• Regeln für den Video-Bereich:

    In den Börsenbereich gehören nur Angebote die bereits den Allgemeinen Regeln entsprechen.


    - Folgende Formate gehören in die angegeben Bereiche:
    - Filme: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format DivX, XviD und x264.
    - DVD: Filme im Format DVD5, DVD9 und HD2DVD.
    - HD: Encodierte Filme mit der Auflösung 720p oder darüber von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format x264.
    - 3D: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, die in einem 3D Format vorliegen. Dies gilt auch für Dokus, Animation usw.
    - Serien: Cartoon/Zeichentrick, Anime, Tutorials, Dokumentationen, Konzerte/Musik, Sonstiges sind demnach in die entsprechenden Bereiche einzuordnen, auch wenn sie beispielsweise im High Definition-Format oder als DVD5/DVD9/HD2DVD vorliegen. Ausnahme 3D.
    - Bereich Englisch: Englische Releases gehören immer in diesen Bereich.
    - Bereich Talk: Der Bereich, in dem über die Releases diskutiert werden kann, darf, soll und erwünscht ist.

    Angebot/Beitrag erstellen

    - Ein Beitrag darf erst dann erstellt werden, wenn der Upload bei mindestens einem OCH komplett ist. Platzhalter sind untersagt.
    - Bei einem Scenerelease hat der Threadtitel ausschließlich aus dem originalen, unveränderten Releasenamen zu bestehen. Es dürfen keine Veränderungen wie z.B. Sterne, kleine Buchstaben o.ä. vorgenommen werden. Ausnahme Serienbörse:
    - Bei einem Sammelthread für eine Staffel entfällt aus dem Releasename natürlich der Name der Folge. Beispiel: Die Simpsons S21 German DVDRip XviD - ITG
    - Dementsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist.

    Aufbau des Angebots und Threadtitel

    Der Titel nach folgendem Muster erstellt zu werden. <Name> [3D] [Staffel] [German] <Jahr> <Tonspur> [DL] [Auflösung] <Quelle> <Codec> - <Group>
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 DVDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL BDRip x264 - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 AC3 DL BDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S20 German AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Sword Art Online II Ger Sub 2014 AAC 1080p WEBRip x264 - peppermint
    Entsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Sonderzeichen wie Klammern, Sterne, Ausrufezeichen, Unterstriche, Anführungszeichen / Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist
    Ausnahmen hiervon können in den Bereichen geregelt sein.

    Die Beiträge sollen wie folgt aufgebaut werden:
    Überschrift entspricht dem Threadtitel
    kurze Inhaltsbeschreibung
    Format, Größe, Dauer sind gut lesbar für Downloader außerhalb des Spoilers zu vermerken
    Nfo sind immer Anzugeben und selbige immer im Spoiler in Textform.
    Sind keine Nfo vorhanden z.B. Eigenpublikationen, sind im Spoiler folgende Dateiinformationen zusätzlich anzugeben :
    Video (Auflösung und Bitrate)
    Ton (Sprache, Format und Bitrate der einzelnen Spuren)
    Untertitel (sofern vorhanden)
    Hosterangabe in Textform außerhalb eines Spoiler mit allen enthaltenen Hostern.
    Bei SD kann auf diese zusätzlichen Dateiinformationen verzichtet werden.

    Alle benötigten Passwörter sind, sofern vorhanden, in Textform im Angebot anzugeben.
    Spoiler im Spoiler mit Kommentaren :"Schon Bedankt?" sind unerwünscht.


    - Sind Retail-Release verfügbar, sind alle anderen Variationen untersagt. Ausnahmen: Alle deutschen Retail-Release sind CUT, in diesem Fall sind dubbed UNCUT-Release zulässig.
    - Im Serien-Bereich gilt speziell: Wenn ein Retail vor Abschluss einer laufenden Staffel erscheint, darf diese Staffel noch zu Ende gebracht werden.62
    - Gleiche Releases sind unbedingt zusammenzufassen. Das bedeutet, es ist zwingend erforderlich, vor dem Erstellen eines Themas per Suchfunktion zu überprüfen, ob bereits ein Beitrag mit demselben Release besteht. Ist dies der Fall, ist der bereits vorhandene Beitrag zu verwenden.
    - P2P und Scene Releases dürfen nicht verändert oder gar unter einem iND Tag eingestellt werden.

    Support, Diskussionen und Suche

    - Supportanfragen sind entweder per PN oder im Bereich Talk zu stellen.
    - Diskussionen und Bewertungen sind im Talk Bereich zu führen. Fragen an die Uploader haben ausschließlich via PN zu erfolgen, und sind in den Angeboten untersagt.
    - Anfragen zu Upload-Wünschen sind nur im Bereich Suche Video erlaubt. Antworten dürfen nur auf Angebote von MyBoerse.bz verlinkt werden.


    - Untersagt sind mehrere Formate in einem einzigen Angebotsthread, wie beispielsweise das gleichzeitige Anbieten von DivX/XviD, 720p und 1080p in einem Thread. Pro Format, Release und Auflösung ist ein eigener Thread zu eröffnen.
    - Grundsätzlich ebenso verboten sind Dupes. Uploader haben sich an geeigneter Stelle darüber zu informieren, ob es sich bei einem Release um ein Dupe handelt.
    - Gefakte, nur teilweise lauffähige oder unvollständige Angebote sind untersagt. Dies gilt auch für eigene Publikationen, die augenscheinlich nicht selbst von z.B. einer DVD gerippt wurden. Laufende Serien, bei denen noch nicht alle Folgen verfügbar sind, dürfen erstellt und regelmäßig geupdatet werden.
    - Untersagt sind Angebote, welche nur und ausschließlich in einer anderen Sprache als deutsch oder englisch vorliegen. Ausnahmen sind VORHER mit den Moderatoren zu klären.

    Verstoß gegen die Regeln

    - Angebote oder Beiträge, die gegen die Forenregeln verstoßen, sind über den "Melden"-Button im Beitrag zu melden.
  • Bitte registriere dich zunächst um Beiträge zu verfassen und externe Links aufzurufen.

Englische Tutorials

Alex Becker - Elysium Program


Alex Becker - Elysium Program | 8.76 GB
Elysium First Day Entrance
- Full instant access
- 4 week of step by step training
- Scripts/Template/Ads all blueprinted
- 1 year of FB group coaching



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Chris Winters - F.A.M. Facebook Agency Machine


Chris Winters - F.A.M. Facebook Agency Machine | 10.9 GB
Welcome to Facebook Agency Machine (FAM) by Chris Winters (Kallzu)

Help You Select A Profitable Niche
- Not every offline niche works for FB ads.
- Dont make the mistake of selecting the WRONG niche.
- We will give you a list of niches to select from and/or you can bring niche ideas to use for approval.
- Start knowing that your selected niche will work for your new FB Agency.

We Will Help You Create Your Clients FB Funnel
- Copy & paste our proven FB Click Funnels formats
- We will review your funnel before you go live.
- Review your funnel after it goes live to assist with optimizing.
- NEVER be alone.Myself and Aby will always be there to assist you.

Let Us Help You Copy Our Proven Local FB Ads Strategy
- Copy our proven local FB ad strategy specifically for your chosen niche.
- We teach you how to select right FB audiences specifically for your niche.
- Write winning FB ad copy even if you are not a copywriter.
- We will review your FB ads before they go live.
- Learn how to set up a successful FB retargeting campaign for your client for extra low cost leads.

Learn How To Select The Right Clients Within Your Niche
- Selecting a niche that works for FB ads is only part of the challenge.
- Avoid working with wrong clients in the right niche.
- Give you step-by-step how to select the right clients the first time.
- 95 of new and experienced marketers make the mistake of working with wrong clients.

Whatll you get with Facebook Agency Machine (FAM):
Bonus 1. Get my exact agency website template.
- Easily duplicate my site; copy word-for-word and just add: your name, niche, and your photo.
- Never made a site before? Complete newbie? No problems. Step-by-step how-to videos designed for complete beginners PLUS we are here to assist you.
- How to easily take professional qualify photos of yourself using your phone camera.

Bonus 2. Copy my exact website auto video that pre-sells and pre-qualifies business owners
- Download presentation from Google docs (easy) and get a video copy of my presentation.
- Copy word for word, just change the niche, name. (super easy)
- Step-by-step how-to recording using free screen recording programs and your computer mic.
- 100 automated video sales machine that pre-sells & pre-qualifies prospects.
- NOTE: You NEVER have to get behind the camera!!! Record slides and your voice.

Bonus 3. Get my exact online questionnaire that further pre-sells and pre-qualify potential clients.
- Copy word-for-word my proven application questions
- Pre-qualifies prospects so you only work with the BEST clients.
- 100 automated process.
- Prospects will find themselves wanting and hoping they can qualify to work with you.

Bonus 4. Copy my exact online scheduler for prospect interviews.
- Customize the days and times you want to interview prospects.
- Auto-email reminders 6 hours before and 15 minutes before meeting time. (customizable)
- SMS text message reminders 1 hour and 5 minutes before meeting time. (customizable)



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Daymond John - Daymond on Demand


Daymond John - Daymond on Demand | 14.5 GB
Daymond John Teaches Entrepreneurial Success
Start, Grow and Scale your business with unparalleled skills
More Than 50 Interactive Training Modules with Daymond John and his expert team

The fundamentals of business are the foundation on which a successful business is built. In this course, Daymond shares what you need to know to lay your business foundation.

Validating your product, service or idea is a major step in bringing it to market and getting it out there. In this course, you'll learn the steps you need to take in the validation process.

It's your product . your service . your idea, and you want to keep it safe. In this course, you'll learn how to protect what's yours.

Knowing your industry is an important part of planning your business and planning for its future. In this course, you'll learn how to break down the industry you want to compete in.

A target market analysis helps you identify "who" your customers are, "where" they are located, and "why" they buy what they buy. In this course, Daymond goes over what you need to focus on to understand who your target market is and what they really want.

Your business could be out of business before you know it if you don't understand your competition. In this course, Daymond shows you how to break down your competitors to help differentiate yourself and identify possible opportunities.

From understanding your analytics and crafting your message, to finding the perfect mediums to advertise in, the marketing plan is all about reaching your customers. In this course, you'll explore a variety of marketing opportunities to help get your message out.

The Sales Plan is the life line of your business. Sales cure all and in this course, you'll see what it takes to get your product or service into the hands of your customers.

If you're not planning for growth, you're dying. In this course, you'll learn what it takes to keep your business growing.

The business plan is the difference between having an idea and having a company. In this course, you'll learn why you need a business plan and what must be included in your plan for it to get attention

Whether you're looking for funds to help start your business or keep it running, there are various sources of money out there. In this course, youll learn about several of these sources and the pros and cons of each to help identity the right ones for your business

You get in an elevator with Daymond and the doors close. You have 60 seconds to pitch him on your product or service. Do you have what it takes to peak his interest?

In order to establish business credit, you must first have a business. In this course, you'll learn the proper way to set up your business and how to start building credit.

In this course, Daymond shares a few of his closing thoughts before completing the success formula.

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Eric Thayne - Six Figure Filmmaker


Eric Thayne - Six Figure Filmmaker | 5.01 GB
Six Figure Filmmaker is a personalized coaching program designed to help you go full time with your video business in the next 12 months, and make at least $10k on every project you do... EVEN if you don't have the best camera OR if there are no good clients in your area.

And if you're already full time, then you'll be able to scale your business to six figures and beyond!
So here's what you're gonna get:
The 8 Week "Cinema Mastery" Masterclass ($1997 VALUE)
The "Perfect Passion Project" Blueprint ($1997 VALUE)
The Six Figure Filmmaker Course ($1997 VALUE)
The "Six Figure Framework" Portal ($2497 VALUE)
Deep Dive Private Coaching Call FIRST 5 ONLY ($1000 VALUE)
LIVE Weekly Group Coaching Sessions ($20,800 VALUE)
10K CLUB Awards ($147 VALUE)



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Tommy Griffith - The ClickMinded SEO Course


Tommy Griffith - The ClickMinded SEO Course | 6.97 GB GB
SEO training to 10x your traffic from Google.
ClickMinded is where 8,702 startups, agencies, entrepreneurs and students learn SEO.

Here's just a taste of what you're getting in the course:
Setting you up for success
Discover the 14 tools I use to create the ideal environment setup to make your SEO life easier (and why every digital marketer should use this setup.)
The ONE thing you need to do before implementing SEO or any other digital marketing so you can emotionally connect with your potential customers (plus, a step-by-step worksheet to help you do this.)
What a sales funnel is and why you need one before doing SEO

What you need to know about organic search
A simple definition of how SEO fundamentally works, and more importantly, what SEO is NOT
How to implement the ClickMinded Search Framework to ANY search engine (Google, Yelp, Amazon, Pinterest, YouTube, Quora, etc) so you can optimize for any platform and start ranking your content
How the idea of "query refinement" is one of the most important and underrated aspects of search engine optimization, and why just being on the first page of Google isn't enough anymore (you'll also learn the ideal search engine position you should aim for and why.)
An in-depth explanation of the relationship between your sales funnel and searcher intent so you know which keywords belong in the top, middle, or bottom of the funnel (this and the ClickMinded Search Framework will help you decide what kind of content to create for your users)

Understanding EXACTLY what users want and how to create a powerful DATA-DRIVEN strategy
I'll walk you step-by-step on how to do keyword research by doing it for a brand new website (you'll be able to apply the same process to your own site or business and discover your best keywords target)
Why you should use 3rd party tools instead of the Google Keyword Planner (and how to use my favorite keyword research tool)
The 2 things that should drive your digital marketing strategy even (and why you shouldn't trust your own idea of what you think your market wants OR what content you want to create.)
The reason why you should do keyword research until you die! (Answer: Your competitors aren't doing this, so where they suck you can be great and win the game by putting the work upfront)
How to create a content plan based on your keyword research (and the simple math you can use to know which pages and content to create first based on the expected revenue to be generated.)

How to create PERFECT resources that answer users' questions and ranks in search engines
What is the "Document Relevancy" problem and how to solve it for search engines (and get higher rankings)
The most common misunderstanding when it comes to optimizing content (what does Google really rank? Pages or Domains?)
The 8 on-page elements you need to optimize to SEO-proof all of your content (and the exact step-by-step process to get it done)
How to use Latent Semantic Indexing and why it's important with the introduction of Google's RankBrain (you'll learn how to take advantage of "thematically relevant" keywords to get higher rankings)
Using your competitor's highest-ranking pages to boost your own rankings (this is a completely white-hat, although controversial, tactic called "Link Neighborhoods.")
Why keeping your content "fresh" can give you a ranking boost (and how to take advantage of this to protect the ranking of your most valuable pages)

Google's #1 ranking signal and how to influence it
How link building and authority works (you'll learn exactly why George W. Bush was ranking for the term "miserable failure")
The change in Google's algorithm that changed the nature of link building forever (this is why most cheap link building services you find in Fiverr or Upwork just don't work.)
My favorite process and SEO tools to find link prospects at scale (Plus, how to analyze the "link profile" of massive websites, how to use that data to copy their strategy, and outrank them)
How to use a "CRM for link building" to run massive link-building outreach campaigns (I will take you through every step of the process of cleaning up the data, adding it to your outreach database, preparing an outreach template, and sending personalized emails that get links)

Technical SEO for non-technical people
The Google update that changed the game and left most SEOs blind (hint: this is why you'll see a ton of organic traffic attributed to "not provided" in Google Analytics.)
Google Search Console and how to squeeze as much data as possible from Google about your search traffic (Plus, how to spot and fix common errors that prevent search engines from finding and indexing your pages.)
How to prepare for the mobile-first index (with modules about optimizing page speed, and the right and wrong ways to create a mobile-friendly site.)
Dealing with "Keyword Cannibalization" when you have thousands of duplicate pages (if you're dealing with ecommerce websites, you HAVE to do this right.)
Why "structured data" is probably where the future of SEO lies (spoiler alert: this is critical for voice search.)
How PayPal and Airbnb managed optimizing sites for hundreds of languages and countries (and the 3 ways you can solve this problem yourself.)

How to create an SEO-friendly site from scratch (+ my favorite tools)
Launching a new site from scratch for your company or a client? In this step-by-step walkthrough will make sure that your strategy is bulletproof from the get-go by literally watching me build a website from scratch (this includes using the "Mom test" for domains and making sure your website's theme meets the basic SEO requirements.)


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Conversion Tracking Masters - AdSkills


Adksills - Conversion Tracking Masters | 2.01 GB
Yes! I'm ready to STOP optimizing my campaigns for costs and start optimizing my campaigns for higher earnings instead. I'm excited to begin the Conversion Tracking Masters course so I can finally learn how to connect my cart data to my ad accounts and finally see which keywords or interests are earning me the most money.

What You're Getting:
CLEAN UP YOUR DIRTY DATA: The first thing you're about to do is clear your analytics of all the bot traffic, referral spam, and bad data that clutter your reports and lead you astray. Imagine logging into your dashboard and seeing the highest profits you've ever realized and with data you know you can trust to be accurate.

FOLLOW THE MONEY: Most marketers only track what's costing them money, not what's making them money. You're now going to be able to see which keyword, which blog post, which email makes you the most money. Forget pinching pennies, you'll now be able to optimize for earnings which is the key to scaling ad campaigns and unlocking hidden profits.

PREDICT WHEN CUSTOMERS WILL CONVERT: How can you predict when a website visitor is going to convert. and when they aren't? Using your new conversion tracking skills, you'll be one of those rare media buying masters who knows how to "spy" on your website visitors and predict when they'll convert before they know it themselves. Then.you'll learn how to use that newfound information to dial in your campaigns for greater scale and ROI.
You'll know how to use custom event tracking to measure advanced metrics like button clicks (ideal for "Add to Cart" buttons), scroll depth (helpful for optimizing long sales pages), time on page (essential for improving VSLs), and more. You'll also learn the secrets of John's "Pixel Funnel Tracking," an advanced tracking & optimization technique you'll use to help squeeze unseen profit from your funnel.
(NOTE: This is the advanced stuff that silicon valley guys are doing enabling hyper-growth companies like AirBNB, Uber, and Dropbox)

EASILY TRACK ACROSS ANY DEVICE, TOOL, OR NETWORK: Not a techie? Not a problem. No matter how complicated your funnel is-no matter how many marketing tools, platforms, domains, or custom events you need to track-nothing will stand in your way. You'll know how to handle any conversion tracking situation, so you'll never have another gap in your data. John makes your frankenstein funnel easy and enjoyable to track.

COMPLETE FUNNEL TRACKING: Now you'll be able to visualize your sales funnel at every step and extract maximum value from your visitors. You'll see your average order value, cart abandonment rate, upsell take rate, earnings per visitor, and more. All of the critical metrics big companies use, will now be a piece of cake for you to set up. So easy, that you'll be able to pull out your phone and in two clicks show anyone exactly how profitable each step of your funnel is today.

REAL LIFE CASE STUDIES OF HOW TO SCALE: Now that you've configured your analytics like a pro, you'll start to use that data to optimize every touch point of your marketing and generate new sales you previously couldn't reach. You'll learn how to accurately determine your conversion window. and how to use this critical data to maximize your ROI from remarketing campaigns. Finally, you'll also learn how to leverage both "top of funnel" analytics (so you can get more quick sales immediately) and "bottom of funnel" data (to improve your customer lifetime value and maximize overall profit).

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Myles Dunphy - FBA Freedom Accelerator


Myles Dunphy - FBA Freedom Accelerator | 10.79 GB
Three Core Pillars of Successful CHANGE
.Engineered to maximise your RESULTS as FAST as possible.

1. An Engaged Community
Dont walk this path alone let a highly engaged & supportive community of 300+ students & Amazon sellers become your secret success weapon.
Your goals will be realized, your wins will be celebrated & your inner enthusiasm & motivation will come out to play.

2. A Proven Process
Results first, last and always. Every tactic in the playbook is backed by real world experience and a proven process. To date, Ive invested tens of thousands of dollars, and countless hundreds of hours verifying these strategies.
Join hundreds of students achieving winning results at a fraction of the cost, time and effort.

3. Expert Mentorship
Walk into the ring prepared, with a multiple 7 figure seller in your corner, backing you every step of the way.
Be guided by somebody intimately familiar with the struggle and the ins and the outs of the game.
Every student has their questions answered by me personally.

Whats Included When You Join Today:
The FBA Freedom Accelerator
300+ Successful Students
Within the FBA Freedom Accelerator, Ill take you under my guidance and reveal, step by step, the little known methods Ive used to find & sell profitable products on Amazon FBA and then scale to over 2,000,000 per year.

19+ hour Amazon FBA video course (full A-Z training)
Lessons personally delivered by multi-7 figure professional FBA seller
- Downloadable materials for offline reference
Learn anytime, anywhere
- Mobile & tablet friendly learning platform

Heres a breakdown of the course modules:
Orientation: Building The Foundation
The Secret To 7 Figure Success On Amazon
Fundamentals & Business Setup Secrets
- Product Research: Find Your First Winning Product
- Sourcing & Shipping (Part 1): Find & Negotiate With Suppliers
- Sourcing & Shipping (Part 2): POs & Shipping to Amazon
- Pre-Launch: Create An Amazing Product Listing
- Launching Your Product On Amazon
- Post-Launch: Maintain & Optimize Your Product
- Scaling: Grow Your Business Into A Money Making Machine


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Tiz Gambacorta - Amik Affiliate Marketing Intensive Kickstarter


Tiz Gambacorta - Amik Affiliate Marketing Intensive Kickstarter | 12.75 GB
Even if youre new to making money online, allergic to tech, are already in business but want to make more and work less, or just feel overwhelmed

If youre trading time for money, or simply want more out of your business,
then youve SURELY at least considered the possibility of adding a passive income stream to your income by now.

When you enroll during this special, limited time launch period, youll get:
01 - LIFETIME, Affiliate Marketing Intensive Kickstarter Access Access to the 5 module, online Affiliate Marketing Intensive Kickstarter masterclasses. This is a web-based home study curriculum you can watch and implement one week at a time or at your leisure. I will teach you everything you need to know to become a professional affiliate marketer PLUS you will have unlimited, lifetime access to all 5 modules, slide PDFs and audio.
02 - 6 Months Access to the Monthly, LIVE Affiliate Marketing Whats Working Now Q&A Sessions These are monthly sessions I run personally where you can ask as many questions as you want. I will debunk any and all doubts you may have PLUS you will have unlimited access to all session recordings and mp3 audio versions for you to listen to on the go.
03 - Extra Shortcut 1: The Ultimate Affiliate Funnel this is a very special access link that allows you with a single click to import into your business the exact funnel and pages I have used (and still use) to generate a small fortune online.
04 - Extra Shortcut 2: The Top Traffic Sources Rolodex and Instant Traffic Action Plan The right traffic source will outperform any other traffic generation method any day of the week. There are specific websites you should (and should not) be advertising on.
05 - Fast Track Shortcut 3: Pre-Intensive Kickstarter Training I realise I am asking a lot for you to invest today and then have to potentially wait weeks for you to complete all the the Affiliate Marketing Intensive Kickstarter modules with life sometimes getting in the, way and to sink into the exciting experience of it all
06 - VERY LIMITED BONUS: 1-on-1, 30 Min Welcome Call with Myself, Tiz Gambacorta As soon as you enroll for the Affiliate Marketing Intensive Kickstarter you will be sent a private link to schedule a personal 30 minute consultation with me.
07 - 1-1 UNLIMITED, Lifetime access to Myself, Tiz Gambacorta At the end our our 1 on 1 Personal Mentoring Session Im going to give you my personal email address and Im personally going to provide you with ongoing support so you can ask me any questions, lifetime.
08 - AMIK Students Only: My Affiliate Fill-In-The-Blanks Engagement and Conversion Email Campaigns (the Covert Selling Formula) Want to see in action one of the most profitable affiliate email campaigns - Ive grouped for you all my best email campaigns that generated millions of dollars in sales over the last five years.
(These are not available publicly by the way, and there is a whole strategy behind why this is the case)
09 - Profit Maximizer Dashboard For those who enroll in the next 24 hours ONLY.If you enroll within 24 hours you also get 3 months Free beta access to the Profit Maximizer Dashboard. This web-based tool identifies some the top performing traffic sources and products you can promote as an affiliate. Every time I discover a new high converting product or traffic source, the tool will send you an email notification.
10 - 895 Worth of FREE Advertising Credits You may be thinking this is expensive, that you need to have a lot of money to spend on advertising to do this and actually, you dont. You barely need any money, as long as you have just 75 to spend on advertising.
11 - Early Bird Access to the Affiliate Marketing Intensive Kickstarter 2.0 Im expanding the Kickstarter early next year as Im in the process of adding a number of modules.
12 - Become part of the Family perhaps most importantly you get to join the Family with a capital F.
13 - My RESULTS Guarantee Your investment is protected.
14 - 2 Tickets to my 3-day Flagship Event, the Rat Race Retreat + RECORDINGS(if you cannot attend live) For those who enroll in the next 24 hours ONLY


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Webinar Funnel Formula by Jeff Walker & Don Crowther


Jeff Walker & Don Crowther - Webinar Funnel Formula | 8.34 GB
Im Excited Youre Joining Webinar Funnel Formula!
As a reminder, heres everything you get when you register for the Webinar Funnel Formula Program:

- The exclusive Pilot Program Experience With the opportunity for copy reviews and critiques of your webinar assets, joining Webinar Funnel Formula now is probably the closest you can get to being personally coached by Don Crowther and Jeff Walker. And if you create an amazing webinar, we may ask to feature you as a case study!
- Eight modules that walk you through creating your next webinar and a promotion plan to maximize sales.
- Weekly Pilot Program Implementation Calls where you can get feedback on your webinar development and have your questions answered live, plus two implementation weeks to help you maximize your forward momentum.
- Detailed webinar planners and exercises to help keep you on track, module by module.
- Complete transcripts of all the training videos (perfect if you like to read more than watch videos).
- Audio files for every training video (if you would rather listen to the trainings instead of watching the videos - great while youre driving or taking a walk).
- Access to the Portal Community, where you can ask questions and get answers and support from fellow community members and my team.

Plus these bonuses:
BONUS: The Webinar List Builder - learn how your webinar can help you grow an email list of people hungry for what you offer.
BONUS: Starting From Scratch: The Perfect Webinar Product - not sure what to offer through your webinar? No problem. Well show you how to develop your product even if youre starting totally from scratch.
BONUS: Webinar Tech - Quick Start Guide - Dons training on how to pick out the technology for your webinar, and get it set up fast. If youre just starting out and youre intimidated by the technology question weve got you taken care of.
BONUS: Webinar Confidence Code - as an introvert who interacts live with his tribe every week, Jeff has mastered feeling good about being with your audience live and on camera. Get his best tricks in this brand new training.
BONUS: 90 Days of Webinars for Just 1. Try 90 days of WebinarJam and EverWebinar for just 1. Youll be able to hit the ground running with your webinars, without worrying about where to start.
BONUS: The Big Idea Crowdsource Training - If you nail your big idea, youve won half the battle on your webinar. This is a recording of a super-hot call we just did where we created a bunch of big ideas in real time for real world businesses. Watch how we did it and model it so that you can do it for your own webinar.
BONUS: Two Tickets to LaunchCon - This is a three-day, live, in-person event where the most successful entrepreneurs I know gather to share their most advanced strategies and tactics. Its happening this November 8-10 in Phoenix, AZ, USA.



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Molly Pittman - Paid Traffic Mastery 2019


Molly Pittman - Paid Traffic Mastery 2019 | 4.14 GB
NEW & IMPROVED: Become a Certified Paid Traffic Master
Learn the secret strategies for driving quality traffic from platforms like Facebook, Google, YouTube, and Instagram in this completely revamped Mastery Course

Course Details
Module 1 - Getting Started
Lesson 1: Getting Started
Lesson 2: Paid Traffic: The What & Why
Lesson 3: The Customer Journey Explained
ACTIVITY: Map The Value Journey

Module 2 - Core Concepts
Lesson 1: Core Concepts
Lesson 2: The Traffic Store
Lesson 3: Traffic Temperature
Lesson 4: Content & Paid Traffic
Lesson 5: Cold Traffic Content
Lesson 6: Warm Traffic Content
Lesson 7: Hot Traffic Content
Lesson 8: What's Next?

Module 3 - Crafting Your Campaign Assets
Lesson 1: Creating Your Campaign Assets
Lesson 2: Customer Avatars
Lesson 3: Laser Targeting
Lesson 4: High Converting Ad Copy
Lesson 5: Ad Creatives
Lesson 6: Ad Scent
Lesson 7: What's Next?

Module 4 - Facebook Deep Dive
Lesson 1: Getting Started With Facebook
Lesson 2: Facebook Compliance
Lesson 3: Understanding Campaign Structure
Lesson 4: Placements, Bidding, & Budget
Lesson 5: Instagram
Lesson 6: Tracking & Campaign Launch
Lesson 4: Retargeting & The Facebook Pixel

Module 5 - Troubleshooting,Optimizing, & Scaling
Lesson 1: Troubleshooting, Optimizing, & Scaling
Lesson 2: Analyzing Data
Lesson 3: Troubleshooting Campaigns
Lesson 4: Optimizing
Lesson 5: Scaling

Module 6 - Google Ads with Mike Rhodes
Lesson 1: The Big Picture
Lesson 2: Learn The Lingo
Lesson 3: Knowing Your Business and Marketing Goals
Lesson 4: Finding and Understanding Keywords
Lesson 5: Writing Great Ads
Lesson 6: Understanding Ad Groups
Lesson 7: Building Campaigns
Lesson 8: Conversion Tracking
Lesson 9: Introduction to Ongoing Optimization
Lesson 10: Getting Advanced

Module 7 - YouTube Ads with Tom Breeze
Lesson 1: Introduction
Lesson 2: Your Customers Moment
Lesson 3: The Perfect Video Ad
Lesson 4: Reaching Your Customer
Lesson 5: Campaign Build Walkthrough
Lesson 6: Thank You

What You'll Get
When you enroll today, you'll receive instant access to:
The Paid Traffic Mastery Course
7 Core Modules
47 Video Lessons
9 Handouts
7 Quizzes (one for each module)

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Shane Melcher - Facebook Messenger Marketing For Business Automation


Shane Melcher - Facebook Messenger Marketing For Business Automation | 4.83 GB
After Seeing Fake 'Gurus' Taking Advantage of People, I Knew I had to Do Something...Automate the Game!
So I made this for you....plus you get our expert ninja chatbot templates all throughout the course.

People talk about making money while they sleep, that is talk, you can't do that without automating your business.
Being Honest, this is not for everyone.....not for the lazy!
It takes effort, however, if you have what it takes then it's well worth it and that goes for anything.
I am so confident that you will love the course that I am making this insane offer.
It's Your Time, Start Today and Begin your journey to make the rest of your life the best of your life!

This Course Includes In-Depth Modules on Facebook Messenger with Facebook Ads + Bonus Modules
Covering THE ESSENTIALS on being Successful in Digital Marketing! And is an Over The Shoulder Build During Course Practice.
Things learned here are Safe, Secure, and Practical
Amazing Deal!
- Chapter 1: Facebook Page Foundation
- Chapter 2: Mastering ManyChat Basics
- Chapter 4: Mastering ManyChat Advanced
- Chapter 4: Customization Of Your Chatbot
- Chapter 5: Messenger Marketing Agency
- Chapter 6: Zapier Digital Marketing
- Chapter 7: Facebook Ads Mastery 2019
- Chapter 8: Amazing ClickFunnel Tricks
- Chapter 9: Putting It All Together
- Bonuses
- Additional Bonuses
- Chatbot Templates To Build Success



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The Science of Fear (The Great Courses Plus Pilots)


The Science of Fear (The Great Courses Plus Pilots)
MP4 | Video: 960x540 | Audio: AAC, 44.1Khz , 2ch | Duration: 33 min | Language: English | 429 MB

An award-winning sociologist looks at the different ways threatening situations motivate our minds to quickly process information and respond, albeit, sometimes at the expense of rational thought.


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