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    - 3D: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, die in einem 3D Format vorliegen. Dies gilt auch für Dokus, Animation usw.
    - Serien: Cartoon/Zeichentrick, Anime, Tutorials, Dokumentationen, Konzerte/Musik, Sonstiges sind demnach in die entsprechenden Bereiche einzuordnen, auch wenn sie beispielsweise im High Definition-Format oder als DVD5/DVD9/HD2DVD vorliegen. Ausnahme 3D.
    - Bereich Englisch: Englische Releases gehören immer in diesen Bereich.
    - Bereich Talk: Der Bereich, in dem über die Releases diskutiert werden kann, darf, soll und erwünscht ist.

    Angebot/Beitrag erstellen

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    - Bei einem Sammelthread für eine Staffel entfällt aus dem Releasename natürlich der Name der Folge. Beispiel: Die Simpsons S21 German DVDRip XviD - ITG
    - Dementsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist.

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    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 DVDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL BDRip x264 - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 AC3 DL BDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S20 German AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Sword Art Online II Ger Sub 2014 AAC 1080p WEBRip x264 - peppermint
    Entsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Sonderzeichen wie Klammern, Sterne, Ausrufezeichen, Unterstriche, Anführungszeichen / Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist
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    - Im Serien-Bereich gilt speziell: Wenn ein Retail vor Abschluss einer laufenden Staffel erscheint, darf diese Staffel noch zu Ende gebracht werden.62
    - Gleiche Releases sind unbedingt zusammenzufassen. Das bedeutet, es ist zwingend erforderlich, vor dem Erstellen eines Themas per Suchfunktion zu überprüfen, ob bereits ein Beitrag mit demselben Release besteht. Ist dies der Fall, ist der bereits vorhandene Beitrag zu verwenden.
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    - Grundsätzlich ebenso verboten sind Dupes. Uploader haben sich an geeigneter Stelle darüber zu informieren, ob es sich bei einem Release um ein Dupe handelt.
    - Gefakte, nur teilweise lauffähige oder unvollständige Angebote sind untersagt. Dies gilt auch für eigene Publikationen, die augenscheinlich nicht selbst von z.B. einer DVD gerippt wurden. Laufende Serien, bei denen noch nicht alle Folgen verfügbar sind, dürfen erstellt und regelmäßig geupdatet werden.
    - Untersagt sind Angebote, welche nur und ausschließlich in einer anderen Sprache als deutsch oder englisch vorliegen. Ausnahmen sind VORHER mit den Moderatoren zu klären.

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Englische Tutorials

Raikov Effect Genius Brain Power Program


Raikov Effect - Genius Brain Power Program | 155 MB
Are one of them who lose confidence before others? Well, it's time to take control. Each and every day you have to work very hard to get succeed in what you do with passion. You may have potential, but what you have can sometimes be inadequate for your success.

To get out of this normal person that you are and to achieve the highest level in life you deserve, you must conceal the hidden powers. It's a difficult thing, and finding the hidden powers takes a year. So when you say that you can achieve your goals in life, you can do it by gaining the skills of the person you admire and grab all their capability to achieve great success. Yes! It is true. Have you heard about the experiment Raikov Effect? If not, you should read this review to find out.

What is Raikov Effect?
Raikov Effect is a form of neurology that uses many known brain techniques to enhance your mental capacity and abilities in all areas such as sports games, playing musical instruments, improve your personality and nature. You must revive your career and all other areas of life that you feel.
Raikov Effect General
The brain technique has always been the best-known strategy that has improved brain activity in recent years, and the huge Raikov system has been very strong. From Dr. Raikov's original idea Raikov Effect is presented as a full course. The course will help you unlock the brain and gives the results you are looking for.
How does Raikov Effect Works?
Your brain has the capacity of different things that you can never think about. You may wrong if you think that your brain is under your control. The fact is that your brain controls your body, so like that only you act and feel. That is why all people are different from each other. Dr. Raikov discovered the Raikov Effect which is a brain control formula that was later proven in various clinical trials. He said that you can not easily control your brain, but you can get it. It has been noticed that you have to cheat your brain to control it. For example, you are cold, but you have forced your brain to think that you are warm so that you will feel a little more comfortable.

Benefits of Raikov Effect
- Raikov Effect not only helps to acquire the skills and attributes but also helps in the behavior and thinking of the person whom you admired.
- It gives you a way of thinking as if you have already achieved your goal. So you can focus on your goal and connect it with it.
- You provide a strong mood to solve any problem and make it more clear and faster.
- The guide will make you do the impossible and achieve a bigger life by changing your way of thinking. All you need to do is read all instructions carefully and integrate them with your practical experience.
- To access the application and get results, you have to directly connect to your smartphone, tablet or computer for a few minutes.

By Raikov Effect Many lives have been replaced with promising results, as the course said.
- All you need is 10 minutes of valuable time to choose a course each day.
- You can get this magnificent course at a very interesting and attractive price.
- The course was created in text and video format.
- You can certainly see the course very easy to understand.
- It gives you success every time.
- This product is provided with 100% money back guarantee.

Once you have access to Raikov Effect System, you can follow the below guidelines to make the best use of the system and maximize results:
Step 1:
Make sure you are very clear about the skill or trait you want to possess. It can be anything, from having more confidence, to becoming a leader, becoming a better writer, playing a specific instrument, overcoming fear of public speaking etc.
Step 2:
Once you know skill you want to acquire or become perfect then identify someone who already has mastered this skill or is extremely good at it. This person can someone whom you look upto or admire. It does not matter if the person is alive or dead.
Step 3:
Now is the time to take your headphone and listen to the main audio of this system i.e.10 minute Raikov Effect audio. When you are listening to this audio, make sure you are seated comfortably in a quiet place. Follow the instructions in the audio with deep concentration so that you get optimum results.
Step 4:
When the audio is over spend few minutes reflecting on the new perspectives you gained. You may want to make a note of few insights which came to you.
Step 5:
Time to practice the skill. This is an interesting step wherein you can practice the new skill you want to acquire. For instance: If you aim to improve public speaking, then after listening to this audio, go in front of mirror and give a talk. While practicing, make sure you give this talk exactly the way you saw it in your mind. Do not hesitate to bring hand gestures, raise your voice, let your whole body feel this new you.
Step 6:
Keep practicing these steps and sequence at least 5 - 6 days a week. You will need to keep using the Raikov Effect for a few months, until you feel you have grown to be as skilled as you would want.


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Knowledge Broker Blueprint by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi


Knowledge Broker Blueprint by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi | 29.92 GB
Don't Be Left Behind. Get The First Ever Course + Software Designed To Launch The Beginner & Scale The Expert Into Next Level SUCCESS By Dominating The Knowledge Industry!

KBB is a proven and tested 6 Module In-Depth implementation program that teaches you how to extract Your knowledge or experience, find those who want and need that information & how to create & run successful and impactful small groups, workshops, communities or masterminds (Whether in person or online!)
It doesn't matter if you don't have any tech skills or any previous experience in this industry. Tony and Dean have condensed 6 decades of experience in to a course that help you build momentum and confidence fast.

The Mindmint software separates this offer from any online offer ever created. With the Mindmint software there to act as your "implementation tool" you will be able to use our wisdom extractor, agenda builder and page builder to market, sell and manage your events.
With our easy to follow checklists you could begin impacting lives sooner than you ever imagined.

The Perfect Course To Reprogram Your "Success Switch"
To start the transformation in your life, content is not enough, you need the RIGHT habits & environment!

Extracting Your Expertise
We turned the unknown gray area of TRULY understanding your expertise and lead you through a proven system to walking away KNOWING your superpower with 100% confidence!

Reprogramming For Success
We crafted a way to reprogram your mind to be primed for success. REAL success takes years to achieve and countless failures. We will show you how to create a an unstoppable mindset for faster implementation and results

What You Get:
- The Knowledge Broker Blueprint: This Gold Standard 6 Module Course Will Teach You To Identify Your Superpower, Attract The Exact People Who Want Your Information And Confidently Impact Their Lives, Either Online Or In Person. Create Real Success From Doing Something Memorable. ($5,000)
- The Private KBB Facebook Group - Never Feel Alone, Get The Support You Need & Become Part Of The KBB Family With 25,000+ Supportive #KnowledgeBrokers

- ONE YEAR OF THE MINDMINT 2.0 SOFTWARE [FREE]: This Is Your "Operating System" & Implementation Tool For Curriculum Design, Point And Click Web Builder And Event Wizard. This Is The Ultimate Unfair Advantage.
- THE ULTIMATE EDGE - The #1 Self-Improvement System (Taught By Tony Himself), Ultimate Edge, Will Guide You To Unlock Your True Potential And Give You The Tools To Become Unstoppable
- FREE YEAR OF DG INNER CIRCLE - Let Dean Mentor You With The Power Of LIVE Monthly Trainings Focused On Mastering Your Mindset, Marketing & Momentum! This Will Soon Become Your Favorite Day Of Each Month
- COURSE WALK-THROUGH & LIVE GRADUATION EVENT - Starting This Thursday March 12th & Each Week After That For 6 Weeks Dean And Team Will Walk You Through The KBB Course LIVE To Help You Confidently Complete It! PLUS - Join Dean LIVE On Week 7 To Celebrate Your Progress, Receive Awards And Get A Bonus Next Level Training
- NEW BONUS #1 (LIVE WITH TONY ROBBINS) - Just Announced. Join Tony LIVE Inside The Private KBB Group Tue. March 10th. HeI'll Be Teaching How To Overcome The #1 Thing That Stops Most Of Us From Achieving Our Goals, And How To Tap Into The Power Of PURE CERTAINTY.
- NEW BONUS #2 (LEARN FROM JENNA KUTCHER) - Let This Wedding Photographer Turned Information Business Superstar Show You How To Maximize Your Time, Results And Impact & How To Confidently Complete Your First Event In 30 Days Or Less. Training Is PURE Fire.



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iStack Training Barcelona 2019


iStack Training - Barcelona 2019 | 6.61 GB
This two-day intensive training program for agencies, affiliates, ecommerce entrepreneurs, and their teams will teach the most current and effective methods of testing, scaling, and optimizing Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, YouTube, Snapchat and more.

for a no-holds barred, Traffic and Funnel Hot Seat, where you might get the opportunity to take the stage and get your media buying problems solved LIVE by this epic duo who would usually charge $1000's an hour!

Facebook Mastery Live gathers some of the top Facebook Ad Buyers to train you on the key Facebook Ads tactics around bidding, budgeting, creative, scaling, and more. There are single tips in each of these talks that can radically improve your campaigns quickly.
Whether you're running affiliate, agency, ecom, or info, you don't want to miss any of these game-changing training sessions on Facebook Ads.
Join Ezra Firestone, Molly Pitmann, Tim Burd, Sam Venning and others for a full day of training.

Day 2 at Facebook and Ecommerce Mastery Live broadens out from Facebook Ads and heads into other ecommerce topics like Google Ads, YouTube Ads, brand building, product selection/sourcing, Landing page optimization, merchant processing and more!
Whether you're a dropshipper, a brand builder, or an ecom agency, Day 2 will teach you tactics that don't rely on Facebook's algorithm and the strategies you need to build a lasting ecommerce business
Join Jim Banks, Tom Breeze, Adis Pez and others for a full day of training.



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Colin Dijs December Mastermind 2019


Colin Dijs - December Mastermind 2019 | 9.91 GB
Learn How To Create Your Very Own CPA Marketing Agency With NO EXPERIENCE Needed!

Mastermind Entry Pass
With the Mastermind Entry Pass you will get access to:
- 8 Weeks Worth of Content (LIVE)
- 2 Week Technical Preparation
- 10 Weeks Worth of Daily Communication
- Personalised Progress Forms
- Exclusive Network Partners
- Special Mastermind Discounts
- Limited Time Affiliate Competition
- And A Lot More..



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Python - The Practical Guide


Python - The Practical Guide
9.1 GB | 17.5 hours | MP4 | 1280x720 | 476 kb/s | aac, 48000 Hz, 2 channels

Learn Python from the ground up and use Python to build a hands-on project from scratch!

What you'll learn

Students can take advanced Python courses and build real projects with it
Students may build upon the Python and Blockchain knowledge gained in this course and start working on their own Blockchain
Students can dive into Web Development or Data Science with Python


NO prior programming language is required
You can use whatever operating system you want - macOS, Linux or Windows: It's all covered


Want to learn Python "on the job" whilst building an exciting course project? This course is for you!

This is a highly practice-oriented Python course that teaches you Python from scratch - no prior programming experience required!

Python is probably THE most trending programming language you can learn these days!

It's very popular because it's easy to learn and use, runs on all operating systems and allows you to build a broad variety of programs: Be that web applications, desktop applications, utility scripts or using it for data science and machine learning.

In this course, you'll learn Python from scratch - and you'll do so whilst building your own Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. These are of course also highly trending topics and not a lot of people understand what a Blockchain really is. As a nice side-effect, you will know how a Blockchain works once you completed this course. It's an exciting course project that allows you to learn and apply Python to something you know and you can use.

Why Python?

As written above, Python is both easy-to-use and extremely versatile and powerful at the same time. Certainly not the worst combination. If you check it on Google trends (and compare it to other programming languages), you'll see that it's very popular these days.

It's being used by almost any important company - be that Google, Amazon or Facebook. It's used to run web applications, scripts, desktop programs and machine learning algorithms. This course sets the basics for all these use-cases!

Why Blockchain?

I believe that you learn something best if you directly apply it to a real-world project. And the Blockchain technology is an exciting trend which is there to stay. In this course, you'll learn a lot about the core concepts of the Blockchain and you'll see how Python can be used for the many aspects that make up a Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.

In my opinion, a perfect course project is challenging, interesting, something you know from real-life but also not overly complex. And that's all the case for the Blockchain! It poses some nice challenges where a lot of different Python features can be used to overcome them. It also is something we hear about all the time and yet no one knows how it works. And we can dive into the core Blockchain concepts without spending 100+ hours working on it.

Who's teaching you?

My name is Maximilian Schwarzmüller and I'm a freelance developer. My focus is on web development but I've been working with Python for many years. It's actually one of the first languages I started with when I was 13. I'm the creator of many 5 star bestseller courses here on Udemy and I love diving into new technologies. That's why I had to dive into this whole Blockchain thing when it became more popular and why I chose it as a project for this course.

I can't wait to welcome you on board of this course and I hope you'll enjoy it just as much as I did creating it! :)

What's in the course?

Great question! Here's a brief summary:

A summary of Python and the Blockchain technology

All the base Python syntax you need to know (variables, operators, functions, ...)

Loops and conditional statements

More complex data structures like tuples or dictionaries

A closer look at built-in functions and the standard library Python ships with

String manipulation

How to work with files

Error handling


Object-oriented programming with classes and inheritance

Internal & external modules (packages)

How to spin up an Http server with the Flask package

Handling Http requests (sending & receiving)

And more!

What are the course prerequisites?

NO prior programming knowledge is required

Very basic knowledge about how a computer works will help you though (but can also be built up whilst you're going through the course)

Is this course for you?

It's for you if ...

You want to get into programming => Python is a great "first language" since it's easy to learn and very versatile

You want to broaden your horizon => Are you a web developer? Want to learn something new? Here you go!

You're interested in Python for web development => This course will teach you Python in general but there are two modules where we'll also dive into web development a bit

You're interested in the Blockchain technology => You'll learn the core concepts of it as a side-effect of this course!

You know Python but want to practice it => The course project is challenging and taken from real-life - there probably is no better practice

Does that sound good to you? I'd be honoured to welcome you in this course! :)

Who this course is for:

Anyone interested in learning Python and building a real project with it
Anyone who's interested in learning about the core internals of a blockchain
Beginner developers who want to dive into one of the most trending and popular programming languages


Modern React with Redux [2020 Update]


Modern React with Redux [2020 Update]
47.5 hours | 23.33 GB | MP4 | 1280x720 | 1156 kb/s | aac, 48000 Hz

Master React v16.6.3 and Redux with React Router, Webpack, and Create-React-App. Includes Hooks!

What you'll learn

Build amazing single page applications with React JS and Redux
Master fundamental concepts behind structuring Redux applications
Realize the power of building composable components
Be the engineer who explains how Redux works to everyone else, because you know the fundamentals so well
Become fluent in the toolchain supporting React, including NPM, Webpack, Babel, and ES6/ES2015 Javascript syntax


A Mac or Windows Computer
Course Last Updated for React v16.6.3 and Redux v4.0.1! All content is brand new! Update includes detailed videos on the new React Hooks system.

Congratulations! You've found the most popular, most complete, and most up-to-date resource online for learning React and Redux!

Thousands of other engineers have learned React and Redux, and you can too. This course uses a time-tested, battle-proven method to make sure you understand exactly how React and Redux work, and will get you a new job working as a software engineer or help you build that app you've always been dreaming about.

The difference between this course and all the others: you will understand the design patterns used by top companies to build massively popular web apps.

React is the most popular Javascript library of the last five years, and the job market is still hotter than ever. Companies large and small can't hire engineers who understand React and Redux fast enough, and salaries for engineers are at an all time high. It's a great time to learn React!


What will you build?

This course features hundreds of videos with dozens of custom diagrams to help you understand how React and Redux work. No prior experience with either is necessary. Through tireless, patient explanations and many interesting practical examples, you'll learn the fundamentals of building dynamic and live web apps using React.

Each topic included in this course is added incrementally, to make sure that you have a solid foundation of knowledge. You'll find plenty of discussion added in to help you understand exactly when and where to use each feature of React and Redux.

My guarantee to you: there is no other course online that teaches more features of React and Redux. This is the most comprehensive resource there is.

Below is a partial list of the topics you'll find in this course:

Master the fundamental features of React, including JSX, state, and props

From square one, understand how to build reusable components

Dive into the source code of Redux to understand how it works behind the scenes

Test your knowledge and hone your skills with numerous coding exercises

Integrate React with advanced browser features, even geolocation API's!

Use popular styling libraries to build beautiful apps

Master different techniques of deployment so you can show off the apps you build!

See different methods of building UI's through composition of components

Besides just React and Redux, you'll pick up countless other tidbits of knowledge, including ES2015 syntax, popular design patterns, even the clearest explanation of the keyword 'this' in Javascript that you'll ever hear.

This is the course I wanted to take when I first learned React: complete, up-to-date, and clear.

Who this course is for:
Programmers looking to learn React
Developers who want to grow out of just using jQuery
Engineers who have researched React but have had trouble mastering some concepts



GAME OF MATRICES : A Crash course on Linear Algebra


GAME OF MATRICES : A Crash course on Linear Algebra
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 10.6 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 17 lectures (8 hour, 24 mins) | Language: English

Learning Linear Algebra for Competitive Exams

What you'll learn

Tackling Problems of Linear Algebra for engineering competitive exams


Sound knowledge of Basic Math
Commitment for completing the course


The course covers concepts of Linear Algebra essential for a student of engineering background, The basics of matrices - determinant and its properties, inverse of matrix etc are explained in section 1. Once student is familiarized with basics, Concept - System of Equations is explained. Finally the Eigen values and vectors and LU decomposition are explained.

14 problems of different model each are covered for benefit of students involving almost all the concepts of matrices covered in the course.

Who this course is for:

Engineering Students with weak Mathematics background
Aspirants of engineering competitive exams


Eat Clean, Get Lean: Personalized Blueprint for Weight Loss


Eat Clean, Get Lean: Personalized Blueprint for Weight Loss
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + .srt | Duration: 76 lectures (4 hour, 18 mins) | Size: 5.56 GB

How to Incorporate Clean Eating Strategies into Mediterranean, Keto, Paleo and Other Popular Diets

What you'll learn

Students will learn how Clean Eating will enable them to lose weight through different eating strategies and select the method that best meets their personal taste and lifestyle.
Students will learn about weight loss tools available today, and decide which ones best match their personal style.
Students will get the latest research in diet and nutrition that will allow them to hack into a slimmer, healthier body.


No prerequisites.


Losing weight is difficult. And today, we know that there is much more to weight loss than just calories in and calories out. For decades scientists and dietitians have been trying to find the perfect diet for everyone. But new research points to the conclusion that no such "one size fits all" diet exists. Many factors influence the effectiveness of diets in weight loss: your DNA, environment, stress levels, your personal tastes, your personal belief system, the way your food was grown, produced and packaged, and more.

In other words, in order to lose weight effectively, you need a diet that is designed specifically for you. Who is more qualified to create the perfect diet for you, than you? In "Eat Clean Get Lean," we will teach you why how your food is produced and packaged can affect weight gain and weight loss. How understanding the terms manufacturers use sometimes misleading and fake "nutrition facts" can hinder you from reaching your goals. This course, a blend of high tech and ancient wisdom, will give you tools to help you navigate your personal path to weight loss success and how to create the perfect eating strategy for you.

In "Eat Clean, Get Lean," holistic nutrition expert and celebrity trainer Kent Burden introduces the latest scientific research in a comprehensive nutritional course that tells you everything you need to know about Clean Eating and how to make it work for you and your weight loss goals. This course will help you steer clear of overly-processed, empty calorie foods that can make you fat and keep you from feeling your best.

Eat Clean, Get Lean will show you:

How to incorporate the concept of clean eating into almost all of today's most popular diets.

The pros and cons of DNA testing for weight loss.

The pros and cons of blood testing for weight loss.

How to use technology (smart phones, nutrition apps, activity trackers) to make your weight loss journey easier and more effective

How to be more active during your day for more calorie burn without "exercise."

The how-tos of portion control.

How to stock up for quick, easy, Clean Eating meals to make when you don't have a plan for dinner.

Eating strategy/diet-specific recipes.

How to decide which eating strategy/diet is best for you, your tastes, personal beliefs and lifestyle.

How Clean Eating lets you eat great tasting food so you don't feel deprived on your weight loss journey.

Why removing things like refined sugar, GMOs, chemicals, pesticides, hormones and overly-processed foods will help you lose weight and feel great.

A simple exercise program to speed up your metabolism and burn calories.

How to read and understand food labels, what they say, what they want you to believe, what they really mean, and how to decipher the label and choose the foods that are healthiest for you and your weight loss strategy.

More than 50 Clean Eating Recipes you and your family will love and that will fit into your busy schedule.

4 hours of entertaining, on-demand video.

More than 100 pages of bonus documents packed with recipes, exercise and lifestyle hacks to improve health and well-being while you lose weight.

Who this course is for:

People interested in losing weight, feeling healthier and taking control of their lives.
People who have tried conventional diets before without success.
People who are interested in


Creative Writing Complete Course


Creative Writing Complete Course
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 5.78 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 267 lectures (16 hour, 25 mins) | Language: English

Learn Creative Writing to Write a Book, Poetry, Fiction, Non Fiction, Drama & More to Earn in 6-Digit Figure.

What you'll learn

Learn to Write Creative Content Types & Earn Online!
Skill to Translate Thoughts into Words that Attracts
Experience of Creative Writing
Develop essential Language Skills to write for International Clients
Website Making Skills to create Basic Website and Personal Blog
Graphic Skills to design Newsletters, PPT, Logo etc
Gain Advanced Research Skills that enables to Write on Any Topic
Skill to Identify Target Audience Persona for your Content
Develop Effective Content Strategy to Reach your TG
Know how to Get Freelance projects from India, US, UK and avoid risk of bad debt in international payment


Desire to Develop Creative Writing Skills
Basic Fluency in English


Henry Harvin v/s Rest of the World: Why I Enroll Here?

#1: Learn to Write 30+ Content Types & Earn Online!

#2: Skill to Translate Thoughts into Words that Attracts

#3: Experience of Professional Content Writing

#4: Develop essential Language Skills to write for International Clients

#5: Website Making Skills to create Basic Website and Personal Blog

#6: Graphic Skills to design Newsletters, PPT, Logo etc

#7: Gain Advanced Research Skills that enables to Write on Any Topic

#8: Skill to Identify Target Audience Persona for your Content

#9: Develop Effective Content Strategy to Reach your TG

#10: Know how to Get Freelance projects from India, US, UK and avoid risk of bad debt in international payment

Broadly, What is the Course Curriculum?

Module 1: Language Skills

Module 2: Internet Skills (Research, Keyword Planning, Graphic, Website Making)

Module 3: Creative, Business, Technical, Medical, Social Media, SEO, Book, Blog, Copy, Whitepaper Writing

Module 4: Academic, Research Writing

Module 5: Communication & Content Strategy

Module 6: Earn From Content Writing

Why Learn Content Writing on First Place?

Following are the Top 8 Target Groups who learn content writing. Checkout below why they learn!

Digital Marketers / Marketers / Sales / Business Development professionals eradicate the problem of saturation and poor growth in career by leveraging upon the new skillset gained through this course

Existing entrepreneurs/business owners can scale up their business to next level by penetrating into new markets, audience segments, geographies and products through the power of content and internet

Professors / Teachers / Trainers acquire necessary skills to showcase their proficiency on the internet, develop new content types, gain recognition online, build alternate source of income etc

Bloggers / Content Writers get a tangible proof to showcase their existing proficiency, diversify to new content types and learn new things

Housewives / Retired / Unemployed individuals can start earning decent amount based on part-time/fulltime/ work-from-home/freelance opportunities available in abundance

Aspiring entrepreneurs can start their startup journey by leveraging on skills gained through this course

Professionals / Corporates can brand themselves as industry thought leaders and domain experts by start writing on their subject at public forums, blogs, social media etc

Students get the opportunity to acquire Internships, Placements and Projects based on their professional content writing, marketing and strategy skills. Additionally, they can start earning full-time/part-time by taking up freelancing projects, work-from-home projects and can start working on their entrepreneurial journey

Who this course is for:

Digital Marketers / Marketers / Sales / Business Development professional
Existing entrepreneurs/business owners looking to scale up their business
Professors / Teachers / Trainers
Bloggers / Content Writers
Housewives / Retired / Unemployed individuals
Aspiring entrepreneurs
Professionals / Corporates


Udemy: Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3


Udemy: Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3
MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + .srt | Duration: 59 lectures (9 hour, 55 mins) | Size: 5.4 GB

Convert 3 Modern Photoshop Designs into 3 Stunning responsive websites using HTML5 CSS3, jQuery and Bootstrap 4

What you'll learn

After this course you will have 3 stunning websites to add to your portfolio
how to use Adobe Photoshop to export your elements from the PSD file
Write Clean reusable code that you can use in any new website
How to Use CSS Preprocessors like SASS & LESS
Use bootstrap 4 components like navbar , cards , dropdowns and more
How to Deal with different libraries and plugins like( animate .css - owl slider - scroll reveal - jQuery UI and more)
how to implement any advanced animations and effects with CSS3 and jQuery
Debugging plus fixing warnings and errors, optimizing your website speed and performance
How to run different tests to your websites
Deliver a full working responsive website to your clients or to your company
learn how to use a very important Project Management tool called Trello
you will be confident in your skills as a front-end Developer / designer
you will be ready to start your front-end developer career easily


A Text Editor (Free Resources Provided)
Basic HTML and CSS knowledge is nice to have
any image exporting tool like Adobe Photoshop


Launch a new career in web development By the end of this course by learning HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap 4 , Preprocessors like LESS and SASS , How to export your elements from your PSD file , use Trello as Project Manger . All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust .

Our plan will be like this we will start by introducing you to the technologies in this course like (Adobe Photoshop , Bootstrap 4 , less , Sass and more ) ,

then we will code our first awesome website in this course ..

after that we will take a break by coding a fabulous 404 penguins-page page not found ..

and finally we will move to the advanced website in this course which is the Merkury website ..

After this course you will have 3 stunning websites to add to your portfolio

And you will be confident in your skills as a front-end Developer / designer ..

and ready to start your front-end developer career easily ..

This course is for anyone who wants to learn front-end development regardless of your current level ..

All that matters is that you are comfortable with HTML & CSS .. that's it

Join me now .. and i will see you inside
Who this course is for:

Beginner ,Intermediate and Advanced Front-end Developers
anyone who wants to Master CSS
anyone prefers to use an advanced animations in his websites
any front-end developer who wants to gain more experience in bootstrap 4 , management tool (TRELLO) , CSS Preprocessors SASS & LESS ,Adobe Photoshop and more


Break Free From iPhone, Screen, Social Media, Tech Addiction


Break Free From iPhone, Screen, Social Media, Tech Addiction
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 8.15 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 69 lectures (12 hour, 53 mins) | Language: English

Make your iPhone Addiction-Free and Limit your Phone Usage - Let your iPhone Enrich your Life and Not Destroy it.

What you'll learn

How to beat iPhone addiction
How to make your iPhone Distraction-Free
How to use your iPhone less
Which iPhone settings you should enable and disable
How to beat Social Media addiction
How to use Apple's Screen Time for yourself and your children
How to set restrictions on your iPhone for yourself and your children
How to use your iPhone effectively and efficiently
How to clean your iPhone
The detrimental effects of excessive phone and social media usage
Best practices for social media apps, mail apps and Instant Messaging apps
Why it seems impossible to stop using your iPhone and social media
Which privacy settings and security settings you should use on your iPhone
Where you can find privacy settings and security settings in social media apps
How to use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, TikTok, Snapchat, Youtube kids apps wisely
How to use Messages, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger apps wisely
How to use Gmail and Mail apps wisely
How excessive phone and social media usage can affect your brain
How excessive phone and social media usage can cause injuries
How excessive phone and social media usage can affect your physical and mental wellbeing
How excessive phone and social media usage can affect your behaviour
Which apps use your battery the most
How to preserve battery life
Recommendations regarding external tracking and blocking apps
Do the phone addiction test
Facts about social media and phone addiction


Be able to use an iPhone





Do you want to stop being your iPhone's slave and become the master instead?

Do you want to focus more on your relationships, career, studies, aspirations, and self-development?

Do you want to keep using your iPhone but control your phone usage?

Do you want to transform your iPhone into an ally instead of an enemy?

Do you want to improve your iPhone knowledge so you can use your close companion wisely?

Do you want to set the right example for your children when it comes to your iPhone usage?

Do you want to learn how to set limits, parental controls and put restrictions for yourself and your children?

Do you want to end your days having spent your attention, time and energy effectively and not wasted on your iPhone?

Although the terms "phone addiction" and "social media addiction" become more and more popular, we can't just stop using tech and screens. Tech is here to stay, so we need to learn how to use our iPhones and social media with moderation. That's exactly what you will learn in this course.

There is no debate that we are using our phones and social media way too much. Just look around you and it seems being on our phones constantly is the new societal norm. Now with the coronavirus outbreak, we use our smartphones and social media constantly since we're home so much. Many of us, however, tell ourselves that we should stop acting like our phone's slave. There are other matters in life that are much more important. That's why you are here.

When you use an iPhone, then this course is for you. You will learn:

The detrimental effects of too much social media and phone usage

Which iPhone options you need to enable

Which iPhone options you need to disable

Which privacy settings and security settings you need to check and modify

How to preserve battery life and which battery settings you want to check

Everything you need to know about Screen Time and Family Sharing and how to set it up for yourself and children

How to use your instant messaging apps (Apple's Messages, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger) wisely

How to use your social media apps (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, YoutTube Kids) wisely

How to use your mail apps (Apple's Mail, Gmail) wisely

Which other external tracking and blocking apps can help you with your iPhone usage

Non-tech related tips on how to curb phone addiction and social media addiction

Tips and tricks for your iPhone you don't even know about

Facts about social media addiction and phone addiction

You will also find downloadable instructions for every lesson.

Join this course now and begin immediately to end your phone addiction and social media addiction.

It is time you unchain yourself from your iPhone and show it who's boss.

Start using your social media apps, instant messaging apps, and mail apps wisely so they don't distract you constantly.

Use tech to beat tech and inspire your children, family, and friends to do the same.

Enroll now, have your iPhone with you and let's get started!

Who this course is for:

iPhone users who want to focus more on their relationships, aspirations and self development
iPhone users who want to be the master of their iPhone instead of being the slave
iPhone users who want to master their iPhone and use it as tool to improve their lives
iPhone users who want to create a healthy relationship with their iPhone
iPhone users who want to reduce temptation to be constantly on their iPhone due to the coronavirus
Students who want to improve their studies and stop comparing themselves to others
Parents who want to control their iPhone usage to set the right example for their children
Parents who want to understand and advise their children how to use their iPhone effectively
Workers who want to create a healthy relationship with their iPhone and focus on their careers
Entrepreneurs who want to use their iPhone to enhance their productivity and business
Elderly people who want to understand their iPhone on a skillful level


Apache Kafka Complete Developer's Guide


Apache Kafka Complete Developer's Guide
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 5.01 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 129 lectures (8 hour, 35 mins) | Language: English

Learn core Apache Kafka features, create Java, Node.js, Python Producers and Consumers. Full Kafka hands-on experience!

What you'll learn

Understand how Apache Kafka works
Create fault-tolerant clusters with topics replication across multiple brokers
Apache Kafka Architecture
How to create Kafka cluster with multiple Brokers
Practice to create producers and consumers using built-in console producer and console consumer
Write custom producer and consumer in Java
Use Python and Node to produce and consume messages
Learn components of the Apache Kafka Cluster


You could have completely no prior knowledge about Apache Kafka
Prepare only your Mac, Windows or Linux/Unix computer. Anything will work.
Also you could know nothing about Java, Node or Python. I will explain all of these from beginning
We will start from the very beginning by installing Apache Kafka and exploring it's components


This course is all about Apache Kafka

Understand HOW Apache Kafka works and learn its core features ON PRACTICE. This is 80% practice course without no useless demos!

Build custom Apache Kafka Producers and Consumers using native Java API. Also you will build projects using APIs for other programming languages like Node.js and Python.

Become a master of Apache Kafka by understanding and practicing its architecture and main features.

All project files and mostly used commands are available in the GitHub repository.

This is the most complete practical Apache Kafka guide here on Udemy that includes tons of practical activities. Most important is that you will learn how Apache Kafka works and knowing it you will be able much more easier use its features and fix mistakes in the future after you'll finish this course. You can have zero knowledge about Apache Kafka, Java, Node.js or Python. All will be taught from scratch, from basic to advanced features. If you want to get deep knowledge of Apache Kafka this course is for you!

We will start by installing Apache Kafka on your computer, VPS (Virtual Private Server) or Virtual Machine on your computer. You will learn that installation of Apache Kafka is pretty easy - you just need to download archive with executable scripts and run them. Also you will learn and practice how to run multiple brokers on the same computer.

Afterwards we will jump into tons of practice activities and use different Apache Kafka features and built-in scripts. You will launch Zookeeper, multiple Brokers, Console Consumer and Console Producer. Also you will test performance of the Kafka Cluster using built-in utility called Performance Monitor.

In practice sections you will perform multiple practice Apache activities:

Create cluster with multiple brokers

Create topic with multiple partitions spread across different brokers

Create topics with replication factor that allows you to store copy of every message on different brokers for redundancy

Produce messages using built-in Console Producer

Consume messages using built-in Console Consumer

Launch multiple consumers in the same consumer group

Launch Performance Monitor for testing Consumers and Producers performance and speed

You will also learn and practice how to use Apache Kafka API to create your own Consumers and Producers

Create Java Maven project

Launch Producer and Consumer using Java

Launch multiple consumers in the same Consumer Group

Understand and practice difference between "subscribe" and "assign"

Create Node.js project

Launch Producers and Consumers using Node.js

Create Python project

Launch Producers and Consumers using Python

During the course you will need to view and edit text files. For that you will NOT use terminal. Instead you will use GUI application VisualStudio Code. Also all configuration files and project files are available in the GitHub repository. This means that during this course you will also learn how to use :

Git and GitHub

VisualStudio Code

With this course you will get lifetime-long access to more than 100 lectures and tens of practical exercises. After the course you will become a guru of Apache Kafka and will be able easily create custom Apache Kafka Producers and Consumers.

But most important is that you will UNDERSTAND Apache Kafka.

Who this course is for:

Beginners who want to learn Apache Kafka
Advanced Apache Kafka users who want to learn how to build producers and consumers in other languages like Node or Python
This course is for you if you want to PRACTICE using Kafka and it's APIs


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