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    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

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ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6



ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.0 Pre-Activated | 116.9 MB


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.0

Englisch / Pre-Activated (Voraktiviert)



Führen Sie eine physische und logische Erfassung von iPhone-, iPad- und iPod Touch-Geräten durch. Image-Gerätedateisystem, extrahieren Sie Gerätegeheimnisse (Kennwörter, Verschlüsselungsschlüssel und geschützte Daten) und entschlüsseln Sie das Dateisystem-Image.

- Physische Erfassung für 64-Bit-iOS-Geräte über Jailbreak
- Logische Erfassung extrahiert Backups, Absturzprotokolle, Medien und freigegebene Dateien
- Schaltet iOS-Geräte mit Pairing-Datensätzen (Sperrdateien) frei
- Extrahiert und entschlüsselt geschützte Schlüsselbundobjekte
- Echtzeit-Dateisystemerfassung
- Deaktiviert automatisch die Bildschirmsperre für eine reibungslose und unterbrechungsfreie Erfassung


Größe: 118 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Msi
Plattform: Windows (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, Ddownload.com


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.20


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.20 | 118 MB | Language: English

Perform physical and logical acquisition of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Image device file system, extract device secrets (passwords, encryption keys and protected data) and decrypt the file system image.

Perform physical and logical acquisition of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Image device file system, extract device secrets (passwords, encryption keys and protected data) and decrypt the file system image.
- Physical acquisition for 32-bit and 64-bit iOS devices via jailbreak
- Logical acquisition with iTunes-style backup includes decrypted keychain
- Unlocks iOS devices with pairing records (lockdown files)
- Decrypts keychain items and extracts device keys
- Real-time file system acquisition for jailbroken devices
- Quickly extracts media and shared files, even if backup Password (If need) set

Enhanced Forensic Access to iPhone/iPad/iPod Devices running Apple iOS
Perform the complete forensic acquisition of user data stored in iPhone/iPad/iPod devices. Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit allows imaging devices' file systems, extracting device secrets (passcodes, passwords, and encryption keys) and decrypting the file system image. Access to most information is provided instantly. Please note that some models require jailbreaking. See Compatible Devices and Platforms for details.

Physical Acquisition for Legacy, 32-bit and 64-bit Apple Devices
Physical acquisition is the only acquisition method to extract full application data, downloaded messages and location history. Physical acquisition operates on fixed-timeframe basis, which guarantees the delivery of the entire content of a 32-GB device in 40 minutes or less (depending on the amount of information stored in the device). In many cases, physical acquisition returns more data than logical acquisition, as many files are locked by the operating system and not accessible during the process of logical acquisition.

Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit supports both legacy hardware (iPhone 4 and older), jailbroken 32-bit devices (iPhone 4S through 5C) and jailbroken 64-bit devices (iPhone 5s through iPhone X).

A proprietary acquisition technique is exclusively available in Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit for 64-bit devices. Physical acquisition for 64-bit devices is fully compatible with jailbroken iPhones and iPads equipped with 64-bit SoC, returning the complete file system of the device (as opposed to bit-precise image extracted with the 32-bit process). Only devices with known or empty passcode are supported; passcode protection must be removed in iOS settings prior to acquisition.

Logical Acquisition with Keychain Extraction
iOS Forensic Toolkit supports logical acquisition, a simpler and safer acquisition method compared to physical. Logical acquisition produces a standard iTunes-style backup of information stored in the device. While logical acquisition returns less information than physical, experts are recommended to create a logical backup of the device before attempting more invasive acquisition techniques.

Logical acquisition with iOS Forensic Toolkit is the only acquisition methods allowing access to encrypted keychain items. Logical acquisition should be used in combination with physical for extracting all possible types of evidence.

Media and Shared Files Extraction
iOS Forensic Toolkit offers the ability to quickly extract media files such as Camera Roll, books, voice recordings, and iTunes media library. As opposed to creating a local backup, which could be a potentially lengthy operation, media extraction works quickly and easily on all supported devices. Extraction from locked devices is possible by using a pairing record (lockdown file).

In addition to media files, iOS Forensic Toolkit can extract stored files of multiple apps, extracting crucial evidence from 32-bit and 64-bit devices without a jailbreak. While access to app data without a jailbreak is limited, this new technique allows extracting Adobe Reader and Microsoft Office locally stored documents, MiniKeePass password database, and a lot more. The extraction requires an unlocked device or a non-expired lockdown record. If a lockdown record is used, some files may not be accessible unless the lock screen passcode is removed.

Perform physical and logical acquisition of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Image device file system, extract device secrets (passwords, encryption keys and protected data) and decrypt the file system image.

All Features and Benefits:
- Physical Acquisition for 32-bit and 64-bit iOS Devices
- Logical Acquisition with Lockdown Support and Keychain Extraction
- Access More Information than Available in iPhone Backups
- Keychain Recovery
- Passcode Recovery

System Requirements:
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows 7 (32 bit)
- Windows 7 (64 bit)
- Windows 8
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10

Home Page -


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.30
Requirements:Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1 or Windows 10
Perform physical and logical acquisition of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Image device file system, extract device secrets (passwords, encryption keys and protected data) and decrypt the file system image.



Physical acquisition for 64-bit iOS devices via jailbreak
Logical acquisition extracts backups, crash logs, media and shared files
Unlocks iOS devices with pairing records (lockdown files)
Extracts and decrypts protected keychain items
Real-time file system acquisition
Automatically disables screen lock for smooth, uninterrupted acquisition

More Info:
Download Instructions:
118.7 MB
rar/zip archive

ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.30


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit 6.30 | 118 MB | Language: English

Perform physical and logical acquisition of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Image device file system, extract device secrets (passwords, encryption keys and protected data) and decrypt the file system image.

Perform physical and logical acquisition of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Image device file system, extract device secrets (passwords, encryption keys and protected data) and decrypt the file system image.
- Physical acquisition for 32-bit and 64-bit iOS devices via jailbreak
- Logical acquisition with iTunes-style backup includes decrypted keychain
- Unlocks iOS devices with pairing records (lockdown files)
- Decrypts keychain items and extracts device keys
- Real-time file system acquisition for jailbroken devices
- Quickly extracts media and shared files, even if backup Password (If need) set

Enhanced Forensic Access to iPhone/iPad/iPod Devices running Apple iOS
Perform the complete forensic acquisition of user data stored in iPhone/iPad/iPod devices. Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit allows imaging devices' file systems, extracting device secrets (passcodes, passwords, and encryption keys) and decrypting the file system image. Access to most information is provided instantly. Please note that some models require jailbreaking. See Compatible Devices and Platforms for details.

Physical Acquisition for Legacy, 32-bit and 64-bit Apple Devices
Physical acquisition is the only acquisition method to extract full application data, downloaded messages and location history. Physical acquisition operates on fixed-timeframe basis, which guarantees the delivery of the entire content of a 32-GB device in 40 minutes or less (depending on the amount of information stored in the device). In many cases, physical acquisition returns more data than logical acquisition, as many files are locked by the operating system and not accessible during the process of logical acquisition.

Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit supports both legacy hardware (iPhone 4 and older), jailbroken 32-bit devices (iPhone 4S through 5C) and jailbroken 64-bit devices (iPhone 5s through iPhone X).

A proprietary acquisition technique is exclusively available in Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit for 64-bit devices. Physical acquisition for 64-bit devices is fully compatible with jailbroken iPhones and iPads equipped with 64-bit SoC, returning the complete file system of the device (as opposed to bit-precise image extracted with the 32-bit process). Only devices with known or empty passcode are supported; passcode protection must be removed in iOS settings prior to acquisition.

Logical Acquisition with Keychain Extraction
iOS Forensic Toolkit supports logical acquisition, a simpler and safer acquisition method compared to physical. Logical acquisition produces a standard iTunes-style backup of information stored in the device. While logical acquisition returns less information than physical, experts are recommended to create a logical backup of the device before attempting more invasive acquisition techniques.

Logical acquisition with iOS Forensic Toolkit is the only acquisition methods allowing access to encrypted keychain items. Logical acquisition should be used in combination with physical for extracting all possible types of evidence.

Media and Shared Files Extraction
iOS Forensic Toolkit offers the ability to quickly extract media files such as Camera Roll, books, voice recordings, and iTunes media library. As opposed to creating a local backup, which could be a potentially lengthy operation, media extraction works quickly and easily on all supported devices. Extraction from locked devices is possible by using a pairing record (lockdown file).

In addition to media files, iOS Forensic Toolkit can extract stored files of multiple apps, extracting crucial evidence from 32-bit and 64-bit devices without a jailbreak. While access to app data without a jailbreak is limited, this new technique allows extracting Adobe Reader and Microsoft Office locally stored documents, MiniKeePass password database, and a lot more. The extraction requires an unlocked device or a non-expired lockdown record. If a lockdown record is used, some files may not be accessible unless the lock screen passcode is removed.

Perform physical and logical acquisition of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Image device file system, extract device secrets (passwords, encryption keys and protected data) and decrypt the file system image.

All Features and Benefits
- Physical Acquisition for 32-bit and 64-bit iOS Devices
- Logical Acquisition with Lockdown Support and Keychain Extraction
- Access More Information than Available in iPhone Backups
- Keychain Recovery
- Passcode Recovery

System Requirements:
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows 7 (32 bit)
- Windows 7 (64 bit)
- Windows 8
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10

Home Page -


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.30


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.30

Größe: 118 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows

Führen Sie eine physische und logische Erfassung von iPhone-, iPad- und iPod Touch-Geräten durch. Image-Gerätedateisystem, extrahieren Sie Gerätegeheimnisse (Kennwörter, Verschlüsselungsschlüssel und geschützte Daten) und entschlüsseln Sie das Dateisystem-Image. - Physische Erfassung für 64-Bit-iOS-Geräte über Jailbreak
- Die logische Erfassung extrahiert Sicherungen, Absturzprotokolle, Medien und freigegebene Dateien
- Entsperrt iOS-Geräte mit Pairing-Datensätzen (Sperrdateien)
- Extrahiert und entschlüsselt geschützte Schlüsselbundelemente
- Echtzeit-Dateisystemerfassung
- Deaktiviert automatisch die Bildschirmsperre für eine reibungslose, unterbrechungsfreie Erfassung


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.30

Englisch / Pre-Activated (Voraktiviert) + Anleitung



Führen Sie eine physische und logische Erfassung von iPhone-, iPad- und iPod Touch-Geräten durch. Image-Gerätedateisystem, extrahieren Sie Gerätegeheimnisse (Kennwörter, Verschlüsselungsschlüssel und geschützte Daten) und entschlüsseln Sie das Dateisystem-Image.

- Physische Erfassung für 64-Bit-iOS-Geräte über Jailbreak
- Logische Erfassung extrahiert Backups, Absturzprotokolle, Medien und freigegebene Dateien
- Schaltet iOS-Geräte mit Pairing-Datensätzen (Sperrdateien) frei
- Extrahiert und entschlüsselt geschützte Schlüsselbundobjekte
- Echtzeit-Dateisystemerfassung
- Deaktiviert automatisch die Bildschirmsperre für eine reibungslose und unterbrechungsfreie Erfassung


Größe: 118 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Msi
Plattform: Windows (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, Ddownload.com


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.50


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.50 | 119 MB | Language: English

Perform physical and logical acquisition of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Image device file system, extract device secrets (passwords, encryption keys and protected data) and decrypt the file system image.

- Physical acquisition for 64-bit iOS devices via jailbreak
- Logical acquisition extracts backups, crash logs, media and shared files
- Unlocks iOS devices with pairing records (lockdown files)
- Extracts and decrypts protected keychain items
- Real-time file system acquisition
- Automatically disables screen lock for smooth, uninterrupted acquisition

Enhanced Forensic Access to iPhone/iPad/iPod Devices running Apple iOS
Perform the complete forensic acquisition of user data stored in iPhone/iPad/iPod devices. Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit allows imaging devices file systems, extracting device secrets (passcodes, passwords, and encryption keys) and decrypting the file system image. Access to most information is provided instantly. Please note that some models require jailbreaking. See Compatible Devices and Platforms for details.

Physical Acquisition of iOS Devices
Physical acquisition is the only acquisition method to extract full application data, protected keychain items, downloaded messages and location history. Physical acquisition returns more information compared to logical acquisition due to direct low-level access to data. Elcomsoft iOS Forensic Toolkit supports jailbroken 64-bit devices (iPhone 5s and newer) running most versions of iOS 7 through 12.

Logical Acquisition with Keychain Extraction
iOS Forensic Toolkit supports logical acquisition, a simpler and safer acquisition method compared to physical. Logical acquisition produces a standard iTunes-style backup of information stored in the device. While logical acquisition returns less information than physical, experts are recommended to create a logical backup of the device before attempting more invasive acquisition techniques.

Logical acquisition with iOS Forensic Toolkit is the only acquisition methods allowing access to encrypted keychain items. Logical acquisition should be used in combination with physical for extracting all possible types of evidence.

Media and Shared Files Extraction
iOS Forensic Toolkit offers the ability to quickly extract media files such as Camera Roll, books, voice recordings, and iTunes media library. As opposed to creating a local backup, which could be a potentially lengthy operation, media extraction works quickly and easily on all supported devices. Extraction from locked devices is possible by using a pairing record (lockdown file).

In addition to media files, iOS Forensic Toolkit can extract stored files of multiple apps, extracting crucial evidence from 32-bit and 64-bit devices without a jailbreak. While access to app data without a jailbreak is limited, this new technique allows extracting Adobe Reader and Microsoft Office locally stored documents, MiniKeePass password database, and a lot more. The extraction requires an unlocked device or a non-expired lockdown record. If a lockdown record is used, some files may not be accessible unless the lock screen passcode is removed.

Perform physical and logical acquisition of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Image device file system, extract device secrets (passwords, encryption keys and protected data) and decrypt the file system image.

All Features and Benefits
- Physical Acquisition for 32-bit and 64-bit iOS Devices
- Logical Acquisition with Lockdown Support and Keychain Extraction
- Access More Information than Available in iPhone Backups
- Keychain Recovery
- Passcode Recovery

Release Notes
- Added jailbreak-free extraction without an Apple Developer account (Mac version only)
- Agent-based extraction (file system and keychain) for iOS 13.3.1, 13.4, 13.4.1 and 13.5
- Minor improvements and bug fixes

Compatible Devices and Platforms:
- 64-bit iOS devices with jailbreak: physical acquisition (file system extraction, keychain decryption)
- Apple TV 4 (cable connection) and Apple TV 4K (wireless connection through Xcode, Mac only)
- Apple Watch (all generations); requires a third-party IBUS adapter
- No jailbreak: advanced logical acquisition only [1]

Logical acquisition includes:
- Extended information about the device
- iTunes-format backup (includes many keychain items)
- List of installed apps
- Media files (even if the backup is password-protected)
- Shared files (even if the backup is password-protected)

System Requirements:
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows 7 (32 bit)
- Windows 7 (64 bit)
- Windows 8
- Windows 8.1
- Windows 10



ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.50

Englisch / inkl. Installationsanleitung



Führen Sie eine physische und logische Erfassung von iPhone-, iPad- und iPod Touch-Geräten durch. Image-Gerätedateisystem, extrahieren Sie Gerätegeheimnisse (Kennwörter, Verschlüsselungsschlüssel und geschützte Daten) und entschlüsseln Sie das Dateisystem-Image.

- Physische Erfassung für 64-Bit-iOS-Geräte über Jailbreak
- Logische Erfassung extrahiert Backups, Absturzprotokolle, Medien und freigegebene Dateien
- Schaltet iOS-Geräte mit Pairing-Datensätzen (Sperrdateien) frei
- Extrahiert und entschlüsselt geschützte Schlüsselbundobjekte
- Echtzeit-Dateisystemerfassung
- Deaktiviert automatisch die Bildschirmsperre für eine reibungslose und unterbrechungsfreie Erfassung


Größe: 119 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Msi
Plattform: Windows (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, Ddownload.com


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.52


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.52

Größe: 118 MB
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows
Medizin: Crack/Patch

Führen Sie eine physische und logische Erfassung von iPhone-, iPad- und iPod Touch-Geräten durch. Image-Gerätedateisystem, extrahieren Sie Gerätegeheimnisse (Kennwörter, Verschlüsselungsschlüssel und geschützte Daten) und entschlüsseln Sie das Dateisystem-Image. - Physische Erfassung für 64-Bit-iOS-Geräte über Jailbreak
- Die logische Erfassung extrahiert Sicherungen, Absturzprotokolle, Medien und freigegebene Dateien
- Entsperrt iOS-Geräte mit Pairing-Datensätzen (Sperrdateien)
- Extrahiert und entschlüsselt geschützte Schlüsselbundelemente
- Echtzeit-Dateisystemerfassung
- Deaktiviert automatisch die Bildschirmsperre für eine reibungslose, ununterbrochene Erfassung



ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.52

Englisch / Voraktiviert + Anleitung



Führen Sie eine physische und logische Erfassung von iPhone-, iPad- und iPod Touch-Geräten durch. Image-Gerätedateisystem, extrahieren Sie Gerätegeheimnisse (Kennwörter, Verschlüsselungsschlüssel und geschützte Daten) und entschlüsseln Sie das Dateisystem-Image.

- Physische Erfassung für 64-Bit-iOS-Geräte über Jailbreak
- Logische Erfassung extrahiert Backups, Absturzprotokolle, Medien und freigegebene Dateien
- Schaltet iOS-Geräte mit Pairing-Datensätzen (Sperrdateien) frei
- Extrahiert und entschlüsselt geschützte Schlüsselbundobjekte
- Echtzeit-Dateisystemerfassung
- Deaktiviert automatisch die Bildschirmsperre für eine reibungslose und unterbrechungsfreie Erfassung


Größe: 118 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/MSI
Plattform: Windows (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator|Alfafile|Ddownload


ElcomSoft iOS Forensic Toolkit v6.60

Englisch / Voraktiviert + Anleitung



Führen Sie eine physische und logische Erfassung von iPhone-, iPad- und iPod Touch-Geräten durch. Image-Gerätedateisystem, extrahieren Sie Gerätegeheimnisse (Kennwörter, Verschlüsselungsschlüssel und geschützte Daten) und entschlüsseln Sie das Dateisystem-Image.

- Physische Erfassung für 64-Bit-iOS-Geräte über Jailbreak
- Logische Erfassung extrahiert Backups, Absturzprotokolle, Medien und freigegebene Dateien
- Schaltet iOS-Geräte mit Pairing-Datensätzen (Sperrdateien) frei
- Extrahiert und entschlüsselt geschützte Schlüsselbundobjekte
- Echtzeit-Dateisystemerfassung
- Deaktiviert automatisch die Bildschirmsperre für eine reibungslose und unterbrechungsfreie Erfassung


Größe: 118 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: RAR/MSI
Plattform: Windows (32 oder 64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator|Alfafile|Ddownload


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