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Soft Organizer Pro v8



Soft Organizer Pro 8.16 + Cracked.eXe | 39.51 MB


Language: English
Format before unpacking: .rar
Format after unpacking: exe
Platform: Windows
Size: 39.51 MB
Hoster: UploadGIG, NitroFlare, RapidGator

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Soft Organizer Pro 8.18
Requirements: Windows XP and later
A common problem we often face with, when uninstalling unnecessary software, is various traces left in the system: unneeded files or folders on a disk, registry entries and so on. This can happen even if an application was removed correctly with its own uninstaller - a special program provided by a vendor to uninstall the application. Soft Organizer is a professional application designed to uninstall unnecessary applications from your system.


The main function of the tool is the complete removing of programs from your computer. Soft Organizer monitors all changes made to the system during the setup process of a certain application. You can easily learn what file or registry entries were modified during the installation. Using these data, Soft Organizer completely removes an application when you order it to.

The program performs much faster than many competing solutions. This is because Soft Organizer analyzes changes on disks in real time while tracking the modifications installation procedures have made, instead of taking a long time saving info about all files before and after installation. Such an approach saves much time compared to other utilities.

You can setup Soft Organizer so that all applications installed in your system will be accessible with a single click of the notification area icon. Another click, and you can immediately remove an unnecessary program without opening the standard Programs and Features tool or searching for a built-in uninstaller.

More Info:
Download Instructions:
Platform: Windows
Size: 34.52 MB
Format:".rar/.zip" archive.. ".exe" after extracting
Language: English
Hoster: uploadship / uploaded / solidfiles


Soft Organizer Pro v8.18


Soft Organizer Pro v8.18 | 29 MB | Language: English

A common problem we often face with, when uninstalling unnecessary software, is various traces left in the system: unneeded files or folders on a disk, registry entries and so on. This can happen even if an application was removed correctly with its own uninstaller a special program provided by a vendor to uninstall the application. Soft Organizer is a professional application designed to uninstall unnecessary applications from your system.

The main function of the tool is the complete removing of programs from your computer. Soft Organizer monitors all changes made to the system during the setup process of a certain application. You can easily learn what file or registry entries were modified during the installation. Using these data, Soft Organizer completely removes an application when you order it to.

The program performs much faster than many competing solutions. This is because Soft Organizer analyzes changes on disks in real time while tracking the modifications installation procedures have made, instead of taking a long time saving info about all files before and after installation. Such an approach saves much time compared to other utilities.

You can setup Soft Organizer so that all applications installed in your system will be accessible with a single click of the notification area icon. Another click, and you can immediately remove an unnecessary program without opening the standard Programs and Features tool or searching for a built-in uninstaller.

Whats New?
Some icons were optimized for the dark theme.
The new "Re-Show the Interface Hints" command in the HELP section of the Main Menu.


Größe: 29 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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