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Sony Typing Tutor v6


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Sony Typing Tutor v6.1.54


Sony Typing Tutor v6.1.54 | 38 MB | Language: English

Being able to type fast is not something only foreign language learners aim to add to their skill list. Whatever the context motivating you to achieve this capability, it obviously needs practice, and if you don't want to wait for real-life experiences to help you in this regard, you can always resort to a software solution. Soni Typing Tutor is a program that can assess and improve your typing speed by providing you not only with the chance to take several tests but also with a series of lessons meant to have an efficient approach to the entire affair.

Helps you improve your typing skills in English and Hindi
Before anything else, you must know that the program supports both English and Hindi, so you can improve your typing skills for two languages, all in a simplistic user interface that should be to the liking of novices.

The programs approach is quite easy-going as well. You can first exercise your typing abilities and only subsequently start taking tests in order to assess your skills.

Packs multiple typing exercises and tests
As for how the training sessions were designed, it is worth mentioning that you are provided with several instructions on how to gain time, at which point you can start with some exercises that will increase in difficulty. You will first learn how to easily find keys, then practice words, and in the end deal with entire paragraphs, all while being shown how to purposefully exploit your keyboard.

You are given instructions on which finger you should press which key so that you become as productive as possible.

Once you reach this stage, you can go to the next level and take a test. You can set a countdown, choose from a host of exercises, and start copying the text you are prompted with and whose font size you can adjust to prevent eye strain.

Helps you increase your accuracy when typing numbers as well
You may enable an option allowing backspace if you want to reevaluate your mistakes as well as ask the program to play a sound whenever you are not typing the correct version of a word.

Other than that, the application can also help you enhance your attention if you need to handle numbers since it comes with a compilation of exercises requiring you to reproduce strings of random digits.

Handy tool addressing novices
All in all, Soni Typing Tutor is an approachable program helping you keep up with the times and be a lightning-fast typer. Its interface is intuitive, so inexperienced users should face no unpleasant situations when using it.


Größe: 38 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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