO comes bundled for free with NDO and DDO.

DDO completely optimizes Photoshop for rapid creation of PBR-accurate textures. The workflow is fast, easy to learn, and adaptable to any art style. Create unrivaled results, at

unlimited resolutions, with the world's first fully scan-based PBR tool.

2.0.2 update fixes:
- Added 3 new painted cast iron Smart Materials
- Added 4 new polymer Smart Materials
- Added 6 new Bakelite Smart Materials
- Added bump values ??to all painted woods, concretes and metals
- Improved leather, bronze, brass and galvanized steel Smart Materials
- Improved scratches on scratched tarnished Smart Materials
- Reduced repetitive details on certain Smart Materials
- Added Octane (sRGB) export target (for Specular workflows)
- Pressing F now focuses and fits mesh to screen without resetting rotation
- Fixed AssImp error message when importing meshes
- Fixed 3DO resolution error on startup
- Fixed WinTab Context error in 3DO
- Fixed Undo toggle and number of Undos not persistent across sessions
- Added new file browsers in 3DO
- Fixed file browsing crashes in 3DO
- Fixed bug where meshes would become inflated
- Hovering material now shows material path
- Fixed bug where DDO UI would not load after flattening project
- Fixed bug in Dynamask editor where tweaking scale would not update 3DO
- Fixed bug where the DDO UI not would not show on screen
- Fixed bug where source PSDs loaded as white in Toolbag 2
- Attempted fix for issue where the Suite sometimes started behind Photoshop
- Fixed bug where default file name was not updated correctly for saved bakes
- Set initial directory for Bakes / Renders
- Fixed camera rotation speed for when "light spin" is turned on
- Fixed various orthographic view bugs
- Added warning when loading invalid mesh group names
- Fixed Smart Material thumb minor offset bug
- Fixed metalness values ??for tempered steel Smart Materials
- Prevented rare memory leaks in 3DO
- Fixed bug where Arnold and Blender Cycles presets always exported maps as TIFF

Release Name: Quixel SUITE 2.0.2 (x86/x64) For Photoshop
Size: 1,31 GB
*Parts: 2 File
* Format: iso


- Uploaded -

Quixel Suite 2.3.0 (x64)

Englisch / Installieren & Fertig



Quixel's immensely popular NDO and DDO have been completely reimagined, bringing faster texturing experiences than ever. 3DO, a new previewer included with all tools for free, throws physically based rendering into the mix.

NDO is the definitive normal mapping tool that turns Photoshop into a complete toolkit for surface details. Every tool in Photoshop can be utilized to sculpt normals in real time. Build non-destructive hard surface designs, extract rich normals from photographs with unrivaled definition, and instantly view every tweak in 3DO.

3DO is a model and material previewer directly connected to Photoshop, enabling review of your work without needing to utilize different applications. 3DO supports 1-1 previewing of any calibration profile, enabling pixel-perfect representation of your model like it would appear in the chosen profile. With a customizable cinematic post-processor, support for loading your own multi-material meshes, and support for animation and video output, what you see is truly what you get. 3DO comes bundled for free with NDO and DDO.

DDO completely optimizes Photoshop for rapid creation of PBR-accurate textures. The workflow is fast, easy to learn, and adaptable to any art style. Create unrivaled results, at unlimited resolutions, with the world's first fully scan-based PBR tool.

Größe: 2,09 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online



Quixel Suite v2.3.2 (x64)

Englisch / inkl. Keygen / 64-Bit



Quixel's immensely popular NDO and DDO have been completely reimagined, bringing faster texturing experiences than ever. 3DO, a new previewer included with all tools for free, throws physically based rendering into the mix.

NDO is the definitive normal mapping tool that turns Photoshop into a complete toolkit for surface details. Every tool in Photoshop can be utilized to sculpt normals in real time. Build non-destructive hard surface designs, extract rich normals from photographs with unrivaled definition, and instantly view every tweak in 3DO.

3DO is a model and material previewer directly connected to Photoshop, enabling review of your work without needing to utilize different applications. 3DO supports 1-1 previewing of any calibration profile, enabling pixel-perfect representation of your model like it would appear in the chosen profile. With a customizable cinematic post-processor, support for loading your own multi-material meshes, and support for animation and video output, what you see is truly what you get. 3DO comes bundled for free with NDO and DDO.

DDO completely optimizes Photoshop for rapid creation of PBR-accurate textures. The workflow is fast, easy to learn, and adaptable to any art style. Create unrivaled results, at unlimited resolutions, with the world's first fully scan-based PBR tool.

Größe: 2,10 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (64-Bit)
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, RapidGator, FileFactory



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