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Hex-Rays IDA Pro v7.2 incl Keygen-iND


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Hex-Rays IDA Pro v7.2 incl Keygen-iND

File Size: 343 MiB

The IDA Disassembler and Debugger is an interactive, programmable, extendible, multi-processor disassembler hosted on Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X. IDA has become the de-facto standard for the analysis of hostile code, vulnerability research and COTS validation. See this executive overview for a summary of its features and uses.

Our Philosophy
Nothing beats the Human brain...
Because we know that one second of insight still beats hundred years of processing time, the IDA Disassembler offers as much interactivity as is possible. Virtually anything in the disassembly can be modified, manipulated, rearranged or redefined.

Static Disassembly is limited...
Mere static disassembly does not tell the whole story. Encrypted or obfuscated code is frequently present in today's hostile code; exact distinction between code and data is an art rather than a science. The IDA Disassembler's interactivity is complemented by an internal scripting language, a Windows application/kernel debugger , a Linux application debugger, a 80x86 Mac OS X application debugger (both 32 and 64 bits are supported) and much much more...

Innovation must be cherished...
As an additional incentive to create new plugins for our products, we hold an annual plugin contest. The creators of useful public plugins can win a cash prize. We also publish the names on our Hall of Fame pages.

Time is the essence...
Gone are the days when an assembly language wizard would glance at a few op-codes and grasp the purpose of a program. Today's viruses and worms are often written in high level language. Thanks to our unique FLIRT technology and our advanced stack tracking capabilities, IDA Disassembler works as close as is possible to the original source code .
You know better...
We are the disassembler and debugger specialists but you are the ones producing the real work. You know what you need better than we do. That is why the IDA SDK allows you to extend and tailor IDA to your specific needs. Visit the IDA Palace for a few examples of what has been publicly released.

Security is of high priority for us...
We want our users to be safe while using our tools. This is why in addition to in-house testing, code reviews, and secure coding practices we introduced a bug bounty program. Reporters of critical bugs in our software can win a cash bounty. This way vulnerabilities in our software are reported directly to us. Naturally, we react immediately and issue a hot fix as soon as possible.

Key Features:
Multitarget Disassembler
disassembler modules for a large number of processors. Our free SDK even allows you to roll your own custom disassembler.
full interactivity and extendability
direct, through keyboard interaction.
through an internal programming language.
through external plugins (unlimited power: our debuggers are plugins).
as close as possible to the high level source code
flirt technology (fast library identification and recognition technology).
type system and parameter tracking and identification
code graphing


Hex-Rays IDA Pro 7.2.181105 + Hex-Rays SDK 7.2 + IDA SDK 7.2 + License + Keygen

unpack & see .txt

IDA Pro 7.2.181105 (x86/x64) Final


IDA Pro v7.2.181105 (x86/x64) Final | 221 MB | Language: English

IDA Pro Disassembler - interactive disassembler, which is widely used for reverse engineering.

He is extremely flexible, a built-in command language, supports many
executable file formats for a large number of processors and operating systems.

Year / Date of Release: 2019
Version: 7.2 Build 181 105
Developer: Hex-Rays SA
Developer website: Bit depth: 32bit, 64bit
Language: English
Medicine: Present
System requirements: Windows, Wine (Linux)


Hex-Rays IDA Pro 7.3.190614 x64


Hex-Rays IDA Pro 7.3.190614 x64 | 314 MB | Language: English

Hex-Rays SA has released 7.3 Build 190614 version of IDA, is the Interactive DisAssembler: the world's smartest and most feature-full disassembler, which many software security specialists are familiar with.

The IDA Disassembler and Debugger is an interactive, programmable, extendible, multi-processor disassembler hosted on Windows, Linux, or (Mac OSX). IDA has become the de-facto standard for the analysis of hostile code, vulnerability research and COTS validation.

Hex-Rays continues to develop and support the IDA disassembler. This famous software analysis tool, which is a de-facto standard in the software security industry, is an indispensable item in the toolbox of any serious software analyst. Hex-Rays will continue to maintain IDA and ensure its continuous evolution.

The unique Hex-Rays Decompiler, which has been developed in response to the need of hundreds of IDA users, is the fruit of more than ten years of proprietary research. Thanks to the speed and scalability of its core algorithms, Hex-Rays does not merely break new ground in the well known C/C++ decompilation problem: it lays foundations for future developments in the field of binary analysis. In the near future Hex-Rays SA expects to extend the role of its decompiler through the addition of several new algorithms and by offering a programmer SDK to its corporate customers.

This video is part 1 of a short series of tutorials to show how you can get started reverse engineering a large, real-world program by decompiling it with IDA Pro and the Hex-Rays decompiler.

Founded in 2005, privately held, Belgium based, Hex-Rays SA focuses on the development of robust binary analysis tools for the IT security market. Its first public product, the Hex-Rays Decompiler plugin for IDA, dramatically increases the productivity of IT security researchers involved in the analysis of real world C/C++ binaries. Mr. Guilfanov, the founder and CEO of Hex-Rays SA, holds BSc in Mathematics from Moscow State University. He is the senior architect of several highly regarded software packages including the widely used IDA, a multi-platform, multi-processor, disassembler and debugger. Mr. Guilfanov is also known for having released, on 31 Dec 2005, a highly publicized unofficial fix for the Windows Metafile (WMF) vulnerability in Microsoft Windows operating system.

Product: Hex-Rays IDA
Version: Pro 7.3.190614
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 314.9 MB

IDA is available in two different editions
Both editions are available for 64-bit Windows, Linux and (Mac OSX).
IDA does not run on Windows XP anymore and 32-bit systems in general, but remote debugging on WinXP is still possible.
Support for the WinDbg debugger backend is available only in the Windows version.



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