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Sharp World Clock v9


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member

Sharp World Clock v9.2.2


Sharp World Clock v9.2.2 | 12 MB | Language: English

Do you have friends, relatives or business partners all over the world or in different time zones? Is it important for you to know the exact time in the world - on the other side of the globe or in a different state or time zone of your own country? Is dealing with different time zones essential for your work as a manager, broker, stock trader or currency trader? Are you disappointed in slow, ad-cluttered online time services and want to try something better and more refined? How would you like a state-of-the-art, fully customizable and elegant little international world time clock program for your Windows desktop? Look no further, you have come to the right place! Sharp World Clock is probably the most sophisticated and beautiful time zone clock program for the Windows desktop, perfectly designed for the demanding private and business user.

- Clocks can be undocked from the main window (and docked again later)
- You never need to update the daylight saving rules again - Windows time zone information are applied
- Clocks can be freely floating no background any more! Background and clock face transparency can be adjusted separately
- Clocks feature smooth shadows, like in the Vista clock (Windows Vista / 7 only)
- Different clock hands (9 styles included for each hour/minute and second hand)
- User definable presets in the design configuration - edit existing designs and add your own
- Editable, resizable numbers on the analog clock faces (you do not have to use background images anymore if you want numbers)
- Resizable country flags on clock faces
- Newly designed time zone calculator, with intuitive meeting scheduler
- Unlimited alarms with single / count-down / daily / weekly / monthly / annual / periodic alarms
- Separate (optional) date label additionaly to the time label
- Spoken time and read-aloud messages in the alarm center... and more!

Whats New:
9.22 (March 3, 2021) Improved feature: the info label now shows up at an appropriate location relative to the clock, not at one location for all clocks; The weather report label slides in gradually; Time zone database was updated to version IANA 2021a; Fixed a small bug: the order of manually sorted clocks was not always saved.


Größe: 12 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






Sharp World Clock v9.3


Sharp World Clock v9.3 | 12 MB | Language: English

Do you have friends, relatives or business partners all over the world or in different time zones? Is it important for you to know the exact time in the world - on the other side of the globe or in a different state or time zone of your own country? Is dealing with different time zones essential for your work as a manager, broker, stock trader or currency trader? Are you disappointed in slow, ad-cluttered online time services and want to try something better and more refined?

How would you like a state-of-the-art, fully customizable and elegant little international world time clock program for your Windows desktop? Look no further, you have come to the right place! Sharp World Clock is probably the most sophisticated and beautiful time zone clock program for the Windows desktop, perfectly designed for the demanding private and business user.

- Clocks can be undocked from the main window (and docked again later)
- You never need to update the daylight saving rules again - Windows time zone information are applied
- Clocks can be freely floating no background any more! Background and clock face transparency can be adjusted separately
- Clocks feature smooth shadows, like in the Vista clock (Windows Vista / 7 only)
- Different clock hands (9 styles included for each hour/minute and second hand)
- User definable presets in the design configuration - edit existing designs and add your own
- Editable, resizable numbers on the analog clock faces (you do not have to use background images anymore if you want numbers)
- Resizable country flags on clock faces
- Newly designed time zone calculator, with intuitive meeting scheduler
- Unlimited alarms with single / count-down / daily / weekly / monthly / annual / periodic alarms
- Separate (optional) date label additionaly to the time label
- Spoken time and read-aloud messages in the alarm center... and more!

Whats New:

Größe: 12 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Crack / Patch
Plattform: Windows (32 Bit 64 Bit)


K2s.cc (Keep2Share)






Sharp World Clock v9.3.6


Sharp World Clock v9.3.6 | 13 MB | Language: English


Größe: 13 MB
Sprache: English
Format: .rar / .exe
Medizin: Present
Plattform: Windows 10 , Windows 8/8.1 , Windows 7
Bit depth: 32bit 64bit


K2s.cc (Keep2share)






Sharp World Clock 9.3.9


Sharp World Clock 9.3.9

Sie haben Freunde, Verwandte oder Geschäftspartner auf der ganzen Welt oder in verschiedenen Zeitzonen? Ist es für Sie wichtig, die genaue Uhrzeit auf der Welt zu kennen – auf der anderen Seite der Welt oder in einem anderen Staat oder einer anderen Zeitzone Ihres eigenen Landes?

Sprache: English | Größe: 13 MB | Format: RAR, EXE | Plattform: Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (32/64Bit)

UploadGig.com | RapidGator.net | DDownload.com


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