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BETA CAE Systems v16


MyBoerse.bz Member


BETA CAE Systems 16.2.2 | 1.5 Gb
BETA CAE Systems announces the release of the new ANSA/Eπilysis/µETA 16.2.2 suite. This maintenance release focuses on the correction of identified issues for the 16.2x branch and is addressed to those who wish to continue to use the version 16.2x branch -and not upgrade to version 17.x.​

Known issues resolved in ANSA

NVH Console

Assembly Loadcase output would require excessive time to complete due to the performed renumbering.
Input CONTROL options might not be merged upon file input despite activating the "Header: Merge" option in the LS-DYNA Input Parameters window.
Output Includes with encrypted content would not be output when the options "General>Output:'Model'" or "Misceleneous>Output: ‘Disregard includes'" were selected.
Input Fields "MDIR" and "FDIR" of "PAM JOIN Material 222" could not be read. Output VAMAT keywords were missing if either of the options: "Visible" or "Model" was selected for output.
Scripting base.CreateEntity() "TYPE" and "TYPE_" fields would not be set correctly and as a result, when setting card Values, the appropriate fields would not be active.

Known issues resolved in Eπilysis

Improvements in Data Recovery performance in GPFORCE, Element Strain Energy and DISPLACEMENT calculation. When thermal loads were applied, element strain energy wasn't calculated correctly. Missing Header completely would cause termination with a core dump and without a specific FATAL Message, when solving "In ANSA".
A warning message has been added in case SPCD is applied on node not belonging in s-set due to missing SPC.

Known issues resolved in µETA

Unexpected termination could occur upon visualizing deformation results as vector Description. Exporting a U3DPDF file might lead to unexpected termination. Strain gauge center/direction point coordinates could not be defined.
Supported Interfaces
Erroneous ids of solid elements were generated when reading Pam-Crash ERFH5 files. Certain Ensight cases could not be read. SETs hierarchy would not be correctly read from PLMXML files.
Curve Functions
The Neck Injury Criterion was erroneously calculated for unit systems other than the S.I. The Percentile function could lead to unexpected termination.
NVH Calculators
An unexpected termination could occur when saving an FRF. Panel Participation calculations were not correct in v16.2.1.
Projects & MetaDB
The compression of saved projects was different from interface compared to sessions. Mapped results were not properly saved in projects. Unexpected termination could occur upon saving projects with planes.

About BETA CAE Systems S.A

BETA CAE Systems S.A., headquartered in Thessaloniki, Greece, is a private engineering software company specialized in the development of state of the art CAE pre- and post-processing software systems. The company, focusing on meeting and exceeding customers' requirements, is committed to its mission to be the leading force in industrial CAE software solutions.

Name: BETA CAE Systems
Version: (64bit) 16.2.2
Home: Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1
Size: 1.5 Gb

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