The Dream is Coming - DARKSiDERS


The Dream is Coming-DARKSiDERS


Basically, it will be a story of memories of a high school circle of 5 people and a very mysterious girl who changed Yoshiro's outlook on life. During the game, Yoshiro will find the students' things and tell interesting stories and learn about some of the problems the students are hiding.....

Genre: Abenteuer, Indie | Erscheinungsjahr: 3. Mai 2021 | Sprache: Englisch
Sprachausgabe: Englisch | Bildschrimtexte: Englisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Russisch, Japanisch
Hoster: DD, RG | Format iso | Größe: 3.12 GB | Parts: 4



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The Dream is Coming - DARKSiDERS

2,72 GB / / Genre: Abenteuer, Indie




Yoshiro, being an ordinary Japanese schoolboy who fell asleep during his last class, woke up when everyone had already gone home and the entire school complex was open. The backpack wasn't there, someone must have made a joke......... We are in no hurry to go home, but we also need to find the backpack.

This will be a story exploring the entire complex. Basically, it will be a story of memories of a high school circle of 5 people and a very mysterious girl who changed Yoshiro's outlook on life. During the game, Yoshiro will find the students' things and tell interesting stories and learn about some of the problems the students are hiding.....

  • A full school complex to explore! From the pool to the gym!
  • A story about the school's 5-person cosplay circle!
  • Learn a story from another student that you didn't even notice!
  • Lots of Easter eggs from popular Anime !
  • HDRP graphics !
  • 4K / 4K UI support !


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