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Fierce- A Fantasy Collection - Mercedes Lackey, Michael G Manning, K F Breene, Mor...


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


Type : epub |
Size : 3.01 MB |
English |

Descirption: Join epic fantasy legend Mercedes Lackey and fifteen additional New York Times, USA Today, and Amazon bestselling authors on the adventure of a lifetime!
Over one million words and sixteen realms of fantasy brought together for your reading pleasure. Discover courageous characters fighting for justice and order. Journey between kingdoms of dragons and lands of anarchy as tales of magic and mayhem unfold.
Grab it today, before it's gone!

From the Author
Mercedes Lackey - Moving Targets
Stuck watching over four Herald trainees on circuit, Elyn is at her wits' end--and that's before a town asks for help with a ghostly infestation.
Michael G. Manning - The Blacksmith's Son
A journey to discover the secrets of his past reveals a magical heritage and embroils Mordecai in a deadly battle for the future of mankind.
K.F. Breene - Chosen
Prophecy has foretold that when war threatens the world, the Chosen will appear to help the Shadow Warriors reclaim their stolen freedom and lead them out of the Land of Mist.
Morgan Rice - A Quest of Heroes
Thorgin, an outsider and a dreamer, fights to become a warrior in an epic quest that finds him at the center of a maelstrom of royal plots and counterplots that threaten him and everyone he loves.
Michael James Ploof - Whill of Agora
When Whill learns the truth of his lineage, he sets out to face his father's murderer, but what he learns along the way will change his life--and the realm--forever.
Daniel Arenson - Requiem's Song
Weredragons, men call them. Monsters. Cursed ones. People who can turn into beastly reptiles. Together they will forge a nation.
Kate Sparkes - Bound
When a young woman accidentally saves the life of an enemy Sorcerer, she finds herself drawn into a world of magic that's more beautiful, more seductive, and more dangerous than she ever imagined.
David Adams - The Pariahs
Two sellswords--a half-elf and a half-orc--find their war over before it even begins. But trouble is stirring on the home front, conflict which threatens more than just their lives.
Amy Raby - The Fire Seer
Taya must use her fire visions to investigate a series of murders, but the Coalition of Mages has partnered her with her old nemesis, the man who used to bully her when they were young.
C. Greenwood - Magic of Thieves
In a province where magic is forbidden, young Ilan, born with the powerful gift of her ancestors, has only one hope for survival--concealment.
David Dalglish - The Weight of Blood
When half-bloods Harruq and Qurrah Tun pledged their lives to a death prophet, they only sought escape from their squalid beginnings. Instead, they become his greatest disciples, charged with leading his army of undead.
K.J. Colt - Bear Heart
In the savage lands of Ruxdor, young Klawdia must fight the champions of four rival clans to defend her future as the first female chieftain.
Shae Ford - Poison
A bandit girl is taken from her home and thrust into a complex world of lords and ladies, where she learns that she must kill to survive.
Endi Webb - The Maskmaker's Apprentice
Masks of legend. Masks of power. Those who dare to wear them trifle with the old powers and risk ruin and mayhem. But a young apprentice maskmaker cannot contain his curiosity, and accidentally unleashes a deadly terror upon an unsuspecting world.
Michael Wallace - The Dark Citadel
A slave boy and a young queen lead an alliance of spies, servants, and merchants to stave off the encroaching armies of a dark wizard.
Terah Edun - Blades of Magic
As an unstoppable war breaks out, a young girl enlists in the military to unravel the secrets surrounding her father's execution.*

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