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    - 3D: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, die in einem 3D Format vorliegen. Dies gilt auch für Dokus, Animation usw.
    - Serien: Cartoon/Zeichentrick, Anime, Tutorials, Dokumentationen, Konzerte/Musik, Sonstiges sind demnach in die entsprechenden Bereiche einzuordnen, auch wenn sie beispielsweise im High Definition-Format oder als DVD5/DVD9/HD2DVD vorliegen. Ausnahme 3D.
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    - Bei einem Sammelthread für eine Staffel entfällt aus dem Releasename natürlich der Name der Folge. Beispiel: Die Simpsons S21 German DVDRip XviD - ITG
    - Dementsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist.

    Aufbau des Angebots und Threadtitel

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    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 DVDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL BDRip x264 - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 AC3 DL BDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S20 German AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Sword Art Online II Ger Sub 2014 AAC 1080p WEBRip x264 - peppermint
    Entsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Sonderzeichen wie Klammern, Sterne, Ausrufezeichen, Unterstriche, Anführungszeichen / Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist
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    - Im Serien-Bereich gilt speziell: Wenn ein Retail vor Abschluss einer laufenden Staffel erscheint, darf diese Staffel noch zu Ende gebracht werden.62
    - Gleiche Releases sind unbedingt zusammenzufassen. Das bedeutet, es ist zwingend erforderlich, vor dem Erstellen eines Themas per Suchfunktion zu überprüfen, ob bereits ein Beitrag mit demselben Release besteht. Ist dies der Fall, ist der bereits vorhandene Beitrag zu verwenden.
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    - Grundsätzlich ebenso verboten sind Dupes. Uploader haben sich an geeigneter Stelle darüber zu informieren, ob es sich bei einem Release um ein Dupe handelt.
    - Gefakte, nur teilweise lauffähige oder unvollständige Angebote sind untersagt. Dies gilt auch für eigene Publikationen, die augenscheinlich nicht selbst von z.B. einer DVD gerippt wurden. Laufende Serien, bei denen noch nicht alle Folgen verfügbar sind, dürfen erstellt und regelmäßig geupdatet werden.
    - Untersagt sind Angebote, welche nur und ausschließlich in einer anderen Sprache als deutsch oder englisch vorliegen. Ausnahmen sind VORHER mit den Moderatoren zu klären.

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Englische Tutorials

Flirten & Dating für Frauen - Jetzt Deinen Traummann finden!


Flirten & Dating für Frauen - Jetzt Deinen Traummann finden!
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: German | Size: 7.38 GB | Duration: 7.5 hours

What you'll learn
Du wirst in der Lage sein Männer anzuziehen.
Du wirst in der Lage sein Männer kennenzulernen und eine erfüllte Beziehung aufzubauen.
Dein Liebesleben proaktiv zu gestalten, sodass Du Dein Glück nicht mehr dem Zufall überlassen musst.
Verstehen, warum Deine früheren Beziehungen gescheitert sind und was Du in Zukunft tun kannst, dass Deine neue Beziehung von vorneherein auf soliden Beinen steht und langfristig halten kann.
Worauf Du von Anfang an achten kannst um zu erkennen, ob er wirklich der richtige ist sodass Du nicht enttäuscht oder verletzt wirst.
Du wirst nach dem Abschluss dieses Kurses die männlichen Bedürfnisse besser verstehen.

Das Bedürfnis nach einem erfüllten Liebesleben.
Du bist Single und möchtest endlich den richtigen Mann finden?

Deinen Traummann?

Einen Mann der wirklich zu Dir passt?

Einen starken Mann an Deiner Seite?

Einen Mann mit dem Du durch Dick und Dünn gehen kannst?

Einen Mann für eine tief erfüllte Beziehung?

Ihr vertraut einander, seid beste Freunde, erlebt viele gemeinsame Abenteuer, habt großartigen Sex, und verliebt euch von Tag zu Tag noch ein bisschen mehr ineinander?

Auch wenn es sich vielleicht in Deinem Leben gerade nicht so anfühlt, der Mann mit dem Du all dies teilen kannst, läuft irgendwo da draussen rum und sehnt sich genauso nach all diesen Dingen wie Du.

Nun liegt es an Dir, Männer kennenlernen, Männer anziehen und Männer verführen zu wollen.

Die Fähigkeit Deinen Traummann zu finden und eine glückliche Beziehung führen zu können, hast Du bereits von Natur aus in Dir.

Du hast nur möglicherweise noch nicht gelernt, diese Fähigkeiten auch aktiv anzuwenden...

Worauf es ankommt:

-> dass Du fähig bist Männer kennenlernen zu können (ja, viele Frauen wissen wirklich nicht, wie das geht)

-> dass Du den Ballast aus Deinen vergangenen Beziehungen ablegst, um die neue Beziehung nicht zu vergiften

-> dass Du die Bedürnisse und Gedanken eines Mannes verstehst

-> dass Du eure Beziehung nicht auf der Grundlage von Missverständnissen und vermeidbaren Konflikten gefährdest

-> dass Du Dich selbst akzeptierst, selbst liebst und Dein Leben nach Deinen eigenen Wünschen und Bedürfnissen lebst

-> dass Du einerseits anziehend für einen attraktiven Mann sein kannst

-> dass Du die Beziehung nicht durch Bedürftigkeit sabotierst

All diese Fähigkeiten lernst Du in diesem Kurs.

Verlieben und eine glückliche Beziehung führen kann ganz einfach sein - wenn Du nur weisst wie.

Wenn Du diesen Kurs komplett durchschaust und das Gelernte gewissenhaft umsetzt, wirst Du Dein Liebesleben dadurch endlich zum Erfolg wenden und in Kürze den Mann Deiner Träume kennenlernen und eine erfüllte Beziehung führen können.

Bist Du bereit?

Du hast die Wahl, entweder Du fängst heute an das Liebesleben Deiner Träume aktiv aufzubauen, oder Du überlässt diesen wichtigen Teil Deines Lebens weiterhin dem Zufall.

Du riskierst dabei für den Rest Deines Lebens von einer unglücklichen Beziehung in die nächste unerfüllte Beziehung zu stolpern.

Hast Du darauf Lust?

Mache Dir selber ein Geschenk, und sorge dafür, dass Du nie wieder eine unglückliche Beziehung führen musst und Dir stattdessen ab sofort das Liebesleben Deiner Träume aufbaust.

Du hast es verdient.

Jetzt eintragen ->

Who this course is for:
Für jede Frau, die eine glückliche und erfüllte Beziehung führen will.



Curso Design Gráfico COMPLETO - 7 Cursos do Zero ao Avançado


Curso Design Gráfico COMPLETO - 7 Cursos do Zero ao Avançado
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: Portuguese | VTT | Size: 6.87 GB | Duration: 29 hours

What you'll learn
O aluno aprenderá como criar e editar imagens incríveis.
Criar logos, ilustrações avançadas.
Editoração de livros e revistas em modo profissional.
Criar um website para expor seus trabalhos.

Possuir o Adobe Creative Cloud para executar os ensinamentos dos cursos e iniciar o Portfolio e/ou os softwares Photoshop, Illustrator e InDesign em versão anterior a CC.
Um computador com no mínimo de 4GB de Memória RAM com sistema operacional macOS ou Windows.
Saber utilizar o computador, ter um grande desejo e empenho em aprender e criar projetos de Design Gráfico com qualidade.
** Curso mais vendido de Design Gráfico da Udemy em português e um dos mais vendidos no mundo. São mais de 77 mil alunos nesta formação, 325 aulas somando todo o curso e mais de 28 horas de vídeos**

A formação Design Gráfico Completo, faz jus o nome. É a formação de cursos mais completa que você encontrará, são 7 cursos, sendo 4 de Photoshop, 1 de Illustrator, 1 de inDesign e um curso Bônus de Adobe Portfolio que ensinará você a criar um website para expor seus trabalhos para o mundo.

Conheça os cursos que fazem parte:

Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 - Fundamental

Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 - Tratamento de Imagem

Adobe Photoshop CC Avançado

Camera 9 no Photoshop CC 2015.

Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 - Fundamental

Adobe inDesign CC 2014.3 Essencial

Adobe Portfolio.

Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 - Atualização

- São 325 aulas, desenvolvidas pelos melhores instrutores.
- É de responsabilidade do aluno, possuir os softwares instalados em seu computador. A Udemy ou a iMedia, não disponibilizam softwares para seus alunos.

Who this course is for:
Estudantes e profissionais de publicidade, design gráfico e fotografia.



Photoshop CC - Arquitetura


Photoshop CC - Arquitetura
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz
Language: Portuguese | VTT | Size: 6.02 GB | Duration: 5.5 hours

What you'll learn
O aluno aprenderá na prática a fazer tratamento de imagens 3D em Photoshop, com inserção de pessoas, vegetação, objetos, efeitos de luz e sombra, além de fazer cortes e plantas humanizadas (aulas lecionadas na versão em inglês, com áudio em português).

Conhecimentos básicos de arquitetura.
Possuir o Photoshop CC para executar os ensinamentos do curso e executar o projeto. A versão usada no curso é Inglês. A versão em português também pode ser usada, mas pode haver incompatibilidades.
Um computador com no mínimo 4GB de Memória RAM, sistema operacional macOS ou Windows.
O PHOTOSHOP CC é o mais famoso programa de edição de imagens. Neste curso faremos uma abordagem específica do uso do Photoshop em projetos de arquitetura. Você aprenderá a fazer o tratamento de imagens 3D renderizadas, com inserção de pessoas, vegetação, objetos, fundos, efeitos de luz e sombra; além de produzir desenhos humanizados em corte e planta.

Confira o cronograma de aulas:
Aula 1: Conceitos Básicos, Ambiente de Trabalho e Ferramentas.
Aula 2: Tratamento de imagem da Casa P2.
Aula 3: Fotoinserção da Casa SS.
Aula 4: Tratamento de imagem do Ágora Tech Park.
Aula 5: Interiores.
Aula 6: Imagem Noturna.
Aula 7: Corte Humanizado.
Aula 8: Planta Humanizada.

- É de responsabilidade do aluno, possuir o software instalado em seu computador. A Udemy ou a AGA, não disponibilizam softwares para seus alunos.

Who this course is for:
Arquitetos e estudantes de arquitetura que queiram aprender a fazer apresentações realistas e desenhos humanizados.



Paul and His Letter to the Romans: Part Two (Romans 6-11)


Paul and His Letter to the Romans: Part Two (Romans 6-11)
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 4.2 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 7.5 hour | Language: English

Prof. N.T. Wright walks students through the central portion of this profound Epistle written by the Apostle Paul.

What you'll learn

Embrace the beauty of this magnificent letter from the pen of the Apostle Paul.
Understand the historical background that is so important to discerning the meaning of this pivotal epistle.
Discern how the Apostle Paul brings forth an argument with majesty and complexity.
Explain the movement of the main themes in Paul's Letter to the Romans.
Dig deeply into the intricacies of specific sections within the letter.
Explicate how the strands of key thoughts keep interweaving through the text much as a major symphonic orchestral work returns to movements that reinforce the underlying elements of the work.
Discuss how key theological ideas and thoughts are worked through by the Apostle Paul.


Students should obtain the commentary by Prof. Wright, Paul for Everyone: Romans, Part One (John Knox, 2005) ISBN-10: 0664227996.
Students should obtain the commentary by Prof. Wright, Paul for Everyone: Romans, Part Two (John Knox, 2005) ISBN-10: 0664229123.


Few writings in the history of the world have had the impact that Paul's Epistle to the Romans has had in the past centuries. Prof. N.T. Wright, renowned biblical scholar and historian, will walk you through Paul's Letter to the Romans. The course shines a bright spotlight on one of the most wonderful and challenging books in the New Testament. The powerful realities Paul expresses in his Epistle to the Romans have challenged men and women for nearly 2,000 years. People like St. Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wesley were profoundly changed by embracing the essential elements found in this magnificent letter. Dig deep into the New Testament through studying this amazing and pivotal work from the pen of the Apostle Paul through detailed explanation with Prof. N.T. Wright.

This course is Part Two of a three-part course covering the whole of Paul and His Letter to the Romans. This course, Romans: Part Two, is designed to take around fifteen weeks to complete and will cover Introductory Issues regarding the whole Epistle as well as in depth exegesis of Romans 6:1-11:36. While you may take the course at your own pace, you are encourage to take time to reflect upon the material presented in the textbook and in the lectures. Please do not rush. There is so much packed into every lecture. This is material to ponder and prayerfully consider.

The textbook is Prof. Wright's commentary on Romans in the Paul for Everyone series published by John Knox Press in the U.S. and SPCK in the UK.

The structure of the course includes:

Lectures by Prof. Wright
Quizzes to assess comprehension
Student discussions
Interaction with Prof. David Seemuth, your co-instructor for the course
Textbook readings
Interaction with the biblical text itself

If you are interested in a deeper knowledge of this powerful and important letter from the apostle Paul, then you will want to enroll in this course.

Who this course is for:

Any student of the Bible should be interested in this most powerful letter of the New Testament. Paul and His Letter to the Romans provides the basis for so much theology upon which Christians stand that this letter must be studied in depth.
While this course will contain some rather elaborate explanations, the beginning student interested in the New Testament will still be able to understand much of what Prof. Wright explains.


Six Sigma Green Belt Masterclass (includes a GB Case Study)


Six Sigma Green Belt Masterclass (includes a GB Case Study)
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz
Language: English | VTT | Size: 6.26 GB | Duration: 16.5 hours

What you'll learn
Make Your Resume Lucrative: Become a Certified Six Sigma Green Belt
Get Noticed by Top Management: Solve Complex Statistical Problems on Minitab
Gain the Trust of Your Peers: Get Hands-on Expertise on 100+ Lean and Six Sigma Tools and Techniques
Get Fast-paced Career Growth: Talk the Cost-Savings Language of Your Management
Get a Pay Hike: Become Visible at All Levels in Your Organization
Get Your Dream Job, Stand Out of the Competition & Impress Your Interviewer: Thoroughly Absorb the Content of this Course
Master the art of creating Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Project Storyboard
Answer tough interview questions like a PRO
Get access to 16+ hours of training, 470+ lectures and 300+ downloadable supplements

You should have completed Yellow Belt Certification
Want to earn your Six Sigma Green Belt Certification? If so, you've come to the right place!

This Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training and Certification Course provides you a practical perspective of learning Six Sigma tools. This is one of the Best Six Sigma Certification programs available online that not only helps you understand Six Sigma principles, Six Sigma tools, Six Sigma examples but also helps you do a realistic Lean Six Sigma Green Belt case study in a step-by-step manner. The structure of this Six Sigma Certification program allows you to understand how to easily apply your knowledge and skills in your work environment. This in-turn helps you get the desired visibility in your organization resulting in career growth and a positive impact on your salary. This Lean Six Sigma Green Belt program provides you the proficiency in 100+ Lean and Six Sigma tools and techniques. This course is a package of Six Sigma, Lean as well as Minitab expertise. This Six Sigma Certification course not only adds the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt qualification to your skill set but also provides you an opportunity to enhance your resume helping you stand out in this competitive world.

By choosing this Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training and certification program, you are enrolling the most in-depth, beginner to advanced level Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification with expertise on Minitab.

Learning Six Sigma Green Belt can help impact your career positively. The ability to add Six Sigma Green Belt Certification to your resume proves your commitment to improving your business intelligence and analytical skills, as well as improving the business process where you work. Accepted globally, the principles of Six Sigma find applications in countless manufacturing as well as service oriented organizations across a wide range of industries worldwide.

What would you get after taking this course: Six Sigma Green Belt Masterclass?

You become a Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt

Master 100+ Lean Six Sigma Green Belt tools and techniques

Intensify Minitab Skills to analyze any business situation

Become a pro at answering tough interviewer questions

Understand a number of real-life anecdotes from industry experts

Receive trainer assistance using the Q&A Discussion board

Add the Lean Six Sigma Green Belt credential to your resume

Solve any business problem using Lean Six Sigma Green Belt principles, tools and techniques

Become a problem solver for your business

Learn root-cause analysis techniques

Learn Graphical as well as Statistical techniques using Minitab

Learn how to create a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt project storyboard

Get access to 16+ hours and 300+ downloadable resources

This Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training and certification program is suitable for individuals from:

Transaction Processing


Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)

Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)

Call Center Operations

Voice Operations

Or any repeatable nature of business in the Service Industry

This Lean Six Sigma Green Belt training and certification course is not for anyone outside of the given scope.

This Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification course is comprehensive yet simple designed to help you learn Six Sigma tools and techniques using practical real life examples and lots of activities. As a bonus, in this Six Sigma Green Belt training program you will also learn to create complex statistical analysis such as Hypothesis Testing on Minitab, a widely used statistical software.

This Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification course assumes that you have no prior process improvement background. However, it does assume that you have completed your Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification and have basic level of statistical knowledge. With over 16 hours of on-demand video, over 470 lectures, over 300 supplemental resources and over 50 activities, these comprehensive tutorials cover everything you'll ever need to become a Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt.

Whether you want to:

Become an in-demand Certified Six Sigma Green Belt professional for potential service industry organizations

Go freelance and work from home, setting your own schedule and rates

Sharpen your process improvement skills to reach the advanced level

Simply bring your own ideas to life with your first Six Sigma Green Belt case study

.this complete Six Sigma Green Belt course is exactly what you need, and more. (You'll even get a certificate of completion to add to your arsenal).

What makes this course a bestseller?

Like you, thousands of others were frustrated and fed up with fragmented online know-it-all tutorials which assumed you can understand the complex Six Sigma manufacturing jargons and left you without having you practice what you have learnt.

Like you, they were tired of low-quality lessons, poorly explained topics and all-round confusing info presented in a wrong way. That's why so many find success in this Six Sigma Green Belt Masterclass. It's designed with simplicity and seamless progression in mind through its high-definition, comprehensive tutorials.

You will get the best in class support from the instructor for any questions you have related to the course.

The course is very well structured:

The course duration is 16+ hours

You become an expert in 100+ Six Sigma tools and techniques

These are covered in Introduction plus 5 DMAIC phases and 15 steps

These Introduction plus 5 phases and 15 steps are explained in over 78 sections

Each section is dedicated to a specific Six Sigma concept

These concepts are taught in more than 470 lectures

Each lecture covers bite sized information; easy to grasp and apply

Each lecture consist of a video screencast

Each section is well-rounded with:

A section objective discussed at the beginning

Then the concept discussed at length

Then examples are discussed to review concepts from a practical perspective

This is followed either by an activity or a quiz

Real Life Anecdotes and Proficiency Hacks are added for you to be proficient in using this methodology

Each section ends with an apt summary

Numerical activities are supplemented with live process data

There are a ton of Minitab exercises with raw data provided for each exercise

Each activity or home-work has a subsequent video lecture discussing the activity solution for self-evaluation

There are several downloadable ready-to-use Six Sigma templates

There are over 200 supplemental downloadable resources which are comprehensive and pertinently cover everything you'll need to become a Certified Six Sigma Green Belt

Using the Q&A discussion board, you receive trainer assistance on course related questions

There is a high focus on Real Life Anecdotes and Proficiency hacks to prepare you well to succeed in any Six Sigma related role

Market is never short of jobs in the field of Quality, Six Sigma and Process Excellence functions. There are ample jobs. They only need skilled individuals. They are ready to hire individuals with hands-on knowledge and those who outshine the interview process.

****A little more detail on Six Sigma Certification and its Benefits***

What is the Six Sigma Certification?

Six Sigma is a strategically designed set of tools and techniques that help improve business processes within an organization. The primary goal of Six Sigma certification is to validate individuals (like you) who posses the skills to identify variation, defects or errors in a business process and mitigate or eliminate them.

The Six Sigma Certification comes in various skill levels: Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt. These certifications can be obtained through an accreditation body like the American Society for Quality (ASQ), International Association for Six Sigma Certification (IASSC) or a Third-Party Independent Certification Authority that is globally recognized in over 151 countries like Advanced Innovation Group Pro Excellence (AIGPE).

These certifications also help you become a specialist in process improvement and will enhance your career's standard and credibility.

What is Six Sigma Green Belt Certification?

Six Sigma Green Belt is a certification course wherein you will receive hands-on understanding on 100+ tools and techniques. These methods are essential to participate in DMAIC improvement projects. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control. These are the 5 Phases of a Six Sigma Improvement project. This is the only course that teaches these 5 Phases in 15 structured steps helping you understand the entire methodology in thorough detail. By taking up this certification course professionals (like you) can identify the problems and implement solutions to eradicate them.

What are the Benefits of Six Sigma?

Six Sigma helps your organization reduce variation and eliminate errors

An organization has several business processes. Each business process has its own, unique set of procedures followed by individuals working in that business. Acquiring Six Sigma certification enables YOU to become crucial to your organization's ability to identify and eliminate variation and repeatable process errors.

With a Six Sigma certification, you can help to transform and enable your organization to increase revenue by identifying and eliminating errors that would otherwise have brought poor customer satisfaction and losses to the business. Certified Six Sigma professionals can help reduce variation, errors, customer complaints, cycle time, cost, schedule delays and spending/revenue leakages.

For example: Between 1986 and 2001, Motorola saved 16 billion dollars using the Six Sigma methodology and General Electric (GE) saved 4.4 billion dollars between 1996 and 1999.

Improve your business and sustain the gains

Once you attain the Six Sigma certification, you'll be able to prove you have the knowledge to identify gaps in an organization's business process and you will be able to measure, analyze and improve those gaps. You will also have the ability to conduct complete review of the current process and gain a very clear understanding of their impact on the output.

You'll also develop the ability to achieve exceptional improvements in your business and sustain them by monitoring processes closely to ensure there is little or no deviation from the mean and taking corrective measures to improve your implemented actions.

Six Sigma is applicable across industries

What is the value of Six Sigma certification? As an industry independent methodology, Six Sigma techniques are applied in aerospace, electronics, telecom, banking and finance, IT, HR, marketing, and many more industries.

Getting a Six Sigma certification can lead to better job opportunities and improved salary - even though its not easy to attain. One of the reasons Six Sigma professionals get so much respect is that the practical applications of Six Sigma tools and techniques require creative and out-of-the-box thinking - and executives and hiring managers at major companies are well aware.

With a Six Sigma certification, you will be able to position yourself as a change agent within the organization, spearheading quality improvement throughout your team or organization, showcasing your leadership skillset. When you get certified in Six Sigma, you become knowledgeable in dozens of different methods to streamline business processes, improve employee acceptance, reduce costs, and increase revenue - all of which lead to better bottom line, no matter the industry.

As a professional, you need to adapt yourself to the changing demands of your industry. No matter what industry you are a part of, you need to learn to adapt your knowledge to different situations.

Ensure Compliance

With the stringent quality standards of Six Sigma, manufacturing and service errors are reduced to less than mediocre figures. This has meant that a number of vendors, procurers, and oversight organizations apply Six Sigma standards when evaluating products or accounts. As a certified Six Sigma professional, you will be able to help your organization comply with international standards, as well as maintain profitable contracts.

Improve Your Managerial and Leadership Ability

Six Sigma training also prepares you for leadership roles, with the techniques and knowhow to cut costs, increase revenue, and ways to improve the efficiency of the business process. Those who achieve Six Sigma Green Belt are not only educated on the methodologies of Six Sigma, they are also prepared to become a change agent within their organization, leading efforts to improve processes and the quality of products and services delivered to customers.

Once you complete your Six Sigma course and obtain your certification, you will have a clear understanding of measuring and quantifying financial benefits from executing any Six Sigma project. Because financial management and risk assessment are highly desirable skills for middle and top-level management, certified Six Sigma professionals stand a very good chance of rising to senior managerial positions.

Mind-blowing Salary

According to a survey carried out by a well known Salary Analyzing website, the salary for Six Sigma certified individuals routinely break into the $100,000+ pay bracket, and are among the highest-paid professionals globally.

Gain Hands-On Experience In Quality Management

Unlike a few other certifications, the Six Sigma certification process includes hands-on work on industry projects and experience with implementation of theoretical principles to real-life scenarios. As a certified Six Sigma professional, you will gain valuable experience even before you enter the workforce.

Ready to get started on the path to Six Sigma Green Belt? AIGPE's Lean Six Sigma Green Belt program is taught by a Certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt with more than fifteen years of industry experience in implementing Quality Management and will help you become a successful Lean Six Sigma Practitioner.

This course is backed by Udemy's 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not satisfied for any reason, you will get the money back. In addition to that you will keep all the downloadable reference documents of the course as a thank you for trying out our course!!

So why wait? Enroll today and become a Certified Six Sigma Green Belt!

Who this course is for:
Anyone from Transaction Processing, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Back-Office, Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO), Voice and Non-Voice Service Industry, Customer Service Industry, etc can take this course
This course may not be for those who are from non-service industries



Udemy - SAS Programming BASE certification course for SAS Beginners


Udemy - SAS Programming BASE certification course for SAS Beginners
BESTSELLER | Created by Toyin Akin | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 13:55 H/M | Lec: 116 | 5.70 GB | Language: English | Sub: English [Auto-generated]

suitable for the new practical SAS programming certificate: SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4

What you'll learn
This course is suitable for the new practical BASE programming credential: SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4
Software installation (SAS University Edition /SAS studio): the complete & step-by-step guide; detailed explanation on File path/directory in SAS studio
Get Data in various format into SAS: (read .txt file, .csv file, Excel file, format input (using SAS informat to read dates; use SAS format to display SAS date values). Proc Import, Proc Export, Proc Content)
Create temporary and permanent SAS data sets (SET statement, LIBNAME statement, SAS libraries )
Combine data sets (Concatenate, Append, interleave, Match Merge (one -to-one merge, one-to-many merge))
Use SAS Functions to manipulate SAS date values (Explanation on how SAS stores date and time values, SAS functions include MDY, YEAR, QTR, MONTH, DAY, WEEKDAY, TODAY, DATE, INTCK, DATDIF, YRDIF)
Use SAS Functions to manipulate character and numeric data values (use SAS functions to Convert Character & Numeric Value (auto-convert; PUT & INPUT functions), Other SAS functions include: SCAN, SUBSTR, TRIM, UPCASE, LOWCASE, PROPCASE, CATX, INDEX, TRANWRD, INT, ROUND)
Conditionally execute SAS statements: IF-THEN/ELSE, DO and END statements
Simplify your data with Array (One dimensional array; two dimensional array; Creating Variables in an ARRAY Statement; Assigning Initial Values to Arrays & Creating Temporary Array Elements)
Process data with DO LOOPS (the basic of DO LOOPS; constructing DO LOOPS; Conditionally Executing DO Loops using DO UNTIL and DO WHILE; Using Conditional Clauses with the Iterative DO Statement)
Work with data & Creating labels and formats (Use assignment statements in the DATA step; Use LABEL and FORMAT statements to modify attributes in a DATA step; Define the length of a variable using the LENGTH statement; Control which observations and variables using DROP, KEEP statements and DROP=, KEEP= options, and IF statement)
SAS Statistical Procedures: Proc SORT; Proc PRINT; Proc MEANS; Proc FREQ; Proc UNIVARIATE
Generate list reports using the PRINT procedure (using VAR, SUM, WHERE, ID and BY statements)
Generate reports using ODS statements (Identify ODS destinations, create HTML, PDF, RTF, and Excel files with ODS statements)
Reconstruct/Reshape SAS Data sets in DATA step and using Proc TRANSPOSE
SAS advanced topic: Proc SQL Essentials
SAS advanced topic: SAS Macros Essentials

Basic computer skills

Do you want to start learning SAS programming easily and quickly? This course is the most complete SAS BASE certification programming course for

absolute SAS beginners

anyone interested in passing the SAS BASE certification exam

suitable for the new practical SAS programming certificate: SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4

Coding exercises and projects are perfect for for the practical coding questions for the new SAS BASE certificate exam

You may compare the contents covered in this course with the official SAS BASE certification Exam contents (the new practical exam is SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4) and SAS BASE certification prep guide (due to Udemy policy, I can not include the SAS link here).

Course Highlights:

step by step/ code by code explanations for easy and efficient learning experiences

most complete SAS BASE course for beginners and the SAS BASE certification exam(suitable for the new practical SAS programming certificate: SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4)

This course is a combined course to offer the maxim benefit for my students, it includes contents from the following individual courses

1. SAS programming for beginners

2. SAS programming on data manipulation and preparation part 1: modify variables

3. SAS programming on data manipulation and preparation part 2: combine/merge data sets

4. Overview / Essentials for SAS advanced topics: SAS SQL (Proc SQL) and SAS Macro Language

5. Additional topics: Error handling, Generate reports using ODS statements

downloadable data and SAS programs used in the course (the course materials are ONLY for practice, they are protected by copyright)

Quizzes, coding exercises and projects for practice. After all, practice makes perfection!

Coding exercises and projects are perfect for for the practical coding questions for the new certificate exam on SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4

A Note on Course ratings and reviews:

Please be considerate and sincere when you provide ratings and reviews. This will encourage me providing more contents to the course and better service to you! For any SAS programming courses, course ratings above 4.5 are considered good ratings.

Many students who take this course as a main course have passed the SAS BASE certification. This course is a truly cost-value effective one for both individual users and Udemy for business users.

So Please provide fair ratings to this course with the consideration of the comparison among other available SAS courses. Thank you!

Current course contents: (Please see course curriculum for more detailed information on sections and lectures included in this course)

Software installation (SAS University Edition /SAS studio): the complete & step-by-step guide; detailed explanation on File path/directory in SAS studio

Navigate/work in SAS environment

Get Data in various format into SAS: (read .txt file, .csv file, Excel file, format input (using SAS informat to read dates; use SAS format to display SAS date values). Proc Import)

Create temporary and permanent SAS data sets (SET statement, LIBNAME statement, SAS libraries )

Combine data sets (Concatenate, Append, interleave, Match Merge (one -to-one merge, one-to-many merge))

Use SAS Functions to manipulate SAS date values (Explanation on how SAS stores date and time values, SAS functions include MDY, YEAR, QTR, MONTH, DAY, WEEKDAY, TODAY, DATE, INTCK, DATDIF, YRDIF)

Use SAS Functions to manipulate character and numeric data values (use SAS functions to Convert Character & Numeric Value (auto-convert; PUT & INPUT functions), Other SAS functions include: SCAN, SUBSTR, TRIM, UPCASE, LOWCASE, PROPCASE, CATX, INDEX, TRANWRD, INT, ROUND)

Conditionally execute SAS statements: IF-THEN/ELSE, DO and END statements

Simplify your data with Array (One dimensional array; two dimensional array; Creating Variables in an ARRAY Statement; Assigning Initial Values to Arrays & Creating Temporary Array Elements)

Process data with DO LOOPS (the basic of DO LOOPS; constructing DO LOOPS; Conditionally Executing DO Loops using DO UNTIL and DO WHILE; Using Conditional Clauses with the Iterative DO Statement)

Work with data & Creating labels and formats (Use assignment statements in the DATA step; Use LABEL and FORMAT statements to modify attributes in a DATA step; Define the length of a variable using the LENGTH statement; Control which observations and variables using DROP, KEEP statements and DROP=, KEEP= options, and IF statement)

SAS Statistical Procedures: Proc SORT; Proc PRINT; Proc MEANS; Proc FREQ; Proc UNIVARIATE, Proc Export, Proc Content

Generate list reports using the PRINT procedure (using VAR, SUM, WHERE, ID and BY statements)

Generate reports using ODS statements (Identify ODS destinations, create HTML, PDF, RTF, and Excel files with ODS statements)

Reconstruct/Reshape SAS Data sets in DATA step and using Proc TRANSPOSE

SAS advanced topic: Proc SQL Essentials

SAS advanced topic: SAS Macros Essentials


SAS certification prep guide: base programming by SAS Institute

The little SAS book: a primer / Lora D. Delwiche and Susan J. Slaughter

Learning SAS by example: a programmer's guide / Ron Cody

Note: A SAS software licence allows SC statistical programming to create and sell video-based SAS programming online courses.

Who this course is for?
absolute SAS beginners
Anyone interested in taking SAS BASE certification exam



Red Hat Linux Certified System Admin - SA3


Red Hat Linux Certified System Admin - SA3
Highiest Rated| h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 |English, aac, 44100 Hz, 2 channes, s16 | 9h 52 mn | 6.4 GB
Instructor: Shikhar Verma

Prepare for RHCE Exam and is desinged for experienced Linux system administrator
What you'll learn

Preparation of RHCSA - Certified Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Administrator
Overview of Systemd
Features of Systemd
Network Manager Overview
Network Teaming
Teaming Policies and its configurations
Managing DNS Servers
Concepts of DNS Severs
How DNS works over the internet
Types of DNS Servers
Configuring iSCSI Targets & Initiators
iSCSI Fundamentals
Network File Systems
Confguration of NFS and how it works
Variables, for loops
if else & case statements
Apache Web Server
Writing Bash Scripts
Postfix Mail Server
Introduction Dovecot, Imap & pop3
Thunderbird - Mail User Agent ( Configure Mail Box)


PC or Laptop with internet Connection


Course Description:

Red Hat Certified System Admin - SA3

The RHCE Training Syllabus comprises of 3 Module , first two module is from RHCSA Part (RH124 , RH134), if you go with Red Hat System Administration III (RH254) course then it will be RHCE Training.

RHCSA : Red Hat Certified System Administrator

Red Hat Certified System Admin - SA1

Red Hat Certified System Admin - SA2

RHCE : Red Hat Certified Engineer

· Red Hat Certified System Admin - SA3 ==> This course module will teach to third book

This course specifically designed for students who have completed Linux Certified System Admin - SA1/SA2. Linux System Administration is designed for experienced Linux system administrators with the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification or equivalent skills.
This course is intended to help students broaden their ability to administer Linux systems at an enterprise level.

Course Outline


· Red Hat System Administration II

· Installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Controlling Services & Daemons

· Overview of Systemd in RHEL 7

· About Daemons, Process & Services

· Primary advantages of systemd over init

· Features of systemd

· Practice Lab Sessions

Managing IPv4 Networking

· NetworkManager Overview

· Viewing networking information

· Familiar with nmcli command

· Configure & modify the Nic Interface using nmcli

· Practice Lab Sessions

Network Teaming

· Overview of Network Teaming

· Policies of Network Teaming

· Creating teaming virtual interface - (how to configure NIC Teaming as Active Backup (Failover)

· Managing Network Teaming

Managing DNS for Servers

· Overview of DNS Servers

· Concepts of DNS

· Root Name Servers

· How dns works over the internet?

· BIND Packages

· Types of DNS Servers

· Overview of Resource records

· Configuration Steps of DNS Server

· Practice Lab Session

Configuring iSCSI Targets & Initiators

· About iSCSI

· iSCSI fundamentals

· iSCSI Components terminology

· Practice Lab Sessions


· Overview of NFS

· Services of NFS

· How NFS works?

· Various configuration files of NFS

Writing Bash Scripts

· Bash Shell Scripting basics

· Writing Bash Scripts

· Variables & for loops

· Practice Lab Sessions

Conditional Structures

· if/then Statement

· case statement

· Practice Lab Sessions


· Overview of firewalld in RHEL 7

· Features of firewalld & its advantages over iptables

· Enable/Disable a Service

· Lab on port forwarding

· Managing Rich Rules

· Lab Session on Rich Rules

· Masquerading & port forwarding

· Practice Lab Sessions

Apache Web Server Administration

· Basic Setup

· Verify installation

· Package files

· Main configuration file(s)

· Backup

· Edit the httpd.conf configuration file

· ServerRoot

· PidFile

· ServerName

· Add site to /etc/hosts file

· DocumentRoot

· ErrorLog

· Listen

· Create your HTML documents

· Start the Web Server

· Access the web site

· Summary of basic setup

· Directory tags

· Order (allow, deny)

· Indexes

· Virtual Hosts

· .htaccess

· Create .htaccess file

· Create .htpasswd file

· Copy .htaccess to restricted directory

· Configure httpd.conf to allow authentication via .htaccess

· Encrypted Sessions

· Main configuration file(s)

· Edit the ssl.conf configuration file

· Openssl & Mod_ssl

· LoadModule

· Listen

· VirtualHost

· Create SSL certificate

· Create Certificate Authority (CA)

· Create server key

· Edit ssl.conf configuration file

· Server Certificate

· Server Private Key

· Certificate Authority

Postfix Mail Server Configuration

· The structure of the Email System

1.1 Mail User Agent

1.2 Mail Transfer Agent

1.3 Mail Delivery Agent

1.4 SMTP

· Configuring an RHEL Email System

· Postfix Pre-Installation Steps

· Installing Postfix on RHEL 7

· Configuring Postfix

· Starting Postfix on an RHEL System

· Configure a Null Client

· Relayhost

· Introduction Dovecot, Imap & pop3

· Configuring Dovecot

· Thunderbird - Mail User Agent ( Configure Mail Box)

Who this course is for:

There is no formal prerequisites for this course; however, previous system administrator experience on other operating system would be very beneficial.



Red Hat Linux Certified System Admin - SA2


Red Hat Linux Certified System Admin - SA2
Highiest Rated| h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 |English, aac, 44100 Hz, 2 channes, s16 | 10h 39 mn | 8.2 GB
Instructor: Shikhar Verma

Prepare for RHCSA Exam and focuses on the key tasks needed to become a full time Linux Administrator
What you'll learn

Preparation of RHCSA - Certified Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Administrator
Using Regular Expressions with Grep
Creating And Editing Test Files with VIM
Scheduling Linux Tasks
Controlling access to files with ACLS- Access Control Lists
Adding Disks, Partitions, And File Systems to a Linux System
Swap space concepts
Managing Logical Volume Management (LVM) Storage
Overview of Firewalls
Firewalld Components
Automating Installation with kickstart
Lab sessions after every theoretically Lectures
SELinux Security
Changing SELinux Contexts
SELinux Booleans
Troubleshooting SELinux


PC or Laptop with internet Connection


The RHCE Training Syllabus comprises of 3 Modules, first two module is from RHCSA , if you go with Red Hat System Administration III course then it will be RHCE Training.

RHCSA : Red Hat Certified System Administrator

Red Hat Certified System Admin - SA1

Red Hat Certified System Admin - SA2 ==> This course module will teach to second part of the RHCSA.

RHCE : Red Hat Certified Engineer

· Red Hat Certified System Admin - SA3

Course Description:

Linux Certified System Admin - SA2

This course specifically designed for students who have completed Linux Certified System Admin - SA1.

Linux Certified System Admin - SA2 focuses on the key tasks needed to become a full time Linux Administrator and to validate those skills via the Red Hat Certified System Administrator exam.

Course Outline


Red Hat System Administration II

Installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Automating Installation with kickstart

Overview of kickstart Server

Features & configuration of kickstart server

Graphical mode to configure the kickstart config file

Deploying a new virtual system with kickstart

Practice Lab Sessions

Regular expressions with grep or pattern matching

Overview of pattern matching

Regular expressions fundamental

Match the regular expressions

Practice Lab Sessions

Vim Editor - Creating & Editing text files

Overview of Vim Editor

Different versions & modes of Vim

Command Mode, Ex Mode & Exit Mode

Use of Yank in Vim

Practice Lab Sessions

Scheduling cron jobs

at command - scheduling one-time job

Practice Lab sessions

Overview of crontab format

How to schedule jobs at specific time

Practice Lab Sessions

Access control Lists ACL's

Overview of ACL

Use of command getfacl & setfacl

Default ACL

Securing files with ACLs

Practice Lab Sessions

Disks, Partitions, and File Systems to a Linux System

Overview of Disks & partitions

Partition tables , MBR Schemes and GPT

Primary, Extended & Logical partitions

Practice Lab Sessions

Logical Volume Manager Administration

LVM Architecture Overview

LVM Components

LVM Logical Volumes

Logical Volume Creation Overview

Growing a File System on a Logical Volume

Logical Volume Backup

LVM Administration with CLI Commands

Using CLI Commands

Physical Volume Administration

Creating Physical Volumes

Displaying Physical Volumes

Preventing Allocation on a Physical Volume

Resizing a Physical Volume

Removing Physical Volumes

Volume Group Administration

Creating Volume Groups

Adding Physical Volumes to a Volume Group

Displaying Volume Groups

Removing Physical Volumes from a Volume Group

Changing the Parameters of a Volume Group

Activating and Deactivating Volume Groups

Removing Volume Groups

NFS Network File Systems

Overview of NFS Server

Installation and configuration of NFS Server

Service in nfs

rpc, rpcbind services

How nfs works?

Configuration file in NFS


Overview of firewalld in RHEL 7

Features of firewalld & its advantages over iptables

firewalld components

how packet flows

Limiting network communications

Practice Lab Sessions

Managing SELinux Security

Introduction - SELinux

SELinux Security Concepts

Changing SELinux Modes

Practice Lab Sessions

Changing SELinux Contexts

SELinux Booleans

Audit logs & troubleshooting SELinux

Who this course is for:

There is no formal prerequisites for this course; however, previous system administrator experience on other operating system would be very beneficial.



Red Hat Linux Certified System Admin - SA1


Red Hat Linux Certified System Admin - SA1
BestSeller| h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 |English, aac, 44100 Hz, 2 channes, s16 | 10h 26 mn | 5 GB
Instructor: Shikhar Verma

Prepare for RHCSA Exam and gain sufficient skill to perform core system administration tasks
What you'll learn

Installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
Accessing the Command Line
Managing Files From the Command Line
Getting Help in Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Creating, Viewing, and Editing Text Files
Managing Local Linux Users and Groups
Controlling Access to Files with Linux FileSystem Permissions
Monitoring and Managing Linux Processes
Controlling Services and Daemons
Configuring and Securing OpenSSH Service
Managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux Networking
Installing and Updating Software Packages
sftp with lab session
rsync command


PC or Laptop with internet Connection


Course Description:

Red Hat Linux Certified System Admin - SA1 based on RHEL 7

RHCSA - Certified Red Hat Enterprise Linux System Administrator

Course Outline


Red Hat System Administration 1

Installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 using vmware workstation

Understanding the Command Line

Accessing the command line using the Local & remote Console

Lab Session on Local Console Access

Access & view the Command Line Using the Desktop

Lab Session on the GNOME 3 Desktop Environment

Executing & Implementing Commands Using the Bash Shell

Lab: Accessing the Command Line

Operate Files & Directories From the Command Line

Overview of the Linux File System Hierarchy

Locating Files by Name

Lab : Locating Files and Directories

Command-Line Tools

Matching File Names Using Path Name

Lab: Managing Files with Shell Expansion

Various useful command to get help in RHEL

man Command

Lab: Using the man Command

Reading Documentation Using pinfo Command

Lab: Using the pinto Command

Reading Documentation in /usr/share/doc

Practice: Viewing Package Documentation

Getting Help From RedHat

Lab session on Creating and Viewing an SoS Report

Viewing, Creating & and Editing Text Files

Redirecting Output to a File or Program

I/0 Redirection

Editing Text Files

Lab on Editing & viewing file with Vim

Editing Text Files with a Graphical Editor

Lab Copying Text Between Windows

Lab: Creating, Viewing, and Editing Text Files

User Management

Understanding different types of groups and creation of groups

Creation of users in different groups

Understanding Passwd, Shadow Files

Understanding passwd aging

Creation of quotas for users, groups and file systems

Understanding users security files

password aging policy using chage commands


Permissions in Linux

Linux File System Permissions

User based Permissions group

Permission types

Practice: Managing File Security from the Command Line

Managing Default Permissions and File Access

Practice: Controlling New File Permissions and Ownership

Special permissions like Setuid, setguid & Sticky bit etc

Two Labs to demonstrate the permissions from real IT industry environment.

Linux Processes


Lab Session on Processes Management

Controlling Jobs

Lab: Background and Foreground Processes

Killing Processes

Practice: Killing Processes

Monitoring Process Activity

Practice: Monitoring Process Activity

Lab: Monitoring and Managing Linux Processes

Managing Services and Daemons

Controlling Services and Daemons

Identifying Automatically Started System Processes

Lab session on Identify the Status of systemd Units

Controlling System Services

Lab session on using systemctl to Manage & Controlling Services & Daemons

Configuring and Securing SSH Service

Accessing the Remote Command Line with SSH

Practice: Accessing the Remote Command Line

Configuring SSH Key-based Authentication

Practice: Using SSH Key-based Authentication

Customizing SSH Service Configuration

Practice: Restricting SSH Logins

Lab: Configuring and Securing OpenSSH Service

Analyzing Logs

System Log Architecture - System Logging

Lab to understand System Logging Components

Overview of System log Files

Finding Log Entries

Reviewing systemd Journal Entries

Lab Finding Events With journalctl

Maintaining Accurate Time

Practice: Adjusting System Time

Lab: Analyzing and Storing Logs

Managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux Networking

Networking Concepts

Practice: Networking Concepts

Validating Network Configuration

Practice: Examining Network Configuration

Configuring Networking with nmcli

Practice: Configuring Networking with nmcli

Editing Network Configuration Files

Practice: Editing Network Configuration Files

Configuring Host Names and Name Resolution

Practice: Configuring Host Names and Name Resolution

Lab: Managing Red Hat Enterprise Linux Networking

Archiving and Copying Files Between Systems

Managing Compressed tar Archives

Practice: Backing Up and Restoring Files From a tar Archive

Copying Files Between Systems Securely

Practice: Copying Files Over the Network With scp

Synchronizing Files Between Systems Securely

Practice: Synchronizing Two Directories Securely With rsync

Lab: Archiving and Copying Files Between Systems

Installing and Updating Software Packages

How to attach Systems to Subscriptions for Software Updates

RPM Software Packages and Yum

Managing Software Updates with yum

Practice: Installing and Updating Software with yum

Enabling yum Software Repositories

Practice: Enabling Software Repositories & working with RPM files

Linux File Systems

Overview about Linux File Systems

Identify File Systems and Devices

Practice Lab Session

Mounting and Unmounting File Systems

Making Soft & Hard Links Between Files

Locating Files on the System

Practice: Locating Files on the System

Various Practice Lab Session

Who this course is for:

There is no formal prerequisites for this course; however, previous system administrator experience on other operating system would be very beneficial.



Tigrent Property Investing Seminar


Tigrent Property Investing Seminar
MP4 + Guides | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 48Khz , 2ch | Duration: 3h 42 min | Language: English | 12.5 GB

Advanced University This intensified training teaches you the real ins and outs of identifying, negotiating, buying and managing investment property. You will analyse, evaluate, assess and review properties with the speakers, mentors and fellow customers. All of these techniques are designed to help you take the next step toward your successful property investing career. Get introduced to the experts, learn how to deal with them, negotiate with them and take action on potential deals. This is where you really start to take control of your financial future.
Distressed Property & Repossessions
This classroom style training takes you deep into the reality of development, refurbishment and repossession. We analyse properties, their prices and then assess the most efficient ways to achieve maximums gains in all markets and conditions.

Lease / Purchase Options
Held in Richmond, this course was designed just over two years ago and has begun to revolutionise the UK property markets. As the only educators on Lease Options, we have taught most of the current UK investors in this strategy.

Developed and run by one of the UK's leading experts, this advanced training will take you from one, two, three properties to how to successfully run a sizable portfolio, efficiently and effectively. With over 30 years experience the trainer will provide tips and tricks that alone will save you thousands.

This training also features the best methods of locating properties that fit your needs and the pricing policies that surround them. Understand how to use loans and grants that may be available to you, this is reality training at its best with top notch instruction from the industries best.

House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO)

These are a breed of the BUY-TO-LET market, but because of the nature of their benefits along with their potential downfalls we designed a specific 3 day course around this strategy.

Again Tigrent Learning devised this course over 13 months and we introduced this to our customers in 2003 as the industry leaders in understanding the strategies that go with HMO.

Commercial Property

As customers developed their individual strategies Tigrent Learning was requested to design an advanced training course looking at why and how to invest in commercial property.


Photoshop CC 2020 MasterClass


Photoshop CC 2020 MasterClass
h264, yuv420p, 1280x720 |English, aac, 44100 Hz, 2 channels, s16 | 13h 23 mn | 5.1 GB
Instructor: Martin Perhiniak

Master the World's Best Imaging and Design Application and Become an Adobe Certified Associate.
What you'll learn

Learn all the different kind of Selection techniques
Master Masking to be able to seamlessly combine images together
Learn how to retouch photos like a pro
Understand the differences and pros/cons between different image file formats
Learn useful keyboard shortcuts and best practices
Learn Photoshop from the very beginning the way a professional would use it


Any version of Adobe Photoshop, preferably not older than Photoshop CS6. Ideally Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud).
Prior knowledge is not needed
Exercise Files and Study Guides are provided


One of Udemy's highest rated Photoshop courses - by one of the Top 10 Adobe Instructors in the world - this course teaches you to use this industry-leading image editing application as a creative professional. The whole course content, including examples, techniques, exercises and quizzes have been carefully selected and refined to offer the most efficient and enjoyable way to master Adobe Photoshop.

This course has been purposely designed for users of all experiences, from complete beginners to existing Photoshop users, who want to take their skills to the next level. Being able to confidently work in Photoshop is an essential skill for any Photographer or Graphic Designer, but it is an equally useful tool for Retouchers, UI/UX designers, Web Developers, Digital Artists and various other areas within and outside of the creative industry.

'One of the best courses on Udemy I've taken. It covers both the topic at hand and also how to get certified in it - all in a format that's relaxing and enjoyable. The instructor is impressive. Very knowledgeable man.'

Joe Pillera

More about Adobe Photoshop:

If you can think it, you can make it with Photoshop CC, the world's best imaging and graphic design software. Create and enhance photographs, illustrations and 3D artwork. Design websites and mobile apps. Edit videos, simulate real-life paintings and more. It's everything you need to make any idea real.

A closer look at what you will learn:

First of we will start with the basics, so you feel totally at ease with the interface, navigation, preferences, setting up new documents and applying simple adjustments to images.

The next chapter will teach you everything you need to know about one of the most crucial features in Photoshop, working with Layers.

Moving on you will learn about all the drawing tools and techniques, focusing on creating and working with Brushes and Vector Shapes.

The following chapters will walk you through core skills that are essential to work non-destructively in Photoshop: Transformations, Selections, Masking, Smart Objects and Adjustment Layers.

The next chapter is all about retouching techniques. You will learn the difference between technical and creative image retouching and all the features and techniques professionals use for enhancing images for adverts, movie posters and the beauty industry.

You will also learn about all the different types of image files, the pros and cons of each of them and how to work with the robust Adobe Camera RAW editor.

There is also a whole chapter dedicated to working with type in Photoshop, which can be extremely important when working on adverts and posters.

The final two chapters will ensure you understand how to save and export your work and learn more advanced Photoshop workflows including 3D Layers, the Timeline panel, Lightroom integration and so much more.

This course includes:

94 Videos (12 hours of total playtime)

Interactive quizzes testing what you learnt in each chapter

Downloadable working files

Course content updated with the latest CC 2019 new features

All future updates to InDesign will be included in this course for no extra payment

Estimated completion time: 25 hours (including finishing all exercises and quizzes)

Preparation guide for the official Adobe Certified Associate exam: Visual design using Photoshop

Completion certificate upon finishing the entire course

Martin is an Adobe Certified Instructor - voted as one of the Top 10 Adobe instructors in the world - with years of experience teaching in classrooms, seminars and webinars. He also worked professionally in the creative industry for over 10 years on a wide range of projects for clients such as Disney, Accenture, Mattel, etc.

Who will find it useful:

Perfect for anyone looking to start or develop their career in the creative industry.

Complete beginners will be able to master the software from the very beginning to the most advanced features.

Self-taught users and existing professionals can use the course to take their skills and knowledge to the next level, refine their workflows and learn to do everything the right way!

Existing and more experienced users of Illustrator may also discover hidden gems and workflows or catch up with all the new features released in CC 2019.

'This course is not only educational but also really entertaining. I'm honestly really glad I bought this course. I'm loving it and honestly from these videos you can really tell that Photoshop is this guy's true passion. I'm ready to be a pro!!!!!'


Skills you will gain:

Creating photo montages and combining images in various creative ways.

Retouching photographs like a professional, seamlessly removing or adding any details.

Enhancing tonal values, color, contrast, sharpness, clarity, reducing noise and compression artifacts in images.

Exporting to various image formats for both print and screen with confidence.

Designing engaging compositions using photos, typography and special effects.

Creating digital art with the powerful Brush engine and using blend modes.

Are you ready to become a Photoshop pro? Enroll on this course now and get started!

Who this course is for:

This course is aimed at anyone who wants to get into the creative industry and gain a rock solid foundation of Photoshop. Although it is providing a beginner to intermediate level learning experience it can be useful for experienced Photoshop users too as there are many self-taught users who are missing out on a lot of techniques and features.



Full Stack Web Development for Beginners- Part 4: Final Project, Node, Express & MongoDB


Full Stack Web Development for Beginners- Part 4: Final Project, Node, Express & MongoDB
Video: .MP4, 1280x720, 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1kHz, 2ch | Duration: 10h 7m
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Size: 6.34 GB

Welcome to Full Stack Web Development for Beginners!
This course is designed to teach beginners everything they need to know to build full stack websites and applications!
This is part four of this huge course, teaching you all about Node, Express, Mongo, Mongoose, Routing, Templating, Authentication and deployment!
This course is all about moving to the back end of websites where you will learn lots of amazing things.
We start off with Node and the Express framework where we set up a travel booking application called let's travel.
We will build this project throughout the course so everything you learn will be immediately put into practice.
Node and express are really popular and learning these technologies will leave you in high demand.
After this, we move onto routing and templating.
This allows us to switch between pages and navigate through our app, along with setting up templates to display not just content we have created, but also to render data from databases too.
And databases are what the next section is all about, where we look at MongoDB and Mongoose.
You will learn so much including modelling our data, create, read, update and delete actions, along with filtering and aggregation to get back the exact data we need.
After this we push on with styling and adding lots of nice features to our project, along with learning many next generation Javascript techniques from ES6 and beyond.
You will also learn how to allow users to upload images, and how we can save and retrieve these images from cloud storage.
Of course, most apps nowadays need to deal with user accounts and authentication, and this is something we will also learn about while applying all this to our project.
You will learn how to create user accounts, logging in and out, validating the users information, authentication, storing passwords safely and so much more.
We finish off our app by allowing the user to place orders and save to the database.
Then we create an account are where the user can log in and see any bookings which they have made, and also admin users can go into the admin section too to see a list of all orders from the site.
The course ends by showing you some security tips and recommendations to prepare your application for production.
We then push our app to a live server for the rest of the world to see.
All while explaining things in a straightforward, simple to understand way which even beginners will understand, along with reinforcing things with a fun, yet challenging project as we go.
I hope your excited to learn about Javascript, Node, Express, Mongo, user accounts and authentication, routing, deployment and so much more, in the final part of this course..


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