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Siemens Tecnomatix Plant Simulation v16


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Siemens Tecnomatix Plant Simulation v16.0.0 (x64)


Siemens Tecnomatix Plant Simulation v16.0.0 (x64) | 1.3 GB | Language: English

In times of increasing cost and time pressures in production, along with ongoing globalization, logistics is a key factor in the success of a company. Money can be lost daily through inefficient schedules, local instead of global optimization, inefficient resource allocation, and poor productivity. The need to deliver just-in-time (JIT) or just-in-sequence (JIS), introduce Kanban, plan and build new production lines, and manage global production networks requires objective decision criteria to help management evaluate and compare alternative approaches. Plant Simulation is a discrete-event simulation tool that helps you to create digital models of logistic systems (such as production), so that you can explore a system's characteristics and optimize its performance. These digital models allow you to run experiments and what-if scenarios without disturbing existing production systems or - when used in the planning process - long before the real production systems are installed. Extensive analysis tools, such as bottleneck analysis, statistics and charts let you evaluate different manufacturing scenarios. The results provide you with the information needed to make fast, reliable, smarter decisions in the early stages of production planning.

Using Plant Simulation, you can model and simulate production systems and their processes. In addition, you can optimize material flow, resource utilization and logistics for all levels of plant planning from global production facilities, through local plants, to specific lines.

Key Capabilities and Benefits:
Object-oriented models with hierarchy and inheritance
Open architecture with multiple interface support
Library and object management
Genetics algorithm for optimization
Energy consumption simulation and analysis
Value stream mapping and simulation
Automatic analysis of simulation results
HTML-based report builder

As much as 6 percent savings upon initial investment
Increase existing system productivity by as much as 20 percent
Reduce new system costs by as much as 20 percent
Optimize resource consumption and re-use
Reduce inventories by as much as 60 percent
Reduce throughput time by as much as 60 percent
Optimize systems for reduced energy consumption

Größe: 1.3 GB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Plattform: Windows (64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)





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