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MathWorks MATLAB 2021


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
MathWorks MATLAB R2021a v9.10.0.1602886 || Englisch


Millions of engineers and scientists worldwide use MATLAB to analyze and design the systems and products transforming our world. MATLAB is in automobile active safety systems, interplanetary spacecraft, health monitoring devices, smart power grids, and LTE cellular networks. It is used for machine learning, signal processing, image processing, computer vision, communications, computational finance, control design, robotics, and much more.

Math. Graphics. Programming.
The MATLAB platform is optimized for solving engineering and scientific problems. The matrix-based MATLAB language is the world's most natural way to express computational mathematics. Built-in graphics make it easy to visualize and gain insights from data. A vast library of prebuilt toolboxes lets you get started right away with algorithms essential to your domain. The desktop environment invites experimentation, exploration, and discovery. These MATLAB tools and capabilities are all rigorously tested and designed to work together.

Scale. Integrate. Deploy.
MATLAB helps you take your ideas beyond the desktop. You can run your analyses on larger data sets and scale up to clusters and clouds. MATLAB code can be integrated with other languages, enabling you to deploy algorithms and applications within web, enterprise, and production systems.

Key FeaturesHigh-level language for scientific and engineering computingDesktop environment tuned for iterative exploration, design, and problem-solvingGraphics for visualizing data and tools for creating custom Des*****ionsApps for curve fitting, data classification, signal analysis, and many other domain-specific tasksAdd-on toolboxes for a wide range of engineering and scientific applicationsTools for building applications with custom user interfacesInterfaces to C/C++, Java®, .NET, Python®, SQL, Hadoop®, and Microsoft® Excel®Royalty-free deployment options for sharing MATLAB programs with end users
MATLAB is the easiest and most productive software for engineers and scientists. Whether you're analyzing data, developing algorithms, or creating models, MATLAB provides an environment that invites exploration and discovery. It combines a high-level language with a desktop environment tuned for iterative engineering and scientific workflows.

MATLAB Speaks Math
The matrix-based MATLAB language is the world's most natural way to express computational mathematics. MATLAB supports both numeric and symbolic calculations. Linear algebra in MATLAB looks like linear algebra in a textbook; symbolic calculations look like the equations you write on paper. This makes it straightforward to capture the mathematics behind your ideas, which means your code is easier to write, easier to read and understand, and easier to maintain.

You can trust the results of your computations. MATLAB, which has strong roots in the numerical analysis research community, is known for its impeccable numerics. A MathWorks team of 350 engineers continuously verifies quality by running millions of tests on the MATLAB code base every day.

MATLAB does the hard work to ensure your code runs quickly. Math operations are distributed across multiple cores on your computer, library calls are heavily optimized, and all code is just-in-time compiled. You can run your algorithms in parallel by changing for-loops into parallel for-loops or by changing standard arrays into GPU or distributed arrays. Run parallel algorithms in infinitely scalable public or private clouds with no code changes.

The MATLAB language also provides features of traditional programming languages, including flow control, error handling, object-oriented programming, unit testing, and source control integration.

MATLAB Is Designed for Engineers and Scientists
MATLAB provides a desktop environment tuned for iterative engineering and scientific workflows. Integrated tools support simultaneous exploration of data and programs, letting you evaluate more ideas in less time.

You can interactively preview, select, and preprocess the data you want to import.An extensive set of built-in math functions supports your engineering and scientific analysis.2D and 3D Des*****ionting functions enable you to visualize and understand your data and communicate results.MATLAB apps allow you to perform common engineering tasks without having to program. Visualize how different algorithms work with your data, and iterate until you've got the results you want.The integrated editing and debugging tools let you quickly explore multiple options, refine your analysis, and iterate to an optimal solution.You can capture your work as sharable, interactive narratives.
Comprehensive, professional documentation written by engineers and scientists is always at your fingertips to keep you productive. Reliable, real-time technical support staff answers your questions quickly. And you can tap into the knowledge and experience of over 100,000 community members and MathWorks engineers on MATLAB Central, an open exchange for MATLAB and Simulink® users.

MATLAB and add-on toolboxes are integrated with each other and designed to work together. They offer professionally developed, rigorously tested, field-hardened, and fully documented functionality specifically for scientific and engineering applications

MATLAB Integrates Workflows
Major engineering and scientific challenges require broad coordination to take ideas to implementation. Every handoff along the way adds errors and delays.

MATLAB automates the entire path from research through production. You can:Build and package custom MATLAB apps and toolboxes to share with other MATLAB users.Create standalone executables to share with others who do not have MATLAB.Integrate with C/C++, Java, .NET, and Python. Call those languages directly from MATLAB, or package MATLAB algorithms and applications for deployment within web, enterprise, and production systems.Convert MATLAB algorithms to C, HDL, and PLC code to run on embedded devices.Deploy MATLAB code to run on production Hadoop systems.
MATLAB is also a key part of Model-Based Design, which is used for multidomain simulation, physical and discrete-event simulation, and verification and code generation.






DOWNLOAD || 17900 MB || Format: exe


MathWorks MATLAB R2021a v9.10.0.1649659 (x64) Full with Update


MathWorks MATLAB R2021a v9.10.0.1649659 (x64) Full with Update | 20.4/2.5 GB | Language: English

MATLAB is a programming and numeric computing platform used by millions of engineers and scientists to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models. MATLAB combines a desktop environment tuned for iterative analysis and design processes with a programming language that expresses matrix and array mathematics directly. It includes the Live Editor for creating scripts that combine code, output, and formatted text in an executable notebook.

Professionally Built
MATLAB toolboxes are professionally developed, rigorously tested, and fully documented.

With Interactive Apps
MATLAB apps let you see how different algorithms work with your data. Iterate until you've got the results you want, then automatically generate a MATLAB program to reproduce or automate your work.

And the Ability to Scale
Scale your analyses to run on clusters, GPUs, and clouds with only minor code changes. There's no need to rewrite your code or learn big data programming and out-of-memory techniques.

MATLAB Capabilities:

Data Analysis
Explore, model, and analyze data

Visualize and explore data

Algorithm Development
Design algorithms for desktop and embedded applications

App Building
Create desktop and web apps

Using MATLAB with Other Languages
Use MATLAB with Python, C/C++, Fortran, Java, and other languages

Connect MATLAB to hardware

Parallel Computing
Perform large-scale computations and parallelize simulations using multicore desktops, GPUs, clusters, and clouds

Web and Desktop Deployment
Share your MATLAB programs

MATLAB in the Cloud
Run in cloud environments from MathWorks Cloud to public clouds including AWS and Azure

Take Your Ideas Beyond Research to Production

Deploy to Enterprise Applications
MATLAB code is production ready, so you can go directly to your cloud and enterprise systems, and integrate with data sources and business systems.

Run on Embedded Devices
Automatically convert MATLAB algorithms to C/C++, HDL, and CUDA code to run on your embedded processor or FPGA/ASIC.

Integrate with Model-Based Design
MATLAB works with Simulink to support Model-Based Design, which is used for multidomain simulation, automatic code generation, and test and verification of embedded systems.

What News?

Größe: 20.4/2.5 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch / Preactivated
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






MathWorks MATLAB R2021a v9.10.0.1684407 Update 3 Only (x64)


Größe: 5.75 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 10 (version 1803 or higher)/Windows 7 Service Pack 1/Windows Server 2016/Windows Server 2019 (x64)

Hoster: RapidGator, DropAPK, UploadGig, NitroFlare


Mathworks Matlab R2021a Additional Toolbox (x64)


Mathworks Matlab R2021a Additional Toolbox (x64) | 20.39 GB | Language: English

In the distribution, additional packages expanding the scope of matlab for specific equipment (such as cameras, microcontrollers, arduins , plisets, oscillographs, etc.), for software functionality (such as opencv, popular deep learning models, mingw compiler, etc.), for infrastructure (different cloud services, different types of databases, etc.). Well, you get the idea ... all the miscellaneous that the mafworks considered very specific and took out the brackets of the main installer "for everyone" (apparently to save the size of the main installer)

There was no distribution of matlab packets on the tracker and therefore everything was in the "pitchfork on the water" mode. I mean there might be problems.

See below for a detailed list of packages. If you decide to install any packages, then unsubscribe under the distribution about the problems and the solutions you have found. The installation of all packages and the packages themselves I have not tested, especially under three platforms ... so feedback is welcome.

Who is cautious, but nevertheless interested in additional. packages for matlab, you can put yourself a second, "trial", matlab 9.10 (it is possible in the minimal configuration purely for tests) in a new folder, and put the packages from this distribution into this trial matlab ... so that if you don't "spoil" yourself main matlab.

How to install under all platforms is written in Setup.txt. During installation, your matlab and plus a window for selecting and installing components will start. I also explain this by looking at the taskbar as well (if suddenly your matlab window insolently overlaps the component installation window and you will be at a loss like "launched ... and what?").
On account of the need for distributions with matlab packages on the mercy tracker, please vote at the very top!

Package List:
Automated Driving Toolbox Importer for Zenrin Japan Map API 3.0 (Itsumo NAVI API 3.0) Service
Automated Driving Toolbox Interface for Unreal Engine 4 Projects
Communications Toolbox Library for the Bluetooth Protocol
Communications Toolbox Library for the NFC Protocol
Communications Toolbox Library for the ZigBee Protocol
Communications Toolbox Support Package for Analog Devices ADALM-Pluto Radio
Communications Toolbox Support Package for RTL-SDR Radio
Communications Toolbox Support Package for USRP Embedded Series Radio
Communications Toolbox Support Package for USRP Radio
Communications Toolbox Support Package for Xilinx Zynq-Based Radio
Computer Vision Toolbox Interface for OpenCV in MATLAB
Computer Vision Toolbox Interface for OpenCV in Simulink
Computer Vision Toolbox Model for YOLO v3 Object Detection
Computer Vision Toolbox OCR Language Data
Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Analog Devices ADALM1000 Hardware
Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Digilent Analog Discovery Hardware
Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Measurement Computing Hardware
Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments NI-DAQmx Devices
Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Windows Sound Cards
Database Toolbox Interface for Apache Cassandra Database
Database Toolbox Interface for MongoDB
Database Toolbox Interface for Neo4j Bolt Protocol
Deep Learning HDL Toolbox Support Package for Intel FPGA and SoC Devices
Deep Learning HDL Toolbox Support Package for Xilinx FPGA and SoC Devices
Deep Learning Toolbox Converter for ONNX Model Format
Deep Learning Toolbox Converter for TensorFlow models
Deep Learning Toolbox Importer for Caffe Models
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for AlexNet Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for *******-19 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for *******-53 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for DenseNet-201 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for EfficientNet-b0 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for GoogLeNet Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for Inception-ResNet-v2 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for Inception-v3 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for MobileNet-v2 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for NASNet-Large Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for NASNet-Mobile Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for Places365-GoogLeNet Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for ResNet-101 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for ResNet-18 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for ResNet-50 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for ShuffleNet Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for VGG-16 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for VGG-19 Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model for Xception Network
Deep Learning Toolbox Model Quantization Library
Embedded Coder Interface to QEMU Emulator
Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-A Processors
Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-M Processors
Embedded Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-R Processors
Embedded Coder Support Package for BeagleBone Black Hardware
Embedded Coder Support Package for Intel SoC Devices
Embedded Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics Discovery Boards
Embedded Coder Support Package for Texas Instruments C2000 F28M3x Concerto Processors
Embedded Coder Support Package for Texas Instruments C2000 Processors
Embedded Coder Support Package for Xilinx Zynq Platform
Ephemeris Data for Aerospace Toolbox
Geoid Data for Aerospace Toolbox
GPU Coder Interface for Deep Learning Libraries
GUIDE to App Designer Migration Tool for MATLAB
HDL Coder Support Package for Intel FPGA Boards
HDL Coder Support Package for Intel SoC Devices
HDL Coder Support Package for Xilinx FPGA Boards
HDL Coder Support Package for Xilinx RFSoC Devices
HDL Coder Support Package for Xilinx Zynq Platform
HDL Verifier Support Package for Intel FPGA Boards
HDL Verifier Support Package for Microsemi FPGA Boards
HDL Verifier Support Package for Xilinx FPGA Boards
Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for DCAM Hardware
Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for GenICam Interface
Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for GigE Vision Hardware
Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Kinect for Windows Sensor
Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Matrox Hardware
Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments Frame Grabbers
Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for OS Generic Video Interface
Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Point Grey Hardware
Image Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Teledyne DALSA Sapera Hardware
Image Processing Toolbox Hyperspectral Imaging Library
Image Processing Toolbox Image Data
Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for Keysight (Agilent) IO Libraries and VISA Interface
Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments NI-845x I2C
Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments NI-DCPower Power Supplies
Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments NI-DMM Digital Multimeters
Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments NI-FGEN Function Generators
Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments NI-SCOPE Oscilloscopes
Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments NI-SWITCH Hardware
Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments VISA and ICP Interfaces
Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for Rohde Schwarz VISA Interface
Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for Total Phase Aardvark I2C
Lidar Toolbox Support Package for Velodyne LiDAR Sensors
MATLAB Basemap Data - bluegreen
MATLAB Basemap Data - colorterrain
MATLAB Basemap Data - grayland
MATLAB Basemap Data - grayterrain
MATLAB Basemap Data - landcover
MATLAB Client for MATLAB Production Server
MATLAB Coder Interface for Deep Learning Libraries
MATLAB Coder Support Package for NVIDIA Jetson and NVIDIA DRIVE Platforms
MATLAB Support for MinGW-w64 C
MATLAB Support Package for Android Sensors
MATLAB Support Package for Apple iOS Sensors
MATLAB Support Package for Arduino Hardware
MATLAB Support Package for BeagleBone Black Hardware
MATLAB Support Package for IP Cameras
MATLAB Support Package for LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Hardware
MATLAB Support Package for Parrot Drones
MATLAB Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware
MATLAB Support Package for Ryze Tello Drones
MATLAB Support Package for USB Webcams
Mixed-Signal Blockset Models
Model Risk Manager for MATLAB
Parallel Computing Toolbox plugin for MATLAB Parallel Server with AWS Batch
Parallel Computing Toolbox plugin for MATLAB Parallel Server with Grid Engine
Parallel Computing Toolbox plugin for MATLAB Parallel Server with HTCondor
Parallel Computing Toolbox plugin for MATLAB Parallel Server with IBM Platform LSF
Parallel Computing Toolbox plugin for MATLAB Parallel Server with PBS
Parallel Computing Toolbox plugin for MATLAB Parallel Server with Slurm
Powertrain Blockset Drive Cycle Data
RF Blockset Models for Analog Devices RF Transceivers
Robotics System Toolbox Support Package for Manipulators
ROS Toolbox Support Package for TurtleBot-Based Robots
SerDes Toolbox Interface for SiSoft Quantum Channel Designer and QSI Software
Simulink Coder Support Package for ARM Cortex-based VEX Microcontroller
Simulink Coder Support Package for BBC microbit Board
Simulink Coder Support Package for BeagleBone Blue Hardware
Simulink Coder Support Package for NVIDIA Jetson CPUs
Simulink Coder Support Package for NXP FRDM-K64F Board
Simulink Coder Support Package for NXP FRDM-KL25Z Board
Simulink Coder Support Package for STMicroelectronics Nucleo Boards
Simulink Coder Support Package for VEX EDR V5 Robot Brain
Simulink Real-Time Target Support Package
Simulink Support Package for Android Devices
Simulink Support Package for Arduino Hardware
Simulink Support Package for LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Hardware
Simulink Support Package for Parrot Minidrones
Simulink Support Package for Raspberry Pi Hardware
SoC Blockset Support Package for Embedded Linux Devices
SoC Blockset Support Package for Intel Devices
SoC Blockset Support Package for Texas Instruments C2000 Processors
SoC Blockset Support Package for Xilinx Devices
Source control integration with Microsoft(R) Source-Code Control Interface (MSSCCI) for MATLAB and Simulink
Text Analytics Toolbox Model for fastText English 16 Billion Token Word Embedding
UAV Toolbox Interface for Unreal Engine Projects
UAV Toolbox Support Package for PX4 Autopilots
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset Interface for Unreal Engine 4 Projects
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset Maneuver Data
Vehicle Network Toolbox Support Package for Kvaser CAN devices
Vehicle Network Toolbox Support Package for National Instruments NI-XNET CAN devices
Vehicle Network Toolbox Support Package for PEAK-System CAN devices
Vehicle Network Toolbox Support Package for Vector CAN devices
Vision HDL Toolbox Support Package for Xilinx Zynq-Based Hardware
WINNER II Channel Model for Communications Toolbox

Developer : Mathworks
Bit depth : 64bit
Interface language : English
Tablet : Not required
System requirements : Updates for all three platforms Windows, Linux, MacOS on which the corresponding version of matlab is running Hardware
requirements: the same as and the corresponding version of matlab

Größe: 20.39 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch / Preactivated
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7
Bit depth: 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)






MathWorks MATLAB R2021a v9.10.0.1739362 (x64)


Größe: 17.3 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7 / 10 Windows Server 2016 / Windows Server 2019 (x64)

Hoster: RapidGator, DropAPK, UploadGig, NitroFlare

MathWorks MATLAB R2021a v9.10.0.1739362 (x64)

Englisch // Crack // Anleitung // 64-Bit



Firma MathWorks vollständigste Software für Computer produziert; Das Hauptprogramm der Firma, die eigentlich Passport ist, ist Software MATLAB (kurz für Mat rix Lab Oratory und bedeutet Lab Matrix) ist eine der fortschrittlichsten Software, Algorithmen und Mathematik und eine Programmiersprache, die in der vierten Generation entwickelt wurde, um Funktionen und Daten zu visualisieren und darzustellen wird gestellt. Symbol und Lesezeichen MATLAB mit dem Logo des Herstellers ist die gleiche wie die Wellengleichung, L-förmige Membran und spezielle Funktionen wurden extrahiert. MATLAB-Konkurrenten wie Mathematica, Maple und Mathcad festgestellt.

Einrichtungen und Softwarefunktionen MathWorks MATLAB:

- Durchführen einer Vielzahl komplexer mathematischer Berechnungen und schwerer
- Entwicklungsumgebung für die Verwaltung von Code, Dateien und Daten
- Erkunden Sie Wege, um diese Lösung zu erreichen
- Eine Vielzahl mathematischer Funktionen für lineare Algebra, Statistik, Fourier-Analyse, Optimierung, Filterung, numerische Integration und ...
- Zeichnen zweidimensionaler und dreidimensionaler Grafikfunktionen zur Visualisierung von Daten als
- Entwurf und Aufbau von Benutzeroberflächen unter den Programmiersprachen C++, C oder Java
- Fähigkeit, die genauen Funktionen und Grafiken zu testen und zu messen
- Die Möglichkeit der Verarbeitung von Kommunikationssignalen, Bild und Video
- Es gibt verschiedene Jbhabzarhay-Engineering-Unternehmen für bestimmte Anwendungen wie Telekommunikation, Steuerung, Fuzzy, Schätzungen, Statistik, Datenerfassung, Simulationssysteme,
Neuronale Netze, Wahrscheinlichkeit und ...


Größe: 18.00 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/ISO
Plattform: Windows 7 SP1/10 1803 und neuer
Windows Server 2016/2019 (64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator|Ddownload|Nitroflare


MathWorks MATLAB R2021b v9.11.0.1769968 (x64)


Größe: 17.3 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/EXE
Plattform: Windows 7 / 10 Windows Server 2016 / Windows Server 2019 (x64)

Hoster: RapidGator, DropAPK, UploadGig, NitroFlare


MathWorks MATLAB R2021b v9.11.0.1769968 (x64)


MathWorks MATLAB R2021b v9.11.0.1769968 (x64) | 18.4 GB | Language: English


Größe: 14.4 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Present
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7 , Server 2016 , 2019
Bit depth: 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)






MathWorks MATLAB R2021b v9.11.0.1769968 (x64)

Englisch // Crack // Anleitung // 64-Bit



Firma MathWorks vollständigste Software für Computer produziert; Das Hauptprogramm der Firma, die eigentlich Passport ist, ist Software MATLAB (kurz für Mat rix Lab Oratory und bedeutet Lab Matrix) ist eine der fortschrittlichsten Software, Algorithmen und Mathematik und eine Programmiersprache, die in der vierten Generation entwickelt wurde, um Funktionen und Daten zu visualisieren und darzustellen wird gestellt. Symbol und Lesezeichen MATLAB mit dem Logo des Herstellers ist die gleiche wie die Wellengleichung, L-förmige Membran und spezielle Funktionen wurden extrahiert. MATLAB-Konkurrenten wie Mathematica, Maple und Mathcad festgestellt.

Einrichtungen und Softwarefunktionen MathWorks MATLAB:

- Durchführen einer Vielzahl komplexer mathematischer Berechnungen und schwerer
- Entwicklungsumgebung für die Verwaltung von Code, Dateien und Daten
- Erkunden Sie Wege, um diese Lösung zu erreichen
- Eine Vielzahl mathematischer Funktionen für lineare Algebra, Statistik, Fourier-Analyse, Optimierung, Filterung, numerische Integration und ...
- Zeichnen zweidimensionaler und dreidimensionaler Grafikfunktionen zur Visualisierung von Daten als
- Entwurf und Aufbau von Benutzeroberflächen unter den Programmiersprachen C++, C oder Java
- Fähigkeit, die genauen Funktionen und Grafiken zu testen und zu messen
- Die Möglichkeit der Verarbeitung von Kommunikationssignalen, Bild und Video
- Es gibt verschiedene Jbhabzarhay-Engineering-Unternehmen für bestimmte Anwendungen wie Telekommunikation, Steuerung, Fuzzy, Schätzungen, Statistik, Datenerfassung, Simulationssysteme,
Neuronale Netze, Wahrscheinlichkeit und ...


Größe: 19.20 GB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/ISO
Plattform: Windows 7 SP1/10 1803 und neuer
Windows Server 2016/2019 (64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator|Ddownload|Nitroflare


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