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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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HeliconSoft Helicon Focus v6


Warez Upper
HeliconSoft Helicon Focus 6.3.0
Multilingual/Deutsch / Activation Loader


Helicon Focus Pro has got a new feature – RAW-in-DNG-out mode. Process RAW files in native color space and save result as DNG file – have more freedom in your professional workflow.

Helicon Focus and Focus Stacking
The digital revolution of the last few years made professional photo hardware widely available and affordable. Now it's the advanced technology that makes the difference. Plain single shots are bit by bit giving place to improved and more sophisticated technologies like HDR and EDoF.

Today it's hard to imagine macro or micro photography without focus stacking technique. Professional photographers and enthusiasts seeking to keep up with the trend take advantage of focus stacking to create eye-catching images.

With focus stacking software you can make your usual camera render results that could not be achieved even with a classic tilt-shift lens. Take several shots at different focus distances instead of just one, and Helicon Focus will quickly and smartly combine the stack into a fully focused image.

Nowadays micro photography, close-ups, jewelry and product photography became truly dependent on focus stacking. But it does not matter what you shoot – landscapes or flowers, animals or still-life – Helicon Focus will make your images stand out. Watch the tutorials, read the articles and impress your colleagues and friends with your new photo achievements!

Größe: 76,00 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, Oboom


Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Helicon Focus Pro v6.7.1

Multilingual/Deutsch / Crack



Helicon Focus Pro has got a new feature – RAW-in-DNG-out mode. Process RAW files in native color space and save result as DNG file – have more freedom in your professional workflow.

Helicon Focus and Focus Stacking
The digital revolution of the last few years made professional photo hardware widely available and affordable. Now it's the advanced technology that makes the difference. Plain single shots are bit by bit giving place to improved and more sophisticated technologies like HDR and EDoF.

Today it's hard to imagine macro or micro photography without focus stacking technique. Professional photographers and enthusiasts seeking to keep up with the trend take advantage of focus stacking to create eye-catching images.

With focus stacking software you can make your usual camera render results that could not be achieved even with a classic tilt-shift lens. Take several shots at different focus distances instead of just one, and Helicon Focus will quickly and smartly combine the stack into a fully focused image.

Nowadays micro photography, close-ups, jewelry and product photography became truly dependent on focus stacking. But it does not matter what you shoot – landscapes or flowers, animals or still-life – Helicon Focus will make your images stand out. Watch the tutorials, read the articles and impress your colleagues and friends with your new photo achievements!

Größe: 324,00 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Microsoft Windows 7/8/8.1/10 (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online, RapidGator, FileFactory



Helicon Focus Pro 6.7.1 Deutsch


Helicon Focus Pro has got a new feature – RAW-in-DNG-out mode. Process RAW files in native color space and save result as DNG file – have more freedom in your professional workflow.

Helicon Focus and Focus Stacking
The digital revolution of the last few years made professional photo hardware widely available and affordable. Now it's the advanced technology that makes the difference. Plain single shots are bit by bit giving place to improved and more sophisticated technologies like HDR and EDoF.

Today it's hard to imagine macro or micro photography without focus stacking technique. Professional photographers and enthusiasts seeking to keep up with the trend take advantage of focus stacking to create eye-catching images.

With focus stacking software you can make your usual camera render results that could not be achieved even with a classic tilt-shift lens. Take several shots at different focus distances instead of just one, and Helicon Focus will quickly and smartly combine the stack into a fully focused image.

Nowadays micro photography, close-ups, jewelry and product photography became truly dependent on focus stacking. But it does not matter what you shoot – landscapes or flowers, animals or still-life – Helicon Focus will make your images stand out. Watch the tutorials, read the articles and impress your colleagues and friends with your new photo achievements!

OS: Windows
Lang: Deutsch/Multi
Size: 324 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse


Helicon Focus Pro v6.7.1 - Inkl. Crack

Entpacken --> Installieren --> Beigelegten Crack verwenden --> Fertig!


Im Bereich der Makrofotografie kennen viele Fotografen das Problem von fehlender Tiefenschärfe.

Im Bereich der Makrofotografie kennen viele Fotografen das Problem von fehlender Tiefenschärfe. Diesem Problem kann durch mehrfaches aufnehmen desselben Objektes entgegengewirkt werden. Hierbei wird die Brennweite und damit der Fokus jeder Aufnahme verändert, sodass bei den einzelnen Makroaufnahmen jeweils ein Bereich des Makroobjekts scharf ist. Aus diesen Einzelaufnahmen errechnet die Software ein einziges Bild mit maximaler Tiefenschärfe. Es wäre möglich, die einzelnen Makroaufnahmen bei der Bildbearbeitung zusammenzuführen, jedoch durch die unterschiedlichen Brennweiten und daraus resultierenden Blickwinkel ist dieser Prozess sehr ungenau und Zeitaufwendig.

Durch die spezielle Focus-Stacking Technologie können diese Unterschiede ausgeglichen werden und Sie erhalten eine beliebig skalierbare Tiefenschärfe. Es eröffnen sich neue Möglichkeiten im Bereich der Makrofotografie.

Funktionen und Vorteile:
- Uneingeschränkte Tiefenschärfe in der Mikro- und Makrofotografie
- Maximale Tiefenschärfe durch Verbinden mehrerer Aufnahmen mit verschiedenen Fokuspunkten
- Beliebig viele Einzelbilder innerhalb der Stapelverarbeitung
- Unterstützt: RAW, 8bit und 16 bit TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, BMP etc.
- Erzeugt: 8bit und 16 bit TIFF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, BMP
- Aufnahmen mit +100 Megapixel können verarbeitet werden
- 16bit Farbtiefe zur Erhaltung der Farbtreue
- Helicon Remote für automatisches Fokus-Stacking
- Kommandozeilen-Interface
- Retusche-Funktion
- Export von 3D-Modellen, Helicon 3D-Bild-Viewer
- 2D-Mikropanorama-Erstellung
- 64bit Unterstützung

Hoster: Uploaded.to, Share-online.biz
Größe: 334 MB
Format: .exe
Sprache: Deutsch





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