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MAGIX SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning Lab v24

Magix Sound Forge Audio Cleaning Lab 4 v26.0.0.23



size: 547 mb
format: rar/exe
languages: english+german

The specialist tool for clean sound. Remove noise from audio files and optimize the sound of recordings and video audio. Digitize vintage recordings and achieve perfect, clean sound for your old records, CDs, and cassettes. SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning Lab 3: The third generation of this all-around tool delivers impressive workflow functions, and innovative effect presets.

The Auto Cleaning function automatically analyzes your material and offers recommendations for optimizing audio. You can modify projects manually at any time.

Overview of MAGIX SOUND FORGE Audio Cleaning Lab Features
Import audio sources, CDs and video sound to your PC in just a few clicks.
Remove all standard types of noise such as vinyl crackling, camera whirring or wind with a range of practical presets.
With a wide range of wizards, presets, 1-click solutions and a clearly laid out interface, usability is simple.
The video sound optimizer applies the exact settings you need to enhance the music, sound and spoken parts in your videos.
Record vocals for podcasts and other projects in professional quality at up to 96 kHz/24-bit.
Easily transfer individual songs and entire albums from records and tapes to your PC and record vocals for podcasts and other projects in outstanding studio quality at up to 96 kHz/24-bit.
Import CDs, old audio sources or video audio files to your PC with a few easy clicks and then start editing your media right away.
Once you've imported and edited audio from your records, tapes or CDs, you can easily export it in any standard format such as MP3, WAV, OGG and FLAC.
Spectral cleaning: The spectral display provides a clear visualization of the various frequencies of an audio track. This enables you to identify noise at a glance and then remove it straight away.
The auto cleaning function analyzes your audio material and recommends settings for optimizing it. You can also modify all these settings manually.
Enhance speech recordings and reduce background noise, wind noise and sibilance – the Video Sound Optimizer offers a wide range of presets for removing all types of noise.
Automatic cleaning and sound characteristics with a single click: Let the program wizards and over 360 presets help you get the most out of your material.
No user manual necessary – the Infobox provides valuable tips and tricks for all functions and aspects of the program, helping you get the answers you need, when you need them.
One keyword in the search field is all you need to find the project templates, help articles, tools and effects you're looking for.


Technical Details and System Requirements
Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista - x64
Processor: 1 GHz
Graphics card: onboard
Hard drive space: 1 GB for program installation
Sound card: onboard
Optical drive: DVD drive Optional: CD/DVD burner
Program languages: English, Deutsch

Download: Nitro / Rapidgator

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