Depth of Extinction v48 8 8 - SiMPLEX

ba219982015@ Member



In a world rife with violence, rumors of killer machines have spread far and wide. As a number of factions emerge – violently vying for power – you become the sole defender of humanity’s last standing government. Only you can create the ultimate squad and save humanity!

Explore an emergent storyline filled with random encounters and turn-based tactical battles as you traverse an underwater world. With just yourself and your soldiers facing an unknown enemy, gear up and prepare to engage in combat at any any given moment – uncovering the deep storyline one battle at a time. Choose from 10 different classes, each with their own unique skill set, and give your soldiers a choice of more than 115 different weapons and armor to strike back at the enemy.


* Format: Setup
* Audio: Englisch
* Text/Untertitel(n): Englisch
* Hoster:Share-Online
* Größe: 78 MB
* Passwort: Keins


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