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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020 SP2 (x64)


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member


CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020 SP2 (x64)
x64 | Languages:English | File Size: 1.10 GB

CAMWorks ShopFloor is the latest Industry 4.0/Smart Manufacturing tool specially designed for the CNC machinist on the shop oor and promotes digital manufacturing by providing 3D models with MBD & PMI data and CNC programming information to the shop oor in a single, compact digital format.

CAMWorks ShopFloor provides state-of-the-art digital tools for machinists to leverage digital machining data in part models, reducing errors and improving communication between CNC programmers and shop floor machinists.

This allows companies to move beyond traditional methods and meet Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0 initiatives, as well as improve quality, increase productivity and reduce the number of needed CAD/CAM software licenses. With CAMWorks ShopFloor, 3D digital models capture extensive data from the part design files and provide tools that machinists can utilize to produce parts with fewer miscommunications between the design and manufacturing departments.

Empower your shop floor with the Smart Manufacturing tools they need to avoid errors and increase production at a fraction of the cost of a CAD/CAM system. A full suite of tools are provided to view and precisely measure 3D parts and assemblies. Digital setup sheets and tool lists can be sent along with the 3D part models and CNC programs, and the machinist can virtually simulate the CNC program using cutting-edge 3D simulation. The ability step-through every move in a CNC program is provided to reduce setup time and eliminate the need to dry-run programs on the machine.

CAMWorks ShopFloor Benefits
-Improve Communication with the ShopFloor Using Digital Technology
-Virtually Check Programs on the Shop Floor
-Reduce Setup Time
-Increase Production and Reduce Delivery Time
-Improve Quality and Consistency
-Avoid Machining the Wrong Revision of the Part
-Avoid Costly Collisions
-Reduce Downtime & Maintenance Costs

CAMWorks ShopFloor at a Glance
-View, rotate, pan, zoom, dynamically section, and precisely measure 3D parts and assemblies
-Display, search, and filter MBD and PMI dimensions and data
-Digital setup sheets and tool lists can be included along with the CNC programs
-Full 3D toolpath simulation with material removal
-Step-through and simulate every move in a CNC program
-Full featured NC Editor powered by Cimco with back-plotting and communication capabilities
-Automatic file checking to detect changes in either the CAD or CAM file alert the user to avoid machining the wrong revision of the part and maintain associativity along the digital thread

CAMWorks ShopFloor 2020 SP2 Win64
Year / Release Date:2020
Version:2020 SP2 build 2020/0413 (13-April-2020)
Interface language:English
Tabletka:present (TeAM SolidSQUAD-SSQ)

System requirements:
Operating System MS Windows Win7 SP1 + / Win8.1 / Win10 64-bit
SolidWorks Version 2018-2019 MS
Access 2010-2019 32/64 bit
Graphics 1024x768 resolution with minimum 32768 colors
Disk Space 10GB free
Memory 1GB + RAM (2GB recommended)




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