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Autodesk 3DS MAX 2021


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2021.2 (x64) Multilanguage || Multi-Deutsch


Software für Modellierung und Rendering in 3D für Designvisualisierungen, Games und Animation.

Übernehmen Sie mit 3D-Modellen in Profi-Qualität die volle künstlerische Kontrolle

Erstellen Sie schier unendliche Welten in Games, beeindruckende Szenen für die Designvisualisierung und immersive Virtual-Reality-Erlebnisse. Nutzen Sie die Toolsets von 3ds Max® zur detaillierten Ausgestaltung von Umgebungen, Objekten und Figuren. Modellieren Sie Figuren, Orte und Gegenstände ganz nach Wunsch.

Erstellen und rendern Sie beeindruckende Szenen mit dem integrierten Arnold-Renderer

3ds Max lässt sich mit den meisten geläufigen Renderern einsetzen, um hochwertige Szenen und optisch beeindruckende Ergebnisse für die Designvisualisierung und vieles mehr zu schaffen. Rendern Sie interaktiv direkt über die Benutzeroberfläche und nutzen Sie während der Arbeit präzise und detaillierte Vorschauen.

Skalieren Sie Ihren Arbeitsablauf mit automatisierten Prozessen in 3ds Max

Knappe Abgabetermine sind für 3ds Max kein Problem, sodass Sie sich voll und ganz auf Ihre kreative Arbeit konzentrieren können.

Verwenden Sie 3ds Max als Berechnungsbasis, um die Produktion von Inhalten flexibel zu skalieren
Bauen Sie integrierte Arbeitsabläufe anhand intuitiver APIs weiter aus
Beschleunigen Sie manuelle Arbeitsschritte, um die Produktivität zu steigern

Autodesk 3ds Max 2021 software is supported on the following 64-bit operating systems and at a minimum, requires a system with the following 64-bit hardware:

Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 Professional operating system
Browser Autodesk recommends the latest version of the following web browsers for access to online supplemental content:
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
CPU 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
Graphics Hardware Refer to 3ds Max Certified Hardware for a detailed list of recommended systems and graphics cards
RAM 4 GB of RAM minimum (8 GB or more recommended)
Disk Space 9 GB of free disk space for install
Pointing Device Three-button mouse





DOWNLOAD || 7980 MB || Format: exe

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Autodesk 3ds Max 2021.1 x64 Multilingual


Autodesk 3ds Max 2021.1 x64 Multilingual | 6.44 GB

Autodesk has launched 3ds Max 2021.1, the latest update to the 3D modelling and animation software, including a number of significant new features for game development and VFX work.

Fixed issues
- A new UI export option has been added to support data cleanup when exporting alembic files.
- Fixed Motion Capture Midi ping sound
- Fixed issue importing FBX without UI not correctly applying scene scaling.
- SplineIKControl, SkinWrap Patch, and SkinMorph now preserve visibility state on file save/load.
- Fixed UI clipping with Camera Tracker utility.
MAXX:Animation, MAXX:Modeling, MAXX:performance
- Fixed a crash that would occur when double-clicking on the World name in Track View
MAXX:Animation, MAXX:Viewports
- Max would not start when 10 GPUs are present
- Fixed Flight Studio so that it doesn't evaluate nodes at time 0 on scene file load, rather it evaluates nodes at the beginning animation time.
- Do not display the "A modifier exists in the stack that depends on topology" warning if in quiet mode.
- Fixed problem with undo system caused by error while interpreting incorrect Python code,
Modify the Plugin Package Manager so that it does the following:
- Display an error if 3ds Max tries to load two different packages that have the same versions and upgrade codes.
- Don't display an error if 3ds Max tries to load two identical packages. Instead, log a message in the Max.log file.
- Improved warning message when rendering an animation sequence without an output file being specified, and added the ability to silence the warning for the current 3ds Max session.
- Fixed multithreading issue with initialization of Missing Path Cache.
- Fixed BakeElementProperties setParamValue and setParamFPValue FPS methods.
- Date values are now shown properly in File Properties dialog, Custom tab.
- Display a warning when a plugin's MUI file is missing.
- Corrected mesh validation issue that affects FBX import speeds when the file contains invalid data.
- Fixed edge visibility in the new ATF-based Sketchup importer. Edge visibility is assigned correctly; thus the conversions of imported meshes to Editable Poly produce correct geometries.
- Added useMPCamEffect: to MAXScript createPreview method
- Changes to the expression of a script controller are now un-doable
- Fixed access violation when running macros.new MAXScritp command with invalid parameters.
- Math functions have improved accuracy for large integer, integer64, and integerptr values (those that cannot be accurately represented as float values)
- When turning off a Display Filter, nodes that were hidden by the filter have their material properly displayed.
- unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback, unregisterTimeCallback, unregisterSelectFilterCallback, unregisterDisplayFilterCallback, dotnet.removeEventHandler do not throw runtime error if passed 'undefined' as the function
- Fixed MAXScript 'apropos' command to properly handle ' ' as terminating character in pattern
- Fixed issue that '[' in MAXScript node path names was handled as the beginning of a regex set in some cases. Disabled regex set handling when dealing with node names in MAXScript.
- Can now set row of bigMatrix using array of float, and can now coerce row of bigMatrix to array.
- MAXScript time and key functions that operate on object hierarchies, such as deleteTime, addNewKey, and addEaseCurve, now operate on instanced controllers once
- Maps added in SME are in Show Shaded Material in Viewport mode turned OFF.
If the setting:
- is manually added in 3dsMax.ini file, it's possible to restore the legacy behavior until 3ds Max 2020.1, with materials and maps not in Show Shaded Material in Viewport mode by default.
Materials added only in CME will update their properties in real-time in the viewport.
- When using the soft selection, or invert soft selection, the weight index now accumulates across each shape so the proper knot weight is used.
- The bounding box will now be properly displayed when using timing offset of a fluid cache on the Fluid Loader object.
- 3ds Max now does a better job of detecting when UV changes have occurred on your mesh and thus will store the UV changes to your scene file on a save operation.
- Resolved an issue where "save to previous (2018-2020)" was not working properly if you had multiple copies of the Chamfer modifier on your mesh due to an error with the version indicator .
- Fixed an error with the Chamfer modifier where the lookup table that was generated to map edges to map seams might become out of bounds and invalidated and crash 3ds Max.
- Fixed an error that was erroneously altering already-extant faces, rather than creating and adjusting new faces when using chamfer with a Meshsmooth modifier
- Additional cleanup is now performed when applying a border extrusion on an Editable Poly object with a border width of 0, vertices on border polygons that have 3 edges will no longer see a duplication due to additional error checking and fixing for consecutive non-extruded edges.
- Resolved a crash issue that was discovered when encountering out of bounds data during a file load when dealing with hidden edge data.
- Added support for improved checks with the texture map and vertex color channels as a part of the Weighed Normals calculation to prevent a crash with the modifier.
- Fixed a crash error that could occur when using two symmetry modifiers. This error was caused by bad face vertex data that may hold invalid normals. When this type of error is encountered the modifier will now correct for this error.
- Resolved an issue with chamfer where small angle and distance tolerances were applied incorrectly resulting in straight edges instead of curved ones. We have adjusted the collinear tolerance for arc interpolations to correct for this.
- Resolved an issue where a reset command was issued and the bind pose on Skin Wrap was not properly updating. We have also exposed a new Maxscript command called fullReset to call this reset action as well.
- Improved the calculation of the depth and the resulting tangent vector results when using a negative chamfer value (such as -1) when applying a chamfer. This should result in inside corners appearing cleaner and more in line with the expected results that the end user is seeking.
- Fixed a cut and paste operation in the DCM that was causing a crash with 3ds Max when some data instances were pointing to the original object instead of the applied object.
- Updated the Vertex Paint modifier to normalized NaNs and vertex color information that are not set in the correct range and data information, which would cause issues when attempting to use the Blur brush. Improved the Vertex Paint blur brush to better support being smaller than the faces that it supports. Improved the Vertex Paint blur brush so that it can better handle large data sets of information and how it processes how it should blend vertex paint information.
- Explicit Normals are now retained when using Editable Poly and performing the following actions: No longer resets normals when collapsed to, Detach to Clone, Detach to Element, Detach to Element as clone, Clone to Object, Clone to element, Attach
- Explicit Normals are now retained when using Edit Poly and performing the following actions: No longer resets modifier resets normals when applied,
- Detach to Clone, Detach to Element, Detach to Element as Clone, Clone to Object, Clone to element,
- Edit and Editable Mesh will now preserve explicit normals that have been applied to your mesh when performing the following actions: Applying Edit Mesh, Attach , Detach to Object , Detach to Element, Clone to Object, Clone to Element, Detach as Clone to Element,
- Selection sets are now restored with file loads in 3ds max
MAXX:Modeling, MAXX:performance
- Improvements to the mesh selection algorithms that should speed up performance for machines that have 4 cores/threads or less
- The intersectRay MAXScript function will now perform with increased accuracy and consistency with both mesh and MNMesh type objects when dealing with faces by performing improved bounding box tests.
- Added a Track View action item call Delete Selected Custom Attributes to delete any selected Custom Attributes in the active Track View and help reduce file bloat issues. It is only enabled when a Custom Attribute is selected.
- Anim Layers were not being removed when the the controlling node was deleted. Now when a node is deleted any anim layers referencing that node are also deleted. Also on file open/merge anim layers that are orphaned are deleted.
- Improved file loading, saving, and/or merging when dealing with Motion Clips; we now cull out orphaned motion clips that are unreferenced. ParamBlock2 post load callback speed has also been improved.
- Fixed issue where MAXScript values created when calling MAXScript function from Python were not properly protected from garbage collection. Also improved memory stack handing when passing large argument lists.
- MAXScript objects are keeping their identity when wrapped around set data structures in Python. MAXX-56387
- Improved Python exception traceback information to also display the information from the first call level. MAXX-56107
- Fixed assigning a new value to a SubAnim (an animatable property of a scene object accessed by index instead of by name) through Python. It is now possible to assign a new controller to a SubAnim in Python. For example, the following code assigns a noise controller to obj's SubAnim identified by index: pymxs.runtime.getSubAnim(obj, index).controller = noise_float())
- 'MAXClass' MAXScript types can now be compared in Python without exception being thrown and logged, which were interrupting Python script execution, and resulted in 3dsMax Batch reporting errors in tasks that executed such Python code.
- Deleting an item using Python from a Maxscript collection now removes it from the collection as opposed to setting it to None
- Enabling the MacroRecorder may have a significant performance impact on the Bake to Texture tool performance
- Map order in Bake to Texture tool is not preserved after loading an existing scene
- Output-To settings are not exposed to Maxscript
- Multiple line editing of the Output-To column for Objects is not functional
- Multiple line editing of the Output-To column for Maps is not functional
- When baking a map using Map Override with Scanline, the map will not be shown in the Bake to Texture window if the scene is closed and re-opened
- When dealing with large numbers of objects with bake maps defined, performance may be degraded.
- Bake to Texture Output-To state sometimes resets to File Only and loses settings when switching Output-To options
- Quicksilver will no longer use Time to render in the SME thus not locking user out of Max.
- Optimization of OpenImageIO cache setting to improve performance for evaluation of OSL shaders. Increased the memory limit from 2 GB to 16 GB before swapping textures.
- OSL String maps that are connected will now appear in viewport as expected.
- Fixed incorrect scaling of the Render Presets UI.
- Text on some buttons in Configure Modifier Sets may appear truncated.
- 3ds Max 2020.1_Update makes Depth-of-Field effects also apply to the environment when seen as a viewport background the same way as it does in the rendering. If this is not desired, it can be disabled by editing 3dsmax.ini, and set DisableDOFForBackground=1 in the [Nitrous] section.
- Note that if you previously used the "Background Blur" feature in the "HDRI Environment" OSL map to "fake" a depth-of-field effect in the viewport, that is no longer necessary. In fact, if you do, you will get a "double blur" effect, which may not be what you expect.
- Loading .fx files with Legacy Direct3D will no longer crash Max.
Known issues and workarounds
- Issue: Multi-Tile texture baking may not function as expected on some OSL nodes that do not contain an Offset parameter, such as the OSL BitmapLookup node. Workaround: Use the OSL Uber Bitmap when texture baking is required, or create a UVW Transform node and connect it to the UVW input for other OSL nodes. The texture baking process can leverage the UVW Transform node to bake multiple tiles.

3ds Max 2021 introduces a number of features that should be significant for game and visual effects artists, including support for metalness/roughness and specular/glossiness PBR workflows.
The update adds support for PBR materials, plus a new PBR-compatible Bake to Texture tool; adds new OSL shaders and support for Substance .sbsar files; and makes Arnold the software's default renderer.
3ds Max 2021 | New Features and Updates

Autodesk. helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Product: Autodesk 3ds Max
Version: 2021 Update 1 *
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC **
Supported Operating Systems: **
Size: 6.5 Gb

* Note: This is a full installer, you do not need to have 3ds Max 2021 installed to install this update but it will work fine if you do have 3ds Max 2021 already installed.

Autodesk 3ds Max 2021 software is supported on the following 64-bit operating systems and at a minimum, requires a system with the following 64-bit hardware:
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 Professional operating system
Browser Autodesk recommends the latest version of the following web browsers for access to online supplemental content:
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
CPU 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
Graphics Hardware Refer to 3ds Max Certified Hardware for a detailed list of recommended systems and graphics cards
RAM 4 GB of RAM minimum (8 GB or more recommended)
Disk Space 9 GB of free disk space for install
Pointing Device Three-button mouse.


Autodesk 3DS MAX 2021.1 (x64)

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Keygen XForce + Installationsanleitung / 64-Bit



3ds Max 2021 ist eine leistungsstarke 3D-Modellierungs- und Animationslösung, die von Spieleentwicklern, Künstlern für visuelle Effekte und Grafikdesignern verwendet wird, um riesige Welten, atemberaubende Szenen und VR-Erlebnisse (Virtual Reality) zu erstellen.

Funktionen und Softwarefunktionen in Autodesk 3ds Max:

- Material Design eine Vielzahl von Modellen, Formen, Materialien und hohe Komplexität und Details
- Haben unterschiedliche Effekte in Bezug auf die Animation
- Mit einem vollständigen und professionellen Modellierungswerkzeug
- Fähigkeit zum Importieren der Ausgabe verschiedener Animationssoftware sowie von Computerdesign und -technik
- Unterstützung für mehrere Erweiterungen, um visuelle Effekte anzuwenden
- Erstellen Sie die Lichtquelle am gewünschten Ort und damit die Bildung des Schattenobjekts
- Fähigkeit zum Modellieren für professionelles Video
- Intelligente Software, um den Anfang und das Ende der Animation zu erkennen
- Erkennen Sie die Reaktion des Körpers auf die darauf ergriffenen Maßnahmen
- Die neueste Darstellung des Projekts, um die Geschwindigkeit und Qualität zu verbessern
- Fähigkeit zur Verwendung der Programmiersprache Python in der Projektentwicklung


Größe: 8.14 GB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: Iso
Plattform: Windows (64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator.net, Alfafile.net, Ddownload.com


Autodesk 3ds Max 2021.1 R1 x64 Multilingual


Autodesk 3ds Max 2021.1 R1 x64 Multilingual | 6.3 GB | Language: Multilanguage

Autodesk has launched 3ds Max 2021.1 R1, the latest update to the 3D modelling and animation software, including a number of significant new features for game development and VFX work.

3ds Max 2021 introduces a number of features that should be significant for game and visual effects artists, including support for metalness/roughness and specular/glossiness PBR workflows.

The update adds support for PBR materials, plus a new PBR-compatible Bake to Texture tool; adds new OSL shaders and support for Substance .sbsar files; and makes Arnold the software's default renderer.

3ds Max 2021 | New Features and Updates
Autodesk. helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Product: Autodesk 3ds Max
Version: 2021.1 R1
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 6.3 Gb

Autodesk 3ds Max 2021 software is supported on the following 64-bit operating systems and at a minimum, requires a system with the following 64-bit hardware:
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 Professional operating system
Browser Autodesk recommends the latest version of the following web browsers for access to online supplemental content:
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
CPU 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
Graphics Hardware Refer to 3ds Max Certified Hardware for a detailed list of recommended systems and graphics cards
RAM 4 GB of RAM minimum (8 GB or more recommended)
Disk Space 9 GB of free disk space for install
Pointing Device Three-button mouse


Autodesk 3DS MAX 2020.3.2 (x64)


Autodesk 3DS MAX 2020.3.2 (x64) | 4.1 GB | Language: English

3ds Max 2020 is a powerful 3D modeling and animation solution used by game developers, visual effects artists, and graphic designers to create massive worlds, stunning scenes, and engaging virtual reality (VR) experiences.

Facilities and software features in Autodesk 3ds Max:
-material design a variety of models, shapes, materials and high complexity and detail
-have different effects in terms of animating
-having a complete and professional modeling tools
-Ability to import the output of various animation software and computer design and engineering
-Support for multiple extensions to apply visual effects
-Create the light source in the desired location and thus the formation of the shadow object
-Ability to model designed for professional video
-intelligent software to recognize the beginning and end of the animation
-recognize the body's response to the action taken on it
-the latest rendering of the project in order to improve the speed and quality
-Ability to use programming language Python in project development

Modified ISO:
Autodesk Genuine Service Removed
Autodesk Desktop App Removed
Autodesk Single Sign-On Removed
Autodesk 3DS MAX 2020.3.2 Update Added/installation Silent
Autodesk MaxtoA Updated / Integrated
Autodesk removed inside the update the AdSSO

System Requirements:
OS:Microsoft Windows® 7 (SP1), Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 Professional operating system
CPU:64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
Memory:4 GB of RAM minimum (8 GB or more recommended)
Space:9 GB of free disk space for install or more

Home Page -


Autodesk 3DS MAX 2021.3.8 (x64)

Multilingual/Deutsch / inkl. Keygen XForce + Anleitung / 64-Bit



3ds Max 2020 ist eine leistungsstarke 3D-Modellierungs- und Animationslösung, die von Spieleentwicklern, Künstlern für visuelle Effekte und Grafikdesignern verwendet wird, um riesige Welten, atemberaubende Szenen und VR-Erlebnisse (Virtual Reality) zu erstellen.

Funktionen und Softwarefunktionen in Autodesk 3ds Max:

- Material Design eine Vielzahl von Modellen, Formen, Materialien und hohe Komplexität und Details
- Haben unterschiedliche Effekte in Bezug auf die Animation
- Mit einem vollständigen und professionellen Modellierungswerkzeug
- Fähigkeit zum Importieren der Ausgabe verschiedener Animationssoftware sowie von Computerdesign und -technik
- Unterstützung für mehrere Erweiterungen, um visuelle Effekte anzuwenden
- Erstellen Sie die Lichtquelle am gewünschten Ort und damit die Bildung des Schattenobjekts
- Fähigkeit zum Modellieren für professionelles Video
- Intelligente Software, um den Anfang und das Ende der Animation zu erkennen
- Erkennen Sie die Reaktion des Körpers auf die darauf ergriffenen Maßnahmen
- Die neueste Darstellung des Projekts, um die Geschwindigkeit und Qualität zu verbessern
- Fähigkeit zur Verwendung der Programmiersprache Python in der Projektentwicklung


Größe: 8.10 GB
Sprache: Multi/Deutsch
Format: RAR/ISO
Plattform: Windows 8/10/11 (64-Bit)
Hoster: RapidGator / Ddownload / Nitroflare / Katfile


Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Autodesk 3DS MAX 2021.3 Update Only (x64) Multilanguage | 1.81 GB


Language: Multilanguage/German
Format before unpacking: .rar
Format after unpacking: exe
Platform: Windows x64
Size: 1.81 GB
Hoster: DropAPK, UploadGIG, NitroFlare, RapidGator


Autodesk 3ds Max 2021.3 Multilingual


Autodesk 3ds Max 2021.3 Multilingual | Official Release | 6.3 GB | Language: Multilanguage

Autodesk has launched 3ds Max 2021.3, the latest update to the 3D modelling and animation software, including a number of significant new highlights, enhancements and changes for game development and VFX work.

3ds Max 2021 introduces a number of features that should be significant for game and visual effects artists, including support for metalness/roughness and specular/glossiness PBR workflows.

3ds Max 2021 | New Features and Updates
Autodesk. helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone-from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists-uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Product: Autodesk 3ds Max
Version: 2021.3 official release
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : Language: multilanguage (English, Português, Français, Deutsch, 日本語, 한국어, 中文)
System Requirements: PC *
Size: 6.3 Gb

Autodesk 3ds Max 2021 software is supported on the following 64-bit operating systems and at a minimum, requires a system with the following 64-bit hardware:
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1), Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10 Professional operating system
Browser Autodesk recommends the latest version of the following web browsers for access to online supplemental content:
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
CPU 64-bit Intel or AMD multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
Graphics Hardware Refer to 3ds Max Certified Hardware for a detailed list of recommended systems and graphics cards
RAM 4 GB of RAM minimum (8 GB or more recommended)
Disk Space 9 GB of free disk space for install
Pointing Device Three-button mouse


Größe: 6.3 GB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .iso
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






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