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Picture Instruments Look Converter v2


MyBoerse.bz Pro Member
Picture Instruments Look Converter 2.0.4


Working with LUTs (Lookup Tables) is gaining popularity. Photoshop has introduced the LUT adjustment layer in version CS6. Newer versions of Premiere and After Effects can also apply LUTs to videos. Final Cut Pro X as well as older versions of Premiere, After Effects, Final Cut and Motion allow you to apply LUTs through plug-ins.

At the same time there are numerous filter apps like DxO Filmpack. Instagram, Oggl and many more as well as various filter presets for Lightroom and others. Unfortunately, most software applications use their own formats. But it is possible to save the basic colorization or look into a universal format (the LUT) like for example .3dl or .cube.
But how do you transfer the color settings from DxO Filmpack or even a smartphone application to Photoshop or a video editing software? With our Look Converter!
The Look Converter allows you to:
- Save a neutral filter as a JPG-image to your computer
- Apply coloring effects to this filter in any software or app
- All adjustments in color, brightness and saturation will be saved to this filter image
- With the Look Converter you can convert your self-made filters to the LUT formats .3dl and .cube
- In addition you can download many filters from the filter sharing area of our website and then use the Look Converter to convert them into LUTs for the use in Photoshop and video editing software.
- You can use all filters you have created or copied via our neutral filter in Look Converter in our software Unlimited Filters as well.
What’s New in Version 2.0.4:
- Create or Copy Looks
- LUT Conversion
- .3dl .cube (17+32) .mga

Hoster: Uploaded.to
Größe: 57 MB
Format: Exe
Sprache: Englisch
Medizin: Ja
Passwort: B1ch@



Picture Instruments Look Converter 2.0.4


Working with LUTs (Lookup Tables) is gaining popularity. Photoshop has introduced the LUT adjustment layer in version CS6. Newer versions of Premiere and After Effects can also apply LUTs to videos. Final Cut Pro X as well as older versions of Premiere, After Effects, Final Cut and Motion allow you to apply LUTs through plug-ins.

At the same time there are numerous filter apps like DxO Filmpack. Instagram, Oggl and many more as well as various filter presets for Lightroom and others. Unfortunately, most software applications use their own formats. But it is possible to save the basic colorization or look into a universal format (the LUT) like for example .3dl or .cube.
But how do you transfer the color settings from DxO Filmpack or even a smartphone application to Photoshop or a video editing software? With our Look Converter!
The Look Converter allows you to:
- Save a neutral filter as a JPG-image to your computer
- Apply coloring effects to this filter in any software or app
- All adjustments in color, brightness and saturation will be saved to this filter image
- With the Look Converter you can convert your self-made filters to the LUT formats .3dl and .cube
- In addition you can download many filters from the filter sharing area of our website and then use the Look Converter to convert them into LUTs for the use in Photoshop and video editing software.
- You can use all filters you have created or copied via our neutral filter in Look Converter in our software Unlimited Filters as well.
What’s New in Version 2.0.4:
- Create or Copy Looks
- LUT Conversion
- .3dl .cube (17+32) .mga

OS: Windows
Lang: Englisch
Size: 54,57 MB
Format: .exe
Hoster: Uploaded
PW: boerse

Picture Instruments Look Converter v2.0.4

Englisch / Crack



Das Arbeiten mit LUTs (Lookup Tables) gewinnt an Beliebtheit. Photoshop hat die LUT-Einstellungsebene in Version CS6 eingeführt. Auch in den neueren Versionen von Premiere und After Effects können bereits LUTs auf Videos angewendet werden. In Final Cut Pro X, sowie in älteren Versionen von Premiere, After Effects, Final Cut und Motion lassen sich LUTs mit Hilfe von Plugins anwenden.
Parallel dazu gibt es zahlreiche Filterapps, wie z.B. DxO Filmpack, Instagram, Oggl und viele viele Andere sowie zahlreiche Filterpresets für Lightroom & Co.
Leider nutzen die meisten Programme ihr eigenes Format. Dabei ist es möglich den grundlegenden Farblook in einem einheitlichen Format (der LUT), wie z.B. .3dl .cube oder .mga abzuspeichern.
Doch wie bekommen Sie die Farbeinstellungen aus DxO Filmpack oder gar aus einem Handy-App nach Photoshop oder in eine Videoanwendung?
Mit unserem Look Converter!
Mit dem Look Converter können Sie
Einen neutralen Filter in Form eines JPG-Bildes auf Ihrem Computer speichern
Auf diesen Filter können Sie Farbeffekte in beliebigen Programmen und Apps anwenden
Sämtliche Farbton-, Helligkeits- und Sättigungs-Änderungen werden in diesem Filterbild abgespeichert
Mit dem Look Converter können Sie diese selbst erstellten Filter dann in die LUT Formate .3dl .cube und .mga konvertieren
Darüber hinaus stehen auch im Filter Sharing Bereich unserer Website zahlreiche Filter zum Download bereit, welche Sie mit dem Look Converter zur Verwendung in Photoshop oder in Videoschnittprogrammen zur LUT konvertieren können
Alle Filter, die Sie sich mit Hilfe des neutralen Filters aus dem Look Converter erstellen oder kopieren, können Sie auch in unserer Software Unlimited Filters verwenden.
Viel Spaß beim Arbeiten mit Looks und LUTs

Größe: 57,00 MB
Sprache: Englisch
Format: Exe
Plattform: Windows 32 + 64 Bits
Hoster: Uploaded, Share-Online



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