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Structural Synchronizer CONNECT Edition v11


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Structural Synchronizer CONNECT Edition V11 x64


Structural Synchronizer CONNECT Edition V11 x64 | 1.1 GB | Language: English

The Integrated Structural Modeling (ISM) development team is pleased to announce the availability of Structural Synchronizer CONNECT Edition V11 (version This release of ISM and Structural Synchronizer expands the possible workflows in ISM.

Structural Synchronizer 11.00 Release Notes - Release Date: 3rd September 2019
New Features
This release of ISM and Structural Synchronizer expands the possible workflows in ISM.

Support for Node Links
Node Links (Rigid Links) can now be written to and read from an ISM model with the ISM 8.0 API. Likewise, Structural Synchronizer now supports visualization and revision management of Node links.

Support for ISM API 8.0
This version of Structural Synchronizer works with version 8.0 of the Integrated Structural Modeling (ISM) API. This version of the ISM API is backward compatible to version 3.0.

Bug Fixes
This release of Structural Synchronizer includes the fixes described below.
- Update from ISM command shows too many modified objects in AutoPipe(954553)
- Unit conversion is incorrectly applied to factor when performing node operations(1010087)
- Compared values during update are swapped for calculated properties (1041982)

Structural Synchronizer 11.00.03 Release Notes - Release Date: 20th December 2019
Bug Fixes
This release of Structural Synchronizer includes the fixes described below.
- There are conflict in assembly versions deployed in OpenBuilding Designer and OpenBuilding Station Designer and Structural Synchronizer version - currently workaround of user environment variable of ISM_MULTI_APPLICATION_DOMAIN is used as described

- This release contains added logic for detecting both OpenBuilding products installed and forcing Structural Synchronizer to use multi-AppDomain isolation mode so that the above workaround is no longer required.

The viewing and revision management application for ISM, Structural Synchronizer has an intuitive graphical interface that is ideal for managing changes to ISM repositories or just for basic review and navigation.

Bentley's Integrated Structural Modeling (ISM) allows you to share structural engineering project information among modeling, analysis, design, drafting, and detailing software applications. ISM facilitates interoperability across engineering teams and design disciplines, allowing designers to choose the products best suited for a particular project.
In this video, you will learn how to import an ISM Repository into the STAAD.Pro Physical Modeler.

Bentley Systems, Incorporated. is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

Product: Structural Synchronizer
Version: CONNECT Edition V11 (version
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Size: 1.1 Gb

Recommended Computer Specifications for Structural Products
Operating System requirements
Supported: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, Windows 8 Professional 64-bit, Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
Recommended: Windows 10 Professional 64-bit (all with latest updates applied)
Internet Connection
For the Subscription Entitlement Service (SES) Licensing used in all RAM and STAAD CONNECT Edition software an internet connection is required. A license file can be reserved and copied to a machine in the rare case where no internet connection is allowed.
Graphics card
Bentley strongly recommends avoiding onboard graphics chips in favor of a discrete GPU from the nVidia GeForce or Quadro range with at least 128-bit bus and 1 GB of RAM, or equivalent solution from ATI/AMD.
While some of the solvers in our structural products can utilize multiple processors, most product routines utilize one processor at a time. Consequently, processor clock speeds are more important than the number of processors for performance. One of our solvers in RAM products uses Intel-provided technology, which only works on Intel brand processors. Alternative solvers still work with AMD or other processors.
Hard Disk
At least 2 GB free space on the partition where the Windows is installed, and 2 GB free space on the partition where projects are saved. Large projects may require significantly more space.
Random Access Memory (RAM)
Recommended: at least 4 GB. Large projects may require more.
Video modes
Required: 1024 x 768 pixels, 32-bit color palette
Recommended: 1920 x 1080 pixels, 32-bit color palette




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