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Korg Legacy Collection 01.05.2013 x86 x64-[WiN/OSX]


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Korg Legacy Collection 01.05.2013 x86 x64-[WiN/OSX]

AiR | Mai 2013 | 721MB

KORG M1 v1.7.0

Originally part of the Korg Legacy Collection: Digital Edition the M1 is now available individually. As the original manufacturer, Korg is uniquely qualified to recreate our vintage digital synthesizers as software instruments. And only Korg is able to offer all of the original sound data created for the M1; well over 3,000 sounds all together. The M1 is designed to run as a stand-alone program; or as a VST, AU or RTAS Plug-in, making it compatible with nearly any DAW software studio package.


256-note polyphony (Maximum).
8 Part.
3,100 presets sounds; 400 user locations.
950 PCM Waveforms.
34 Types of on-board effects.

KORG MonoPoly v1.1.0

Originally part of the Korg Legacy Collection: Analog Edition 2007; the Mono/Poly is now available individually. As the original manufacturer, Korg is uniquely qualified to recreate our vintage analog synthesizers as software instruments. Korg’s proprietary Component Modeling Technology (CMT) recreates the original circuit path and analog signal flow, to provide results that are completely faithful to the original hardware. The Mono/Poly is designed to run as a stand-alone program; or as a VST, AU or RTAS Plug-in, making it compatible with nearly any DAW software studio package.


128-note polyphony (Maximum)
1 Part
256 Programs with Program Browser and audition function
Advanced Unison mode; up to 16 stackable voices, Detune, and Spread
8 Virtual Modulation routings; 159 Sources, 35 Destinations
Two multi-effect processors

KORG MS-20 v1.3.0

Originally part of the first Korg Legacy Collection and later the Korg Legacy Collection: Analog Edition 2007; the MS-20 is now available individually. As the original manufacturer, Korg is uniquely qualified to recreate our vintage analog synthesizers as software instruments. Korg’s proprietary Component Modeling Technology (CMT) recreates the original circuit path and analog signal flow, to provide results that are completely faithful to the original hardware. The MS-20 is designed to run as a stand-alone program; or as a VST, AU or RTAS Plug-in, making it compatible with nearly any DAW software studio package.


32-note polyphony (Maximum)
1 Part
32 Programs
Advanced Unison mode; up to 16 stackable voices, Detune, and Spread
Dual external modulation routings
MIDI clock sync
MS-20FX module allows processing external audio through the MS-20 filters

KORG Polysix v1.3.0

Originally part of the first Korg Legacy Collection and later the Korg Legacy Collection: Analog Edition 2007; the Polysix is now available individually. As the original manufacturer, Korg is uniquely qualified to recreate our vintage analog synthesizers as software instruments. Korg’s proprietary Component Modeling Technology (CMT) recreates the original circuit path and analog signal flow, to provide results that are completely faithful to the original hardware. The Polysix is designed to run as a stand-alone program; or as a VST, AU or RTAS Plug-in, making it compatible with nearly any DAW software studio package.


32-note polyphony (Maximum)
1 Part
32 Programs
Advanced Unison mode; up to 16 stackable voices, Detune, and Spread
Dual external modulation routings
MIDI clock sync


Originally part of the first Korg Legacy Collection and later the Korg Legacy Collection: Digital Edition the WAVESTATION is now available individually. As the original manufacturer, Korg is uniquely qualified to recreate our vintage digital synthesizers as software instruments. The WAVESTATION is designed to run as a stand-alone program; or as a VST, AU or RTAS Plug-in, making it compatible with nearly any DAW software studio package.


256-note polyphony (Maximum)
1 Part
Over1,400 Preset sounds
700 PCM Waveforms
55 Types of on-board effects

KORG LegacyCell v1.3.0

Performance: Synth 1 / 2, Combination Parameter, Insert Effekt x 2, Master Effekt x 2, Mixer, MIDI Controller, MIDI Keyboard (virtuell) Synth: MS-20, Polysix Combination Parameter: Key/Velocity zone, Velocity Curve, Key Transpose, MIDI Filter (Control Change, Channel Pressure) Synth 1 / 2 Insert/Master Effekte: 19 - DynaCompressor, Compressor, Multi Band Limiter, Mastering Limiter, OverDrive/Hi.Gain+Wah, 4 Band EQ, Exciter/Enhancer, Talking Modulator, Decimator, Flanger, Phaser, Polysix Ensemble, MultiTap Chorus/Delay, Stereo/Cross Delay, LCR BPM Delay, Reverb Hall, Reverb Smooth Hall, Reverb Wet Plate, Reverb Dry Plate

KORG MDE-X v1.3.0

Originally part of the first Korg Legacy Collection the MDE-X Effects Suite is now available individually. The MDE-X Effects Suite is designed to run as a VST, AU or RTAS Plug-in, making it compatible with nearly any DAW software studio package.


Sampling Frequency up to 192 kHz.
19 Effect Types.
128 Programs.
Dynamic Modulation.

Pass-->by feigenlaub
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