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Karen Diroll-Nichols - Charlotte Bell & Natalie Templeton


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Title: WindSwept Narrows: #21 Charlotte Bell & Natalie Templeton
Author: Diroll-Nichols, Karen

Published: 2012
Publisher: Karen Diroll-Nichols
Extension: EPUB
Size: 346 KB
Subjects: romance, friends, family, sex, fun

Faith Morrison stood with two seventeen year olds, talking games and waiting. They had a match set and a room reserved for them for a four played shooter game in the arcade at the resort. They'd been working together and talking to one another for almost three months before the teens had moved into the local area."You think dad would freak if he knew?" Jamie Hunter asked his twin sister when Faith Morrison wandered to the main desk to get their room code."That we're meeting some gamers we met online? Oh, hmm..." Jenna rolled her dark eyes and shook her head. "Freak probably isn't a strong enough word for his reaction.""Yeah, probably not," Jamie watched the older woman and friend meet up and hug. "You just never get the picture right in your head when you're playing, you know?""They don't look old," Jenna agreed, smiling broadly as the pair of woman approached."Hi! I'm so glad to finally meet you guys," Charlotte Bell offered a hand. "Charlie and you've already met Faith. This is going to be a great match," she promised, taking the lead and guiding them to the small room where the game was waiting.You learn a lot about people talking and gaming, Charlotte realized as they played the popular shooter game. Working as a team, as they had been for months, they had an advantage over the other teams that appeared when cued for play.Jamie and Jenna Hunter enjoyed the social part of the game as much as the action and strategy.Both had dark hair and eyes. Both were smart, listened well to instructions and had good ideas when the team discussed how to play a mission.Faith and Charlotte had gone through several people trying out to join their team until they both agreed on the twins. Anyone watching from the outside saw a blonde, a redhead and two brunettes all about the same age. Few would realize the women were over ten years older than the teenagers.Ninety minutes later, controllers were set down and congratulations rang through the room. Water bottles and tall containers of soda were drained when the door opened, Charlotte's eyes and body stopping in the entry."Now what is wrong with that picture?" She said softly, watching the two definitely out of place men wander around machines and people. Her hand went up to automatically twirl the long red ponytail she wore while gaming, full lips pursed and taking in the size, shape and demeanor of the pair. They were searching, she thought. And the only thing to search for in the arcade, was people. Mostly kids in the portion they were stalking."They don't belong," Jenna said instantly, stepping forward and standing next to Charlotte."You look lost," Charlotte said loudly, catching their attention with a quick step forward. She saw their eyes do a quick scan, taking in the low scooped tee shirt, her chest dotted with freckles. Men. "Can I help you?""Just lookin' for someone," the shorter one commented, casting his glance around at the group. "You kids go play.""Who're you looking for? Maybe I know them?" Charlotte pressed, fixing a bright smile on her face and sinking her other hand in the pocket of her jean shorts."Kid brother," Came an absent answer, the pair of them looking around the large area."Hmm...I wouldn't need a photo to find my brother," Faith commented casually."Go find security. Give Cat a call...I'll keep an eye on them," Charlotte turned to Jenna and Jamie. "You might want to stay...""I'm going with you," Jenna declared instantly, frowning. "If they were after my brother, I'd want to stop them."

Download Karen Diroll-Nichols - [WindSwept Narrows 21] - Charlotte Bell & Natalie Templeton

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