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Legoaizer+ v4


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Legoaizer+ 4.0 Build 170 Multilingual


Lego enthusiasts have one more reason to rejoice, thanks to Legoaizer. The program is a handy tool for creating Lego brick layouts and mosaics out of regular pictures. Each of these models is comprised of various Lego bricks, colored to specifically match the overall look of your original image.

With Legoaizer you can:
create a photo mosaic design with LEGO® and Ministeck® bricks/parts
projects: takes your choice, amount and size of your LEGO® or Ministeck® collection into account
easy workflow, where settings are remembered or saved as projects to resuming your mosaic later
several choices of color matching engines, colors, pictures, dithered and black and white
define your own set of colors for color dithering to optimize brick use
print the mosaic design on multiple pages, and in pdf format to print at various sizes with no loss of quality
edit each individual brick
integration with Bricklink database, create from Bricklink database, upload wanted list (.xml) to Bricklink
use of combo bricks: a 1x1 square base op top of which a round plate is put with endless colour variations
output as bitmaps and excel spreadsheet to easy post-process your project
extensive help documentation and tutorial to guide you through the full process

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 8,19 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Legoaizer+ 4.2 Build 176 Multilingual


Lego enthusiasts have one more reason to rejoice, thanks to Legoaizer. The program is a handy tool for creating Lego brick layouts and mosaics out of regular pictures. Each of these models is comprised of various Lego bricks, colored to specifically match the overall look of your original image.

With Legoaizer you can:
create a photo mosaic design with LEGO® and Ministeck® bricks/parts
projects: takes your choice, amount and size of your LEGO® or Ministeck® collection into account
easy workflow, where settings are remembered or saved as projects to resuming your mosaic later
several choices of color matching engines, colors, pictures, dithered and black and white
define your own set of colors for color dithering to optimize brick use
print the mosaic design on multiple pages, and in pdf format to print at various sizes with no loss of quality
edit each individual brick
integration with Bricklink database, create from Bricklink database, upload wanted list (.xml) to Bricklink
use of combo bricks: a 1x1 square base op top of which a round plate is put with endless colour variations
output as bitmaps and excel spreadsheet to easy post-process your project
extensive help documentation and tutorial to guide you through the full process

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 9,23 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Legoaizer+ 4.2 Build 177 Multilingual


Lego enthusiasts have one more reason to rejoice, thanks to Legoaizer. The program is a handy tool for creating Lego brick layouts and mosaics out of regular pictures. Each of these models is comprised of various Lego bricks, colored to specifically match the overall look of your original image.

With Legoaizer you can:
create a photo mosaic design with LEGO® and Ministeck® bricks/parts
projects: takes your choice, amount and size of your LEGO® or Ministeck® collection into account
easy workflow, where settings are remembered or saved as projects to resuming your mosaic later
several choices of color matching engines, colors, pictures, dithered and black and white
define your own set of colors for color dithering to optimize brick use
print the mosaic design on multiple pages, and in pdf format to print at various sizes with no loss of quality
edit each individual brick
integration with Bricklink database, create from Bricklink database, upload wanted list (.xml) to Bricklink
use of combo bricks: a 1x1 square base op top of which a round plate is put with endless colour variations
output as bitmaps and excel spreadsheet to easy post-process your project
extensive help documentation and tutorial to guide you through the full process

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 9,23 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Legoaizer+ 4.2 Build 178 Multilingual


Lego enthusiasts have one more reason to rejoice, thanks to Legoaizer. The program is a handy tool for creating Lego brick layouts and mosaics out of regular pictures. Each of these models is comprised of various Lego bricks, colored to specifically match the overall look of your original image.

With Legoaizer you can:
create a photo mosaic design with LEGO® and Ministeck® bricks/parts
projects: takes your choice, amount and size of your LEGO® or Ministeck® collection into account
easy workflow, where settings are remembered or saved as projects to resuming your mosaic later
several choices of color matching engines, colors, pictures, dithered and black and white
define your own set of colors for color dithering to optimize brick use
print the mosaic design on multiple pages, and in pdf format to print at various sizes with no loss of quality
edit each individual brick
integration with Bricklink database, create from Bricklink database, upload wanted list (.xml) to Bricklink
use of combo bricks: a 1x1 square base op top of which a round plate is put with endless colour variations
output as bitmaps and excel spreadsheet to easy post-process your project
extensive help documentation and tutorial to guide you through the full process

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 9,58 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

Legoaizer+ 4.2 Build 184


Der Legoaizer erstellt aus jedem beliebigen Bild ein wahres LEGO-Kunstwerk. Fans der Klötzchen sollten Sich das Tool auf jeden Fall einmal ansehen.

Nach der Installation ziehen Sie einfach ein Bild in den Legoaizer - schon wird es zu einem LEGO-Kunstwerk. Alle Farben der Blöcke gibt es tatsächlich, nachbauen ist also absolut kein Problem. Das Tool zeigt Ihnen sogar, wie viele Blöcke Sie benötigen und wie viel das Projekt insgesamt kosten wird.

Wenn Sie wollen, können Sie sogar Videos in LEGO-Optik erstellen. Dazu laden Sie einfach ein Video in den Editor und klicken auf "Video rendern".

Format: exe
Sprache: Multi incl. Deutsch
Freischaltung: Keygen
Größe: 8MB
Hoster: share-online, uploaded

Legoaizer+ 4.2 Build 184 Multilingual


Lego enthusiasts have one more reason to rejoice, thanks to Legoaizer. The program is a handy tool for creating Lego brick layouts and mosaics out of regular pictures. Each of these models is comprised of various Lego bricks, colored to specifically match the overall look of your original image.

With Legoaizer you can:
create a photo mosaic design with LEGO® and Ministeck® bricks/parts
projects: takes your choice, amount and size of your LEGO® or Ministeck® collection into account
easy workflow, where settings are remembered or saved as projects to resuming your mosaic later
several choices of color matching engines, colors, pictures, dithered and black and white
define your own set of colors for color dithering to optimize brick use
print the mosaic design on multiple pages, and in pdf format to print at various sizes with no loss of quality
edit each individual brick
integration with Bricklink database, create from Bricklink database, upload wanted list (.xml) to Bricklink
use of combo bricks: a 1x1 square base op top of which a round plate is put with endless colour variations
output as bitmaps and excel spreadsheet to easy post-process your project
extensive help documentation and tutorial to guide you through the full process

OS: Windows
Lang: Multi
Size: 8,33 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded

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