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    Unerwünschte Angebote

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Password Manager SafeInCloud Pro v19.1.1 [Patched]


MyBoerse.bz Member
SafeInCloud is a complete PASSWORD MANAGEMENT SOLUTION: Free Desktop Application + Mobile Application for Phones and Tablets.

◆ Material Design
◆ Dark Theme
◆ Strong Encryption (AES)
◆ Cloud Synchronization (Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive)
◆ Finger Scanner and Multi-window (Samsung devices)
◆ Password Strength Analysis
◆ Password Generator
◆ Browser Integration
◆ Cross Platform
◆ Free Desktop App
◆ Automatic Data Import

SafeInCloud was completely redesigned to match new Material Design user interface language by Google. Try it yourself and enjoy an easy-to-use yet powerful user interface. In addition to the standard Light theme SafeInCloud also has a Dark theme option to help you saving a significant amount of battery life.

Your data is always encrypted on a device and in a cloud with a strong 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This algorithm is used by the U.S. Government for protection of a top secret information. AES is also widely adopted worldwide and became the de facto encryption standard.

Your database is automatically synchronized with your own cloud account (Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive). Thus you can easily restore your entire database from a cloud to a new phone or computer (in case of a loss or an upgrade). Your phone, tablet and computer are also automatically synchronized between each other via a cloud.

You can unlock SafeInCloud with a fingerprint on Samsung devices with the finger scanner. SafeInCloud can also run in the multi-window mode, side by side with another app, e.g. a browser. So, you can drag-n-drop a login and a password to a web page with a finger or S Pen.

SafeInCloud analyses your password strengths and shows a strength indicator next to each password. The strength indicator displays an estimated crack time for a password. All cards with weak passwords are marked with a red sign.

The password generator helps you generating random and secure passwords. There is also an option to generate memorable, but still strong passwords.

The Desktop application integrates with a browser. This allows you to paste passwords directly into web pages. You don’t need to manually copy and paste passwords from SafeInCloud into a browser. The mobile application contains a built-in browser with a similar password auto-fill functionality.

SafeInCloud is available on the following platforms: OS X (Mac), iOS (iPhone and iPad), Windows (7 and 8), and Android.
The Desktop application can automatically import your data from another password manager. You don’t need to manually reenter all your passwords.


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