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OfficeSuite Premium v4

OfficeSuite Premium v4.90.35798 (x64) Multilingual


OfficeSuite Premium v4.90.35798 (x64) Multilingual | 197 MB | Language: Multilanguage

An office suite that includes a word processor, a PDF editor and reader, a spreadsheet editor, and a presentation creator, all of them with modern and clean interfaces. When talking about Office suites, many of you might only point to Microsoft's widely-known product. However, there are other alternatives that you can try out, especially if you are a home user. Very popular on mobile platforms, OfficeSuite has also shifted towards Windows, delivering a suite of office-related tools with a clean look and simple options.

Modern-looking yet familiar suite of office tools
With a name that speaks out simplicity and ease of use, OfficeSuite tries to concentrate the most important features of applications that are usually included in such a suite. As such, it brings to the table a word processor, a spreadsheet editor, a presentation maker, and a PDF reader and editor.

OfficeSuite cannot work without you logging in to your account, which makes it possible for anyone to sync their profiles (and licenses, if that is the case) on all the devices.

All the applications feature the ribbon-based toolbox you are used to, and a clean and modern-looking GUI. All the settings are one-click away, and there are plenty of exporting and saving options.

Text and spreadsheet editors, a presentation maker, and a PDF reader
The word processor features basic text editing and formatting capabilities, with standard page setup options. You can insert images, tables, hyperlinks, and bookmarks into your documents, and export the result as a PDF, print it, or save it to the cloud.

Moving on to the presentation maker, it features simple tools to help you build compelling content, with graphics and transition effects. The spreadsheet editor also depicts a familiar environment, with support for all kinds of charts, a plethora of formulas and functions to help you process statistical data.

Last but not least, the PDF reader can use a two-sided viewer to display the text, enabling you to attach notes, take snapshots, and freely draw on the desktop. And while the application is a reader, without editing functionality, input PDF documents can be exported to Word, Excel, or ePub format.

Simplistic alternative to Microsoft Office
With standard functionality in all the applications, OfficeSuite delivers a good alternative to Microsoft Office, from whom it also borrows the GUI layout. It supports all the Office formats, so you don't have to worry about compatibility issues.
Nevertheless, you should know that it doesn't sport the same rich feature set you can find in Microsoft Office. Instead, it sticks to the basic set of options that should be enough for any home user.

System Requirements:
OS: Windows 7 or later
.NET Framework 4.8

Home Page -

Größe: 197 MB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





OfficeSuite Premium v4.90.35797

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Patch By_DFoX



Eine Office-Suite mit einem Textverarbeitungsprogramm, einem PDF-Editor und -Leser, einem Tabellenkalkulationseditor und einem Präsentationsersteller, alle mit modernen und übersichtlichen Oberflächen. Wenn Sie über Office-Suiten sprechen, verweisen viele von Ihnen möglicherweise nur auf das weithin bekannte Produkt von Microsoft. Es gibt jedoch andere Alternativen, die Sie ausprobieren können, insbesondere wenn Sie ein Heimanwender sind. OfficeSuite ist auf mobilen Plattformen sehr beliebt und hat sich auch auf Windows verlagert. Es bietet eine Reihe von Office-Tools mit einem sauberen Erscheinungsbild und einfachen Optionen.

Synchronisieren Sie zwischen Geräten mit Ihrem OfficeSuite-Konto

Leistungsstarke PDF-Integration
- Konvertieren Sie PDF in Word, Excel oder ePub
- Scannen Sie Ihre physischen Dokumente mit der Kamera Ihres Geräts in PDF
- Zertifizierung und Markup umfassen Unterstützung für digitale Signaturen, Berechtigungsverwaltung, Text in PDF und Anmerkungen

Jede Wolke
Stellen Sie mit Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Amazon Cloud Drive und SugarSync eine Verbindung zur Cloud her und teilen Sie diese über E-Mail, Bluetooth und alle Messaging-Apps.

Beliebiges Dokumentformat
- Volle Kompatibilität mit allen gängigen Formaten, einschließlich DOC, DOCX, DOCM, XLS, XLSX, XLSM, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX, PPTM, PPSM.
- Unterstützung für gängige Formate wie OpenDocument (ODT, ODS und ODP), RTF, CSV und ZIP.

Modern aussehende und dennoch vertraute Suite von Bürowerkzeugen
Mit einem Namen, der Einfachheit und Benutzerfreundlichkeit auszeichnet, versucht OfficeSuite, die wichtigsten Funktionen von Anwendungen zu konzentrieren, die normalerweise in einer solchen Suite enthalten sind. Als solches bringt es ein Textverarbeitungsprogramm, einen Tabellenkalkulationseditor, einen Präsentationsmacher sowie einen PDF-Reader und -Editor auf den Tisch.

Einfache Alternative zu Microsoft Office
Mit der Standardfunktionalität in allen Anwendungen bietet OfficeSuite eine gute Alternative zu Microsoft Office, von dem auch das GUI-Layout übernommen wird. Es unterstützt alle Office-Formate, sodass Sie sich keine Gedanken über Kompatibilitätsprobleme machen müssen.


Größe: 379 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator|Alfafile|Ddownload


OfficeSuite Premium 4.90.35798 (x64)

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Patch By_DFoX



Größe: 192
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Rar / Exe
Plattform: Windows (x64,x86)
Hoster: Turbobit,RapidGator,Nitroflare,DropAPK

Beschreibung :

An office suite that includes a word processor, a PDF editor and reader, a spreadsheet editor, and a presentation creator, all of them with modern and clean interfaces. When talking about Office suites, many of you might only point to Microsoft's widely-known product. However, there are other alternatives that you can try out, especially if you are a home user. Very popular on mobile platforms, OfficeSuite has also shifted towards Windows, delivering a suite of office-related tools with a clean look and simple options.

Modern-looking yet familiar suite of office tools
With a name that speaks out simplicity and ease of use, OfficeSuite tries to concentrate the most important features of applications that are usually included in such a suite. As such, it brings to the table a word processor, a spreadsheet editor, a presentation maker, and a PDF reader and editor.

OfficeSuite cannot work without you logging in to your account, which makes it possible for anyone to sync their profiles (and licenses, if that is the case) on all the devices.

All the applications feature the ribbon-based toolbox you are used to, and a clean and modern-looking GUI. All the settings are one-click away, and there are plenty of exporting and saving options.

Text and spreadsheet editors, a presentation maker, and a PDF reader
The word processor features basic text editing and formatting capabilities, with standard page setup options. You can insert images, tables, hyperlinks, and bookmarks into your documents, and export the result as a PDF, print it, or save it to the cloud.

Moving on to the presentation maker, it features simple tools to help you build compelling content, with graphics and transition effects. The spreadsheet editor also depicts a familiar environment, with support for all kinds of charts, a plethora of formulas and functions to help you process statistical data.

Last but not least, the PDF reader can use a two-sided viewer to display the text, enabling you to attach notes, take snapshots, and freely draw on the desktop. And while the application is a reader, without editing functionality, input PDF documents can be exported to Word, Excel, or ePub format.

Simplistic alternative to Microsoft Office
With standard functionality in all the applications, OfficeSuite delivers a good alternative to Microsoft Office, from whom it also borrows the GUI layout. It supports all the Office formats, so you don't have to worry about compatibility issues.

Nevertheless, you should know that it doesn't sport the same rich feature set you can find in Microsoft Office. Instead, it sticks to the basic set of options that should be enough for any home user.

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