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    - Threadtitel

    Idealerweise ist sofort zu erkennen um was es sich handelt. Verseht euren Titel mit den relevanten Informationen, das hilft euch und damit auch uns und allen Suchenden erheblich weiter.

    Beispiel: [Thriller] Dan Brown - Inferno oder bei Magazinen:

    Computerbild - 14/2014 (es muss ersichtlich sein, um welche Ausgabe und welches Magazin es sich handelt)

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    [Science Fiction]

    Inhalt des Beitrags:

    Folgende Pflichtangaben gilt es einzuhalten:

    - Autor
    - Titel
    - Präfix
    - Cover
    - Genre
    - Inhaltsbeschreibung
    - enthaltene Formate
    - Gesamtgröße des Downloads
    - Hoster
    - ggf. Passwort

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    Unterforum Comics:


    Ähnlich, wie bei Unterhaltung und Magazinen, sollte der Titel alle relevanten Informationen enthalten, hier bitte

    - den Titel des Comics
    - den Verlag (einige Comics sind in verschiedenen Verlagen erschienen)
    - das Erscheinungsjahr

    Erlaubt sind folgende Formate:

    - CBR
    - CBZ

    Grundsätzlich gilt: jede Version eines Comics erhält einen eigenen Thread, Ersteller eines Comics können ihre Bände gerne mit dem Zusatz (Original-Release) versehen.

    Bei Unsicherheiten zur korrekten Benennung bitte die Informationen von www.comicguide.de nutzen.

    Inhalt des Beitrags:

    Pflichtangaben hier sind:

    - Titel des Bandes und ggf. Nummer
    - Cover
    - falls bekannt technische Daten (DPI, Breite, Speicherqualität)
    - Größe des Downloads
    - Hoster
    - ggf. Passwort
    - falls bekannt Releasenamen
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Macabre Tales RPG - Pen and Paper Rollenspiel


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Macabre Tales - Pen & Paper Rollenspiel


Macabre Tales is the dominoes-based RPG of Lovecraftian horror that strips out the "contributions" of later authors and focuses solely on what Lovecraft himself created. Spectrum Games, known for accurate emulation of various genres in their products, offers a brand new take on role-playing in the terrifying and abhorrent world of Howard Phillips Lovecraft. Will you emerge from the experience unscathed? Or will your mind snap in the wake of all the hidden abominations that lurk in the shadows, just out of sight of humankind?

Genre: Pen & Paper RPG
Language: English
Hoster: Uploaded
Password: No Password

----------------- Complete Collection -----------------

All files listed below in a single download-container:

Size: 31 MB | Files: 4 (RAR)





Macabre Tales - Core Rulebook

This is your arcane portal to the world of Lovecraftian horror. The rulebook includes everything you'll need to play Macabre Tales, (except for two sets of "double-six" dominoes) -- full game rules, super-fast character creation, extensive player and Narrator advice, and a full-length introductory adventure.

Format: PDF | Size: 23 MB | Files: 1 Part (RAR) |



A Translation of Evil

A Translation of Evil is a short adventure for Macabre Tales. What if it were possible for a book to actually be evil? What if the written words themselves had the ability to inflict harm upon the reader? If so, how do you fight something that is, in essence, only an idea on a page? Will the protagonist succeed in translating this vile tome or will his fate be far more sinister?

Format: PDF | Size: 2 MB | Files: 1 Part (RAR) |


The Other Side of the Mirror

The Other Side of the Mirror is a short adventure for the Macabre Tales roleplaying game. Dark and sinister things await the protagonist, who has been hired to go to Rome, Italy in order to seek out truths hinted at in the dreaded Necronomicon. But the closer he gets to these truths, the stranger things get... until he finds himself in an incomprehensible situation that has to be experienced to be believed. Will he make it out with his life and sanity intact?

Format: PDF | Size: 2 MB | Files: 1 Part (RAR) |


The Secret of the Dead Man’s Satchel

The Secret of the Dead Man's Satchel is a short adventure for Macabre Tales. The protagonist of the tale receives a mysterious package in the mail -- a satchel containing papers with strange encoded text. That's when his life begins to spiral out of control. Who sent the package? What does the coded text mean? What vile and sinister forces are at play? Will the character be able to get to the bottom of the situation before he is consumed in darkness?

Format: PDF | Size: 3 MB | Files: 1 Part (RAR) |

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