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    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
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Englische Tutorials

Technical Drawing 101


Technical Drawing 101
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: English | Size: 14.0 GB | Duration: 20.5 hours

You can start from zero, you need to get the drawing tools in the intro so to get as much as possible from the course.
Technical drawing is the rational, problem solving part of architecture drawing and is the corner stone for developing a strong, capable and precise problem solving mind and a logical, concrete results-based approach in architecture.

Don't believe me?

How many times did you have a hard time understanding how a volume looks in three dimensions? How many times did you struggle to problem solve functional aspects of your designs? How many times did you struggle to make you ideas take shape on paper?

Come on, let's be honest: do you think these things happen because of accident or 'bad luck' or there's a underlying lack in skill set? Look, it is not your fault that you do not know these things - this is why you are reading this, because you want to get better and unleash your true potential on that drawing board!

In this course you will learn:

How to draw basic axonometrics and simple shapes such as even triangles and ellipses in multiple coordinate systems.
Understand and represent all the basic, standard volumes in triple projection and axonometric and the logic behind their shading and cast shadows.
How to correctly construct shadows for all your axonometrics and three dimensional drawings.
Draw a cube perfectly ballanced on its spatial diagonal in triple projectio nand axonometric.
Develop spatial vision with efficient spatial vision-building exercises.
Draw complex primitives with their specific sections for a cone and octhedron.
A detailed introduction to descriptive geometry.
Essential drawing exercises that will 'get you smarter' and 'get your problem solving twice as fast'.
The four types of axonometric that you will encounter in 99.99% of all your architecture work from now on.
This is how you will change and grow after finishing this course:

Master technical drawing in triple projection and various types of axonometric, be able to draw 90% of architecture you come by in your career in two dimensional or three dimensional architecture.
Get much more proficient in the rational part of design work - unlock your architectural rational problem solving part of your brain.
Become much more organised and balanced in your artistic drawings (learning technical drawing will get you insane results in your freehand drawing as well).
To sum things up, this is what you will get:

Full lifetime access to this training and all the future updates.
Over 20 hours of HD-quality video content.
90 videos teaching you 9 essential lessons to learn architectural technical drawing.
18 video crits that show you how your work should look like.
9 printer-ready PDFs.
100% satisfaction guarantee, 30-day refund to back everything up

Look, I want this course to be the best investment you ever made in your professional career. I am most definitely not perfect, but I do believe my courses are the best in the world! But hey, if for any reason the course isn't what you expected, then feel free to ask me for a 100%, no hassle, no-questions-asked refund for the first 30 days! Fair is fair, you tried the training, it didn't rise to the level of expectation so you get all your money back (and you can even keep the training, that is fine).


Although I present this course as a introduction, is surpasses the the usual standard of what would qualify as 'difficult' in terms of architectural drawing (that is fine, you need to aim higher and want to really get good at this!) You might get the feeling of your head hurting or spinning whilst reading this text or going through the exercises. That is fine as well, it is an indicator that the process of neurogenesis got started and you are learning at a very deep level. If you want to take your drawing technique to even higher levels after and become the top 2% of the architecture field, then I recommend after you finish this course you jump to the advanced and mastery trainings!

Ok, all of that being said and done, I look forward to getting you the great results in technical drawing that I am sure you always wanted but could not come by. (and I am sure you can't wait to get past all the mental blockages and unleash your true technical drawing potential!)

Click on the 'Enroll Now' button and I will see you on the inside!

Michael N

Who this course is for:
architecture students
anyone that wants to study architecture



Machine Learning de A a la Z R y Python para Data Science


Machine Learning de A a la Z R y Python para Data Science
Created by Juan Gabriel Gomila Salas, Hadelin de Ponteves, Kirill Eremenko, SuperDataScience Team | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 51:00 H/M | Lec: 295 | 29.0 GB | Language: Spanish | Sub: Spanish [Auto-generated]

Aprende a crear algoritmos de Machine Learning en Python y R con expertos en Data Science. Con código fuente incluido!

What you'll learn
Dominar el Machine Learning con R y con Python.
Tener intuición en la mayoría de modelos de Machine Learning.
Hacer predicciones precisas y acertadas.
Crear unos análisis elaborados.
Crear modelos de Machine Learning robustos y consistentes.
Crear valor añadido a tu propio negocio.
Utilizar el Machine Learning para cuestiones personales.
Dominar aspectos específicos como por ejemplo Reinforcement Learning, NLP o Deep Learning
Conocer las técnicas más avanzadas como la reducción de la dimensionalidad.
Saber qué modelo de Machine Learning usar para cada tipo de problema.
Crear toda una librería de modelos de Machine Learning y saber cómo combinarlos para resolver cualquier problema.

Con el nivel de matemáticas de secundaria y bachillerato es suficiente.

¿Estás interesado en conocer a fondo el mundo del Machine Learning? Entonces este curso está diseñado especialmente para ti!!

Este curso ha sido diseñado por Data Scientists profesionales para compartir nuestro conocimiento y ayudarte a aprender la teoría compleja, los algoritmos y librerías de programación de un modo fácil y sencillo.

En él te guiaremos paso a paso en el mundo del Machine Learning. Con cada clase desarrollarás nuevas habilidades y mejorarás tus conocimientos de este complicado y lucrativa sub rama del Data Science.

Este curso es divertido y ameno pero al mismo tiempo todo un reto pues tenemos mucho de Machine Learning por aprender. Lo hemos estructurado del siguiente modo:

Parte 1 - Preprocesamiento de datos

Parte 2 - Regresión: Regresión Lineal Simple, Regresión Lineal Múltiple, Regresión Polinomial, SVR, Regresión en Árboles de Decisión y Regresión con Bosques Aleatorios

Parte 3 - Clasificación: Regresión Logística, K-NN, SVM, Kernel SVM, Naive Bayes, Clasificación con Árboles de Decisión y Clasificación con Bosques Aleatorios

Parte 4 - Clustering: K-Means, Clustering Jerárquico

Parte 5 - Aprendizaje por Reglas de Asociación: Apriori, Eclat

Parte 6 - Reinforcement Learning: Límite de Confianza Superior, Muestreo Thompson

Parte 7 - Procesamiento Natural del Lenguaje: Modelo de Bag-of-words y algoritmos de NLP

Parte 8 - Deep Learning: Redes Neuronales Artificiales y Redes Neuronales Convolucionales

Parte 9 - Reducción de la dimensión: ACP, LDA, Kernel ACP

Parte 10 - Selección de Modelos & Boosting: k-fold Cross Validation, Ajuste de Parámetros, Grid Search, XGBoost

Además, el curso está relleno de ejercicios prácticos basados en ejemplos de la vida real, de modo que no solo aprenderás teoría, si no también pondrás en práctica tus propios modelos con ejemplos guiados.

Y como bonus, este curso incluye todo el código en Python y R para que lo descargues y uses en tus propios proyectos.

Who this course is for?
Cualquier estudiante que esté interesado en el Machine Learning.
Estudiantes con nivel de matemáticas de bachillerato que quieren iniciarse en Machine Learning.
Estudiantes de nivel intermedio con conocimientos básicos de Machine Learning, incluyendo algoritmos clásicos de regresión lineal o logística, pero que quieren aprender más y explorar los diferentes campos del Machine Learning.
Estudiantes que no se sienten cómodos programando pero se interesan por el Machine Learning y quieren aplicar las técnicas al análisis de data sets.
Universitarios que quieren iniciarse en el mundo del Data Science.
Cualquier analista de datos que quiera mejorar sus habilidades en Machine Learning.
Personas que no están satisfechas con su trabajo y quieren convertirse en Data Scientist.
Cualquier persona que quiera añadir valor a su empresa con el poder del Machine Learning.



Master ASP.NET MVC Core 2.2


Master ASP.NET MVC Core 2.2
BESTSELLER | Created by Bhrugen Patel | Video: h264 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 16:18 H/M | Lec: 221 | 7.31 GB | Language: English | Sub: English [Auto-generated]

Master ASP.NET MVC Core 2.2 with hands on experience on real world website

What you'll learn
Learn structure of ASP NET MVC Core 2.2 Project
Learn basic fundamentals of ASP NET MVC Core 2.2
Build applications using ASP NET MVC Core 2.2
Build 2 Projects throughout the course
Integrate Identity Framework and learn how to add more fields to Users
Interact with Razor class library for Identity
Integrate Entity Framework along with code first migrations
Learn advance topics of ASP NET MVC Core 2.2
Sessions in ASP NET Core 2.2
Custom Tag Helpers in ASP NET Core 2.2
View Components and Partial Views in ASP NET Core
Bootstrap v4
Authentication and Authorization in ASP NET Core 2.2
Deploying website on Microsoft Azure, IIS and third party hosting
Adding admin user through migration

3-6 months knowledge of c#
Visual Studio 2017
SQL Server Management Studio

This is a Beginner to Advance level course on ASP.NET Core 2.2 that will take you from basics all the way to advance mode. This course is for anyone who is new to asp.net core 2.2 or who is familiar with ASP.NET and wants to take a first stab at understanding what is different in asp.net core 2.2. From there we would be building multiple projects to understand all concepts in ASP.NET Core 2.2 as we will deploy our final application on Azure, IIS and other hosting website!

Throughout this course we would understand the evolution of ASP.NET Core and then we would take a look at the modified files and folder structure.

We would then take a look at new concepts in ASP.NET Core 2.2

We would build a small Razor application with CRUD operations using entity framework for integration with database.

We would build our Granite House website where we will learn advance topics in ASP.NET MVC Core 2.2

Finally we will deploy our Granite House website on Microsoft Azure and IIS.

What are the requirements?

3-6 months knowledge of c#

Visual Studio 2017

SQL Server Management Studio

What am I going to get from this course?

Learn structure of ASP NET Core 2.2 Project

Learn basic fundamentals of ASP NET Core 2.2

Build applications using ASP NET Core 2.2 using Razor Pages and MVC

Build 2 Projects throughout the course

Integrate Identity Framework and learn how to add more fields to Users

Integrate Entity Framework along with code first migrations

Custom Tag Helpers in MVC Core 2.2

Learn two factor authorization and other important details of ASP.NET Core 2.2

What is the target audience?

Anyone who wants to learn asp.net core 2.2

Anyone who wants to learn most latest changes with Microsoft newest framework

Who this course is for?
Anyone who wants to learn ASP NET MVC core 2.2 from Basics to Advance
Anyone who wants to learn most latest changes with Microsoft newest framework



Python for Data Visualization & Fraud Detection Bootcamp


Python for Data Visualization & Fraud Detection Bootcamp
Created by Online Training Plus | Video: h264 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 30:21 H/M | Lec: 99 | 22.6 GB | Language: English | Sub: English [Auto-generated]

Learn to code in a #1 programming language with step by step examples! Learn matplotlib, Tensorflow, statistics & more!

What you'll learn
Make a Credit Card Fraud Detection Model in Python. Learn how to keep your data safe!
Learn TensorFlow and how to build models of linear regression
Learn how to code in Python, a popular coding language used for websites like YouTube and Instagram.
Create basic line and scatter plots with Matplotlib 1.5.
Read finance data directly from Yahoo.
Customise our graphs with visuals, a title, labels, text and a legend.
Recognize types of visualization: histograms, pie charts, and box and whisker plots.
Understand basic 3D plotting.
Perform in-depth customization of plot structure.
And more!

Download Anaconda 4.2, the free data science platform by Continuum, which contains Python 3.5 and Matplotlib.
Otherwise, you can download and install Python 3.5 and Matplotlib for free online.
For fraud detection model building, we will use PyCharm Community Edition
Topics involve intermediate math, so familiarity with university-level math is very helpful.

Do you want to learn Python, Matplotlib, and Tensorflow? You've come to the right place.

This course was funded by a wildly successful Kickstarter.

Do you want to learn how to visualize data? Enroll in this course to learn how to do so directly in code. This course is suitable for coding beginners because we begin with a complete introduction to coding. Then we delve deep into using Matplotlib, a Python 2D plotting library.

Learn to Use Python in Anaconda and PyCharm

Python is a popular coding language used for websites like YouTube and Instagram. You learn the basics of programming, including topics like variables, functions, and if statements. You learn about data structures such as lists, dictionaries, and sets. We cover how to use for and while loops, how to handle user input and output, file input and output.

Included in this course is material for beginners to get comfortable with the interfaces. Please note that we reuse this content in similar courses because it is introductory material. You can find some material in this course in the following related courses:

Predict fraud with data visualization & predictive modeling!

Detect Fraud and Predict the Stock Market with TensorFlow

Make 2D & 3D Graphs in Python with Matplotlib for Beginners

Python Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with Keras

Making Games in Unity and Graphs in Python using Matplotlib

Build Games and Learn with Examples

We apply our knowledge to build a fully functional tic-tac-toe game. You learn classes, methods, attributes, instancing, and class inheritance. We make an additional Blackjack game! You learn how to solve errors that can occur when you work as a programmer.

Apply Your Python Knowledge to Matplotlib

For data visualization, you will learn many cool features of Matplotlib that we can use for data visualization. We show you how to make line plots, scatter plots, candlestick plots.

You learn how to customize the visuals of your graph, add text, and annotate graphs. And much more!

And More

You will also learn to work with TensorFlow and PyCharm to analyze credit card fraud. And many more topics in this huge masterclass from the Mammoth Interactive team.

Who this course is for?
Absolute beginners who want to learn to code for the web in the popular Python programming language.
Beginners who want to learn how to use data science to make graphs.
Experienced programmers who want to learn a 2D plotting library for Python.
Anyone who wants to learn data modeling and visualization.



Curso completo de Machine Learning Data Science en Python


Curso completo de Machine Learning Data Science en Python
BESTSELLER | Created by Juan Gabriel Gomila Salas | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 47:54 H/M | Lec: 234 | 25.8 GB | Language: Spanish | Sub: Spanish [Auto-generated]

Aprende los algoritmos de Machine Learning con Python para convertirte en un Data Science con todo el código para usar

What you'll learn
Ser todo un master Jedi del Machine Learning con Python
Llevar a cabo predicciones precisas
Elaborar modelos robustos de Machine Learning
Utilizar las técnicas de Machine Learning para uso personal y para asesorar empresas
Tener una buena intuición de la mayoría de modelos de Machine Learning
Hacer análisis muy potentes y precisos
Dar valor añadido a tu propia empresa o negocio
Conocer qué modelo de Machine Learning se ajusta mejor a cada tipo de problema
Construir modelos diversos de Machine Learning y combinarlos para resolver cualquier problema que uno se plantee
Utilizar técnicas avanzadas para reducir la dimensión del problema

Se necesitan conocimientos de matemáticas de bachillerato o conocimientos básicos de estadística
Se recomienda saber programar un poco para enfocarse en aprender las técnicas de análisis en Python aunque no es totalmente necesario

¿Te suenan las palabras Machine Learning o Data Scientist? ¿Te pica la curiosidad de para qué sirven estas técnicas o por qué empresas de todo el mundo pagan un sueldo de 120.000 hasta 200.000$ al año a un científico de datos?

Pues este curso está pensado y diseñado por todo un profesional del mundo del Data Science como es Juan Gabriel Gomila, de modo que os va a compartir todo su conocimiento y ayudaros a entender la teoría tan compleja sobre las matemáticas que tiene detrás, los algoritmos y librerías de programación con Python para convertiros en todo unos expertos a pesar de que no tengáis experiencia previa.

Veremos paso a paso como empezar a trabajar con conceptos y algoritmos del mundo del Machine Learning. Con cada nueva clase y sección que completes tendrás unas nuevas habilidades que te ayudarán a entender este mundo tan completo y lucrativo que puede ser esta rama del Data Science.

También decirte que este curso es muy divertido, en la línea de Juan Gabriel Gomila y que aprenderás y te divertirás mientras vas aprendiendo acerca de técnicas de Machine Learning con Python. En particular, los temas que trabajaremos serán los siguientes:

Parte 1 - Instalación de Python y paquetes necesarios para data science, machine learning y visualización de los datos
Parte 2 - Evolución histórica del análisis predictivo y el machine learning
Parte 3 - Pre procesado y limpieza de los datos
Parte 4 - Manejo de datos y data wrangling, operaciones con datasets y distribuciones de probabilidad más famosas
Parte 5 - Repaso de estadística básica, intervalos de confianza, contrastes de hipótesis, correlación,...
Parte 6 - Regression lineal simple, regresión lineal múltiple y regresión polinomial, variables categóricas y tratamiento de outliers.
Parte 7 - Clasificación con regresión logística, estimación con máxima verosimititud, validación cruzada, K-fold cross validation, curvas ROC
Parte 8 - Clustering, K-means, K-medoides, dendrogramas y clustering jerárquico, técnica del codo y análisis de la silueta
Parte 9 - Clasificación con árboles, bosques aleatorios, técnicas de poda, entropía, maximización de la información
Parte 10 - Support Vector Machines para problemas de clasificación y regresión, kernels no lineales, reconocimiento facial (cómo funciona CSI)
Parte 11 - Los K vecinos más cercanos, decisión por mayoría, programación de algoritmos de Machine Learning vs librerías de Python
Parte 12 - Análisis de componentes principales, reducción de la dimensión, LDA
Parte 13 - Deep learning, Reinforcement Learning, Redes neuronales artificiales y convolucionales y Tensor Flow
Además, en el curso encontrarás ejercicios, datasets para practicar basados en ejemplos de la vida real, de modo que no solo aprenderás la teoría con los vídeos, si no también a practicar para construir tus propios modelos de Machine Learning. Y como no olvidar que tendrás un github con todo el código fuente en Python para descargar y utilizar en todos tus proyectos. Así que no esperes más y apúntate al curso de Machine Learning más completo y útil del mercado español!

Who this course is for?
Cualquiera interesado en aprender Machine Learning
Estudiantes que tienen un conocimiento de matemáticas que quieran aprender acerca del Machine Learning con Python
Usuarios intermedios que conocen los fundamentos de Machine learning como los algoritmos clásicos de regresión lineal o logística pero buscan aprender más y explorar otros campos del aprendizaje estadístico
Programadores que les guste el código y que estén interesados en aprender Machine Learning para aplicar dichas técnicas a sus datasets
Estudiantes de universidad que busquen especializarse y aprender a ser Data Scientists
Analistas de datos que quieran ir más allá gracias al Machine Learning
Cualquier persona que no esté satisfecha con su propio trabajo y busque empezar a trabajar como un Data Scientist profesional
Cualquier persona que quiera dar valor añadido a su propia empresa utilizando las potentes herramientas de Machine Learning



Organic Architecture Sketching


Organic Architecture Sketching
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: English | Size: 6.82 GB | Duration: 5 hours

A4 paper, 2B pencil
Organic architecture is the most 'out there' product of contemporary architecture - the works of famous architects such as Zaha Hadid inspire and get us beyond simple boxes and reinvent the way we understand architecture

How can you understand what organic architecture means and make it a part of your design arsenal?

Obviously, by learning how to sketch organic architecture!

In this course we will learn what organic architecture and design mean and learn how to sketch them and see beyond just amorphous shapes for buildings, interiors and contemporary design.

How you will change:

Get a core-level understanding of organic architecture, interior design and product design
Get an intuitive feel of organic design at multiple scales: from small scale product design, to interior design and large scale tower buildings.
Upgrade your graphics and drawing style because of drawing over 100 different organic designs
What you will learn

Basic box perspectives where you recap the fundamentals of perspective
Short lesson drawing concept cars and product design - here you will get used to thinking in organic shapes
Organic product designs that are an introduction to organic architecture
organic interior designs - how to create an interior organic space that makes sense and looks perfect
organic furniture that can be used in an organic or regular interior design
Organic pavilions and small buildings that use unusual building materials and techniques
Organic large buildings where you explode with larger scale materials
Blob architecture - a specific type of organic architecture that stands out when drawn in composition with regular buildings
Organic tower designs - advanced and detailed large-scale buildings that follow the organic design principles
This course is definitely not for everyone. You might not see the potential of organic architecture ( you might think of it too unrealistic or impossible to build) and want to stick to simple boxes.

If that is the case, then I wish you all the best and good luck in your future studies.

But if you are 100% set on mastering how to sketch organic architecture and design. then click on the 'add to cart' button and I will see you on the inside.


Who this course is for:
Architects, designers, people that want to study architecture or design



Fullstack Django and Python Bootcamp With Real Life Projects


Fullstack Django and Python Bootcamp With Real Life Projects
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 48000 Hz
Language: English | Size: 9.23 GB | Duration: 29.5 hours

A computer with internet connection
Visual Studio Development Environment
Visual Studio Code Development Environment

This is a no holds barred, action packed, Full Stack Django Web Development Course. To demonstrate My Confidence About This Course, I have created a CV that contains all the Concepts that I covered, and the Projects I have executed in this course. You can Take This Course and Start Looking for Job Immediately using the CV I have prepared.

Your prospective employer wants you to come on-board and start building applications for them straight away. That is what I did in this course. To provide the knowledge that will allow you go straight into the industry and start working immediately. With over 170 Lectures that covers Five Crash Courses, and Two Solid Real-World Projects, I did not leave any stone unturned!!

Basically, the whole course can be grouped into Three Main Themes:

Introduction to web Applications

Where I introduced how web applications work and how Django implements web applications

The Crash Courses

Where I provided short but comprehensive mini courses on HTML, CSS, SASS, JavaScript and Python

Since, the course is a Full Stack (Front End and Back End) development course, the crash courses on HTML, CSS, SASS and JavaScript provide you with the knowledge to work on the Front End, while the Python Crash Course provides you with the knowledge Back End Language

The Real World Projects

Where I built Two SOLID Real-World Projects. The type of Projects that you will be working on when you get into the industry.

Who this course is for:
Beginners who do not have a prior experience with programming
Intermediate and Senior developers looking to start working with Python
Developers looking to gain more knowledge within full stack development



Express IELTS 7.0+ Preparation Formula


Express IELTS 7.0+ Preparation Formula
Genre: eLearning | MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: aac, 44100 Hz
Language: English | Size: 6.91 GB | Duration: 9 hours

Level of English: Intermediate or above
New IELTS taker
We've listened to you! We've updated the course itself and the course exercises (outside the video exercises). It is now fully adapted to Udemy format. We fixed all the bugs related to exercises and updated all our videos.

This is your IELTS Score Maximizer and a 'learn on the go' preparation course.

Also, we've asked many of you the following questions:

What is the #1 reason holding you back from achieving your target score?
What is your main motivation to take the IELTS?
What is your target score?
And you know what... Surprise, surprise!!!

Answers from students like YOU, revealed that more than 50% of them don't know what their weakness is. They have no idea because it is the first time they are taking the IELTS test.


Most students believe that #1 thing holding them back is

Lack of time for preparation
Lack of focus and effort
Fear of exam
Fear of uncertainty
Lack of confidence
So, we've prepared and put together this Express IELTS 7.0+ Preparation Formula, which is a 10 hours video course!

This course will show you how to prepare for your IELTS in the next 4 weeks. However, if you are in a slow mode, don't worry, you can prepare for the IELTS even in 3 months!

Course Structure

In this course you will get:

150+ lectures (10+ hours pure video content)
No blah-blah in videos or stretching lessons
Spot on information in a motivational way
Strategies and Tactics for Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking
Separate modules for General Training's Reading & Writing
Practice modules: Students simulate each section
Life saving top tips to avoid loosing scores
Bonus module for lazy students on beating Procrastination, Time Management and Focus!!!
This course will help you learn your weaknesses and is divided in such way that you can focuson each section separately.

In this course you will learn 4 components of IELTS test:


In the IELTS test, time is your enemy. Candidates who have taken the test and did not perform as well as they had hoped often complain that they were unable to give all the answers in the Listening Test because the tape was too fast. However, with our course this problem will be solved by constant listening to your English tutor - Ms. Susan Jones. You will soon get used to our British accent.


The faster and more accurately you read, the more questions you will be able to answer. In all the tests, the instructions, the example, and the questions themselves need to be read quickly, and must be well understood in order for you to have more time to find the answers.


Write short academic-style essays, including describing data or processes and presenting arguments coherently and cohesively. Interpret and describe graphical information or write a letter responding to a given situation. In this course you will find yourself in many such situations in order to practice your writing skills.


Make contributions to discussions on a variety of concrete and more abstract topics. Fluency, accuracy, range and relevance are practised. Review and practise all aspects of speaking during the course.


While it is true that not all words and phrases given as answers to questions in the Listening and Reading Tests need to be grammatically correct, it is often possible to work out the correct answer by using your knowledge of grammar. We will focus on grammar in detail during the course.

Who this course is for:
This course is relevant to anybody wishing to take IELTS exam, general or academic!



CreativeLive Modular Synthesis with Reaktor with David Earl TUTORiAL-ADSR


CreativeLive Modular Synthesis with Reaktor with David Earl TUTORiAL-ADSR | 2.4G | APPS/TUTORIALS



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CreativeLive Scratch DJ Academy presents Using Serato Intermediate with DJ Hapa TUTORiAL-ADSR


CreativeLive Scratch DJ Academy presents Using Serato Intermediate with DJ Hapa TUTORiAL-ADSR | 1.2G | APPS/TUTORIALS



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CreativeLive Serato Advanced Techniques with DJ Hapa TUTORiAL-ADSR


CreativeLive Serato Advanced Techniques with DJ Hapa TUTORiAL-ADSR | 768M | APPS/TUTORIALS



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Ask Video Bitwig Studio 302 The Grid Explained and Explored TUTORiAL-DYNAMiCS


Ask Video Bitwig Studio 302 The Grid Explained and Explored TUTORiAL-DYNAMiCS | 241M | APPS/TUTORIALS


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