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Englische Tutorials

Alex Becker - Hero Consulting Accelerator 2017


Alex Becker - Hero Consulting Accelerator (Update Oct 2017) | 3.33 GB
Learn directly from email marketing master Alex Becker and one of the top E-commerce email consultants in the nation, Jason K Williamson .

See exactly step by step how to
-Start a mega profitable zero hardcosts email consulting business
-Sign your first client in 30 days
-Exactly what to say, sell, and do to land client after client
-Get your clients incredible results and hook them for $1,000-$5,000 a month contracts for years


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Beau Crabill Course - Online Retail Mastery, Amazon FBA University


Beau Crabill - Online Retail Mastery (Amazon FBA University) | 3.3 GB
How To Create A Profitable Amazon FBA Business
By Selling What ALREADY Sells.
WITHOUT A Warehouse, Without Employees, And Without a Customer Service Team!

Whats In The Course?
Youre going to get 10 modules of actionable info-packed content (+ 2 bonus - modules!)
1 Introduction
Overview of Selling on Amazon
Setting up Legal Business
Setting up Your Amazon Seller account
Navigating thru Seller Central - Getting Used to your seller account
FBA VS FBM - How should you fulfill your products

2 How to get sales
The Buy Box - How to Position yourself to get all the sales
How the Buy Box Rotates - how to know who your real competitors are
How to send products to Amazon FBA warehous
- How to list your units in Amazons Catalo
- How to Monitor the Buy Box and Manage pricing to sell at the highest price

3 Product Research
How to utilize sales rank - - to understand how many sales your products will get
How to understand price history for your products
How to understand sales rank history - to understand how long your products will sell for
Understand all fees involved

4 Sourcing
Sourcing Overview
What is an Authorized Supplier?
Where to find the products from the suppliers?
All The Different Types Of Suppliers
How Many Suppliers Do You Need?

5 Finding Suppliers
Strategy - 1 - Strategy that is looking at you right in the eyes
Strategy - 2 - Old methods still work
Strategy - 3 - The most secretive process of finding suppliers
Strategy - 4 - Old methods still work - 2
Strategy - 5 - A very overlooked strategy

6 Vetting Out Suppliers
How to Know when you got a good one?
- What to ask the suppliers
Common red flags to be looking for
Secret ways to ALWAYS get suppliers to respond to yo
- How to make sure they are legit

7 Working with Suppliers
Which products will work for you
- How to open accounts with suppliers
How to get their products
How to make an educated buying decision
Logistics, how to get your supplier to ship directly to amazon

8 Building relationships with suppliers
Overview of building a relationship
Why they will take anyones business
How to build a relationship with suppliers
Benefits of building a relationship
All the new opportunities created

9 Ungating
Ungating Overview
How to Get Ungated in Any Main Category
How to Get Ungated in Any Sub-Category
How to Get Ungated in Any brand
How to Apply invoices correctly

10 Conclusion
Bringing it all together
- Accounting
All You Need To Do In Your Business
Keep It Simple
Tracking Course Updates
And dont forget, youre also getting these two bonus modules

Bonus Module
Multi-Channel Fulfillment
Selling in international Market
Selling excess inventory
Making quick flips by wholesaling inventor

Managing Inventory
Extra MISC Details
Inventory Limits
Storage Fees, Monthly & Long Term Storage
Generating business reports
Removal Orders



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The Copy Slacker by Ben Settle


Ben Settle - CopySlacker | 3.13 GB
Slacker Copywriting Coach Reveals Secret Way To Make Far More Money By Spending Far Less Time Writing Your Sales Copy!

"I've quickly 'batted' out ads that have collectively earned tens of millions of dollars in hyper-competitive niches, and against more talented copywriters, using my near 100% fail-proof 'Copy Slacker' method.
"Now you can, too - in just a short 4-hour training so simple you can learn it in one sitting today, and be using it to make more money from your ads as early as tomorrow!"

Dear Friend,
If you want to double (even triple) the money you make from your sales letters. while cutting your writing time in half and eliminating all the stress, frustration, and overwhelm you feel writing copy now, then this letter will show you how.

Here's the story:
My name is Ben Settle and, about 14 years ago I was a broke, desperate copywriter in so much debt I was almost bankrupt. I barely got paid anything for writing copy. And even when I did get work, I'd stare at a blank screen for days wondering what to say, or how to begin. I'd then spend several weeks raiding my copywriting books and swipe file for inspiration. only to end up more overwhelmed, more confused, and more crippled with "analysis paralysis."
But you know what the worst part was?
After all that time obsessing and stressing over my copy.



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The Email Client Machine by Ben Settle


Ben Settle - The Email Client Machine | 8.1 GB
If You Can Write One Measly Email Per Day, I Can Get You Swamped With So Many New Copywriting Clients You'll Need A Waiting List Just To Handle Them All!

Dear Friend,
If you want more new copywriting clients than you can possibly handle. then this letter will show you how.
Here's the scoop:
I have just released a new product for freelance copywriters called.
"The Email Client Machine"

And, it reveals how writing a simple email each day can get almost any freelancer booked solid with copywriting clients chasing you down, and often already 80% "sold" on hiring you before you speak to them. It's the exact same methods I used to land high paying clients who could have easily afforded to hire better and more seasoned writers.
But, using my sneaky ways, they not only hired me. they hired only me (multiple times, plus referring me to their friends), without doing the usual client-copywriter dance around price, without jumping through hoops to sell myself, and without even showing them my portfolio, in most cases.

However, before reading further, realize this product isn't cheap.
There's no money-back guarantee, either.
And, it's also short. (So if you judge information by its "bulk", no need to keep reading this letter, this product is not intended for you.)

To help you decide if it's a good "fit", here's a look at what's inside:
- A special kind of sales pitch the "mad man" era genius David Ogilvy used to pack his agency with some of the best clients on the planet. (And, how you can apply what he did to your emails to do the same.)
- A counter intuitive way for getting better and bigger paying clients by bragging to them about how high your fees are! (One of the most in-demand sales speakers & trainers on the planet teaches this, and it can potentially do more to set you up with new clients than probably anything you'll learn anywhere else.)
- How Earl Nightingale used the scientific laws of physics in a secret way to attract clients and customers in droves. and how to use his same method to get new clients pounding on your door, too. (I used this little-talked about method to land the four best and highest paying clients I ever had during my 9 year stint as a freelancer. It's also ridiculously simple, and can help you achieve nearly any other goal you want in life.)
- A clever "tool" that can do all the sifting and sorting for you when looking for clients, so you only hear from the ones pre-sold and eager to hire you! (I learned this from a Harvard Business School speaker and interim CIO of two publicly traded companies I briefly worked for. And, it's the backbone of why my system works so reliably.)
- The 3-second trick (even new copywriters can use) that can create far higher quality prospects for you. (This is one of the simplest and most valuable things any copywriter can do to get instant credibility, automatically get the attention of serious clients, and command bigger fees. Best part? You can literally do this to your business in mere seconds.)
- An old school MLM method that lets you pre-sell copywriting clients on hiring you. while also getting paid by them at the same time! (A few smart, "in the know" MLM distributors figured out how to make money while prospecting like this decades ago. And, it also works just as well to help copywriters get cash flow rolling in while you're still looking for clients.)
- A sneaky marketing trick (used by wealthy food companies) to make yourself the only copywriter clients want to hire. (For example: I had a $30 million per year business owner client who might have made a lot more money had he tested other copywriters against me. But he refused. Why? It's certainly not because of my sparkling personality! No, it is because the way my system works made him only want to deal with me and nobody else.)
- A totally unorthodox way used by one of the world's top A-list copywriters to eliminate the common, "Why should I hire you?" (This not only kills one of the most frustrating objections freelancers hear, but it also builds your credibility and gets clients practically stalking you down to hire you, if you do it correctly.)
- An ingenious 2-step trick for making more fees by writing less! (This is another A-list copywriter's secret for getting your schedule stuffed with copywriting clients. It's simple, too. And has nothing to do with your writing "talent.")
- 9 ways to "jimmy" your marketing so you only deal with clients who already want to hire you before you even talk to them! (Even better: These 9 ways require zero convincing, begging, pitching, or manipulating whatsoever.)
- The real reason world-class doctors are seen as geniuses and can command outrageous fees. and how to apply what they do to your freelance copywriting business!



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Worldviews, the Bible, and the Believer


Worldviews, the Bible, and the Believer
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 5.21 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 4 hour | Language: English

Critical to understanding the New Testament world and our world is an understanding of worldview- the lens of living.

What you'll learn

describe what makes up the lens called a 'worldview'
describe the worldviews of the Ancient Roman world, the Jewish world of the 1st Century AD, and the world of the emerging 'in Messiah' people
discern narratives within a culture that often dictate behavior and beliefs
explain how symbols reinforce and create fertile ground for a worldview to develop
discuss what role questions play in the development and strengthening of a worldview
articulate how 'praxis', or automatic behaviors, show how a worldview works
develop a reflective perspective on one's own worldview as described by Prof. N.T. Wright
process how the biblical text of the New Testament may be better understood when the worldviews at play are understood
articulate what an 'in Messiah' worldview might look like in this present day within your own culture
examine the journey from the pre-Modern Age to the present day through examining the Western culture from the perspective of the underlying worldviews of each era


Students should acquire the textbook 'Subversive Christianity' by Brian Walsh, 2nd edition (Wipf and Stock, 2014). ISBN: 9781498203401


This course, taught by Professor N.T. Wright, is designed to take students into the realm of what a 'worldview' is. While most people think about 'beliefs' and 'actions', the real power behind each is the interplay that occurs within a person's or society's worldview. Understanding this worldview, particularly of the world of the New Testament, will assist students of the Bible in understanding what a New Testament text meant in its own context. Prof. Wright will describe the worldviews of the first century Romans, Jews, and Christians. He will then move through history to describe the Western worldview as a way of helping students discern where they fit and how to look at and through their own lenses in the 21st century. Prof. Wright will be joined by Prof. David Seemuth who will look at the U.S. worldview of the early 21st century as an outgrowth and reaction to the Western worldview that emerged from the Enlightenment period.

Who this course is for:

This course on Worldviews is designed specifically for students of the New Testament as well as for those who wish to understand how cultures work from a high level perspective. This course does not require any prerequisites. However, high level, critical thinking abilities will help students achieve success in this course.
One unique aspect of this course is the corollary benefit of seeing how a person's own worldview affects behavior, beliefs and attitude.
The course will be best for those who wish to think deeply about their own worldviews and who wish to interact with students and the professor about one's own worldview in a way that encourages analysis and questioning of fundamental assumptions which exist underneath the outward stated beliefs and demonstrated practices of a person.


Ready, Wet, Paint! How to paint a Tabby Cat in Watercolour, step by step.


Ready, Wet, Paint! How to paint a Tabby Cat in Watercolour, step by step.
Video: .MP4, 1920x1080, 25 fps | Audio: AAC, 48 kHz, 2ch | Duration: 2h 58m
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Size: 5 GB

In this class, you will learn step-by-step how to take a reference picture, transfer it to watercolour paper, and paint it using several core watercolour techniques. Together we will paint a portrait of a tabby cat using an imperfect reference picture. The painting is the project of the class. At the end of the class, you will have a beautiful completed watercolour painting. We cover techniques such as wet on wet, wet on dry, blooms and painting in layers. In addition, we tackle several big challenges when painting animals, such as:
creating the illusion of fur
painting white fur, i.e. painting negatively and using opaque white ink
mixing colours to achieve interesting and expressive browns and blacks
creating luminosity and translucency by using blues and purples
working in subsequent layers to add depth
working wet on wet and wet on dry to avoid splotches or unwanted lines, edges or marks
using blooms strategically to push pigment towards the edges of dampened areas
using blooms strategically to place highlights where needed
All resources, including the line drawing, progress pictures and the supplies list can be found under "class project".
This class is best suited to intermediate students who have painted with watercolour before. If you're a beginner, I would recommend following my first cat class before painting this one as this one is a little more challenging. However, I do paint every step on camera for you, so you receive a lot of guidance throughout the painting process. Advanced students may want to skip over certain portions of the class if they are using their own reference pictures.In case you already know how to transfer your drawing to watercolour paper, you can skip lesson 2 of the class.


Paul and His Letter to the Galatians


Paul and His Letter to the Galatians
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 5.43 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 4.5 hour | Language: English

The Apostle Paul's earliest epistle in the New Testament is to the Galatians- powerful, insightful, and foundational.

What you'll learn

Develop a deeper appreciation for the way Paul presents his message in this his (most likely) earliest epistle.
Discern the implications of Paul's message for this present age
Understand the heart of Paul's message to the Galatian church
Apply the contents and principles of the letter to one's own life
Present a coherent summary of this foundational letter


The textbook for this course is 'Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians' by N.T. Wright. ISBN: 0664227856.


'Being Transformed by the Renewing of the Mind'- That is the goal of this course and one of the Apostle Paul's own goals for his readers.

Paul and His Letter to the Galatians is intended to take you into an in-depth understanding of one of the New Testament's most foundational writings. We will go section by section with lectures by Prof. N.T. Wright and a Q&A session with Prof. Wright and Prof. Seemuth. We will have reading assignments in the textbook: 'Paul for Everyone: Galatians and Thessalonians' by N.T. Wright (ISBN: 0664227856). We will also gather in guided discussions with other students so we can learn together through reflection and interaction about application of the material to life. You also will have opportunity to interact with Prof. Wright and Prof. Seemuth through the Discussion Forums. Quizzes have been developed to help test comprehension of both reading material and the video lectures.

The course is intended to take time. We hope that it is worth spending many weeks to embrace Paul's message in his letter to the Galatians. There is no set time limit to the course, so it really is at your own pace. But we hope 'slower' rather than 'faster' will lead to greater comprehension and the transformation the apostle himself would have hoped for.

Who this course is for:

This course is for every person who has an interest in studying one of the most important New Testament documents.
This course is great for beginning students of the Bible as well as for those who know the Bible well.


Paul and His Letter to the Colossians


Paul and His Letter to the Colossians
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 5.72 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 4.5 hour | Language: English

Prof. N.T. Wright explains the meaning of this wonderful letter written to the Colossian believers in Christ.

What you'll learn

Understand the background surrounding this wonderful but small letter of the Apostle Paul to the Colossians.
Describe the exalted picture of Jesus Christ as the Apostle Paul describes in this epistle.
Recognize the beauty of the poetic phrases found in this epistle.
Embrace the manner of life to which believers in Christ should pursue.
Develop a broader understanding of what it means to be a King Jesus follower in a countercultural way.
See how certain controversies are handled by the Apostle Paul.


This course only requires a desire to learn about the New Testament.
The student is encouraged to have a recent translation of the Bible available.


Colossians presents a picture of Christ who is "the firstborn over all creation" and has disarmed and triumphed over the powers and authorities. The letter also appeals to its readers to seek humble maturity, a maturity not possible apart from the person and work of Jesus Christ. Prof. Wright goes through this small but powerful letter to highlight the supremacy of Christ and then further describe how to live in the light of this glorious truth.

The course features exegetical observations by Prof. Wright that will illuminate the truths sometimes hidden by translation from Greek into English. Although Prof. Wright refers to the Kingdom New Testament translation of this epistle, the explanations are based on Prof. Wright's knowledge of Greek and Hebrew. In addition, the student will enjoy being introduced to some of the cultural distinctions made within the 1st Century Greco-Roman world. This allows us to make application of the principles contained in this epistle to the 21st Century context in which we live.

Who this course is for:

Students who are eager to understand one of the most powerful, yet relatively small, letters of the Apostle Paul.
Students who desire to understand the nature of who Jesus Christ is as described by the Apostle Paul.
Students who want to grasp the essence of the theology of the Apostle Paul.


Gumroad - Basics and Beyond Course


Gumroad - Basics and Beyond Course
Video: .MP4, 1280x720 30fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1 kHz, 2ch | Duration: 25h
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Size: 14.1 GB

This Maxwell Render course spans over 25 hours of video. I have tried to not just repeat in video form what you can already find in the manual, but explain in a logical order the technicalities of rendering with Maxwell and also cover more general topics, to help you create compelling imagery.

I will go through the fundamental lighting principles which are crucial to understand and be aware of if you want to create interesting imagery, regardless if you use Maxwell, another renderer or a DSLR, or wish to create product shots, jewelry or archviz renders.

Creating materials
Having a good understanding of Maxwells material editor is key to creating realistic renders. I take a logical approach to explaining the parameters, not in the order they are listed but in the order that makes sense for you to understand the relationship between the different parameters. Along the way I explain how to create a few typical materials, Layer blending, mixing materials with emitters and lots more.

Channels, Post-production, Network rendering
I will go through a few of the channels Maxwell offers, and show you how to render and composite a typical example of a render with reflections and shadows on an arbitrary background. The post-production chapters will show you a quick way to tweak the render using Adobe's Camera Raw, then a more comprehensive example using custom alphas, Smart Objects in Photoshop, an extensive look at gamma.and a few important tips regarding Network Rendering.



Udemy - JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2020 (Beginner + Advanced)


Udemy - JavaScript - The Complete Guide 2020 (Beginner + Advanced)
MP4 + Code files | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48Khz , 2ch | Duration: 45 hours | Language: English | 17.2 GB

Modern JavaScript from the beginning - all the way the way up to JS expert level! THE must-have JavaScript resource.

What you'll learn
JavaScript from scratch - beginner to advanced
All core features and concepts you need to know in modern JavaScript development
Everything you need to become a JavaScript expert and apply for JavaScript jobs
Project-driven learning with plenty of examples
All about variables, functions, objects and arrays
Object-oriented programming
Deep dives into prototypes, JavaScript engines & how it works behind the scenes
Manipulating web pages (= the DOM) with JavaScript
Event handling, asynchronous coding and Http requests
Meta-programming, performance optimization, memory leak busting
Testing, security and deployment
And so much more!

JavaScript is THE most important programming language you need to learn as a web developer - and with this course, you make sure that you will not miss a single thing you have to know as a JavaScript developer!

This is the most comprehensive and modern course you can find on JavaScript - it's based on all my JavaScript knowledge AND teaching experience. It's both a complete guide, starting with the core basics of the language, as well as an extensive reference of the JavaScript language and environment, ensuring that both newcomers as well as experienced JavaScript developers get a lot out of this course!

It's a huge course because it's packed with important knowledge and helpful content. From the core basics, over advanced concepts and JavaScript specialties, all the way up to expert topics like performance optimization and testing - this course has it all. My goal was to create your go-to resource for the JavaScript language, which you can not just use for learning it but also as a resource you can come back to and look up important topics.

The course is based on my experience as a long-term JavaScript developer as well as a teacher with more than 1,000,000 students on Udemy as well as on my YouTube channel Academind. It's packed with examples, demos, projects, assignments, quizzes and of course videos - all with the goal of giving you the best possible way of learning JavaScript.

What's in the course?

This course is obviously packed with content - I therefore strongly recommend that you check out the full course curriculum to get a clear idea of all the topics covered in the course. In general, here's what you'll find in the course:

Modern JavaScript from the start: The JavaScript syntax changed over time - in this course, you'll learn the latest syntax from the start (you'll also learn about the old one though, so that you can work in ANY JS project)

ALL the Basics: Variables, constants, functions, how scripts are loaded etc

Arrays & Objects: We'll explore these very important data structures in great detail

Control Structures: Understand how to run code conditionally and in loops

A look behind the Scenes: How JavaScript engines work behind the scenes and what that means for us

Deep dives into Core Concepts: ALL the special things about JavaScript function, different syntaxes

Working with the DOM: How to manipulate web pages dynamically via JavaScript (including deep dives and different use-cases)

Events in JavaScript: Learn how to listen to a broad variety of events (e.g. drag & drop) and execute appropriate code

Classes & Object-oriented Programming: Learn how to work with classes, prototypes, the "this" keyword, constructor functions and much more

Asynchronous and Synchronous Programming: We'll explore callbacks, promises, async/ await and other important tools and language features to execute code correctly

Http Requests: Learn how to send Http requests via JavaScript

Tooling, Optimizations & Browser Support: Code splitting, producing small code and ensuring that scripts work in all browsers - this matters and hence is covered in great detail

Libraries & Frameworks: Learn about libraries like Axios or frameworks like React.js - why they matter and how to use them

Node.js: Whilst focusing on the browser-side for the majority of the course (because the syntax is the same), we'll also have a dedicated section on Node.js to learn all about that JS host environment

Security & Performance Optimizations: Of course security matters, so does performance - no surprise that both is covered in the course!

Automated Testing: Testing manually is hard work and can be unreliable - in this course you'll also get an introduction into automated testing

What are the course prerequisites?

NO JavaScript knowledge is required - you'll learn it from scratch!

You also need NO programming experience other than basic web development knowledge (e.g. how the web works)

Basic HTML and CSS knowledge is recommended but not a must-have

Who this course is for:
Beginner web development students who have no or only little JavaScript experience
Also developers who know the basics about JavaScript and want to deepen their knowledge
Advanced JavaScript developers who want to learn more about the nitty-gritty details and dive into advanced concepts
Everyone interested in learning JavaScript and all about how it works


Introduction to C++ Concurrency LiveLessons


Introduction to C++ Concurrency LiveLessons
Video: .MP4, 1280x720, 30 fps | Audio: AAC, 44.1kHz, 2ch | Duration: 4.5h
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Size: 7.5 GB

Introduction to C++ Concurrency LiveLessonsintroduces the principles of concurrency by creating and running simple programs. It not only shows how to write correct code, but also discusses the dangers and pitfalls of concurrency such as data races, deadlocks, livelocks, and more.

C++ is undergoing rapid changes to support concurrent and parallel programming. The 2011 Standard introduced a new multicore memory model, atomic variables, threads, asynchronous tasks, and synchronization primitives. Work is being done to add even more support in the future. It's no longer enough to just learn some new syntax and library API. There's a need to gain a deeper understanding of the theory and mechanics of concurrency, and Bartosz leads you to that understanding in this video training.

About the Instructor
Bartosz Milewskiis the president of Reliable Software, a company that creates high-quality productivity tools for programmers. His work has been widely published in major journals over the past several years, and he is the author of C++ In Action(Addison-Wesley, 2001). During his eight years at Microsoft, he was the development lead of the Content Index component of Windows 2000. He has taught C++ programming at the University of Wroclaw in Poland and holds a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from the University of Wroclaw. He is also involved with the University of Washington, where he participates in graduate courses and seminars in computer science. He is a member of the advisory board at UW Professional and Continuing Education, advising on C/C++ courses.

Skill Level

What You Will Learn
Understanding the principles of concurrency and parallelism
Understanding the principles of synchronization
Writing multithreaded code
Understanding common pitfalls of concurrent programming

Who Should Take This Course
Any C++ programmer with some programming experience who is interested in the exciting topic of concurrency

Course Requirements
Familiarity with the C++ language



The Acts of the Apostles


The Acts of the Apostles
Video: .mp4 (1280x720, 30 fps(r)) | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz, 2ch | Size: 5.38 GB
Genre: eLearning Video | Duration: 10 hour | Language: English

Prof. N.T. Wright guides students on the movement of the message of the Gospel

What you'll learn

Understand how the message of the reign of the resurrected Jesus spread throughout the Roman Empire.
Describe they key events in the Acts of the Apostles.
Express the overall purpose of this important book of the Bible in the context of the New Testament.
Explain the theological importance of key sections of the Acts of the Apostles.
Delineate the geographical movement of the story and the significance of that movement.
Propose current day application of this study of the Acts of the Apostles.
Learn to live out your commitment to King Jesus with the new reality of the one family of God


Students should have a hunger to learn more about the New Testament.
Students should be ready to engage in theological thinking with other students and through interaction with the instructors.
(Optional, but helpful) Students should acquire the textbooks Acts for Everyone, Parts One and Two


The Acts of the Apostles is the second book written by the biblical writer Luke. Luke continues the story of the risen Jesus who will now extend His reign through the apostles and others to the furthest reaches of the Roman Empire. The story will provide rich insight into the working of God through the Holy Spirit to establish churches in cities large and small and we will see how Peter, Paul and others interacted with a sometimes hostile environment as they proceeded.

We follow the movement of the inaugurated Kingdom of God through this wonderful book. There are many exciting events that provide a sense of the amazement and the challenge of spreading the message of Christ throughout the Empire. The course won't answer every question we have about the Acts of the Apostles, but we shall follow the journeys where they take us geographically and theologically!

Who this course is for:

Anyone with a desire to understand the New Testament book The Acts of the Apostles which describes the growth of the Christian Church after Jesus's death and resurrection.
Students of virtually any age with a hunger to learn more about God and His ways.


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