• Regeln für den Video-Bereich:

    In den Börsenbereich gehören nur Angebote die bereits den Allgemeinen Regeln entsprechen.


    - Folgende Formate gehören in die angegeben Bereiche:
    - Filme: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format DivX, XviD und x264.
    - DVD: Filme im Format DVD5, DVD9 und HD2DVD.
    - HD: Encodierte Filme mit der Auflösung 720p oder darüber von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format x264.
    - 3D: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, die in einem 3D Format vorliegen. Dies gilt auch für Dokus, Animation usw.
    - Serien: Cartoon/Zeichentrick, Anime, Tutorials, Dokumentationen, Konzerte/Musik, Sonstiges sind demnach in die entsprechenden Bereiche einzuordnen, auch wenn sie beispielsweise im High Definition-Format oder als DVD5/DVD9/HD2DVD vorliegen. Ausnahme 3D.
    - Bereich Englisch: Englische Releases gehören immer in diesen Bereich.
    - Bereich Talk: Der Bereich, in dem über die Releases diskutiert werden kann, darf, soll und erwünscht ist.

    Angebot/Beitrag erstellen

    - Ein Beitrag darf erst dann erstellt werden, wenn der Upload bei mindestens einem OCH komplett ist. Platzhalter sind untersagt.
    - Bei einem Scenerelease hat der Threadtitel ausschließlich aus dem originalen, unveränderten Releasenamen zu bestehen. Es dürfen keine Veränderungen wie z.B. Sterne, kleine Buchstaben o.ä. vorgenommen werden. Ausnahme Serienbörse:
    - Bei einem Sammelthread für eine Staffel entfällt aus dem Releasename natürlich der Name der Folge. Beispiel: Die Simpsons S21 German DVDRip XviD - ITG
    - Dementsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist.

    Aufbau des Angebots und Threadtitel

    Der Titel nach folgendem Muster erstellt zu werden. <Name> [3D] [Staffel] [German] <Jahr> <Tonspur> [DL] [Auflösung] <Quelle> <Codec> - <Group>
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 DVDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL BDRip x264 - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 AC3 DL BDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S20 German AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Sword Art Online II Ger Sub 2014 AAC 1080p WEBRip x264 - peppermint
    Entsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Sonderzeichen wie Klammern, Sterne, Ausrufezeichen, Unterstriche, Anführungszeichen / Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist
    Ausnahmen hiervon können in den Bereichen geregelt sein.

    Die Beiträge sollen wie folgt aufgebaut werden:
    Überschrift entspricht dem Threadtitel
    kurze Inhaltsbeschreibung
    Format, Größe, Dauer sind gut lesbar für Downloader außerhalb des Spoilers zu vermerken
    Nfo sind immer Anzugeben und selbige immer im Spoiler in Textform.
    Sind keine Nfo vorhanden z.B. Eigenpublikationen, sind im Spoiler folgende Dateiinformationen zusätzlich anzugeben :
    Video (Auflösung und Bitrate)
    Ton (Sprache, Format und Bitrate der einzelnen Spuren)
    Untertitel (sofern vorhanden)
    Hosterangabe in Textform außerhalb eines Spoiler mit allen enthaltenen Hostern.
    Bei SD kann auf diese zusätzlichen Dateiinformationen verzichtet werden.

    Alle benötigten Passwörter sind, sofern vorhanden, in Textform im Angebot anzugeben.
    Spoiler im Spoiler mit Kommentaren :"Schon Bedankt?" sind unerwünscht.


    - Sind Retail-Release verfügbar, sind alle anderen Variationen untersagt. Ausnahmen: Alle deutschen Retail-Release sind CUT, in diesem Fall sind dubbed UNCUT-Release zulässig.
    - Im Serien-Bereich gilt speziell: Wenn ein Retail vor Abschluss einer laufenden Staffel erscheint, darf diese Staffel noch zu Ende gebracht werden.62
    - Gleiche Releases sind unbedingt zusammenzufassen. Das bedeutet, es ist zwingend erforderlich, vor dem Erstellen eines Themas per Suchfunktion zu überprüfen, ob bereits ein Beitrag mit demselben Release besteht. Ist dies der Fall, ist der bereits vorhandene Beitrag zu verwenden.
    - P2P und Scene Releases dürfen nicht verändert oder gar unter einem iND Tag eingestellt werden.

    Support, Diskussionen und Suche

    - Supportanfragen sind entweder per PN oder im Bereich Talk zu stellen.
    - Diskussionen und Bewertungen sind im Talk Bereich zu führen. Fragen an die Uploader haben ausschließlich via PN zu erfolgen, und sind in den Angeboten untersagt.
    - Anfragen zu Upload-Wünschen sind nur im Bereich Suche Video erlaubt. Antworten dürfen nur auf Angebote von MyBoerse.bz verlinkt werden.


    - Untersagt sind mehrere Formate in einem einzigen Angebotsthread, wie beispielsweise das gleichzeitige Anbieten von DivX/XviD, 720p und 1080p in einem Thread. Pro Format, Release und Auflösung ist ein eigener Thread zu eröffnen.
    - Grundsätzlich ebenso verboten sind Dupes. Uploader haben sich an geeigneter Stelle darüber zu informieren, ob es sich bei einem Release um ein Dupe handelt.
    - Gefakte, nur teilweise lauffähige oder unvollständige Angebote sind untersagt. Dies gilt auch für eigene Publikationen, die augenscheinlich nicht selbst von z.B. einer DVD gerippt wurden. Laufende Serien, bei denen noch nicht alle Folgen verfügbar sind, dürfen erstellt und regelmäßig geupdatet werden.
    - Untersagt sind Angebote, welche nur und ausschließlich in einer anderen Sprache als deutsch oder englisch vorliegen. Ausnahmen sind VORHER mit den Moderatoren zu klären.

    Verstoß gegen die Regeln

    - Angebote oder Beiträge, die gegen die Forenregeln verstoßen, sind über den "Melden"-Button im Beitrag zu melden.
  • Bitte registriere dich zunächst um Beiträge zu verfassen und externe Links aufzurufen.

Englische Tutorials

Christien Bouc - Grow On Instagram


Christien Bouc - Grow On Instagram | 839 MB
Turn Your Passion, Talent & Influence Into A
Business Using Instagram!
Discover How To Grow, Monetize, and Automate All Things Instagram.
We Talk About White-hat, Black-hat, and even Grey-hat Techniques That Only The Most Cutting-Edge Marketers Are Utilizing Today.

About Me.
Christien is a San Francisco based social media marketer who took the infamous "Tai Lopez SMMA Course", and dropped out of college to pursue marketing full-time. Christien works with premiere businesses and start-ups and
manages over 200+ IG accounts for himself & clients.


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GMB HACKS 2019 - Rank For Tough Keywords In 30 Minutes Or Less


GMB HACKS 2019 - Rank For Tough Keywords In 30 Minutes Or Less | 2.37 GB
What Can You Do With #GMBHunter
Offer GMB Optimization services for 'unclaimed' GMB pages (businesses). 100% ethical.
It's no secret that Google's ever changing rules can pose a challenge or two for us online folk, but you can't overlook the opportunities this brings if you're on the ball.

GMB listings is one of them.
The amount of businesses not claiming their GMB listing is phenomenal, so this presents a huge opportunity for those in the know - like your good selves.
So as is customary in the Mass Optimizer world - I just happen to have created a tool to optimise (see what I did there?) the process of identifying the unclaimed listings.

Introducing #GMBHunter.
It does exactly what it says on the tin with the usual Mass Optimizer super simple functionality. In one foul swoop you can literally identify the available listings and create endless opportunities from them.

There are already plenty of people making a decent buck by offering this much needed service. This is opportunity well and truly knocking, which is why I felt a tool was the best way to simplify the process.

- GMB Hacks Section 1 - Course Introduction - 1 Importance of Entities and Ranking factors
- GMB Hacks Section 1 - Course Introduction - 2 Understanding the Proximity Filter
- GMB Hacks Section 1 - Course Introduction - 3 Essentials of Brand Prominence
- GMB Hacks Section 1 - Course Introduction - 4 Niche Relevance
- GMB Hacks Section 2 - Establishing your power brand terms
- GMB Hacks Section 3 - Building a Powerful Entity Structure
- GMB Hacks Section 4 - Boosting Your Branded Search
- GMB Hacks Section 5 - The Power Of Co Occurrence and Co Citation
- GMB Hacks Section 6 - The Hierarchy of Search
- GMB Hacks Section 7 - Video 1 of 3 GMB Spam Score
- GMB Hacks Section 7 - Video 2 of 3 Reducing Suspension Rates on Fake
- GMB Hacks Section 7 - Video 3 of 3 Spoofing Street View For Powerful Trust Signal
- GMB Hacks Section 8 - Put Your Backlinks On High Octane
- GMB Hacks Section 9 - I frame your entity
- GMB Hacks Section 10 - Video 1 of 2 - Harnessing The Power of Google Earth
- GMB Hacks Section 10 - Video 2 of 2 - Manipulating Google Earth
- GMB Hacks Section 11 - 1 of 4 - Breaking The Proximity Filter Part 1
- GMB Hacks Section 11 - 2 of 4 - Breaking The Proximity Filter Part 2
- GMB Hacks Section 11 - 3 of 4 - Generating Geo Relevance Little Hack To Break Proximity Filter
- GMB Hacks Section 11 - 4 of 4 - Powerful Geo Signals Using Android
- GMB Hacks Section 12 - Google My Maps The Right Way
- GMB Hacks Section 13 - Sending Traffic For Keywords You Don't Rank For
- GMB Hacks Section 14 - Validate Your GMB With Calendars
- GMB Hacks Section 15 - The Power Of Images
- GMB Hacks Section 16 - The New Face Of Traffic
- GMB Hacks Section 17 - Stringing Machine Codes For Powerful Entity Relationhips
- GMB Hacks Section 18 - Video 1 of 6 - Video Citations For Fast Maps Ranking Multiple Keywords
- GMB Hacks Section 18 - Video 2 of 6 - Citations For Individual Keywords
- GMB Hacks Section 18 - Video 3 of 6 - GMB Posts For Video Citations
- GMB Hacks Section 18 - Video 4 of 6 - Following Up With Traffic
- GMB Hacks Section 18 - Video 5 of 6 - Manipulating Search Traffic
- GMB Hacks Section 18 - Video 6 of 6 - Video Citations Sample Results
- GMB Hacks Bonus Video 1 - GMB Phone Verification-Things To Consider
- GMB Hacks Bonus Video 2 - Power Up Your GMB WIth Google Forms
- GMB Hacks Bonus Video 3 - Twitter Moments
- GMB Hacks Bonus Video 4 - Why Most Traffic Robots Are Dangerous



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Duston McGroarty - Affiliate Confidential


Duston McGroarty - Affiliate Confidential | 1.64 GB
When you enroll in this masterclass you will discover not one. not two. but NINEdifferent strategies to use this MASSIVE untapped traffic source to make TONS of affiliate commissions.

Here's just some of what you'll learn:
- BUILD A HUGE EMAIL LIST! You'll discover how to use this incredibly cheap traffic source to build a HUGE email list of targeted prospects that you can sell to over, and over, and over again!
- HOW TO PROMOTE CPA OFFERS: As a student of this masterclass, you'll learn how to capitalize on this rare opportunity by promoting little-known CPA offers that have a low "barrier to entry" for the prospect.
- The key to success online is removing as much "friction" from the sales process as possible. If you can drive targeted prospects to these secret money-making CPA offers,you CAN'T lose!
- GET PAID FOR LEADS: Enroll NOW and discover the secret to getting paid for generating leads at MASSIVE scale. By "massive scale", I'm talking about generating THOUSANDS OF LEADS PER DAY.
- When you're only paying a FRACTION OF A CENT per click, you stand to make a 200%-300% ROI every single time. with ease!
- EARN YOURSELF SUPER-AFFILIATE STATUS: It's never been easier to land yourself on the Top 10 leaderboard of EVERY affiliate content you enter.

- This underground traffic source is rarely used by affiliates. It's completely overlooked and dismissed by 99% of marketers. Take advantage while you can!
- GET STARTED FOR JUST $5/DAY: Forget about those $50/day and $100/day budgets most ad networks require. You can get started for as little as $5/day.
- THE ONLY AD NETWORK YOU NEED: There are a number of these ad networks out there but most of them have JUNK TRAFFIC.

- When you enroll today, you'll get access to the only ad network I recommend that has REAL, high-quality traffic. that actually CONVERTS!

But that's not all!
When you enroll today, you're also going to receive TWO AMAZING bonuses.
Like, seriously. these are ridiculously awesome bonuses that I could easily charge $97 for them EACH.
That's no joke.

When You ENROLL TODAY You'll Lock In These Two AMAZING Bonuses:

BONUS #1: How to Build Secret Prospect Lists
I've never taught this before ANYWHERE. These secret prospect lists are much different than email lists but they carry the same power.
They're long-term assets that you can tap into anytime you're looking to make some QUICK CASH!
By capitalizing on this insanely cheap traffic source, it's an easy way for you to create a consistent, reliable income steam for pennies on the dollar.

BONUS #2: How to INSTANTLY Become a Traffic Reseller
Because this traffic source is so cheap, you can INSTANTLY flip your traffic for a quick profit by becoming a "traffic reseller".
I use the phrase "traffic reseller" but it's a much different strategy from what most people teach. You don't need to set up your own ad network, find advertisers, and then hope that they buy the traffic.
It's WAAAY easier than that. I'll show you three places online where you can sign up for free and they'll buy all of your traffic from you. All you have to do is copy and paste a few lines of code on your website. It's ad arbitrage at its finest!



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SQL in VB.Net: Create Database Apps with Visual Basic & SQL (Updated)


SQL in VB.Net: Create Database Apps with Visual Basic & SQL (Updated)
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 6.99 GB
Duration: 11 hours | Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Learn Quickly the ADO.Net with SQL Server Database & Use it in VB.Net and Visual Basic by Phone Book Project,Dataset.

What you'll learn

Start Working with SQL Server 2014
Create Phone Book Database in SQL Server
Create Phone Book Project in VB. Net
Using Table Adapter in Visual Basic
Working with SQL Connection String
Add Dataset and Datatable in VB. Net
Working With Binding Source
Add Datagrid view to Form
Add Data Items Components to Form
Save,Delete and new Record in Visual Basic


Visual Studio 2017 Community edition or other versions
General Knowledge of Visual Basic Programming
Inner Motivation to Learn SQL in VB. Net!


Hi There!

With my 20 years programming skills i'm with you to share my knowledge with you.


If you try you will learn using SQL Server Database in Visual Basic. Net Application!

If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial to create a Phone Book database in SQL Server and create a application for that in Visual Basic in simplest way!

I started from beginning and show you how to start working with SQL Server and create phone book database.

Then started to talk about SELECT Query in SQL Server and .

Then I talked about SQL ADO.Net and it's concept and parts and .

Then i'll talk about creating Phone Book project in Visual Basic.

Then i'll talk about connect you VB.Net application to SQL Database.

Then i'll talk about create a VB.Net App for phone book and show data in Data Grid View.

Then i'll show how add Text boxes and Labels to show data!

Then i'll show how to add New record,Delete and save changes in SQL Database!

Don't hesitate to start learning SQL Server in VB.Net!

Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.

Say Hi Excel and SQL & VB.Net world and let's go !!!

Who this course is for:

VB. Net programmers who want to work with SQL Server in Visual Basic code!
VB. Net programmers who want to Learn Quickly SQL Server in VB. Net code!
VB. Net programmers who want to make more money by Using SQL Server in Visual Basic !


SQL Server in C# : Create Database Apps with C# and SQL (Updated)


SQL Server in C# : Create Database Apps with C# and SQL (Updated)
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 6.77 GB
Duration: 10.5 hours | Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Learn Quickly ADO.Net with SQL Server Database From Scratch and Use it in C# by Phone Book Project,Dataset.

What you'll learn

Start Working with SQL Server 2014
Create Phone Book Database in SQL Server
Create Phone Book Project in C#
Using Table Adapter in C#
Working with SQL Connection String
Add Dataset and Datatable in C#
Working With Binding Source
Add Datagrid view to Form
Add Data Items Components to Form
Save,Delete and new Record in C#


Visual Studio 2017 Community edition or other versions
General Knowledge of C# Programming
Inner Motivation to Learn SQL in C# !


Hi There!

With my 20 years programming skills i'm with you to share my knowledge with you.


If you try you will learn using SQL Server Database in C# Application!

If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial to create a Phone Book database in SQL Server and create a application for that in C# in simplest way!

I started from beginning and show you how to start working with SQL Server and create phone book database.

Then started to talk about SELECT Query in SQL Server and .

Then I talked about SQL ADO.Net and it's concept and parts and .

Then i'll talk about creating Phone Book project in C#.

Then i'll talk about connect you C# application to SQL Database.

Then i'll talk about create a C# App for phone book and show data in Data Grid View.

Then i'll show how add Textboxes and Labels to show data!

Then i'll show how to add New record,Delete and save changes in SQL Database!

Don't hesitate to start learning SQL Server in C#!

Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.

Say Hi SQL & C# world and let's go !!!

Who this course is for:

C# programmers who want to work with SQL Server in C# code!
C# programmers who want to Learn Quickly SQL Server in C# code!
C# programmers who want to make more money by Using SQL Server in C# !


SQL Server Complete Course|SQL Database Beginners to Interm (Updated)


SQL Server Complete Course|SQL Database Beginners to Interm (Updated)
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 6.48 GB
Duration: 9.5 hours | Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Learn Easily the SQL Server Database From Scratch ,SQL Select Query,Operators,.|Search Data by Real SQL Project Sample.

What you'll learn

Install SQL Server 2014 in Win 7, Win 10
Create SQL Server Data base
Create SQL Table and work with it
Numeric data types: int,bigint,float,bit,smallint, .
English text data types: char,varchar,text,varchar(max) ,.
Unicode text data types: nchar,nvarchar,ntext,nvarchar(max) ,.
Date data types: Date,Datetime,Time,Datetime2, .
Identity column and Auto increment column
Project 1: Create Phone Book Data base
Select Query In SQL
Where clause in SQL Select query
Between Operator for Searching Data
IN Operator for Searching in SQL
SQL Like Operator for Searching
Logical Operators of SQL
NULL Values in SQL
Alias Names in SQL
SQL Aggregate Functions


Nothing! just inner motivation to learn SQL Server


Hi There!

With my 20 years programming skills i'm with you to share my knowledge with you.


If you try you will learn SQL Server!

If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial that learn the SQL Server in simplest way!

If you wanna make more money with learning the SQL!

I started from beginning and show you how to install SQL Server 2014.

Then started to create first data base in SQL Server and .

Then I talked about form table and how to create,delete,rename and .

Then i'll talk about Numeric data types.

Then i'll talk about English and Unicode text data types.

Then i'll talk about Date and Time data types.

Then i'll talk about GUID data type.

Then i'll talk about Identity auto increment column.

Then i'll talk about Attach,Detach and making DB offline.

Then i'll create Phone Book database project from scratch!

Then i'll talk about Select query for showing data.

Then i'll talk about Searching data with Where Clause.

Then i'll talk about Searching data with Between , IN , NOT , LIKE operators.

Then i'll talk about Searching data with ( = , < , <= , >, >= , <> ) operators.

Then i'll talk about Wildcards in Like Operator such as %.

Then i'll talk about Logical Operators of SQL.

Then i'll talk about NULL Values in SQL.

Then i'll talk about Alias Names in SQL.

Then i'll talk about SQL Aggregate Functions.

Don't hesitate to start learning SQL Server!

Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.

Say Hi SQL world and let's go !!!

Who this course is for:

Any one who wants to start SQL Server but can't find appropriate source!


Reporting in C# with Stimulsoft, Crystal Reports Top Replace (Updated)


Reporting in C# with Stimulsoft, Crystal Reports Top Replace (Updated)
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 6.37 GB
Duration: 8.5 hours | Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Create a professional Reports in C# with Stimulsoft Reporting .Best Alternative for Crystal Reports

What you'll learn

Learn to create reports in C# with stimulsoft
Best Replacement for Crystal Reports
Install and run Stimulsoft in C#
Create dictionary with SQL Server & C#
Learn to work with SQL Server


General knowledge of C#
Willing to make more money with reporting!


Hi There!

After this course you you can create you reports in C# with Stimulsoft reports.

I started this course from scratch and described the Reporting in Stimulsoft.

To do that i created Dictionary in C# with SQL Server Database.

Learn to work with Stimulsoft report in C#

Learn to work with SQL Server in C# !

Design custom report in C# !

Understand structure of reports

Add items to header and footer

Add row number,page number,Print date ,.

Align controls on report

Set the size of paper

Set the measure of report

and so on.

Don't hesitate to start learning report in C#!

Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.

Say Hi Stimulsoft Report in C# and let's go !!!

Who this course is for:

C# programmers who wants more income with reports
Students that wanna add power to C# apps by Reports
Programmers looking for Replacement of Crystal Reports


Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - AZ-900 Exam Prep


Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - AZ-900 Exam Prep
.MP4, AVC, 1920x1080, 30 fps | English, AAC, 2 Ch | 14h 57m | 6.01 GB
Instructor: Jason Calton

Difficulty Level: Beginner

Course Description: The AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam is designed for candidates looking to demonstrate foundational knowledge of cloud services and how those services are implemented with Microsoft Azure. Get prepared for the exam in this course!

Topics covered:

Cloud Services: Benefits and Considerations
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS)
Cloud Models: Public, Private, and Hybrid
Azure Architecture
Azure Products and Services
Azure Solutions
Azure Management Tools
Network Security in Azure
Azure Identity Services
And much more!

Who should take this course: This course, and the AZ-900 exam, have no prerequisites. The exam is intended for those who don't have a technical background but have an interest in the cloud, such as those involved in selling or purchasing cloud-based solutions and services; those with a technical background who have a need to validate your foundational level knowledge around cloud services; and those who are simply interested in exploring the world of cloud-based solutions to determine if it's the building block you need to change your career.

More Info


The Complete C Course


The Complete C Course
$20 | Created by Shubham Panchal | Last Updated 7/2019
Duration: 30 hours | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44 KHz, 2 Ch | 19 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + Sub | 261 Lectures

Learn C in this course and become a Computer Programmer. Obtain valuable C skills and problem solving strategy

What you'll learn
Understand the fundamentals of the C Programming Language
Understand the core language that most modern languages are based on
Learn one of the most popular and widely used programming language in the world
Learn to write your own C code
Become an excellent problem solver
Learn how to approach solution for a given problem

A computer with either Windows, Mac or Linux to install the free software and tool needed to build your new apps (I provide specific videos on installations for each platform).
A strong work ethic, willingness to learn, and plenty of excitement about the awesome new programs you're about to build.
Nothing else! It's just you, your computer and your hunger to get started today.
NOTE: Captions are auto-generated and they have lot of errors at present. I am editing the captions, so don't decide the course by captions. They will be updated soon :)

Are you aiming to start your career in programming?

This course is designed to give you all the skills that you need to start your career in programming. By the end of this course you will understand C extremely and you will get an intelligent problem solving skills.

Perhaps you have looked at the size of the course and are feeling a little overwhelmed at the prospect of finding time to complete it. Maybe you are wondering if you need to go through it all?

This course is designed as one stop shop for C. Here I have provided the concepts of C in full details.

Will this course give me problem solving skills ?

Yes it will. Throughout the course, a huge number of problems are solved with proper explanation for what is done and lot of practice exercises are provided for you to practice.

Why should you take this course?

This is the only course to start your journey with programming. Once you complete this course, you will be a skilled computer programmer. After this course your basics of programming languages will be clear, as a result of that you will not feel any difficulty to learn advanced programming languages like C, Java, C# or Python.

What if I have questions?

As if this course wasn't complete enough, I offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).

This means you'll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With my hand-holding guidance, you'll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.

Ready to get started?

Enroll now using the "Enroll" button on the right, and get started on your way to learn C Programming.

Who this course is for:
Anyone willing to learn the fundamentals of C Programming Language
Whether you are brand new to programming and you have never programmed a computer before or you have got some programming experience then this course is made for you
If you have tried some other course and you still are not able to write your own programs then this is the right place for you.


Kubernetes Hands-On - Deploy Microservices to the AWS Cloud


Kubernetes Hands-On - Deploy Microservices to the AWS Cloud
HIGHEST RATED | Created by Richard Chesterwood, Virtual Pair Programmers | Video: 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 22:47 H/M | Lec: 136 | 9.66 GB | Language: English | Sub: English [Auto-generated]

Use Kubernetes to deploy a Microservice architecture. You'll deploy, manage and monitor a live Kubernetes cluster.

What you'll learn
Deploy containers to a Kubenetes Cluster
Run Kubernetes in AWS using the Kops management tool
Monitor a live Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus and Grafana
Analyse system-wide logs using the ELK Stack (ElasticStack); Kibana and ElasticSearch
Handle Alerts in a Kubernetes cluster by notifying Slack Channels
Understand how Requests and Limits work in Kubernetes
Use Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
Use RBAC to restrict access to a Kubernetes cluster
Configure Ingress Control on a live Kubernetes deployment
Understand Kubernetes StatefulSets
Integrate Kubernetes with a Continuous Deployment System (CD)

Some previous knowledge of Docker is useful, but an overview is provided as part of the course
Previous knowledge of AWS is useful for the later sections of the course; however all the concepts are explained in detail and this would serve as a great first project on AWS
We'll be using the terminal throughout the course so some (basic) familiarity of terminal operations is assumed
You will need a modern computer with at least 8Gb of RAM to run the practical sessions

Kubernetes is one of the hottest topics right now, and engineers with Kubernetes skills are in big demand.

Get those skills with this course! It's is a great chance to work on a real Kubernetes project, and to get yourself to a high professional standard on real projects.

All the way through the course you'll be working on realistic requirements - but you don't need to be a coder or know any particular programming language - I've prepared for you a set of Docker images, and your job is to use Kubernetes to get these images running.

The system is a Microservice based architecture, and along the way we'll look at design decisions and trade-offs you need to make when managing these complex systems. Note the course isn't about how to design Microservices (although we'll certainly be talking about that); the development work is done and we need to get the system running on a production cluster.

We'll also discover that the developers have made some bad mistakes in their code, by analysing the run time performance of the cluster!

You can do the first part of the course on your local development computer (PC/Mac/Laptop). The second part (from Chapter 13 onwards) moves to the cloud. You'll use a real AWS account, and we go ahead to set up monitoring with the ELK/Elastic Stack and monitor with Prometheus and Grafana.

I've designed this course for a wide audience - whether you're a DevOps engineer, a developer or if you're quite new to the whole field, I'll explain everything along the way. Just some basic knowledge of working with computers, and maybe a bit of command line experience will suffice.

You will need an AWS account for chapters 13-17 if you want to work on the system yourself. If you're new to AWS then don't worry, I've got you covered -but Amazon will charge you for running the system (as with all/most cloud providers). Expect to pay no more than around 10USD for this (this is a safe overestimate), but you are expected to manage this spend yourself and you must delete your Kubernetes cluster at the end of your session. Don't let that put you off, it's a great investment.

As always, I'm here to answer questions and I aim to respond within 48 hours.

Good luck!

Who this course is for?
Anyone wanting to use Kubernetes on live production projects
We will be using AWS in the later sections of the course (optional); all AWS concepts are explained so this is a great start if you're new to the cloud, but be aware that AWS do charge for usage.



50 Drawing & Doodle Exercises To Improve Your Creativity


50 Drawing & Doodle Exercises To Improve Your Creativity
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 5.5 Hours | Lec: 120 | 6.23 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Transform different lines & shapes into ideas & drawings to improve your creativity to help generate new inspiration

Do you use your creativity but are currently creatively stuck? Do you love to draw and want to improve your creativity in the process? Or maybe you simply want to generate new ideas for future creative projects?

In this course, I will walk you through different simple but fast doodle and drawing exercises where you will be in charge of transforming each exercise into something more than useless scribbles, lines, shapes, etc. This class is not focused on improving your drawing but using the art of drawing to IMPROVE YOUR CREATIVITY TODAY!

I created this course while keeping in mind my 20 years of my drawing experience. Creativity can be used in all aspects of your life and completing doodle drawings is just one way to improve your creative thinking skills.

With 50 exercises, this course starts with explaining the exercise and then shows you what the start of the drawing will look like. You can feel free to copy it or draw your version on your piece of paper.

In the next lecture, I will show you my thought process that I go through to see what this can be transformed into. If you're stuck feel free to use my exercise result for your transformation.

Once I have figured out what I will be drawing I make it come to life on my piece of paper. At this point you'll be ready to give this exercise a go to see what your mind can conjure up while tapping into your creativity.

Lastly, the key is to complete all of these exercises without thinking 'I don't know' because that will stop your creative flow. Feel free to go at your own pace through this course. Some students feel creatively inspired and take a break after five exercises while other students continue on.


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