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    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
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Englische Tutorials


TTC Video - Physics and Our Universe: How It All Works
Course No. 1280 | .AVI, DivX, 1500 kbps, 640x480 | English, MP3, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 60x30 mins | + PDF Guidebook | 20.95 GB
Lecturer: Richard Wolfson, Ph.D.

Physics is the fundamental science. It explains how the universe behaves at every scale, from the subatomic to the extragalactic. It describes the most basic objects and forces and how they interact. Its laws tell us how the planets move, where light comes from, what keeps birds aloft, why a magnet attracts and also repels, and when a falling object will hit the ground, and it gives answers to countless other questions about how the world works.

Physics also gives us extraordinary power over the world, paving the way for devices from radios to GPS satellites, from steam engines to nanomaterials. It's no exaggeration to say that every invention ever conceived makes use of the principles of physics. Moreover, physics not only underlies all of the natural sciences and engineering, but also its discoveries touch on the deepest philosophical questions about the nature of reality.
Which makes physics sound like the most complicated subject there is. But it isn't. The beauty of physics is that it is simple, so simple that anyone can learn it. In 60 enthralling half-hour lectures, Physics and Our Universe: How It All Works proves that case, giving you a robust, introductory college-level course in physics. This course doesn't stint on details and always presents its subject in all of its elegance-yet it doesn't rely heavily on equations and mathematics, using nothing more advanced than high school algebra and trigonometry.
Your teacher is Professor Richard Wolfson, a noted physicist and educator at Middlebury College. Professor Wolfson is author or coauthor of a wide range of physics textbooks, including a widely used algebra-based introduction to the subject for college students. He has specially designed Physics and Our Universe to be entirely self-contained, requiring no additional resources. And for those who wish to dig deeper, he includes an extensive list of suggested readings that will enhance your understanding of basic physics.
Explore the Fundamentals of Reality
Intensively illustrated with diagrams, illustrations, animations, graphs, and other visual aids, these lectures introduce you to scores of fundamental ideas such as these:
Newton's laws of motion: Simple to state, these three principles demolish our intuitive sense of why things move. Following where they lead gives a unified picture of motion and force that forms the basis of classical physics.
Bernoulli effect: In fluids, an increase in speed means a decrease in pressure. This effect has wide application in aerodynamics and hydraulics. It explains why curve balls curve and why plaque in an artery can cause the artery to collapse.
Second law of thermodynamics: Echoing the British novelist and physicist C. P. Snow, Professor Wolfson calls this law about the tendency toward disorder "like a work of Shakespeare's" in its importance to an educated person's worldview.
Maxwell's equations: Mathematically uniting the theories of electricity and magnetism, these formulas have a startling outcome, predicting the existence of electromagnetic waves that move at the speed of light and include visible light.
Interference and diffraction: The wave nature of light looms large when light interacts with objects comparable in size to the light's wavelength. Interference and diffraction are two intriguing phenomena that appear at these scales.
Relativity and quantum theory: Introduced in the early 20th century, these revolutionary ideas not only patched cracks in classical mechanics but led to realms of physics never imagined, with limitless new horizons for research.
A Course of Breathtaking Scope
The above ideas illustrate the breathtaking scope of Physics and Our Universe, which is broken into six areas of physics plus an introductory section that take you from Isaac Newton's influential "clockwork universe" in the 17th century to the astonishing ideas of modern physics, which have overturned centuries-old views of space, time, and matter. The seven sections of the course are these:
Introduction: Start the course with two lectures on the universality of physics and its special languages.
Newtonian Mechanics: Immerse yourself in the core ideas that transformed physics into a science.
Oscillations, Waves, Fluids: See how Newtonian mechanics explains systems involving many particles.
Thermodynamics: Investigate heat and its connection to the all-important concept of energy.
Electricity and Magnetism: Explore electromagnetism, the dominant force on the atomic through human scales.
Optics: Proceed from the study of light as simple rays to phenomena involving light's wave properties.
Beyond Classical Physics: Review the breakthroughs in physics that began with Max Planck and Albert Einstein.
As vast as this scope is, you will not be overwhelmed, because one set of ideas in physics builds on those that precede it. Professor Wolfson constantly reviews where you've been, tying together different concepts and giving you a profound sense of how one thing leads to another in physics. Since the 17th century, physics has expanded like a densely branching tree, with productive new shoots continually forming, some growing into major limbs, but all tracing back to the sturdy foundation built by Isaac Newton and others-which is why Physics and Our Universe and most other introductory physics courses have a historical focus, charting the fascinating growth of the field.
An interesting example is Newtonian mechanics. Developments in the late 19th century showed that Newton's system breaks down at very high speeds and small scales, which is why relativity and quantum theory replaced classical physics in these realms. But the Newtonian approach is still alive and well for many applications. Newtonian mechanics will get you to the moon in a spacecraft, allow you to build a dam or a skyscraper, explain the behavior of the atmosphere, and much more. On the other hand, for objects traveling close to the speed of light or events happening in the subatomic realm, you learn that relativity and quantum theory are the powerful new tools for describing how the world works.
Seeing Is Believing
Physics would not be physics without experiments, and one of the engaging aspects of this course is the many on-screen demonstrations that Professor Wolfson performs to illustrate physical principles in action. With a showman's gifts, he conducts scores of experiments, including the following:
Whirling bucket: Why doesn't water fall out of a bucket when you whirl it in a vertical circle? It is commonly believed that there is a force holding the water up. But this is a relic of pre-Newtonian thinking dating to Aristotle. Learn to analyze what's really going on.
Bowling ball pendulum: Would you bet the safety of your skull on the conservation of energy? Watch a volunteer release a pendulum that swings across the room and hurtles back directly at her nose, which escapes harm thanks to the laws of physics.
Big chill: What happens when things get really cold? Professor Wolfson pours liquid nitrogen on a blown-up balloon, demonstrating dramatic changes in the volume of air in the balloon. Discover other effects produced by temperature change.
Energy and power: How much power is ordered up from the grid whenever you turn on an electric light? Get a visceral sense by watching a volunteer crank a generator to make a light bulb glow. Try a simple exercise to experience the power demand yourself.
Total internal reflection: How does a transparent medium such as glass act as an almost perfect mirror without a reflective coating? See a simple demonstration that reveals the principle behind rainbows, binoculars, and optical fibers.
Relativity revelation: What gave Einstein the idea for his special theory of relativity? Move a magnet through a coil, then move a coil around a magnet. You get the same effect. But in Einstein's day there were two separate explanations, which made him think ...
Math for Those Who Want to Probe Deeper
Professor Wolfson doesn't just perform memorable experiments. He introduces basic mathematics to analyze situations in detail-for example, by calculating exactly the speed a rollercoaster needs to travel to keep passengers from falling out at the top of a loop-the-loop track, or by showing that the reason high voltage is used for electrical power transmission is revealed in the simple expression that applies Ohm's law, relating current and voltage, to the formula for power.
You also see how amazing insights can be hidden in seemingly trivial mathematical details. Antimatter was first postulated when physicist Paul Dirac was faced with a square root term in an equation, and instead of throwing out one of the answers as would normally have been done, he decided to pursue the implications of two solutions.
Whenever Professor Wolfson introduces an equation, he explains what every term in the equation means and the significance of the equation for physics. You need not go any further than this to follow his presentation, but for those who wish to probe deeper he works out solutions to many problems, showing the extraordinary reach of mathematics in analyzing nature. But he stresses that physics is not about math; it's the ideas of physics that are crucial.
Understand the World in a New Way
Above all, the ideas of physics are simple. As you discover in this course, just a handful of important concepts permeate all of physics. Among them are
conservation of energy,
conservation of momentum,
second law of thermodynamics,
conservation of electric charge,
principle of relativity, and
Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
The key is not just to think in terms of these principles, but also to let go of common misconceptions, such as the idea that force causes motion; in fact, force causes change in motion. As you progress through Physics and Our Universe, you'll inevitably start to see the world differently.
"I love teaching physics and I love to see the understanding light up in people's eyes," says Professor Wolfson. "You'll see common, everyday phenomena with new understanding, like slamming on the brakes of your car and hearing the antilock brake system engage and knowing the physics of why it works; like going out on a very cold day and appreciating why your breath is condensing; like turning on your computer and understanding what's going on in those circuits. You will come to a much greater appreciation of all aspects of the world around you."


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Python A-Z: Complete Python Training (Exercises-Cheatsheet)
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | Audio: AAC, 44100 Hz, 2ch | 2.09 GB
Duration: 7.5 hours | Genre: eLearning | Language: English​

Python 2019 | Complete Python Training for Beginners Step-by-Step | Python Programming with Project, Quiz and More!
What you'll learn
Learn To Write Clean And Proper Python Code With Concept.
Learn About 4 Pillars Of Object Oriented Programming!
Understand Programming Building Blocks With Python.
Learn To Use Python 3 Professionally Following Structures.
Work With Modules, Learn To Create Your Own Modules!
Work With Import And Python Libraries.
Read-Write File With Python Codes
Learn How To Handle Error And Exceptions With Python
Get Ready To Become Intermediate Developer With Over 100+ Quiz Questions.
Learn Object Oriented Programming With Classes and Objects.
Windows or Mac Operating System With Internet Connection.
Welcome to Python Programming A-Z One single course to start your Python Journey from Beginner Step-by-Step, This course touches each and every important concept of Python with it's latest version Python 3.7,
Throughout the course we will explore the most important Python Programming Language Features -
Basics of Python Programming - Expressions, Variables and Printing Output
Python Operators - Python Assignment Operator, Relational and Logical Operators, Short Circuit Operators
Python Conditionals and If Statement
Methods - Parameters, Arguments and Return Values
Complete Object Oriented Programming - Class, Objects
OOPS - Encapsulation, Inheritance and Abstract Class.
Python Data Structures In-depth - List, Set, Dictionary and Tuples
Conditionals - If Else Statement, Nested If Else
Loops - For Loop, While Loop in Python, Break and Continue
Mutability - Immutability of Python Basic Types.
Builtin And User-Defined Modules
Errors And Exception Handling - try, except, else and finally.
Custom Exception - Raising Exception, Creating and Raising a Custom Exception.
After completing this course you will be ready to work as Intern, Fresher or Freelancer and you will also be able to implement everything yourself! Most importantly you will be ready to divide deep with big available scope with Python.
Download now and I will make sure you learn best about Python!
Who this course is for:
Anybody Who Wants To Get Started Programming.
Anyone Who Wants To Excel Python Programming And Concept.
Beginners Who Want To Start Programming!


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MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 1 Hour | Lec: 17 | 1.12 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English
Self Defense for Women in The Modern World. Protect yourself and Learn Some Moves. Don't be a victim! Feel safe again!​

This course is simply the ideal course to learn guard in a brisk, simple and straightforward way. Practice the substance we show you in this course, and you'll have a useful aptitude in a matter of a couple of hours. The course is displayed in an unmistakable and brief technique with point by point data. The procedures we show you in this course are the center standards you NEED to know in self preservation.
We won't show you convoluted procedures and favor developments that just don't work. This program was composed and actualized for ladies' security around the world. The main issue to our course is that it is intended to spare lives and give every understudy a true, work, usable, repeatable ability.
Our program is tied in with understanding the flow of vicious violations against ladies, the study of human life systems, and giving you an answer through natural, high use procedures and strategies that anybody can do.


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MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 4.5 Hours | Lec: 46 | 1.69 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English​

Learn Javascript and PHP The Fast and Easy Way!
Welcome to my Javascript and PHP Programming Bundle! This is a bundle of two of my popular courses; "Javascript Programming For Everyone" and "PHP Programming for Web Development".
In this bundle we'll learn the Javascript and PHP programming languages from an absolute Beginner level all the way to Advanced in no time at all!
This course is aimed at the absolute beginner, you don't need any coding experience at all!
We'll start out by setting downloading and installing the Sublime Text Editor - for free. That's the only tool you'll need to start writing and running Javascript code.
Then, we'll dive into very basic computer science concepts. Things like:
Printing to the Screen
Numbers and Simple Math
Comparison Operators
Assignment Operators
After that, we'll move into more intermediate topics like:
Conditional If/Else Statements
While Loops
For Loops
Finally we'll finish up with more advanced topics like:
After that we'll learn web development things like
Pop Ups
Web Forms
And More...
Towards the end of the course we'll put everything we've learned together and build a fun little math flashcard web app. You'll be surprised at how quick and easy this will actually be!
We'll learn those things for Javascript in the first half of the course, then learn them with PHP in the second half of the course. Learning these same concepts for two different programming languages will REALLY cement it into your brain!
Javascript and PHP are two of the greatest programming languages to learn, and learning has never been this easy!


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Todd Brown - MFA Live 2018 Recordings
.MP4 | Language English | 20.4 GB
Genre: eLearning Video / Business, Sales, Marketing / Traffic
Attendees Walked-In As Average Marketers but Walked-Out With Pro-Level Chops After Just 3 Days.​

Which Of These Profit-Boosters Shared At MFA LIVE 2018
Will Be Most Valuable To You And Your Business?
- Rapid Customer-Generating Techniques
- Extreme Customer Monetization Tactics
- The New Webinar Model Creating Millionaires
- Backend Profit-Pulling Systems
- Email Sequencing Tricks Producing Sky-High Clicks
- The New Funnel Model For Monster Lead Generation
- The New Conversion "Mode" Producing Monster Sales
- The Loop-Hole Secret For Monster Traffic Generation
- Hacks That Boost Average Transaction Size
- The Insider's Method For Slashing Ad Costs
- New Copy Techniques Doubling Conversions
- ... and much, MUCH MORE!


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Build and Deploy Web Application on Microsoft Azure
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1.5 Hours | 250 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Build and Deploy Web Application on Microsoft Azure


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Introduction to Shiny
MP4 | Video: AVC 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 1 Hour | 970 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Data scientists who work with R look to Shiny as the web framework of choice for moving analytical power into the hands of their bosses, clients, and the public at large. The reason? Shiny apps let the non-coders of the world control the visualization of complex data sets so they can explore, analyze and model on their own. Taught by RStudio master instructor Garrett Grolemund, this video details how Shiny combines the computational power of R and the interactivity of the web to produce highly interactive reports and visualizations. Part one offers a detailed description of Shiny and how to use it build an app. Part two covers reactive programming and why it differs from functional programming, the paradigm that guides most of R. Part three outlines the Shiny UI and the toolsets it offers to customize the appearance of a Shiny app. This video is optimized for the intermediate level R coder.
Learn to build, test, and deploy Shiny web apps from start to finish
Explore the RStudio IDE, the Shiny file structure, and the three must-have lines of Shiny code
Discover how Shiny apps instantly and automatically respond to user inputs
Master the fundamentals of reactive programming, the coding paradigm that makes Shiny possible
Understand render*() functions, reactive expressions, observers, Descriptions, and more
Explore the tools R coders with or without HTML skills use to modify the look of Shiny apps
Learn to host your Shiny app over any network


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Mastering Mobile App Design With Sketch 3
.MP4, AVC, 500 kbps, 1920x1080 | English, AAC, 256 kbps, 2 Ch | 5h 4m | 2.14 GB
Instructor: Devslopes by Mark Price

Learn how to design mobile apps with Sketch 3 for beginners
This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward course for the mobile application programming. Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, this course is for you! This course will teach you core data in a practical manner, with every lecture. Learn mobile app building in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!
What You Will Learn
Intro to Course
Basics of Sketch
Advancing Your Skills & Designing A Chat App
Designing an App With Requirements - Globetrotter
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Affiliate Marketing For Beginners - Full Tutorial
.MP4 | Video: 1280x720, 30 fps(r) | Audio: AAC, 48000 Hz, 2ch | 677 MB
Duration: 36 mins | Genre: eLearning | Language: English​

Learn step-by-step how to start affiliate marketing for beginners. Follow along to start your affiliate business today!
What you'll learn
Start making money with affiliate marketing.
Find the best niches and keywords so you can get organic traffic.
Find the best affiliate offers.
Create your own affiliate marketing website step-by-step (easier than you think).
What specific free tools to use to be successful with affiliate marketing.
No prior knowledge is required.
Students will need a computer (Mac or PC).
All you need is you! Just bring an open mind and willingness to learn.
Affiliate Marketing For Beginners Covers Everything You Need To Get Started In Affiliate Marketing Today!
Discover The Easy Steps To Successful Affiliate Marketing:
- Finding a profitable niche (free tool included)
- Finding keywords that will easily rank on Google
- Finding affiliate offers in your niche
- Creating your own website (easier than you think)
- Creating content with great SEO so it gets found
No more endless searching, this course is ready to go, you can take it anywhere, and watch it at your convenience in the privacy of your home or on the go!
Have your own affiliate marketing website created and live within a few hours!
You'll wonder why you hadn't started this sooner...
Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to start making passive income online as a beginner. This course covers everything you'll need from start to finish to get you started in affiliate marketing today. Don't waste time on other confusing tutorials!
This course is the best way to start affiliate marketing for beginners.
The step-by-step format makes it easy to follow along and you'll be learning from years of online business experience. All the Trade Secrets and Affiliate Marketing Tips are included in this course.
Let me help you start your Affiliate Marketing business today.
Don't go on wondering "what would have happened if I did". You won't be disappointed.
Who this course is for:
Affiliate marketing beginners.
Those who want to start affiliate marketing but don't know how.


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Jim Kwik - Focus Blueprint
WEBRip | English | TS + MP3 | 960 x 540 | AVC ~350 kbps | 29.970 fps
AAC 128 Kbps 48.0 KHz | 2 channels | 06:34:44 | 1.5 GB
Genre: eLearning Video / Self Improvement

* Please Continue Reading IF You Have Been:
Growing a long to-do list and hardly getting anything done...
Getting distracted by social media, email, and news alerts...
Procrastinating on important tasks and projects...
Feeling like there's not enough time in a day...
And feeling stuck...
Hi, my name is Jim Kwik, and I train people to have laser-like focus in today's busy world.
Like you, I once struggled to focus in a world full of distraction and overwhelm.
At first, I loved the constant stream of social media, email, and news alerts. I felt on top of the world. I knew about everything that was going on, and I always had interesting conversation topics at parties and networking events.
But over time, I noticed that I was missing deadlines and procrastinating on essential tasks...which in turn cost me a LOT of time and money.
That was when I realized I needed to be honest with myself: all these distractions weren't just harmless fun. They were destroying my productivity - and I needed an intervention.
Kwik Focus Blueprint Includes:
30 Days Of Focus Training
It takes time to retrain your brain and create new habits...but not too much! All you need to invest is 10 minutes a day for 30 days.
The Power of Implementation
With the Kwik Focus Blueprint, you will not only receive easily accessible audio trainings, but also actionable tips you can implement right away to build new, better focus habits.
A Community of Learners
When you start your session, you'll be learning with classmates from all over the world - so you can learn together and from each other. We also offer unlimited and ongoing support through our membership portal.
Price: 197$
More Info: Salepage





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Build a Crypto Currency Portfolio App With Python
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1.5 Hours | Lec: 21 | 396 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Let's Build A Cool App With Python 3!
In this course we'll be using Python 3 to build a couple of different Crypto Currency portfolio apps that pull information from the CoinMarketCap .com free API and display them in a graphical user interface app.
This course is great for people who want to expand their Python skillset, as well as people interested in crypto currencies and crypto currency trading.
Your finished app will be able to track current prices of any crypto currency that you specify, giving you price data as well as other related data.


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MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 48KHz 2ch | Duration: 1.5 Hours | Lec: 20 | 1.07 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English​

Learn the fundamentals of Data Mining and Predictive Analytics
Learn the fundamentals of data mining and predictive analysis through an easy to understand conceptual course. Whether you are brand new to Data Mining or have worked on many project, this course will show you how to analyze data, uncover hidden patterns and relationships to aid important decisions and predictions.
Data Mining has become an essential tool for any enterprise that collects, stores and processes data as part of its operations. Learn the steps of a real-world project, from defining the problem to putting the solution into practice.
We will walk through each step of a typical project, from defining the problem and gathering the data and resources, to putting the solution
into practice.
This course is ideal for business users, data analysts, business analysts, business intelligence and data warehousing professionals and for anyone who wants to learn Data Mining.


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