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Pixologic ZBrush 2021

Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6 (x64) Multilingual


Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6 (x64) Multilingual | with UpdateOnly | 1.90 GB (In Total) | Language: Multilanguage

ZBrush sets the industry standard for digital sculpting and painting. Its features enable you to use customizable brushes to shape, texture and paint virtual clay in a real-time environment that provides instant feedback. When you use ZBrush you'll be empowered by the same tools employed by film studios, game developers, toy/collectible makers, jewelry designers, automotive/aviation designers, illustrators, advertisers, scientists and other artists the world over. In fact, we have even received an Academy Award for the technology that powers ZBrush. In short, ZBrush is an art tool created by artists, for artists. It allows you to create models and illustrations limited only by your imagination, at a speed that allows you to stand out in today's fast paced industry.

Base Mesh Generation
As with anything else in life, where you can go is usually determined by where you begin. Having a great finished model requires a quality base mesh. ZBrush provides an arsenal of tools to assist with this task, ensuring that no matter what you have in mind, there is a way to get the perfect base to then take to the next level. The best known of these systems are explained here.

Sculptris Pro
Ignore the constraints of polygon distribution and simply sculpt! Sculptris Pro will dynamically add (tesselate) and remove (decimate) polygons wherever and whenever needed. It does this during your brush stroke in a real-time process called Tessimation. This frees you to focus entirely on the look you are trying to achieve.

DynaMesh is a perfect solution for free-form sculpting because it removes all need for focusing on topological constraints. Change the overall shape of the model by pushing or pulling, adding various pieces of geometry to combine into one, or even remove geometry in a manner similar to what can be done with Boolean operations. Where Sculptris Pro dynamically adjusts the triangles in your mesh as you sculpt, DynaMesh redistributes the models polygons as quads on command.

Mesh Detailing
Whether created in ZBrush or imported from elsewhere, once you have your base mesh it is time to start detailing. ZBrush features a robust suite of tools to accomplish this. Those listed below are just the tip of the iceberg.

Sculpting Brushes
The main workflow for creating with ZBrush is based on a system of brushes which can also be modulated using pen pressure from a graphics tablet. ZBrush will reproduce the natural feeling of a real paint brush or sculpting tool, using the pressure applied to the pen tip to transform your digital stroke in a variety of ways. There are brushes to pinch, move, build up the surface, chisel into it, slice through the model and much more. You can even use other 3D models as brushes, inserting their geometry into your surface.

In addition to being able to add detail by hand, ZBrush provides a system for procedurally generating surface detail through noise patterns. Choose a detail type, adjust a few simple parameters, then apply that pattern to your model in its entirety or by restricting it to a certain region. You can even combine different noise types to create highly complex effects. The Noise system is ideal for both hard surface work and organic details.

Because ZBrush works with tens of millions of polygons in real-time, you can paint directly on the surface of the model without first assigning a texture map or UVs. This offers significant advantages compared to a standard workflow. The resolution of the texture map does not need to be decided in advance. This is particularly valuable if you find you need more detailing on an area than you thought you would. Instead of repainting a new, larger texture map you can simply transfer the existing surface detail to that larger map without any reworking. You don't even need to do UV unwrapping before you begin this painting. In fact, thanks to the way that ZBrush can project details (both sculpted and painted) from one model to another you can have a fully painted model before you even have a finalized animation mesh. Instead, you can copy everything to the final base mesh once it has been signed off on.

UV Master
In order create or use a texture map, a model first needs UVs. These are 2D coordinates that tell all 3D applications how to apply a texture to your model. With most programs, creating those UVs has been a time consuming challenge that requires a high level of technical expertise and has little room for creativity. With UV Master you are able to create very efficient UVs for your model in most cases with a single click. If you need more control over this automatic process there are features that refine where seams will be placed or increase the amount of pixel space given to certain regions of your model. Its both intuitive and fast, letting you get back to being creative with minimal fuss.

Whether you are using ZBrush by itself as an illustration tool or as part of a production pipeline for animation, you will at some point want to show your work to others. ZBrush makes this possible through a powerful rendering system called BPR (Best Preview Render).

Release Notes:
ZBrush 2021.6 - New Features:

Highly Recommended Specifications:
- OS: 64-bit editions of Windows Vista or newer.
- CPU: Intel i5/i7/Xeon technology or AMD equivalent.
- RAM: 8 GB required for working with multi-million poly models. (16+ GB preferred.)
- HDD: 100 GB of free hard drive space for ZBrush and its scratch disk. (SSD drive highly recommended.)
- Pen Tablet: Wacom or Wacom compatible. (WinTab API.)
- Monitor: 1920x1080 monitor resolution or higher with 32-bit color.
- Video card: Most cards manufactured 2008 or newer. Must support OpenGL 3.3 or higher.


Größe: 1.90 GB (In Total)
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6.1 (x64) Multilingual


Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6.1 (x64) Multilingual | with UpdateOnly | 1.9 GB (Total) | Language: Multilanguage

ZBrush sets the industry standard for digital sculpting and painting. Its features enable you to use customizable brushes to shape, texture and paint virtual clay in a real-time environment that provides instant feedback. When you use ZBrush you'll be empowered by the same tools employed by film studios, game developers, toy/collectible makers, jewelry designers, automotive/aviation designers, illustrators, advertisers, scientists and other artists the world over. In fact, we have even received an Academy Award for the technology that powers ZBrush. In short, ZBrush is an art tool created by artists, for artists. It allows you to create models and illustrations limited only by your imagination, at a speed that allows you to stand out in today's fast paced industry.

Base Mesh Generation
As with anything else in life, where you can go is usually determined by where you begin. Having a great finished model requires a quality base mesh. ZBrush provides an arsenal of tools to assist with this task, ensuring that no matter what you have in mind, there is a way to get the perfect base to then take to the next level. The best known of these systems are explained here.

Sculptris Pro
Ignore the constraints of polygon distribution and simply sculpt! Sculptris Pro will dynamically add (tesselate) and remove (decimate) polygons wherever and whenever needed. It does this during your brush stroke in a real-time process called Tessimation. This frees you to focus entirely on the look you are trying to achieve.

DynaMesh is a perfect solution for free-form sculpting because it removes all need for focusing on topological constraints. Change the overall shape of the model by pushing or pulling, adding various pieces of geometry to combine into one, or even remove geometry in a manner similar to what can be done with Boolean operations. Where Sculptris Pro dynamically adjusts the triangles in your mesh as you sculpt, DynaMesh redistributes the models polygons as quads on command.

Mesh Detailing
Whether created in ZBrush or imported from elsewhere, once you have your base mesh it is time to start detailing. ZBrush features a robust suite of tools to accomplish this. Those listed below are just the tip of the iceberg.

Sculpting Brushes
The main workflow for creating with ZBrush is based on a system of brushes which can also be modulated using pen pressure from a graphics tablet. ZBrush will reproduce the natural feeling of a real paint brush or sculpting tool, using the pressure applied to the pen tip to transform your digital stroke in a variety of ways. There are brushes to pinch, move, build up the surface, chisel into it, slice through the model and much more. You can even use other 3D models as brushes, inserting their geometry into your surface.

In addition to being able to add detail by hand, ZBrush provides a system for procedurally generating surface detail through noise patterns. Choose a detail type, adjust a few simple parameters, then apply that pattern to your model in its entirety or by restricting it to a certain region. You can even combine different noise types to create highly complex effects. The Noise system is ideal for both hard surface work and organic details.

Because ZBrush works with tens of millions of polygons in real-time, you can paint directly on the surface of the model without first assigning a texture map or UVs. This offers significant advantages compared to a standard workflow. The resolution of the texture map does not need to be decided in advance. This is particularly valuable if you find you need more detailing on an area than you thought you would. Instead of repainting a new, larger texture map you can simply transfer the existing surface detail to that larger map without any reworking. You don't even need to do UV unwrapping before you begin this painting. In fact, thanks to the way that ZBrush can project details (both sculpted and painted) from one model to another you can have a fully painted model before you even have a finalized animation mesh. Instead, you can copy everything to the final base mesh once it has been signed off on.

UV Master
In order create or use a texture map, a model first needs UVs. These are 2D coordinates that tell all 3D applications how to apply a texture to your model. With most programs, creating those UVs has been a time consuming challenge that requires a high level of technical expertise and has little room for creativity. With UV Master you are able to create very efficient UVs for your model in most cases with a single click. If you need more control over this automatic process there are features that refine where seams will be placed or increase the amount of pixel space given to certain regions of your model. Its both intuitive and fast, letting you get back to being creative with minimal fuss.

Whether you are using ZBrush by itself as an illustration tool or as part of a production pipeline for animation, you will at some point want to show your work to others. ZBrush makes this possible through a powerful rendering system called BPR (Best Preview Render).

Release Notes:
ZBrush 2021.6 - New Features:

Highly Recommended Specifications:
- OS: 64-bit editions of Windows Vista or newer.
- CPU: Intel i5/i7/Xeon technology or AMD equivalent.
- RAM: 8 GB required for working with multi-million poly models. (16+ GB preferred.)
- HDD: 100 GB of free hard drive space for ZBrush and its scratch disk. (SSD drive highly recommended.)
- Pen Tablet: Wacom or Wacom compatible. (WinTab API.)
- Monitor: 1920x1080 monitor resolution or higher with 32-bit color.
- Video card: Most cards manufactured 2008 or newer. Must support OpenGL 3.3 or higher.


Größe: 1.9 GB (Total)
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6.1


Dynamesh is ZBrush’s digital clay. It rebuilds the topology of your model as you sculpt, creating a smooth, even surface for you to add fine details. Step between different resolutions of your model, and changes on any level will be applied to each one. This enables you to create complex models, but still be able to make big changes when you need to If you’re a concept artist or illustrator, you’ll find that ZBrush bridges the gap between 2D and 3D.

Compose 2D images where you can make real-time changes, while maintaining accurate lighting and depth. Paint models with pixel-by-pixel control using customizable brushes. Use GoZ to create complex textures in PhotoShop and see them applied to your scene as you work.

ZBrush introduces multi-language support, as well as many other enhancements such as a new transformation tool, the Gizmo 3D and a new text generator that will allow the artist to create text and logos with real-time adjustments. And these are only the beginning!

Overview of Pixologic ZBrush 2020 Features
Elastic Option for Curve Mode
Liquid Option for Curve Mode
Equidistant Gizmo Mesh Duplication
Remember Draw Size
Remember Dynamic Mode for Draw Size
Tessimate Geometry
New PolyGroup by Normals Algorithm
Added Draw Transformation Border option to hide transformation border
Increased OBJ Import file size capacity
Increased Output Size for 3D Print Hub
New Snake Hook Brushes for Scultpris Pro
Option to Save Startup Default Material
QuickSaves Can Now be Saved to Any Hard Drive
New Activation and License Management System with Unique Login Support
Create Displacement Maps from the highest subdiv level if HD geometry levels are present
OBJ Import will not accept Color Vertex information
Presets added to Decimation Master




Minimum requirements:

Technical Details and System Requirements
OS: 64-bit editions of Windows Vista or newer. (32-bit operating systems are no longer supported.)
CPU: Core2duo or AMD equivalent with SSE2 technology or better.
RAM: 4 GB (6+ GB strongly recommended)
HDD: 8 GB of free hard drive space for ZBrush and its scratch disk.
Video card: Most cards manufactured 2008 or newer. Must support OpenGL 3.3 or higher.
Languages: English,Japanese,french, Spanish,german, Chinese, Korean..

Size:1.5 GB

Download: Rapidgator

Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6.2 Multilingual
Requirements:64-bit editions of Windows Vista or newer
ZBrush sets the industry standard for digital sculpting and painting. Its features enable you to use customizable brushes to shape, texture and paint virtual clay in a real-time environment that provides instant feedback. When you use ZBrush you’ll be empowered by the same tools employed by film studios, game developers, toy/collectible makers, jewelry designers, automotive/aviation designers, illustrators, advertisers, scientists and other artists the world over. In fact, we have even received an Academy Award for the technology that powers ZBrush. In short, ZBrush is an art tool created by artists, for artists. It allows you to create models and illustrations limited only by your imagination, at a speed that allows you to stand out in today’s fast paced industry.

More Info:
Download Instructions:
Platform: Windows
Size: 1.90 GB
Format:".rar/.zip" archive.. ".exe" after extracting
Language: Multilingual
Hoster: uploaded / zippyshare
4 parts:


Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6.2 (x64) Multilingual


Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6.2 (x64) Multilingual | With Update Only | 1.90 GB (In Total) | Language: Multilanguage

ZBrush sets the industry standard for digital sculpting and painting. Its features enable you to use customizable brushes to shape, texture and paint virtual clay in a real-time environment that provides instant feedback. When you use ZBrush you'll be empowered by the same tools employed by film studios, game developers, toy/collectible makers, jewelry designers, automotive/aviation designers, illustrators, advertisers, scientists and other artists the world over. In fact, we have even received an Academy Award for the technology that powers ZBrush. In short, ZBrush is an art tool created by artists, for artists. It allows you to create models and illustrations limited only by your imagination, at a speed that allows you to stand out in today's fast paced industry.

Base Mesh Generation
As with anything else in life, where you can go is usually determined by where you begin. Having a great finished model requires a quality base mesh. ZBrush provides an arsenal of tools to assist with this task, ensuring that no matter what you have in mind, there is a way to get the perfect base to then take to the next level. The best known of these systems are explained here.

Sculptris Pro
Ignore the constraints of polygon distribution and simply sculpt! Sculptris Pro will dynamically add (tesselate) and remove (decimate) polygons wherever and whenever needed. It does this during your brush stroke in a real-time process called Tessimation. This frees you to focus entirely on the look you are trying to achieve.

DynaMesh is a perfect solution for free-form sculpting because it removes all need for focusing on topological constraints. Change the overall shape of the model by pushing or pulling, adding various pieces of geometry to combine into one, or even remove geometry in a manner similar to what can be done with Boolean operations. Where Sculptris Pro dynamically adjusts the triangles in your mesh as you sculpt, DynaMesh redistributes the models polygons as quads on command.

Mesh Detailing
Whether created in ZBrush or imported from elsewhere, once you have your base mesh it is time to start detailing. ZBrush features a robust suite of tools to accomplish this. Those listed below are just the tip of the iceberg.

Sculpting Brushes
The main workflow for creating with ZBrush is based on a system of brushes which can also be modulated using pen pressure from a graphics tablet. ZBrush will reproduce the natural feeling of a real paint brush or sculpting tool, using the pressure applied to the pen tip to transform your digital stroke in a variety of ways. There are brushes to pinch, move, build up the surface, chisel into it, slice through the model and much more. You can even use other 3D models as brushes, inserting their geometry into your surface.

In addition to being able to add detail by hand, ZBrush provides a system for procedurally generating surface detail through noise patterns. Choose a detail type, adjust a few simple parameters, then apply that pattern to your model in its entirety or by restricting it to a certain region. You can even combine different noise types to create highly complex effects. The Noise system is ideal for both hard surface work and organic details.

Because ZBrush works with tens of millions of polygons in real-time, you can paint directly on the surface of the model without first assigning a texture map or UVs. This offers significant advantages compared to a standard workflow. The resolution of the texture map does not need to be decided in advance. This is particularly valuable if you find you need more detailing on an area than you thought you would. Instead of repainting a new, larger texture map you can simply transfer the existing surface detail to that larger map without any reworking. You do not even need to do UV unwrapping before you begin this painting. In fact, thanks to the way that ZBrush can project details (both sculpted and painted) from one model to another you can have a fully painted model before you even have a finalized animation mesh. Instead, you can copy everything to the final base mesh once it has been signed off on.

UV Master
In order create or use a texture map, a model first needs UVs. These are 2D coordinates that tell all 3D applications how to apply a texture to your model. With most programs, creating those UVs has been a time consuming challenge that requires a high level of technical expertise and has little room for creativity. With UV Master you are able to create very efficient UVs for your model in most cases with a single click. If you need more control over this automatic process there are features that refine where seams will be placed or increase the amount of pixel space given to certain regions of your model. Its both intuitive and fast, letting you get back to being creative with minimal fuss.

Whether you are using ZBrush by itself as an illustration tool or as part of a production pipeline for animation, you will at some point want to show your work to others. ZBrush makes this possible through a powerful rendering system called BPR (Best Preview Render).

Release Notes:
ZBrush 2021.6 - New Features:

Highly Recommended Specifications:
- OS: 64-bit editions of Windows Vista or newer.
- CPU: Intel i5/i7/Xeon technology or AMD equivalent.
- RAM: 8 GB required for working with multi-million poly models. (16+ GB preferred.)
- HDD: 100 GB of free hard drive space for ZBrush and its scratch disk. (SSD drive highly recommended.)
- Pen Tablet: Wacom or Wacom compatible. (WinTab API.)
- Monitor: 1920x1080 monitor resolution or higher with 32-bit color.
- Video card: Most cards manufactured 2008 or newer. Must support OpenGL 3.3 or higher.


Größe: 1.9 GB (Total)
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6.1 (x64)


Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6.1 (x64)

Größe: 1580 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe/ISO
Plattform: Windows
Medizin: Crack/Patch

ZBrush setzt den Industriestandard für digitale Bildhauerei und Malerei. Mit seinen Funktionen können Sie anpassbare Pinsel verwenden, um virtuellen Ton in einer Echtzeitumgebung zu formen, zu texturieren und zu malen, die sofortiges Feedback bietet. Wenn Sie ZBrush verwenden, werden Sie von denselben Tools unterstützt, die Filmstudios, Spieleentwickler, Spielzeug- / Sammlerhersteller, Schmuckdesigner, Automobil- / Luftfahrtdesigner, Illustratoren, Werbetreibende, Wissenschaftler und andere Künstler auf der ganzen Welt einsetzen. Tatsächlich haben wir sogar einen Oscar für die Technologie erhalten, die ZBrush antreibt. Kurz gesagt, ZBrush ist ein Kunstwerkzeug, das von Künstlern für Künstler entwickelt wurde. Sie können damit Modelle und Illustrationen erstellen, die nur durch Ihre Vorstellungskraft begrenzt sind, und zwar mit einer Geschwindigkeit, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, sich in der schnelllebigen Branche von heute abzuheben.

Wie bei allem anderen im Leben hängt es normalerweise davon ab, wo Sie beginnen, wohin Sie gehen können. Um ein großartiges fertiges Modell zu haben, ist ein hochwertiges Grundnetz erforderlich. ZBrush bietet ein Arsenal an Tools, die Sie bei dieser Aufgabe unterstützen und sicherstellen, dass unabhängig von Ihren Vorstellungen eine Möglichkeit besteht, die perfekte Basis zu finden, um dann zum nächsten Level zu gelangen. Die bekanntesten dieser Systeme werden hier erläutert.



Pixologic ZBrush 2021.6.2 (x64)

Multilingual/Deutsch // Crack // Anleitung // 64-Bit



ZBrush setzt den Industriestandard für digitale Bildhauerei und Malerei. Mit seinen Funktionen können Sie anpassbare Pinsel verwenden, um virtuellen Ton in einer Echtzeitumgebung zu formen, zu texturieren und zu malen, die sofortiges Feedback bietet. Wenn Sie ZBrush verwenden, werden Sie von denselben Tools unterstützt, die Filmstudios, Spieleentwickler, Spielzeug- / Sammlerhersteller, Schmuckdesigner, Automobil- / Luftfahrtdesigner, Illustratoren, Werbetreibende, Wissenschaftler und andere Künstler auf der ganzen Welt einsetzen. Tatsächlich haben wir sogar einen Oscar für die Technologie erhalten, die ZBrush antreibt. Kurz gesagt, ZBrush ist ein Kunstwerkzeug, das von Künstlern für Künstler entwickelt wurde. Sie können damit Modelle und Illustrationen erstellen, die nur durch Ihre Vorstellungskraft begrenzt sind, und zwar mit einer Geschwindigkeit, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, sich in der schnelllebigen Branche von heute abzuheben.


Größe: 1.58 GB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator|Alfafile|Ddownload



Pixologic Zbrush 2021.6.2 (x64) Fixed Multilingual


Pixologic Zbrush 2021.6.2 (x64) Fixed Multilingual | 1.75 GB | Language: Multilanguage

ZBrush sets the industry standard for digital sculpting and painting. Its features enable you to use customizable brushes to shape, texture and paint virtual clay in a real-time environment that provides instant feedback. When you use ZBrush you'll be empowered by the same tools employed by film studios, game developers, toy/collectible makers, jewelry designers, automotive/aviation designers, illustrators, advertisers, scientists and other artists the world over. In fact, we have even received an Academy Award for the technology that powers ZBrush. In short, ZBrush is an art tool created by artists, for artists. It allows you to create models and illustrations limited only by your imagination, at a speed that allows you to stand out in today's fast paced industry.

Base Mesh Generation
As with anything else in life, where you can go is usually determined by where you begin. Having a great finished model requires a quality base mesh. ZBrush provides an arsenal of tools to assist with this task, ensuring that no matter what you have in mind, there is a way to get the perfect base to then take to the next level. The best known of these systems are explained here.

Sculptris Pro
Ignore the constraints of polygon distribution and simply - sculpt! Sculptris Pro will dynamically add (tesselate) and remove (decimate) polygons wherever and whenever needed. It does this during your brush stroke in a real-time process called Tessimation. This frees you to focus entirely on the look you're trying to achieve.

DynaMesh is a perfect solution for free-form sculpting because it removes all need for focusing on topological constraints. Change the overall shape of the model by pushing or pulling, adding various pieces of geometry to combine into one, or even remove geometry in a manner similar to what can be done with Boolean operations. Where Sculptris Pro dynamically adjusts the triangles in your mesh as you sculpt, DynaMesh redistributes the model's polygons as quads on command.

Mesh Detailing
Whether created in ZBrush or imported from elsewhere, once you have your base mesh it is time to start detailing. ZBrush features a robust suite of tools to accomplish this. Those listed below are just the tip of the iceberg.

Sculpting Brushes
The main workflow for creating with ZBrush is based on a system of brushes which can also be modulated using pen pressure from a graphics tablet. ZBrush will reproduce the natural feeling of a real paint brush or sculpting tool, using the pressure applied to the pen tip to transform your digital stroke in a variety of ways. There are brushes to pinch, move, build up the surface, chisel into it, slice through the model and much more. You can even use other 3D models as brushes, inserting their geometry into your surface.

In addition to being able to add detail by hand, ZBrush provides a system for procedurally generating surface detail through noise patterns. Choose a detail type, adjust a few simple parameters, then apply that pattern to your model in its entirety or by restricting it to a certain region. You can even combine different noise types to create highly complex effects. The Noise system is ideal for both hard surface work and organic details.

Because ZBrush works with tens of millions of polygons in real-time, you can paint directly on the surface of the model without first assigning a texture map or UV's. This offers significant advantages compared to a standard workflow. The resolution of the texture map does not need to be decided in advance. This is particularly valuable if you find you need more detailing on an area than you thought you would. Instead of repainting a new, larger texture map you can simply transfer the existing surface detail to that larger map without any reworking. You don't even need to do UV unwrapping before you begin this painting. In fact, thanks to the way that ZBrush can project details (both sculpted and painted) from one model to another you can have a fully painted model before you even have a finalized animation mesh. Instead, you can copy everything to the final base mesh once it has been signed off on.

UV Master
In order create or use a texture map, a model first needs UV's. These are 2D coordinates that tell all 3D applications how to apply a texture to your model. With most programs, creating those UV's has been a time consuming challenge that requires a high level of technical expertise and has little room for creativity. With UV Master you are able to create very efficient UV's for your model - in most cases with a single click. If you need more control over this automatic process there are features that refine where seams will be placed or increase the amount of pixel space given to certain regions of your model. It's both intuitive and fast, letting you get back to being creative with minimal fuss.

Whether you are using ZBrush by itself as an illustration tool or as part of a production pipeline for animation, you will at some point want to show your work to others. ZBrush makes this possible through a powerful rendering system called BPR (Best Preview Render).

Highly Recommended Specifications:
- OS: 64-bit editions of Windows Vista or newer.
- CPU: Intel i5/i7/Xeon technology or AMD equivalent.
- RAM: 8 GB required for working with multi-million poly models. (16+ GB preferred.)
- HDD: 100 GB of free hard drive space for ZBrush and its scratch disk. (SSD drive highly recommended.)
- Pen Tablet: Wacom or Wacom compatible. (WinTab API.)
- Monitor: 1920x1080 monitor resolution or higher with 32-bit color.
- Video card: Most cards manufactured 2008 or newer. Must support OpenGL 3.3 or higher.

Yes it fixes all the crashes, i tested for 3h before posting it.
Just copy and replace in C:\Program Files\Pixologic\ZBrush 2021.
And just to be safe, my advice is blocking it in the firewall from now on.

Größe: 1.75 GB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





Pixologic Zbrush 2021.6.2 (x64)


Pixologic Zbrush 2021.6.2 (x64)

Größe: 1560 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe/ISO
Plattform: Windows
Medizin: Crack/Patch

ZBrush setzt den Industriestandard für digitale Bildhauerei und Malerei. Mit seinen Funktionen können Sie anpassbare Pinsel verwenden, um virtuellen Ton in einer Echtzeitumgebung zu formen, zu texturieren und zu malen, die sofortiges Feedback bietet. Wenn Sie ZBrush verwenden, werden Sie von denselben Tools unterstützt, die Filmstudios, Spieleentwickler, Spielzeug- / Sammlerhersteller, Schmuckdesigner, Automobil- / Luftfahrtdesigner, Illustratoren, Werbetreibende, Wissenschaftler und andere Künstler auf der ganzen Welt einsetzen. Tatsächlich haben wir sogar einen Oscar für die Technologie erhalten, die ZBrush antreibt. Kurz gesagt, ZBrush ist ein Kunstwerkzeug, das von Künstlern für Künstler entwickelt wurde. Sie können damit Modelle und Illustrationen erstellen, die nur durch Ihre Vorstellungskraft begrenzt sind, und zwar mit einer Geschwindigkeit, die es Ihnen ermöglicht, sich in der schnelllebigen Branche von heute abzuheben.

Wie bei allem anderen im Leben hängt es normalerweise davon ab, wo Sie beginnen, wohin Sie gehen können. Um ein großartiges fertiges Modell zu haben, ist ein hochwertiges Grundnetz erforderlich. ZBrush bietet ein Arsenal an Tools, die Sie bei dieser Aufgabe unterstützen und sicherstellen, dass unabhängig von Ihren Vorstellungen eine Möglichkeit besteht, die perfekte Basis zu finden, um dann zum nächsten Level zu gelangen. Die bekanntesten dieser Systeme werden hier erläutert.



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