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SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio v2


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio 2.2.0 x64


SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio 2.2.0 x64 | 14.1 GB

The SIGER STUDIO development team is pleased to announce the availability of SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio 2.2.0 - powerful Material Library / Lab / Manager for Autodesk 3ds Max.

21.04.2020 - v2.2.0

XSMP Plug-in
- Added support for Max 2021.
- Added new option in settings - To Slate ME New View.
- Updated licensing libraries.
- Minor UI and code bug fixes.

The Siger Studio's XSMP for 3ds Max is a continuation of well-known plugins family: V-Ray Material Presets Pro (VMPP), Corona Material Presets Pro (CMPP) and Material Repository Pro (MRP). But at the same time it's a completely new software created from scratch.

The idea of the software dates back to 2006 - the first free material manager written with MaxScript (had only a few free material libraries). The history of the commercial plugin began in 2009 (C# and MaxScript). Nowadays - written in C# / C++ and has thousands of material presets, fast and convenient material manager, material lab for testing your materials.
XSMPmax comes in several editions: Repo, Professional and Studio.

Sigershaders user material saving and render preview in 3ds max focuses on how you can successfully save your own materials in the sigershaders user lib so you can use them whenever you want and have an augmented workflow due to that.

SIGER STUDIO is a European company, privately owned and funded - was founded in 2008 by leading industry veteran, in the Germany (Steinmauern). SIGER STUDIO creates and develops products that help CG artists by speeding up their workflow and increasing their quality of output and offers high quality computer graphics products and software for 3D visualizations, animations, game development and more. Our goal at SIGER STUDIO is to provide good resource for designers and artists.

Product: SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio
Version: 2.2.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : Language: english
System Requirements: PC *
Supported Operating Systems: *
Software Prerequisites: *
Size: 14.1 Gb

Below provides information on what hardware and operating systems are required for XS Material Presets to work properly. Please make sure that your system fulfills the requirements listed below before installing XSMP.
The requirements listed here are for the latest version of XSMP for 3ds Max.
Memory 8GB RAM (16GB and up RAM recommended).
Hard Disk
Main plugins: 10 MB of available hard-disk space.
Scenes for V-Ray: 1.2 GB of available hard-disk space (REPO, PRO V-Ray, STUDIO editions).
Scenes for Corona: 1.2 GB of available hard-disk space (REPO, PRO Corona, STUDIO editions).
Scenes for Octane: 0.6 GB of available hard-disk space (REPO, PRO Octane, STUDIO editions).
Material Presets Library for V-Ray: 600 MB of available hard-disk space (PRO V-Ray, STUDIO editions).
Material Presets Library for Corona: 600 MB of available hard-disk space (PRO Corona, STUDIO editions).
Material Presets Library for Octane: 600 MB of available hard-disk space (PRO Octane, STUDIO editions).
Texture maps: 11.3 GB of available hard-disk space (PRO, STUDIO editions).
Additional free space required during installation.
Operating systems (64 bit)
Microsoft Windows 10
Microsoft Windows 8.x
Microsoft Windows 7 (SP 1)
Autodesk 3ds Max 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 (64-bit)*
Microsoft .NET Framework .NET Framework 4.7
* - XS Material Presets for 3ds Max typically support compatibility with the current and past three versions of host application - XSMPmax supports 3ds Max 2020, as well as the previous 3ds Max versions 2019, 2018 and 2017.
XSMPmax will also install and run under 3ds Max 2013 - 2016 and should work as expected; however, support for these versions
is unofficial as we cannot test XS Material Presets under versions prior to 3ds Max 2017, due to Autodesk licensing restrictions.



SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio 2.2.0 (x64) | 14.1 GB






SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio v2.5.0 (x64)


SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio v2.5.0 (x64) | 2.9 GB | For 3ds Max 2013 - 2021 | Language: English

The Siger Studio's XSMP for 3ds Max is a continuation of well-known plugins family: V-Ray Material Presets Pro (VMPP), Corona Material Presets Pro (CMPP) and Material Repository Pro (MRP).

But at the same time it's a completely new software created from scratch. Therefore versions of the program are started over again from 1.0.0.
The idea of the software dates back to 2006 - the first free material manager written with MaxScript (had only a few free material libraries). The history of the commercial plugin began in 2009 (C# and MaxScript).

Nowadays - written in C# / C++ and has hundreds of material presets, fast and convenient material manager, material lab for testing your materials.
XSMPmax comes in several editions: Repo, Professional and Studio. Compare the features of each edition to select the one that meets your requirements.


Größe: 2.9 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio v2.7 for 3ds Max 2013 - 2021 Update Only (x64)


SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio v2.7 for 3ds Max 2013 - 2021 Update Only (x64) | 1.8 GB | Language: English

The Siger Studio's XSMP for 3ds Max is a continuation of well-known plugins family: V-Ray Material Presets Pro (VMPP), Corona Material Presets Pro (CMPP) and Material Repository Pro (MRP).

But at the same time it's a completely new software created from scratch.
The idea of the software dates back to 2006 - the first free material manager written with MaxScript (had only a few free material libraries). The history of the commercial plugin began in 2009 (C# and MaxScript).

Nowadays - written in C# / C++ and has thousands of material presets, fast and convenient material manager, material lab for testing your materials.

XSMPmax comes in several editions: Repo, Professional and Studio. Compare the features of each edition to select the one that meets your requirements.


Größe: 1.8 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio v2.8 Max 2013-2022 (x64)


SIGERSHADERS XS Material Presets Studio v2.8 Max 2013-2022 (x64) | 16.01 GB | Language: English

The Siger Studio's XSMP for 3ds Max is a continuation of well-known plugins family: V-Ray Material Presets Pro (VMPP), Corona Material Presets Pro (CMPP) and Material Repository Pro (MRP).

Here is full pack of installers:
1 - Main setup
2 - Mtl Lib
3 - Scenes
4 - Maps
5 - Additional Plugins

!!!Important!!! - Instruction in ReadMe.txt

Größe: 16.01 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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