• Regeln für den Software-Bereich:


    - In erster Linie sind unsere Boardregeln zu beachten, zu finden HIER.
    - Software zur Audiobearbeitung sollte ausschließlich im Unterforum "Audio" eingestellt werden.
    - Für Cracks, Keygens oder sonstige Freischaltungssoftware gibt es das Unterforum "Freischaltung".
    - Portable Software bitte im entsprechenden Unterforum "Portable Software" eintragen.
    - Diskussionen zur Installation und anderen Problemen mit der Software, bitte im enstprechenden Unterforum "Talk" führen.
    - Bei Unklarheiten und Fragen zu den Regeln bitte die Moderatoren kontaktieren.

    Angebot erstellen

    - Die Struktur des Threadtitels muss wie folgt umgesetzt werden: Herstellername - Softwarename - Versionsnummer
    - Unnötige Zusätze im Threadtitel wie "HOT", "NEW" oder Punkte zwischen den Wörtern sind nicht erlaubt.
    - Achtet darauf immer nur die Hauptversion und deren Updates in einem Thread zusammenfassen, konkretes Beispiel: SoftwareXY v3.12 gehört in den selben Thread mit SoftwareXY v3.13; SoftwareXY v.4.1 gehört in einen neuen eigenen Thread. Ausgenommen hiervon sind Sammelthreads und Dauerangebote.
    - Bei nicht bekannten Herstellern oder Angebote einer privaten Software, ist die Programmbezeichnung + Versionsnummer ausreichend.
    - Besondere Beachtung gilt für den ersten Beitrag eines Angebots. Dort muss eine kurze Beschreibung der Software in deutscher Sprache angegeben werden. Für offizielle Releases ist es Pflicht die NFO im Beitrag einzustellen(Spoiler, siehe nächster Punkt).
    - Weitere Informationen wie NFOs oder Changelogs, versteckt ihr bitte in einem Spoiler.

    Software Suche

    - Für Suchanfragen haben wir das Unterforum "Suche" erstellt.
    - Auch hier sollte vorher die Suchfunktion benutzt werden, um Doppelthreads vorzubeugen. Sollte es bereits eine Suchanfrage geben, könnt ihr den Thread gerne mit einem "Danke" pushen.

    Trojaner- und Virusalarm

    - Falls Euer Virenscanner bei einem Angebot Alarm schlägt, solltet ihr zunächst Ruhe bewahren. Viele Virenscanner erkennen Cracks/Keygens oft fälschlicherweise als Bedrohung.
    - Prüft die verdächtige Datei zuerst mit http://virustotal.com , sollte es sich hierbei wirklich um eine Bedrohung handeln, meldet den Beitrag und/oder wendet euch mit dem Bericht von VirusTotal.com an einen Moderator.

    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
  • Bitte registriere dich zunächst um Beiträge zu verfassen und externe Links aufzurufen.

BackToCAD Print2CAD 2022


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
BackToCAD Print2CAD 2022 v22.23 (x64) Multilingual || Multi-Deutsch


Das Programm Print2CAD kann mehrere Dateien gleichzeitig konvertieren. Alle ausgewählten Dateien bleiben nach der Konvertierung in ihrem Ursprungszustand. Sie können ein Zielverzeichnis für die konvertierten Dateien auswählen. Wenn kein Zielverzeichnis ausgewählt ist, werden die Ausgabedateien im selben Verzeichnis wie die Quelldateien gespeichert. Mehrseitige PDF-Dateien konvertieren jede Seite der Originaldatei in separate Dateien. Wenn in der Konfiguration das Präfix Print2CAD- für konvertierte Dateien aktiviert ist, wird das Programm keine Warnung vor dem Überschreiben einer Zieldatei ausgeben.

Bei der Konvertierung können folgende Ausgabedateien erstellt werden:

CAD-Dateien: DXF or DWG

Rasterdateien: BMP, JPG, PNG, TIFF, RAW, GIF

Zielverzeichnis für konvertierte Dateien
Ein Zielverzeichnis für die konvertierten Dateien sollte angegeben werden. Wenn kein Zielverzeichnis angegeben ist, werden die Ausgabedateien im selben Verzeichnis wie die Quelldateien erstellt.

Die konvertierten Dateien haben das Präfix Print2CAD- (falls in der Konfiguration aktiviert).

In diesem Fall werden die Originaldateien ohne Vorwarnung überschrieben. Es empfiehlt sich daher, das Präfix ändern, bis die Originaldaten in ein anderes Verzeichnis kopiert oder umbenannt wurden.

Umwandlung von Verzeichnissen
Sie können ein Verzeichnis mit Quelldateien auswählen. Alle Dateien aus diesem Quellverzeichnis werden automatisch in das gewählte Format konvertiert und in dem Zielverzeichnis gespeichert.







DOWNLOAD || 369 MB || Format: exe

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.30 (x64)

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Patch / 64-Bit



Print2CAD kann PDF-Dateien in eine DWG- oder DXF-Datei konvertieren, die dann in jedes CAD-System importiert und dort bearbeitet werden kann. Print2CAD ist ein autonomes und CAD-systemunabhängiges Programm. Print2CAD konvertiert auch DWG / DXF in PDF, TIFF / JPEG in DWG, DWF in DWG / DXF und HPGL in DWG / DXF.

Print2CAD 2021:

- PDF-zu-2D-DWG-Konvertierung als vollständig bearbeitbare Zeichnung
- Vektorisierung auf PDF-Rasterbildern und OCR von Rastertext
- DWG zu 2D / 3D PDF Publishing
- PDF zu CAD Import mit OCR und Raster 2 Vector
- PDF-CAD-Konvertierung mit Text- und Symbolerkennung
- PDF zu DWG oder DXF Konvertierung mit Kalibrierung der Koordinaten
- Erkennung von Ebenen, Wänden, Ecken und Linientypen
- Sichere Vorschau auf verdächtige PDF-Dateien


Größe: 133 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows (64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator, FileFactory


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.30


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.30

Größe: 136 MB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows

Print2CAD kann PDF-Dateien in eine DWG- oder DXF-Datei konvertieren, die dann in jedes CAD-System importiert und dort bearbeitet werden kann. Print2CAD ist ein autonomes und CAD-systemunabhängiges Programm. Print2CAD konvertiert auch DWG / DXF in PDF, TIFF / JPEG in DWG, DWF in DWG / DXF und HPGL in DWG / DXF.

Print2CAD 2021:

- PDF-zu-2D-DWG-Konvertierung als vollständig bearbeitbare Zeichnung
- Vektorisierung auf PDF-Rasterbildern und OCR von Rastertext
- DWG zu 2D / 3D PDF Publishing
- PDF zu CAD Import mit OCR und Raster 2 Vector
- PDF-CAD-Konvertierung mit Text- und Symbolerkennung
- PDF zu DWG oder DXF Konvertierung mit Kalibrierung der Koordinaten
- Erkennung von Ebenen, Wänden, Ecken und Linientypen
- Sichere Vorschau auf verdächtige PDF-Dateien



BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.45 (x64)


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.45 (x64) | 137 MB

Print2CAD is able to convert PDF files into a DWG or DXF file, which can then be imported into any CAD system where it can be edited. Print2CAD is an autonomous and CAD system-independent program. Print2CAD also converts DWG/DXF into PDF, TIFF/JPEG into DWG, DWF into DWG/DXF and HPGL into DWG/DXF.

Print2CAD 2021:
PDF to 2D DWG Conversion as Fully Editable Drawing
Vectorization on PDF Raster Images and OCR of Raster Text
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
PDF to CAD Import with OCR and Raster 2 Vector
PDF to CAD Conversion With Text and Symbol Recognition
PDF to DWG or DXF Conversion with Calibration of Coordiantes
Recognition of Layers, Walls, Corners, and Linetypes
Safe PreView of Suspecting PDF Files
View Input, Cleanup Raster Pictures, choose the right threshold for the color black, markup the text areas and inclination.
Convert Vectors
Convert all PDF vectors and native PDF text, recognize circles and arcs, recognize right corners, frames, crosses, and recognize layers.
OCR of Text
OCR of not native text - text can be as raster, lines, or solid hatches. Normalize the text heights. Use Fuzzy Login for Symbol Recognition.
Raster 2 Vector
Separate parts of a raster picture and apply appropriate raster to vector method. Vectorize as lines, arcs, circles, Recognize layers and line weight. Recognize corners and symbols.
Coordinates Calibration
Calibrate the CAD coordinates using arbitrary calibration points. Use dimensions as reference points. Automatic calculate correct scale factors.
Post Processing
Calibrate the Coordinates. Change Colors and Text Heights. Recognize the Line Types. Clean up the vertex of polylines. Optimize the Coordinates.
All Functions at a Glance
PDF to DWG or DXF Converter
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
TIFF, JPEG Vectorization to DWG or DXF Converter
HPGL and DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
Based on Open Design Alliance CAD Equalizer
Native 64 bit App, no PDF Size Restrictions
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures
PDF Text Recognition (OCR of Drawing)
PDF Line Type Recognition
PDF Coordinates Scaling (Calibration Points)
DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
3D PDF to PRC or U3D Converter
Free Access To AI Cloud Converter
PDF Layer Recognition
PDF Frame, Right Corner, Symbol Recognition
PDF (Architectural Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Contour Lines Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Digital Photo) to DWG or DXF
PDF (OCR of Text Page) to DWG or DXF
Supports DWG 2000-2020
Product of a US Based Company
Works With All CAD Systems
Top AutoCAD PDFin Extender with Raster To Vector
New Feature! Static View of Suspicious PDF Files
Incl. DeepView - Structure Viewer and Post Processor
OCR Recognition of Inclined Text
Automatic Separation of OCR Areas
Automatic Markup of Text Inclination
Editing of Recognized PDF Text
Recognition of Text as Raster, Line, or Solid Hatches
Automatic Spelling Check (English, Spanish, Italian, French, German)
Check and Correction of OCR Recognized Text
OCR Recognition of Symbols
Normalization of Text Heights
Raster To Vector and Recognition of CAD Elements
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures (Scanned Drawings)
Raster Image Vectorization as Lines
Raster Image Vectorization as Outlines
Raster Image Vectorization as Solids
Raster Image Coordinates Calibration
OCR of PDF Raster Pictures (Text Recognition)
Line Type Recognition (binding of small dashes to a line with line type)
Frames and Rectangle Recognition
Symmetry Recognition in Raster Pictures
Circle and Arc Recognition in Raster Pictures
Right Corner Recognition in Raster Pictures
Coordinates Calibration in Raster Pictures

System Requirements:
System: 64bit Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (SP1), Windows Vista® (SP1)
Print2CAD™ Software is a stand alone Windows (64 bit) program based on Autodesk Trusted DWG that works independently with all CAD systems (and with all AutoCAD® versions including AutoCAD® AI).

Windows 10: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 8: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 7: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows Vista: 2 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)

Home Page -


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.50 (x64)


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.50 (x64) | 162 MB

Print2CAD is able to convert PDF files into a DWG or DXF file, which can then be imported into any CAD system where it can be edited. Print2CAD is an autonomous and CAD system-independent program. Print2CAD also converts DWG/DXF into PDF, TIFF/JPEG into DWG, DWF into DWG/DXF and HPGL into DWG/DXF.

Print2CAD 2021:
PDF to 2D DWG Conversion as Fully Editable Drawing
Vectorization on PDF Raster Images and OCR of Raster Text
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
PDF to CAD Import with OCR and Raster 2 Vector
PDF to CAD Conversion With Text and Symbol Recognition
PDF to DWG or DXF Conversion with Calibration of Coordiantes
Recognition of Layers, Walls, Corners, and Linetypes
Safe PreView of Suspecting PDF Files

View Input, Cleanup Raster Pictures, choose the right threshold for the color black, markup the text areas and inclination.

Convert Vectors
Convert all PDF vectors and native PDF text, recognize circles and arcs, recognize right corners, frames, crosses, and recognize layers.

OCR of Text
OCR of not native text - text can be as raster, lines, or solid hatches. Normalize the text heights. Use Fuzzy Login for Symbol Recognition.

Raster 2 Vector
Separate parts of a raster picture and apply appropriate raster to vector method. Vectorize as lines, arcs, circles, Recognize layers and line weight. Recognize corners and symbols.

Coordinates Calibration
Calibrate the CAD coordinates using arbitrary calibration points. Use dimensions as reference points. Automatic calculate correct scale factors.

Post Processing
Calibrate the Coordinates. Change Colors and Text Heights. Recognize the Line Types. Clean up the vertex of polylines. Optimize the Coordinates.

All Functions at a Glance
PDF to DWG or DXF Converter
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
TIFF, JPEG Vectorization to DWG or DXF Converter
HPGL and DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
Based on Open Design Alliance CAD Equalizer
Native 64 bit App, no PDF Size Restrictions
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures
PDF Text Recognition (OCR of Drawing)
PDF Line Type Recognition
PDF Coordinates Scaling (Calibration Points)
DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
3D PDF to PRC or U3D Converter
Free Access To AI Cloud Converter
PDF Layer Recognition
PDF Frame, Right Corner, Symbol Recognition
PDF (Architectural Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Contour Lines Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Digital Photo) to DWG or DXF
PDF (OCR of Text Page) to DWG or DXF
Supports DWG 2000-2020
Product of a US Based Company
Works With All CAD Systems
Top AutoCAD PDFin Extender with Raster To Vector
New Feature! Static View of Suspicious PDF Files
Incl. DeepView - Structure Viewer and Post Processor
OCR Recognition of Inclined Text
Automatic Separation of OCR Areas
Automatic Markup of Text Inclination
Editing of Recognized PDF Text
Recognition of Text as Raster, Line, or Solid Hatches
Automatic Spelling Check (English, Spanish, Italian, French, German)
Check and Correction of OCR Recognized Text
OCR Recognition of Symbols
Normalization of Text Heights
Raster To Vector and Recognition of CAD Elements
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures (Scanned Drawings)
Raster Image Vectorization as Lines
Raster Image Vectorization as Outlines
Raster Image Vectorization as Solids
Raster Image Coordinates Calibration
OCR of PDF Raster Pictures (Text Recognition)
Line Type Recognition (binding of small dashes to a line with line type)
Frames and Rectangle Recognition
Symmetry Recognition in Raster Pictures
Circle and Arc Recognition in Raster Pictures
Right Corner Recognition in Raster Pictures
Coordinates Calibration in Raster Pictures

System Requirements:
System: 64bit Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (SP1), Windows Vista® (SP1)
Print2CAD™ Software is a stand alone Windows (64 bit) program based on Autodesk Trusted DWG that works independently with all CAD systems (and with all AutoCAD® versions including AutoCAD® AI).
Windows 10: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 8: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 7: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows Vista: 2 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)

Home Page -


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.53 (x64)


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.53 (x64) | 162 MB

Print2CAD is able to convert PDF files into a DWG or DXF file, which can then be imported into any CAD system where it can be edited. Print2CAD is an autonomous and CAD system-independent program. Print2CAD also converts DWG/DXF into PDF, TIFF/JPEG into DWG, DWF into DWG/DXF and HPGL into DWG/DXF.

Print2CAD 2021:
PDF to 2D DWG Conversion as Fully Editable Drawing
Vectorization on PDF Raster Images and OCR of Raster Text
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
PDF to CAD Import with OCR and Raster 2 Vector
PDF to CAD Conversion With Text and Symbol Recognition
PDF to DWG or DXF Conversion with Calibration of Coordiantes
Recognition of Layers, Walls, Corners, and Linetypes
Safe PreView of Suspecting PDF Files

View Input, Cleanup Raster Pictures, choose the right threshold for the color black, markup the text areas and inclination.

Convert Vectors
Convert all PDF vectors and native PDF text, recognize circles and arcs, recognize right corners, frames, crosses, and recognize layers.

OCR of Text
OCR of not native text - text can be as raster, lines, or solid hatches. Normalize the text heights. Use Fuzzy Login for Symbol Recognition.

Raster 2 Vector
Separate parts of a raster picture and apply appropriate raster to vector method. Vectorize as lines, arcs, circles, Recognize layers and line weight. Recognize corners and symbols.

Coordinates Calibration
Calibrate the CAD coordinates using arbitrary calibration points. Use dimensions as reference points. Automatic calculate correct scale factors.

Post Processing
Calibrate the Coordinates. Change Colors and Text Heights. Recognize the Line Types. Clean up the vertex of polylines. Optimize the Coordinates.

All Functions at a Glance
PDF to DWG or DXF Converter
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
TIFF, JPEG Vectorization to DWG or DXF Converter
HPGL and DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
Based on Open Design Alliance CAD Equalizer
Native 64 bit App, no PDF Size Restrictions
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures
PDF Text Recognition (OCR of Drawing)
PDF Line Type Recognition
PDF Coordinates Scaling (Calibration Points)
DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
3D PDF to PRC or U3D Converter
Free Access To AI Cloud Converter
PDF Layer Recognition
PDF Frame, Right Corner, Symbol Recognition
PDF (Architectural Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Contour Lines Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Digital Photo) to DWG or DXF
PDF (OCR of Text Page) to DWG or DXF
Supports DWG 2000-2020
Product of a US Based Company
Works With All CAD Systems
Top AutoCAD PDFin Extender with Raster To Vector
New Feature! Static View of Suspicious PDF Files
Incl. DeepView - Structure Viewer and Post Processor
OCR Recognition of Inclined Text
Automatic Separation of OCR Areas
Automatic Markup of Text Inclination
Editing of Recognized PDF Text
Recognition of Text as Raster, Line, or Solid Hatches
Automatic Spelling Check (English, Spanish, Italian, French, German)
Check and Correction of OCR Recognized Text
OCR Recognition of Symbols
Normalization of Text Heights
Raster To Vector and Recognition of CAD Elements
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures (Scanned Drawings)
Raster Image Vectorization as Lines
Raster Image Vectorization as Outlines
Raster Image Vectorization as Solids
Raster Image Coordinates Calibration
OCR of PDF Raster Pictures (Text Recognition)
Line Type Recognition (binding of small dashes to a line with line type)
Frames and Rectangle Recognition
Symmetry Recognition in Raster Pictures
Circle and Arc Recognition in Raster Pictures
Right Corner Recognition in Raster Pictures
Coordinates Calibration in Raster Pictures

System Requirements:
System: 64bit Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (SP1), Windows Vista® (SP1)
Print2CAD™ Software is a stand alone Windows (64 bit) program based on Autodesk Trusted DWG that works independently with all CAD systems (and with all AutoCAD® versions including AutoCAD® AI).
Windows 10: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 8: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 7: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows Vista: 2 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)

Home Page -


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.60 (x64)


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.60 (x64) | 162 MB

Print2CAD is able to convert PDF files into a DWG or DXF file, which can then be imported into any CAD system where it can be edited. Print2CAD is an autonomous and CAD system-independent program. Print2CAD also converts DWG/DXF into PDF, TIFF/JPEG into DWG, DWF into DWG/DXF and HPGL into DWG/DXF.

Print2CAD 2021:
PDF to 2D DWG Conversion as Fully Editable Drawing
Vectorization on PDF Raster Images and OCR of Raster Text
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
PDF to CAD Import with OCR and Raster 2 Vector
PDF to CAD Conversion With Text and Symbol Recognition
PDF to DWG or DXF Conversion with Calibration of Coordiantes
Recognition of Layers, Walls, Corners, and Linetypes
Safe PreView of Suspecting PDF Files

View Input, Cleanup Raster Pictures, choose the right threshold for the color black, markup the text areas and inclination.

Convert Vectors
Convert all PDF vectors and native PDF text, recognize circles and arcs, recognize right corners, frames, crosses, and recognize layers.

OCR of Text
OCR of not native text - text can be as raster, lines, or solid hatches. Normalize the text heights. Use Fuzzy Login for Symbol Recognition.

Raster 2 Vector
Separate parts of a raster picture and apply appropriate raster to vector method. Vectorize as lines, arcs, circles, Recognize layers and line weight. Recognize corners and symbols.

Coordinates Calibration
Calibrate the CAD coordinates using arbitrary calibration points. Use dimensions as reference points. Automatic calculate correct scale factors.

Post Processing
Calibrate the Coordinates. Change Colors and Text Heights. Recognize the Line Types. Clean up the vertex of polylines. Optimize the Coordinates.

All Functions at a Glance
PDF to DWG or DXF Converter
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
TIFF, JPEG Vectorization to DWG or DXF Converter
HPGL and DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
Based on Open Design Alliance CAD Equalizer
Native 64 bit App, no PDF Size Restrictions
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures
PDF Text Recognition (OCR of Drawing)
PDF Line Type Recognition
PDF Coordinates Scaling (Calibration Points)
DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
3D PDF to PRC or U3D Converter
Free Access To AI Cloud Converter
PDF Layer Recognition
PDF Frame, Right Corner, Symbol Recognition
PDF (Architectural Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Contour Lines Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Digital Photo) to DWG or DXF
PDF (OCR of Text Page) to DWG or DXF
Supports DWG 2000-2020
Product of a US Based Company
Works With All CAD Systems
Top AutoCAD PDFin Extender with Raster To Vector
New Feature! Static View of Suspicious PDF Files
Incl. DeepView - Structure Viewer and Post Processor
OCR Recognition of Inclined Text
Automatic Separation of OCR Areas
Automatic Markup of Text Inclination
Editing of Recognized PDF Text
Recognition of Text as Raster, Line, or Solid Hatches
Automatic Spelling Check (English, Spanish, Italian, French, German)
Check and Correction of OCR Recognized Text
OCR Recognition of Symbols
Normalization of Text Heights
Raster To Vector and Recognition of CAD Elements
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures (Scanned Drawings)
Raster Image Vectorization as Lines
Raster Image Vectorization as Outlines
Raster Image Vectorization as Solids
Raster Image Coordinates Calibration
OCR of PDF Raster Pictures (Text Recognition)
Line Type Recognition (binding of small dashes to a line with line type)
Frames and Rectangle Recognition
Symmetry Recognition in Raster Pictures
Circle and Arc Recognition in Raster Pictures
Right Corner Recognition in Raster Pictures
Coordinates Calibration in Raster Pictures

System Requirements:
System: 64bit Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (SP1), Windows Vista® (SP1)
Print2CAD™ Software is a stand alone Windows (64 bit) program based on Autodesk Trusted DWG that works independently with all CAD systems (and with all AutoCAD® versions including AutoCAD® AI).
Windows 10: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 8: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 7: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows Vista: 2 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)

Home Page -


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.61 (x64)


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.61 (x64) | 162 MB

Print2CAD is able to convert PDF files into a DWG or DXF file, which can then be imported into any CAD system where it can be edited. Print2CAD is an autonomous and CAD system-independent program. Print2CAD also converts DWG/DXF into PDF, TIFF/JPEG into DWG, DWF into DWG/DXF and HPGL into DWG/DXF.

Print2CAD 2021:
PDF to 2D DWG Conversion as Fully Editable Drawing
Vectorization on PDF Raster Images and OCR of Raster Text
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
PDF to CAD Import with OCR and Raster 2 Vector
PDF to CAD Conversion With Text and Symbol Recognition
PDF to DWG or DXF Conversion with Calibration of Coordiantes
Recognition of Layers, Walls, Corners, and Linetypes
Safe PreView of Suspecting PDF Files

View Input, Cleanup Raster Pictures, choose the right threshold for the color black, markup the text areas and inclination.

Convert Vectors
Convert all PDF vectors and native PDF text, recognize circles and arcs, recognize right corners, frames, crosses, and recognize layers.

OCR of Text
OCR of not native text - text can be as raster, lines, or solid hatches. Normalize the text heights. Use Fuzzy Login for Symbol Recognition.

Raster 2 Vector
Separate parts of a raster picture and apply appropriate raster to vector method. Vectorize as lines, arcs, circles, Recognize layers and line weight. Recognize corners and symbols.

Coordinates Calibration
Calibrate the CAD coordinates using arbitrary calibration points. Use dimensions as reference points. Automatic calculate correct scale factors.

Post Processing
Calibrate the Coordinates. Change Colors and Text Heights. Recognize the Line Types. Clean up the vertex of polylines. Optimize the Coordinates.
All Functions at a Glance
PDF to DWG or DXF Converter
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
TIFF, JPEG Vectorization to DWG or DXF Converter
HPGL and DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
Based on Open Design Alliance CAD Equalizer
Native 64 bit App, no PDF Size Restrictions
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures
PDF Text Recognition (OCR of Drawing)
PDF Line Type Recognition
PDF Coordinates Scaling (Calibration Points)
DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
3D PDF to PRC or U3D Converter
Free Access To AI Cloud Converter
PDF Layer Recognition
PDF Frame, Right Corner, Symbol Recognition
PDF (Architectural Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Contour Lines Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Digital Photo) to DWG or DXF
PDF (OCR of Text Page) to DWG or DXF
Supports DWG 2000-2020
Product of a US Based Company
Works With All CAD Systems
Top AutoCAD PDFin Extender with Raster To Vector
New Feature! Static View of Suspicious PDF Files
Incl. DeepView - Structure Viewer and Post Processor
OCR Recognition of Inclined Text
Automatic Separation of OCR Areas
Automatic Markup of Text Inclination
Editing of Recognized PDF Text
Recognition of Text as Raster, Line, or Solid Hatches
Automatic Spelling Check (English, Spanish, Italian, French, German)
Check and Correction of OCR Recognized Text
OCR Recognition of Symbols
Normalization of Text Heights
Raster To Vector and Recognition of CAD Elements
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures (Scanned Drawings)
Raster Image Vectorization as Lines
Raster Image Vectorization as Outlines
Raster Image Vectorization as Solids
Raster Image Coordinates Calibration
OCR of PDF Raster Pictures (Text Recognition)
Line Type Recognition (binding of small dashes to a line with line type)
Frames and Rectangle Recognition
Symmetry Recognition in Raster Pictures
Circle and Arc Recognition in Raster Pictures
Right Corner Recognition in Raster Pictures
Coordinates Calibration in Raster Pictures

System Requirements:
System: 64bit Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (SP1), Windows Vista® (SP1)
Print2CAD™ Software is a stand alone Windows (64 bit) program based on Autodesk Trusted DWG that works independently with all CAD systems (and with all AutoCAD® versions including AutoCAD® AI).
Windows 10: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 8: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 7: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows Vista: 2 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)

Home Page -


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.62 (x64)


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.62 (x64) | 141 MB

Print2CAD is able to convert PDF files into a DWG or DXF file, which can then be imported into any CAD system where it can be edited. Print2CAD is an autonomous and CAD system-independent program. Print2CAD also converts DWG/DXF into PDF, TIFF/JPEG into DWG, DWF into DWG/DXF and HPGL into DWG/DXF.

Print2CAD 2021:
PDF to 2D DWG Conversion as Fully Editable Drawing
Vectorization on PDF Raster Images and OCR of Raster Text
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
PDF to CAD Import with OCR and Raster 2 Vector
PDF to CAD Conversion With Text and Symbol Recognition
PDF to DWG or DXF Conversion with Calibration of Coordiantes
Recognition of Layers, Walls, Corners, and Linetypes
Safe PreView of Suspecting PDF Files

View Input, Cleanup Raster Pictures, choose the right threshold for the color black, markup the text areas and inclination.

Convert Vectors
Convert all PDF vectors and native PDF text, recognize circles and arcs, recognize right corners, frames, crosses, and recognize layers.

OCR of Text
OCR of not native text - text can be as raster, lines, or solid hatches. Normalize the text heights. Use Fuzzy Login for Symbol Recognition.

Raster 2 Vector
Separate parts of a raster picture and apply appropriate raster to vector method. Vectorize as lines, arcs, circles, Recognize layers and line weight. Recognize corners and symbols.

Coordinates Calibration
Calibrate the CAD coordinates using arbitrary calibration points. Use dimensions as reference points. Automatic calculate correct scale factors.

Post Processing
Calibrate the Coordinates. Change Colors and Text Heights. Recognize the Line Types. Clean up the vertex of polylines. Optimize the Coordinates.

All Functions at a Glance
PDF to DWG or DXF Converter
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
TIFF, JPEG Vectorization to DWG or DXF Converter
HPGL and DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
Based on Open Design Alliance CAD Equalizer
Native 64 bit App, no PDF Size Restrictions
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures
PDF Text Recognition (OCR of Drawing)
PDF Line Type Recognition
PDF Coordinates Scaling (Calibration Points)
DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
3D PDF to PRC or U3D Converter
Free Access To AI Cloud Converter
PDF Layer Recognition
PDF Frame, Right Corner, Symbol Recognition
PDF (Architectural Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Contour Lines Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Digital Photo) to DWG or DXF
PDF (OCR of Text Page) to DWG or DXF
Supports DWG 2000-2020
Product of a US Based Company
Works With All CAD Systems
Top AutoCAD PDFin Extender with Raster To Vector
New Feature! Static View of Suspicious PDF Files
Incl. DeepView - Structure Viewer and Post Processor
OCR Recognition of Inclined Text
Automatic Separation of OCR Areas
Automatic Markup of Text Inclination
Editing of Recognized PDF Text
Recognition of Text as Raster, Line, or Solid Hatches
Automatic Spelling Check (English, Spanish, Italian, French, German)
Check and Correction of OCR Recognized Text
OCR Recognition of Symbols
Normalization of Text Heights
Raster To Vector and Recognition of CAD Elements
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures (Scanned Drawings)
Raster Image Vectorization as Lines
Raster Image Vectorization as Outlines
Raster Image Vectorization as Solids
Raster Image Coordinates Calibration
OCR of PDF Raster Pictures (Text Recognition)
Line Type Recognition (binding of small dashes to a line with line type)
Frames and Rectangle Recognition
Symmetry Recognition in Raster Pictures
Circle and Arc Recognition in Raster Pictures
Right Corner Recognition in Raster Pictures
Coordinates Calibration in Raster Pictures

System Requirements:
System: 64bit Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (SP1), Windows Vista® (SP1)
Print2CAD™ Software is a stand alone Windows (64 bit) program based on Autodesk Trusted DWG that works independently with all CAD systems (and with all AutoCAD® versions including AutoCAD® AI).
Windows 10: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 8: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 7: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows Vista: 2 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)

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BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.62a (x64)


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.62a (x64) | 46 MB

Print2CAD is able to convert PDF files into a DWG or DXF file, which can then be imported into any CAD system where it can be edited. Print2CAD is an autonomous and CAD system-independent program. Print2CAD also converts DWG/DXF into PDF, TIFF/JPEG into DWG, DWF into DWG/DXF and HPGL into DWG/DXF.

Print2CAD 2021:
PDF to 2D DWG Conversion as Fully Editable Drawing
Vectorization on PDF Raster Images and OCR of Raster Text
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
PDF to CAD Import with OCR and Raster 2 Vector
PDF to CAD Conversion With Text and Symbol Recognition
PDF to DWG or DXF Conversion with Calibration of Coordiantes
Recognition of Layers, Walls, Corners, and Linetypes
Safe PreView of Suspecting PDF Files

View Input, Cleanup Raster Pictures, choose the right threshold for the color black, markup the text areas and inclination.

Convert Vectors
Convert all PDF vectors and native PDF text, recognize circles and arcs, recognize right corners, frames, crosses, and recognize layers.

OCR of Text
OCR of not native text - text can be as raster, lines, or solid hatches. Normalize the text heights. Use Fuzzy Login for Symbol Recognition.

Raster 2 Vector
Separate parts of a raster picture and apply appropriate raster to vector method. Vectorize as lines, arcs, circles, Recognize layers and line weight. Recognize corners and symbols.

Coordinates Calibration
Calibrate the CAD coordinates using arbitrary calibration points. Use dimensions as reference points. Automatic calculate correct scale factors.

Post Processing
Calibrate the Coordinates. Change Colors and Text Heights. Recognize the Line Types. Clean up the vertex of polylines. Optimize the Coordinates.

All Functions at a Glance
PDF to DWG or DXF Converter
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
TIFF, JPEG Vectorization to DWG or DXF Converter
HPGL and DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
Based on Open Design Alliance CAD Equalizer
Native 64 bit App, no PDF Size Restrictions
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures
PDF Text Recognition (OCR of Drawing)
PDF Line Type Recognition
PDF Coordinates Scaling (Calibration Points)
DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
3D PDF to PRC or U3D Converter
Free Access To AI Cloud Converter
PDF Layer Recognition
PDF Frame, Right Corner, Symbol Recognition
PDF (Architectural Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Contour Lines Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Digital Photo) to DWG or DXF
PDF (OCR of Text Page) to DWG or DXF
Supports DWG 2000-2020
Product of a US Based Company
Works With All CAD Systems
Top AutoCAD PDFin Extender with Raster To Vector
New Feature! Static View of Suspicious PDF Files
Incl. DeepView - Structure Viewer and Post Processor
OCR Recognition of Inclined Text
Automatic Separation of OCR Areas
Automatic Markup of Text Inclination
Editing of Recognized PDF Text
Recognition of Text as Raster, Line, or Solid Hatches
Automatic Spelling Check (English, Spanish, Italian, French, German)
Check and Correction of OCR Recognized Text
OCR Recognition of Symbols
Normalization of Text Heights
Raster To Vector and Recognition of CAD Elements
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures (Scanned Drawings)
Raster Image Vectorization as Lines
Raster Image Vectorization as Outlines
Raster Image Vectorization as Solids
Raster Image Coordinates Calibration
OCR of PDF Raster Pictures (Text Recognition)
Line Type Recognition (binding of small dashes to a line with line type)
Frames and Rectangle Recognition
Symmetry Recognition in Raster Pictures
Circle and Arc Recognition in Raster Pictures
Right Corner Recognition in Raster Pictures
Coordinates Calibration in Raster Pictures

System Requirements:
System: 64bit Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (SP1), Windows Vista® (SP1)
Print2CAD™ Software is a stand alone Windows (64 bit) program based on Autodesk Trusted DWG that works independently with all CAD systems (and with all AutoCAD® versions including AutoCAD® AI).
Windows 10: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 8: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 7: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows Vista: 2 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)

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BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.63 (x64)


BackToCAD Print2CAD 2021 v21.63 (x64) | 145 MB | Language: English

Print2CAD is able to convert PDF files into a DWG or DXF file, which can then be imported into any CAD system where it can be edited. Print2CAD is an autonomous and CAD system-independent program. Print2CAD also converts DWG/DXF into PDF, TIFF/JPEG into DWG, DWF into DWG/DXF and HPGL into DWG/DXF.

Print2CAD 2021:
PDF to 2D DWG Conversion as Fully Editable Drawing
Vectorization on PDF Raster Images and OCR of Raster Text
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
PDF to CAD Import with OCR and Raster 2 Vector
PDF to CAD Conversion With Text and Symbol Recognition
PDF to DWG or DXF Conversion with Calibration of Coordiantes
Recognition of Layers, Walls, Corners, and Linetypes
Safe PreView of Suspecting PDF Files

View Input, Cleanup Raster Pictures, choose the right threshold for the color black, markup the text areas and inclination.

Convert Vectors
Convert all PDF vectors and native PDF text, recognize circles and arcs, recognize right corners, frames, crosses, and recognize layers.

OCR of Text
OCR of not native text - text can be as raster, lines, or solid hatches. Normalize the text heights. Use Fuzzy Login for Symbol Recognition.

Raster 2 Vector
Separate parts of a raster picture and apply appropriate raster to vector method. Vectorize as lines, arcs, circles, Recognize layers and line weight. Recognize corners and symbols.

Coordinates Calibration
Calibrate the CAD coordinates using arbitrary calibration points. Use dimensions as reference points. Automatic calculate correct scale factors.

Post Processing
Calibrate the Coordinates. Change Colors and Text Heights. Recognize the Line Types. Clean up the vertex of polylines. Optimize the Coordinates.

All Functions at a Glance
PDF to DWG or DXF Converter
DWG to 2D/3D PDF Publishing
TIFF, JPEG Vectorization to DWG or DXF Converter
HPGL and DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
Based on Open Design Alliance CAD Equalizer
Native 64 bit App, no PDF Size Restrictions
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures
PDF Text Recognition (OCR of Drawing)
PDF Line Type Recognition
PDF Coordinates Scaling (Calibration Points)
DWF to DWG or DXF Converter
3D PDF to PRC or U3D Converter
Free Access To AI Cloud Converter
PDF Layer Recognition
PDF Frame, Right Corner, Symbol Recognition
PDF (Architectural Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Contour Lines Scan) to DWG or DXF
PDF (Digital Photo) to DWG or DXF
PDF (OCR of Text Page) to DWG or DXF
Supports DWG 2000-2020
Product of a US Based Company
Works With All CAD Systems
Top AutoCAD PDFin Extender with Raster To Vector
New Feature! Static View of Suspicious PDF Files
Incl. DeepView - Structure Viewer and Post Processor
OCR Recognition of Inclined Text
Automatic Separation of OCR Areas
Automatic Markup of Text Inclination
Editing of Recognized PDF Text
Recognition of Text as Raster, Line, or Solid Hatches
Automatic Spelling Check (English, Spanish, Italian, French, German)
Check and Correction of OCR Recognized Text
OCR Recognition of Symbols
Normalization of Text Heights
Raster To Vector and Recognition of CAD Elements
Vectorization of PDF Raster Pictures (Scanned Drawings)
Raster Image Vectorization as Lines
Raster Image Vectorization as Outlines
Raster Image Vectorization as Solids
Raster Image Coordinates Calibration
OCR of PDF Raster Pictures (Text Recognition)
Line Type Recognition (binding of small dashes to a line with line type)
Frames and Rectangle Recognition
Symmetry Recognition in Raster Pictures
Circle and Arc Recognition in Raster Pictures
Right Corner Recognition in Raster Pictures
Coordinates Calibration in Raster Pictures

System Requirements:
System: 64bit Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (SP1), Windows Vista® (SP1)
Print2CAD™ Software is a stand alone Windows (64 bit) program based on Autodesk Trusted DWG that works independently with all CAD systems (and with all AutoCAD® versions including AutoCAD® AI).
Windows 10: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 8: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows 7: 4 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)
Windows Vista: 2 GB RAM (for TIFF, JPEG or scanned PDF Vectorization)

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