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TriSun WinExt Pro v18


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

TriSun WinExt Pro v18.0 Build 072 Multilingual


TriSun WinExt Pro v18.0 Build 072 Multilingual | 3 MB | Language: Multilanguage

Keeping your files and folders organized becomes easier when aided by third-party solutions. WinExt is an app capable of locating and removing duplicate files to free up space, identifying large resources to help you figure out what's taking up so much space, monitoring directories for file operations, and more. Wrapped in a clean and intuitive interface, the program has options neatly organized in different areas, so you can quickly access duplicates, sizes, recent or Windows activity, batch operations, sync modes, as well as program settings.

Find and remove duplicate files
Intricate details can be added about the file searching procedure. For example, you can ask WinExt to look into specific drives or folders, or to search the entire hard disk. Moreover, filters can be established for the file size and type.

On scan completion, the tool reveals the total scanned objects and found duplicates, duration, and other data. It's possible to save results to file, send items to the Recycle Bin or just move them to a different place, and inspect file properties.

View largest resources and recently accessed files
The sizes section displays the dimensions of all drives, directories and files. After scanning all items, the largest ones are surfaced, giving you the opportunity to analyze them and figure out whether or not they're worth keeping.

The recent area is filled with information surrounding the last accessed files, including name, full path, size, access times, type, and date of last modification. If you're not sharing your PC with someone else, this feature of WinExt can help you find out what files are being accessed by Windows. Speaking of Windows, its activity can be examined to see what and where files are being created, edited or deleted.

Run batch operations and sync data
Certain types of operations can be performed in batch with the help of WinExt. For example, you can send items to the Recycle Bin, permanently remove them from the computer, and copy or files to a common location.

The sync feature comes in handy for moving files back and forth between two folders until the folder contents are identical. This action can be made once (manually) or recurring (automatically, at a fixed time frequency).

Scan operations were quickly performed in our tests on Windows 10. However, WinExt failed on many occasions to correctly identify duplicate files, returning empty results pages instead. Also, it was stuck in loading mode for a very long time after accessing the activity section.

Operating System: Windows 7, 8/8.1, 10

Home Page:

Größe: 3 MB
Sprache: Multilingual-Deutsch
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2share)





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