• Regeln für den Video-Bereich:

    In den Börsenbereich gehören nur Angebote die bereits den Allgemeinen Regeln entsprechen.


    - Folgende Formate gehören in die angegeben Bereiche:
    - Filme: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format DivX, XviD und x264.
    - DVD: Filme im Format DVD5, DVD9 und HD2DVD.
    - HD: Encodierte Filme mit der Auflösung 720p oder darüber von BluRay, DVD, R5, TV, Screener sowie Telesyncs im Format x264.
    - 3D: Encodierte Filme von BluRay, die in einem 3D Format vorliegen. Dies gilt auch für Dokus, Animation usw.
    - Serien: Cartoon/Zeichentrick, Anime, Tutorials, Dokumentationen, Konzerte/Musik, Sonstiges sind demnach in die entsprechenden Bereiche einzuordnen, auch wenn sie beispielsweise im High Definition-Format oder als DVD5/DVD9/HD2DVD vorliegen. Ausnahme 3D.
    - Bereich Englisch: Englische Releases gehören immer in diesen Bereich.
    - Bereich Talk: Der Bereich, in dem über die Releases diskutiert werden kann, darf, soll und erwünscht ist.

    Angebot/Beitrag erstellen

    - Ein Beitrag darf erst dann erstellt werden, wenn der Upload bei mindestens einem OCH komplett ist. Platzhalter sind untersagt.
    - Bei einem Scenerelease hat der Threadtitel ausschließlich aus dem originalen, unveränderten Releasenamen zu bestehen. Es dürfen keine Veränderungen wie z.B. Sterne, kleine Buchstaben o.ä. vorgenommen werden. Ausnahme Serienbörse:
    - Bei einem Sammelthread für eine Staffel entfällt aus dem Releasename natürlich der Name der Folge. Beispiel: Die Simpsons S21 German DVDRip XviD - ITG
    - Dementsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist.

    Aufbau des Angebots und Threadtitel

    Der Titel nach folgendem Muster erstellt zu werden. <Name> [3D] [Staffel] [German] <Jahr> <Tonspur> [DL] [Auflösung] <Quelle> <Codec> - <Group>
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 DVDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL BDRip x264 - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 AC3 DL BDRip XviD - iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight German 2008 AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: The Dark Knight 2008 DTS DL 1080p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S01 German AC3 DVDRip XviD iND
    Beispiel: Die Simpsons S20 German AC3 720p BluRay x264 iND
    Beispiel: Sword Art Online II Ger Sub 2014 AAC 1080p WEBRip x264 - peppermint
    Entsprechend sind also u.a. verboten: Sonderzeichen wie Klammern, Sterne, Ausrufezeichen, Unterstriche, Anführungszeichen / Erweiterungen wie "Tipp", "empfehlenswert", "only", "reup", usw. / jegliche andere Zusatzinformation oder Ergänzung, welche nicht in obiger Beschreibung zu finden ist
    Ausnahmen hiervon können in den Bereichen geregelt sein.

    Die Beiträge sollen wie folgt aufgebaut werden:
    Überschrift entspricht dem Threadtitel
    kurze Inhaltsbeschreibung
    Format, Größe, Dauer sind gut lesbar für Downloader außerhalb des Spoilers zu vermerken
    Nfo sind immer Anzugeben und selbige immer im Spoiler in Textform.
    Sind keine Nfo vorhanden z.B. Eigenpublikationen, sind im Spoiler folgende Dateiinformationen zusätzlich anzugeben :
    Video (Auflösung und Bitrate)
    Ton (Sprache, Format und Bitrate der einzelnen Spuren)
    Untertitel (sofern vorhanden)
    Hosterangabe in Textform außerhalb eines Spoiler mit allen enthaltenen Hostern.
    Bei SD kann auf diese zusätzlichen Dateiinformationen verzichtet werden.

    Alle benötigten Passwörter sind, sofern vorhanden, in Textform im Angebot anzugeben.
    Spoiler im Spoiler mit Kommentaren :"Schon Bedankt?" sind unerwünscht.


    - Sind Retail-Release verfügbar, sind alle anderen Variationen untersagt. Ausnahmen: Alle deutschen Retail-Release sind CUT, in diesem Fall sind dubbed UNCUT-Release zulässig.
    - Im Serien-Bereich gilt speziell: Wenn ein Retail vor Abschluss einer laufenden Staffel erscheint, darf diese Staffel noch zu Ende gebracht werden.62
    - Gleiche Releases sind unbedingt zusammenzufassen. Das bedeutet, es ist zwingend erforderlich, vor dem Erstellen eines Themas per Suchfunktion zu überprüfen, ob bereits ein Beitrag mit demselben Release besteht. Ist dies der Fall, ist der bereits vorhandene Beitrag zu verwenden.
    - P2P und Scene Releases dürfen nicht verändert oder gar unter einem iND Tag eingestellt werden.

    Support, Diskussionen und Suche

    - Supportanfragen sind entweder per PN oder im Bereich Talk zu stellen.
    - Diskussionen und Bewertungen sind im Talk Bereich zu führen. Fragen an die Uploader haben ausschließlich via PN zu erfolgen, und sind in den Angeboten untersagt.
    - Anfragen zu Upload-Wünschen sind nur im Bereich Suche Video erlaubt. Antworten dürfen nur auf Angebote von MyBoerse.bz verlinkt werden.


    - Untersagt sind mehrere Formate in einem einzigen Angebotsthread, wie beispielsweise das gleichzeitige Anbieten von DivX/XviD, 720p und 1080p in einem Thread. Pro Format, Release und Auflösung ist ein eigener Thread zu eröffnen.
    - Grundsätzlich ebenso verboten sind Dupes. Uploader haben sich an geeigneter Stelle darüber zu informieren, ob es sich bei einem Release um ein Dupe handelt.
    - Gefakte, nur teilweise lauffähige oder unvollständige Angebote sind untersagt. Dies gilt auch für eigene Publikationen, die augenscheinlich nicht selbst von z.B. einer DVD gerippt wurden. Laufende Serien, bei denen noch nicht alle Folgen verfügbar sind, dürfen erstellt und regelmäßig geupdatet werden.
    - Untersagt sind Angebote, welche nur und ausschließlich in einer anderen Sprache als deutsch oder englisch vorliegen. Ausnahmen sind VORHER mit den Moderatoren zu klären.

    Verstoß gegen die Regeln

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  • Bitte registriere dich zunächst um Beiträge zu verfassen und externe Links aufzurufen.

Englische Tutorials


Fusion 360 Essential Training pdated 6/15/2018
.MP4, AVC, 1000 kbps, 1280x720 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 11h 20m | 2.34 GB
Instructor: Nick Kloski

Design differently with Fusion 360. This cloud-powered tool from Autodesk-the makers of AutoCAD, Inventor, and Maya-is the key to instant 3D creativity, used for computer-aided design, manufacturing, and engineering (CAD, CAM, and CAE). This essential training gives you the expertise to use Fusion 360 to turn your ideas into ready-to-manufacture designs. Nick Kloski provides an overview of all the basic operations in Fusion 360, including sketching, extruding 3D objects from sketches, 3D modeling, sculpting, and surface modeling. He explains the functions of the software, while providing a solid foundation in the basics of effective 3D design. Learn how to plan a project; model your ideas; work with sketches, meshes, and surfaces; generate files for 3D printing; and run simulations on your designs.

Note: This course was created and produced by HoneyPoint3D. We are honored to host this training in our library.

Topics include:

What is cloud-enabled CAD?
Converting models for Fusion 360
Using Fusion 360 environments
Extruding 3D objects from sketches
Turning a sketch into a surface
Adding and subtracting objects
Creating a joint between bodies
Using the sketching, modeling, and sculpting tools
Surface modeling
Generating and downloading meshes
Converting and importing complex meshes
Inspecting a model
3D printing
Patching models
Working with simulations

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Rick Mulready - FB ADvantage Local
.MP4 | Language English | 1.96 GB
Genre: eLearning Video / Business, Sales, Marketing / Traffic
Follow My Simple, Proven Facebook Ads System To Generate A Consistent Flow Of Leads, Sales And Customers For Your Local Business​

Best Part: This Works Even If Youre A Total Facebook Ads Newbie Or Youve Been Doing Facebook Ads A While, AND In Virtually Any Local Niche
Use my proven formula to setup your own Facebook ads system that targets the right people in your local area - no more wasting money on the wrong eyeballs
Get tried and tested strategies that guarantee a return on your ad spend - starting with as little as 5 a day
Never shoot in the dark with your ads again - find out how to consistently attract people who want your products & services, with no more guesswork or spray & pray tactics
Stay on this page to find out how to finally succeed with Facebook ads

MODULE 1 - Set Your Game Plan: The Foundation for Growing Your Business with Facebook Ads
The Foundation for Growth & Automation:
Youll learn why Facebook ads are the easiest and quickest way to scale and automate your business today.
Creating Your Game Plan:
Every profitable Facebook ads campaign starts with a game plan and one of the easiest ways to create yours is to start with your end goal and work backwards. Ill take you through this process step-by-step, so you have a clear picture of a sales funnel that puts your profits on autopilot.
5-Step Formula for Creating a High-Converting Sales Funnel
Youll learn the key components of a 5-Step formula for creating an automated Facebook ads system that brings in leads and sales every day.
Master Traffic Temperature:
When it comes to creating a profitable strategy, a critical part is understanding who youll be targeting your ads to. In this lesson well dive into the who, what and why of cold, warm and hot traffic.
Pixel Best Practices:
Facebook pixels are part of the foundation of your automated system of leads and sales. Youll learn everything you need to know about how to use them to maximize your profits and get the best results possible.
Know Thy Rules:
Facebook has strict advertising policies, so youll want to be clear on what they are so you can keep your ads account in good standing.

Module 2 - Target
Whos Your Ideal Customer?:
Targeting is THE most important aspect of your Facebook ads system, because if youre not showing your ads to the right people with the right message, youre wasting your money. Here youll get laser-like clarity on who to target your ads to.
Laser Targeting Made Easy:
Facebook knows A LOT about its users and we as advertisers get to tap into this data when targeting your ads. Understanding your targeting options will help simplify and ensure youre showing your ads to your ideal audience.
When & Where:
Facebook gives you several options for when and where you want your ads to appear. Ill share with you the two areas on Facebook where your ads need to be for getting leads and sales every day.
How to Target Other Facebook Pages:
One of the cool things about Facebook ads is you can target your ads to people who like other Facebook pages in your niche hello brand new audiences of potential customers! This lesson will show you how to get the most out of Facebooks Detailed Targeting function and more.
Ninja Targeting Strategies:
This is where targeting your Facebook ads gets REALLY fun. Youll learn the what, when, why and how to target your ads to people on your email list.
Retargeting Fun:
My favorite and MOST effective targeting strategy! Youll learn how to target your Facebook ads to people who have visited your website. Whaaat?! Yep, this is one of the best ways to lower your cost per lead and reach a very qualified audience.
Lookalike AudiencesHuh?:
Did you know that you can target people with similar attributes as your Facebook fans, your email list and your website visitors? Yep, theyre called Lookalike audiences and theyre a critical part of your Facebook ads automated strategy.
Dont Forget Your Friendly Facebook Fans:
Targeting your ads to your Facebook fans is a great way to reach a very qualified audience on the cheap. Dont leave this targeting option out with our simple step-by-step strategy on how to captivate this audience with your ads.

Module 3 - Launch
How to Setup Your Ads:
In this lesson youll be introduced to the most powerful way to create your Facebook ads say it with me I love the Power Editor. Power Editor is a free tool within Facebook that I recommend you use for your ads. Ill walk you through exactly how to use Power Editor to create your ads.
Campaign, Ad Sets & Ads:
There are 3 parts of the ads setup process campaigns, ad sets and ads and well simplify each part, so your marketing strategy is setup for success.
How to Write Ad Copy that Converts:
In this lesson well simplify the 3 elements of highly converting ad copy, so you can write great ads every time. And, youll learn simple tricks for writing ads that connect with your target audience as well.
The Secret to Images That Catch Attention:
An eye-catching image is key to attracting your target audiences attention. Youll learn what kind of images tend to perform the best and how to create them yourself while staying within Facebooks ad policies.
The Power of Video Ads:
Video is a great way to connect with your target audience because they get to experience you visually and Facebook loves video! I recommend and will show you how to split test video ads against image ads to see what works the best. In this lesson youll learn the video format to follow and the ingredients of highly successful video ads.
Landing Pages that Convert:
Every ad needs a landing page and in this lesson well cover the elements of a high converting landing page. Well also take you through building a page in a matter of minutes with LeadPages. Youll then use the checklist to finalize your own landing page.
How to Measure Your Conversions With Facebooks Pixel:
A critical part of generating leads with Facebook ads is knowing where they came from. By the time you finish this lesson youll be a pro at tracking conversions with the Facebook pixel.
Pricing & Optimization for the Win
How Much Should You Spend On Ads?

Module 4 - Optimize
Your Ads Are Running, Now What?!:
Im so glad you asked. In this lesson youll learn best practices for optimizing your Facebook ads for the best results possible.
Troubleshooting Poor Performers
In this lesson youll learn the key metrics to look at when diagnosing a poorly performing ad and suggestions for fixing it. Follow the troubleshooting roadmap for step-by-step guidance.
How to Make Sense of Your Facebook Ads Reporting:
Understanding Facebooks reporting in the Ads Manager tool is a critical piece of your automated ads strategy. Depending on the success of your ads, adjust your budget, or pause the ads. Your Ads Manager will be your new best friend, youll learn tips and tricks for analyzing and interpreting your data to improve your results.
Best Practices for Scaling Your Ads

Module 5 - Nurture
The Courting Method:
The key to selling your products or services with Facebook ads is building a relationship with your target audience so they know, like and trust you. Well dive into what this means for your business, so you set up the right follow-up strategy and youll have a list of excited clients ready to buy.
The Email Follow-Up Sequence:
Since most people wont whip out their credit card as soon as they click on your ad, adding them to your email list and following up with them via email is a great way to build trust a long-lasting relationship with prospective clients. Ill show you the EXACT email sequence I use to further the relationship with my audience, so you will maximize sales and long term customer value. (Swipe files for webinar email sequences and standard opt-in email sequences included!)

Bonus 1
Exclusive, Private Facebook Mastermind and Coaching Group
Network, generate ideas, get feedback and support from fellow entrepreneurs and business owners who are growing their business with Facebook ads right along with you. Ah-mazing interactive community hosted by The FB ADvantage team!

Bonus 2
How to Get Paid to Build Your Email List & Grow Your Following
Just getting started building your email list? Dont have much of a following on Facebook yet? This bonus will teach you step-by-step how to get paid to grow your email list and grow your following on 5 a day with Facebook ads.


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Effective Communication Skills for 4-6 Years Old Children
.MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English | Duration: 1.5 hours | Size: 1.97 GB
A practical quide to make children to listen to you for development and the prevention or therapy of STD disorder​

What you'll learn

they will be able to communicate effectively with their children
they will know how to create open questions
they will know how to create moments for effective communication
they will be able to be a model of communication for the children
they wil be able to make their children to listen to them
they will feel mature as parents or teacher to communicate with the children
they will be able to communicate with the children in a way that will make the children effective persons who whill know their needs and will be able to fulfill them
parents will feel secure that they do the best for the children for the communication purposes


No prior knewledge is needed


Your children do not listen to you. You do not know how to make them to be able to communicate what they want in an effective way.

In this course you will learn:

how to communicate with your children

to teach your children to communicate with the others

to teach your children to communicate with their self.

Communication has got many aspects which are important if we want to help our children to be effective in their lives.

After you will finish this course you will feel secure and you will believe in your abilities to communicate with the children.

You will learn from the shortcut of my expertise, my knowledge and the experience that I share with you to be the facilitator that your child needs for the development of his/her communication skills.

In this course you will have an outline which makes the communication from abstract concept to a congrete practical quide with simple steps to accomplish.

You will have the opportunity to practice in a very ease and anganging with child way

All the above are a shortcut of my expertise, practice and research in three siences.

It is an opportunity to grap the communication in your hands.

Enroll now and I will be connected with you.

Who is the target audience?

parents with 4-6- years old children, teachers, counsellors


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Program Management Foundations
.MP4, AVC, 1000 kbps, 1280x720 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 51 mins | 296 MB
Instructor: Michael Boyle

What is the difference between a project and a program? What do program managers do? These questions and others are answered in this course which covers the essentials of program management. Learn about the skills needed to be a program manager. Discover the milestones and phases involved in the life cycle of a program-from planning to delivery and beyond. Find out how to manage programs, align programs to business strategies, deliver beneficial results, communicate with stakeholders, govern program activities, map program schedules, and support integral program processes.

Topics include:

What is program management?
Who are program managers?
Program versus project
Program life-cycle phases
Aligning programs to an organization's strategies
Analyzing needs and planning programs
Delivering and sustaining benefits from programs
Working with program stakeholders
Supporting program governance activities
Managing program finances and resources
Scheduling programs
Managing program scope and quality

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Web Developer Course Learn to Built Websites & JavaScript
.MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + .VTT | Duration: 6 hours | Size: 2.35 GB​

Front End Development! Start Your Career As A Web-developer Today! (+ Free Lifetime Hosting)

What you'll learn

Learn HTML5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, JQuery, Javascript
Get free lifetime hosting for their portfolio website
Write your own Javascript code, a lot of Javascript code and function
Become a frontend web-developer
Create a beautiful, responsive portfolio website
Use JavaScript variables, conditionals, loops, functions, arrays, and objects
Use Bootstrap 4 to create good-looking responsive layouts
Create static HTML and CSS portfolio sites and landing pages
Master fundamental concepts in web development
JavaScript and programming fundamentals: variables, boolean logic, if/else, loops, functions, arrays, etc.
Practice your new skills with coding challenges (solutions included)
Learn how to use famous JavaScript libraries to build eye-catching, elegant website features


Have a computer with Internet
No previous coding experience is needed
All tools and software used in this course will be free


This course covers everything you need to start you career as a web-developer: from absolute zero knowledge to being able to create resonsive websites and write your own JavaScript code. Plus you will receive free lifetime hosting for your portfolio website - you can use it as long as you like!!!

This comrehensive course is aimed at students with no previous experience with Web Development or programming at all. You don't need a university degree or any paid software, everything can be learned for free with free software and a few hours of your time.

This course includes:

Real-world projects!

Taking this course will help you achieve your dream of becoming a web developer, and you will be ready to build mobile-friendly websites to a highly professional degree using up to date web technologies within a few weeks from now.

Gain a good understanding of the following concepts:

Bootstrap 4
CSS3, including Transitions, Gradients, Transformations and Animations
jQuery, because almost every website on the planet uses jQuery
JavaScript Basics and Advanced concepts
Responsive web design
Web development

This course is one of the hardest work I have ever done and it took me almost a year to plan, to film and to edit.This course is the accumulation of all of my years working, learning, and coding. You are going to learn actual practical skills that we'll give you confidance in your abilities to learn, understand and apply your knowledge on real world projects. You will first learn the basic concepts, and straight after that apply them in practical examples. You'll learn theory on practice, this is the most efficient way possible.

By the end of the course, you'll have all the tools and practical knowledge necessary to build web applications, launch your own portfolio website and try your luck with job interviews or as a freelancer and kickstart your career as a Front End Developer!

Who is the target audience?

This course is for anyone who wants to learn about web development, regardless of previous experience
For anyone who wants to learn to learn to code and build websites
For anyone who is looking to start a career as a web developer
It's perfect for complete beginners with zero experience
It is ideal if you want to start your own business or become a freelancer or get hired as a frontend web developer


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Schwarzkopf - Essential Looks Glamour Collection
DVD9 | English | VIDEO_TS | 720 x 576 | MPEG2 ~6843 kbps | ~3 hours | 7.05 GB
Audio: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Suomi | AC-3 128 Kbps 48.0 KHz
Genre: eLearning Video / Hairdressing

Haircuts for men and women. Schwarzkopf Essential Looks Spring / Summer 2006 Inspired by the podiums of this world Schwarzkopf Professional has created its "Glamor Collection" Essential line looks and gives us a preview of this season's trends for spring / summer 2006. Whether sports or casual, Girly, wild or classic and elegant: these glamorous Looks wet your appetite for a new season!
The looks of the "Glamor Collection" summarize the highlights of the season seen at fashion shows in London, Milan, Paris and New York to the point. Steve Hogan, creative director for Schwarzkopf Professional Essential Looks, says: "This season we will revise Glamour tools. It does not necessarily show everything pompous and chic glamor, but has always been part of it - in neat McQueen contours, as well as Anna Sui flowing fabrics."
The "Glamor Collection" is a combination of simple, luxurious and stylish looks that have been developed by a team of high-caliber industry insiders. Each season the Essential Looks set international standards for haircuts, shapes and colors, and they serve as stylists, as well as their customers inspiring choice of transfer looks.

Tyler Johnston, Schwarzkopf Professional Global Ambassador Revision, is in charge of the haircut. He develops a technically perfect hairstyle and takes to the catwalk looks in the salons. I really liked creating this new collection. You can bring glamor even classic shapes with little, but nonetheless, individual details. New looks embody different sides of the current glamor and strengthen the concept of Essential Looks. "

Color is an integral part of the whole hairstyle - this is why Tracy Hayes, Global Color After Schwarzkopf Professional, refined looks with her creativity and seductively, new colors with Igor. "The paints were kept very naturally; combinations of rainbow colors come with elegant brilliance and support each other's glamor themes. Whether or not the color is the final size for each type and this new collection perfectly shows how to use it, how to take the inner charm outside."

For the season spring / summer 2006 "Glamor collection" instruction and a way to revive the podium every day.






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The Practicing Photographer
.MP4, AVC, 2300 kbps, 1280x720 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 31h 20m | 21.46 GB
Instructor: Ben Long

In The Practicing Photographer, photographer and teacher Ben Long shares a weekly serving of photographic instruction and inspiration. Each installment focuses on a photographic shooting scenario, a piece of gear, or a software technique. Each one concludes with a call to action designed to inspire you to pick up your camera (or your mouse or smartphone) to try the technique for yourself.

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Convert a one page HTML5 Template to a WordPress Theme
MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1.5 Hours | Lec: 14 | 375 MB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Get a minimum viable WordPress theme by converting a simple one page HTML5 template into a fully functional theme.

Have you thought about creating a WordPress theme from a simple HTML5 template?

In this course I will guide you, step by step, and teach you how to convert a simple one-page HTML5 template into a highly dynamic, fully functional WordPress theme.

You will learn the basic techniques used for creating a WordPress theme. In the end, you'll be able to use the same techniques to convert your own HTML5 website into a fully functional theme.

This course is not intended to be a definitive course on WordPress theme development, but it will be your first contact with the subject.

Learn How to Convert a Simple One-Page HTML5 Template into a WordPress Theme

* Learn the basic techniques for developing a WordPress theme

* Understand how a WordPress theme works

* Learn how to turn a static HTML5 template into a highly dynamic WordPress theme

Course Overview

This course is not meant to be the ultimate course on WordPress theme development, but it will be your first contact with this amazing subject.

Throughout the class, you'll watch over my shoulders how to convert a simple HTML5 template into a fully functional WordPress theme.

This course has been carefully designed for professionals who already have minimal knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP and wish to take a step forward in understanding how WordPress theme works.

We will start from a simple one-page template, which will be transformed little by little into a WordPress theme. Along the way, you'll learn how to install WordPress in the right way, as well as the right way to transfer CSS and Javascript files from a template to a WordPress theme.

We will learn to include Bootstrap and make the theme responsive, keeping the original features and the visual aspect of the HTML template within WordPress.

And the most important! We will learn to make the template content highly dynamic within WordPress, from menus to text and image areas. I mean, you'll be able to create a theme that can be easily updated by you or your clients.

We will also learn how to implement a fully dynamic post list by creating a custom WordPress loop!

You'll also have access to all the files created during lessons. All of them well organized for you to review or correct your own code.

At the end of the course, you will have learned how to create your own theme, from any HTML5 template, and confidently recreate a theme of your own. In addition, at the end of the course, you will receive Udemy's exclusive certificate!


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Sketch for UX Design Updated 5/15/2018
.MP4, AVC, 1000 kbps, 1280x720 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 2h 48m | 801 MB
Instructor: Renata Phillippi

Topics include:

Extending Sketch
Building a style guide
Using styles and symbols
Working with artboards
Making responsive wireframes
Using responsive design plugins: Artboard Zoom, Sketch Focus, Craft, and more
Exporting your design
Building a mobile app for iOS, Android, or watchOS
Integrating other tools in your Sketch workflow

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Master Computer Vision™ OpenCV3 in Python and Machine Learning
.MP4, AVC, 200 kbps, 1280x720 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | 6h 14m | 1.42 GB
Instructor: Rajeev Ratan

Learn Computer Vision concepts by building 12 projects, including handwriting recognition, face filters, and car and people detection!

Computer vision applications and technology are exploding right now, with several apps and industries making amazing use of the technology-ranging from up-and-coming apps such as MSQRD, and PRISMA to billion-dollar apps such as Pokémon GO and Snapchat! Even Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and Tesla are all heavily utilizing computer vision for face and object recognition, image searching, and especially in self-driving cars! As a result, the demand for computer vision expertise is growing exponentially! However, learning computer vision is hard! Existing online tutorials, textbooks, and free MOOCs are often outdated, using older and incompatible libraries, or are too theoretical, making the subject difficult to understand.

This was the author's problem when learning Computer Vision and it became incredibly frustrating. Even simply running example code found online proved difficult as libraries and functions were often outdated. The author created this course to teach you all the key concepts without the heavy mathematical theory-all the while using the most up-to-date methods. At the end of the course, you will be able to build 12 awesome Computer Vision apps using OpenCV (the best supported open-source computer vision library that exists today!) in Python. Using it in Python is just fantastic as Python allows us to focus on the problem at hand without getting bogged down in complex code. If you're an academic or college student but want to learn more, the author still points you in the right direction by linking the research papers for techniques used. So if you want to get an excellent foundation in Computer Vision, look no further. This is the course for you!

What You Will Learn

How to build complex Computer Vision applications using the latest techniques in OpenCV
Use Machine Learning and Augmented Reality in Computer Vision
Face detection and recognition (face swapping and filters!)
Object detection, tracking, and motion analysis
Handwriting recognition
Programming skills such as basic Python and NumPy
Understand how to use computer vision when executing cool startup ideas

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MasterClass - Chris Hadfield Teaches Space Exploration
.MP4, AVC, 1000 kbps, 1280x720 | English, AAC, 128 kbps, 2 Ch | + PDF Guidebook | 7.6 hours | 3.41 GB

In 28+ lessons, the former commander of the International Space Station teaches you the science of space exploration and what the future holds.

Impossible things happen. At age nine, Chris Hadfield knew he wanted to go to space. He eventually went there three times, becoming a commander of the International Space Station. In his MasterClass, Chris teaches you what it takes to explore space and what the future holds for humans in the final frontier. Learn about the science of space travel, life as an astronaut, and how flying in space will forever change the way you think about living on Earth.

01. Introduction
Meet your instructor: Chris Hadfield, retired astronaut and former Commander of the International Space Station. In his first lesson, Chris reflects on overcoming the impossible to explore outer space.

02. Astronaut Training
To become an astronaut, you have to become an expert on everything. Chris outlines the scope of an astronaut's training from leadership skills to survival skills.

03. Rockets: How Rockets Work
Chris explains the functions of the basic parts of a rocket, the physics of launching one beyond the atmosphere, and how rocket design has evolved from mission to mission.

04. Rockets: What It Feels Like to Launch
Only a few hundred humans have ever traveled to space. Chris describes in precise detail the emotions an astronaut feels on launch day and the physical feeling of leaving Earth.

05. Rockets: Atmospheric Drag
Chris breaks down the equation for drag and shows how rockets are designed to overcome the biggest hurdle of launching into space-the atmosphere.

06. Rockets: Orbital Mechanics
Chris uses familiar situations-like driving a car and jumping off a diving board-to illustrate how the laws of orbital mechanics govern spaceflight and navigation

07. Rockets: Fuels and Propulsion
Chris explains the pros and cons of different types of rocket fuels including liquid fuel, solid fuel, and ionized gas.

08. Rockets: The Price of Exploration
"Rockets and spaceflight are dangerous by definition. Learn how astronauts manage their fears and cope with tragedy as Chris had to do after the loss of a friend in the Columbia Space Shuttle mission. "

09. Spaceships: Capsule Design
Learn the virtues and drawbacks of using the capsule model for human transport to space as Chris analyzes the designs of the Apollo, Gemini, Lunar Lander, and Soyuz.

10. Spaceships: Shuttles and Beyond
Two-thirds of those who've flown to space got there on a Space Shuttle. Chris outlines the design of the Shuttle, the impact of its reusability, and how spacecraft will evolve in the future.

11. Spaceships: Navigation Systems and Human Variables
Learn how astronauts use stars, planets, and instruments to understand where their spaceship is, how it's oriented, and where it's going.

12. Spaceships: Navigating to the International Space Station
"It's kind of like an elephant ballet." Chris talks you through the process of flying your spaceship to the ISS, docking, and beginning your adventure aboard the laboratory in the sky.

13. The ISS: Conception, Design, and Construction
The International Space Station couldn't have been built without teams coming together from around the world. Chris details the process of constructing the ISS and explains the idea of shared exploration.

14. The ISS: Life Support Systems
Learn about the many systems that work together to keeps astronauts alive aboard the ISS and how those systems are evolving so that we can travel even further in space.

15. The ISS: Experiments
Chris outlines a few experiments currently running on the ISS and explains how astronauts learn to conduct experiments in space on behalf of scientists on Earth.

16. Leadership: Commanding the ISS
Chris describes the great honor and responsibility of commanding the ISS, ranks the commander's priorities, and outlines what it takes to reach and fulfill such an elite and difficult leadership position.

17. Training and Learning: One-Pagers
Preparing for space travel means learning massive amounts of information. Learn how Chris used a series of one-page summaries to recall complex systems and concepts on the fly during his time in space.

18. Comms: Mission Control Evolution and Operations
The first words spoken from the Moon were directed to Mission Control for a reason. Learn how Mission Control functions and why it is so critical to the success of a mission to space.

19. Spacewalking: Spacesuits
Chris gives a head-to-toe tour of an EMU (Extravehicular Mobility Unit), explaining how it keeps astronauts alive while spacewalking and conducting work outside the ship.

20. Spacewalking: Spacewalks
Chris outlines the physical and mental challenges of walking in space, describing the important roles played by support teams on Earth and inside the spacecraft during a spacewalk.

21. Spacewalking: Training
Chris describes his personal experience training for spacewalking in an underwater simulation and emphasizes the importance of gaining confidence in maneuvering and monitoring the spacesuit.

22. Spacewalking: Space and Perspective
What can we learn from looking down at Earth from above? Chris explains what spaceflight means for our human perspective and how we can use what we learn in space to preserve our species and planet.

23. Training and Learning: Simulations
Chris teaches you the principles behind simulation setup, the mindset you need to learn as much as possible from simulations, and how astronauts prepare for worst-case scenarios.

24. Mars: How to Get to Mars
Chris explains the technical and societal challenges we face in traveling to Mars, including the ideal flight path required, the physics of slowing down and landing, and the risk of human life.

25. Mars: Living on Another Planet
Chris walks through the basic human needs required to live on another planet. Learn what it takes to grow food in space, protect ourselves from the elements, and readjust to gravity.

26. Mars: In-Situ Resource Utilization
If we can safely get to Mars, in-situ resource utilization could help us sustain life there. Chris breaks down the vital Sabatier process for creating hydrogen, oxygen, and methane on Mars.

27. Mars: Exploring Mars, Geology, and Astrobiology
Chris discusses how finding life on Mars could deepen our understanding of the universe and illuminate our place within it. Learn how we're working with robots to search for life and build an outpost on Mars.

28. Conclusion: The Future of Exploration
In his parting words, Chris reflects on the cyclical nature of human exploration and Earth's place in outer space.

29. Bonus Chapter: Chris's Journey
Chris tells his personal story of becoming an astronaut and gives advice for achieving your goals-no matter where life takes you.

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Learn Complete C from Basics to Advance
.MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + .VTT | Duration: 7.5 hours | Size: 2.4 GB​

C programming: Learn C programming from scratch. Learn fundamentals of C programming

What you'll learn

after this course you can create amazing programs on C


All you need is just a pc



A C compiler and code editor (both are available free)

No knowledge required to start.

Your favourite cold drink and focus


Learn - the mother programming language "the C language"

This course on C language will provide you detailed conceptual knowledge about the different features of this computer language. This course covers all the concepts of C language in wide perspective. This course deals with the complexities of Decision making, looping, arrays, search, etc with detailed concepts and hands-on example.

Some features are

Introduction to C

Basics of C

Operators in C

Live Programs

Decision making and branching

Decision making and looping

Introduction to arrays

On Demand video classes Part 1

Introduction to functions

Different kind of user defined functions

Covering more topics in Functions

This course on C language helps you get through all your professional requirements for being a programmer. This course on C language will surely help you develop a techie outlook. This course will surely help you develop any of the projects related to operators, decision making using if, if else and switch statements

This course targets both the Beginners and the Intermediate level learners. Since this is a crash course it will take you to a rapid ride of all the concepts but in detailed manner.

The newbies will find it very interactive with all the tutorials descriptive up to the mark , on the other side the intermediates get to revise and clear their doubts.

Who is the target audience?

anyone who wants to learn code


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