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    Unerwünschte Angebote

    - Keylogger, Spionagetools, alles rund ums Thema Hacking/Cracking ist nicht erwünscht.
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Softwarenetz Rechnung 9.09 Multilingual


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Softwarenetz Rechnung 9.09 Multilingual


File size: 20 MB

For those self-employed persons, freelancers and small companies, who are in need of a simple and userfriendly program to create invoices.

PDF-invoices and PDF-reminders per e-mail.
PayPal-button on your PDF-invoice for payments.
Integrated designer for writing paper
Create invoice with or without VAT (also suitable for small companies).
Graphical statistics will inform you at any time about your turnover and details.
Photo-invoices: print invoices with the photos of your articles.

Create invoices fast and simple
Do you still create your invoices with Excel or Winword? Or don't you use any kind of program to create your invoices?
With the program Invoice 5 for Windows you can save yourself a lot of work. The program is easy to use and therefore suitable for beginners.

Adjust the invoice to your company
Create your own writing paper with your log and adjust the invoice layout with just a few clicks to your company wishes.
Select your colors, fonts and the layout of your invoice.

Customermanagement included
The invoice program contains a complete address / customer database. You can see at a glance all invoices, payments and reminders of a specific customer. A memofield gives you the opportunity to enter specific customer information. The import of existing customers from a csv-file is also included.

Article- and warehouse management
Your articles are saved into an articlemanager including warehouse and minimum stock. In case you have your articles available as a csv-file, you can import your articles easy and fast into the program. You can assign a photo to every article which you can print onto your invoice if you wish.

Writing paper
You can print your invoices onto your own writing paper. Create your writing paper with the integrated designer easy and fast. You have 8 different writing papers at your disposal. Select your fonts and colors and add as many graphical files (e.g. your logo) as you like.

Automatic assignment of payments
With our additional program Softwarenetz MyMoney you can assign the payements to the invoices automatically and book the invoices as 'paid'. The payments are being recognised by amount and/or invoice number.

The clear journal displays all invoices, credit notes, offers and order in the specified period. Optional you can display all net amounts per VAT-%. The journal can be printed as CSV-file which you can send to your accountant.

Whats New
Updates: official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.


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